Назорат иши топшириқларининг асосий мақсади: 5 йиллик махсус сиртқи бўлим талабаларининг ўқиш жараёнида коммуникатив компетенцияларини ривожлантириш. Тил ўқитиш ва ўрганиш билан боғлиқ бўлган мақсадларга эришиш; талабаларнинг эгаллаган малака ва кўникмаларини назорат қилиш ва ривожлантириш билан боғлиқ бўлган вазифалар. Талабаларга инглиз тилидан асосан мулоқат воситаси сифатида фойдаланиш, яъни, нутқ фаолиятининг тинглаб тушуниш, гапириш, ўқиш ва ёзиш каби асосий турларига хос бўлган кўникмаларни шакллантиришдан иборат.
Read the statements. Listen to the conversation and put the statements in order they appear.
___recent research works assert that learning with multiple sources is more effective than with a single one.
___ getting information in а less structured text is comparatively more challenging than in well-structured texts
___ strategies of working with multiple sources should be taught
___ it’s better to understand connection than to learn details by heart.
___ one should be able to filter the context.
TASK2: READING. Match the following headings (1-5) with the corresponding texts (a-f) 1. Adhere to the same standards online that you follow in real life. _____
2. Respect other people’s time. ________
3. Remember the Human. ______
4. Make yourself look good online. _______
5. Ignore other people’s mistakes. _______
6. Respect the privacy of people. _______
Remember always to check your spelling and grammar before posting. Always be what you are talking about and make sense saying it. Be polite and pleasant to everyone.
You need to behave the same way online that you do in real life. You need to remember that you canget caught doing things you should not be doing online just like you can in real life. Yon are still talking to a real person with feelings even though you can’t see him.
Remember people have other things to do besides read your email. You are not the center of their world. Keep your post and emails to a minimum by saying what you want to say. Remember not everyone will answer your questions.
There are ten rules of Netiquette that everyone who goes on-line should follow. You should remember them every time you go online. Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. You need to remember that you are talking to a real person when you are online. Remember this saying when sending anemail: Would I say this to the person’s face.
Do not read other people’s mail without their permission. Going through other people’s things could cost you your job or you could even go to jail. Not respecting other people’s privacy is bad Netiquette.
Do not take advantage of other people just because you have more knowledge or power than they do. Treatothers as you would want them to treat you if the roles were reversed. Do not point out mistakes to people online. Remember that you were once the new kid on the block. You still need to have good manners even though you are online and cannot see the person face to face.