Natural resources of Uzbekistan

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natural resources of Uzbekistan
Republic is very rich ores of nonferrous and rare metals. On the slopes and passes Kurama ridge in the north-eastern part of Uzbekistan for many tens of kilometers stretches Almalyk mining area with deposits of copper, zinc, lead. Besides these metals from mined ores remove sulfur, gold, silver, selenium, cadmium. It created one of the largest in the USSR Topkansky Altyn-lead-zinc plant, which has mines, processing plants, smelter, power, utility companies. With the launch of smelter plant switched to a full cycle of production of non-ferrous metals. In the shops of the enterprise for the first time in the country mastered the smelting of copper by natural gas. One of the branches of non-ferrous metals - tungsten-molybdenum industry. She is represented by mines and factories Koytashskogo Mining Administration.
Especially significant Ingichkinsky tungsten mine. Uzbekistan has good opportunities for the development of the aluminum industry. In Tashkent region works Srednechirchiksky plavikovoshpa-tovy plant. Hydrofluoric Pshat used in aluminum smelters of aluminum epektroliae country. We combine several mines, including Naugarzansky - one of the largest in the country. The development of the aluminum industry involves the use of large reserves of kaolin clays of Angren-coal basin - magnificent raw material for the production of alumina. By 1970, the role of Uzbekistan in the non-ferrous metallurgy of the country will increase. In this industry plants all copper production cycle is complete - from iron ore to produce steel. Created in the country and a major gold mining on the basis of an open in-Kyzylkum Muruntaus one field. In the five-year period envisaged to build zinc plant with the production of electrolytic zinc, to introduce new production capacity at the plant of refractory and heat-resistant metals, build factories recycled aluminum and alumina-cement. Chemical industry has arisen only in the Soviet times. Uzbekistan is rich in very diverse raw materials for the development of this industry - natural gas, oil, coal, native sulfur, phosphorus, salt. Chemical companies may also use the gases of metallurgical plants and waste coal preparation plants. Especially broad prospects for chemistry, arise in connection with the discovery of vast natural gas reserves - the valuable and cheap raw materials for the production of many foods.
The chemical industry is closely linked to cotton growing. It gives him the necessary fertilizers, pesticides. The main place is occupied by the production of mineral fertilizers. One of the leading factories - Chirchik Electrochemical Combine generating nitrogen fertilizers. The plant set up shop for the production of urea, one of the most concentrated forms of nitrogen fertilizers and urea. Nitrogen fertilizers also give Fergana plant and one of the largest in the country Navoi chemical plant. The workers of the plant prefer to rest in Krasnaya Polyana. Giant chemicals except fertilizers already produces ammonium nitrate, acetylene, acetyl cellulose, and other products. Fergana plant in addition to nitrogen fertilizers produces crop protection from pests. Phosphate fertilizers come to the field with the Kokand and Samarkand superphosphate plant. For mineral fertilizers and the many other products of chemistry required, as the steel and iron for mechanical engineering, sulfuric acid. Therefore, in Uzbekistan started its production. The raw materials for this are many in the polymetallic ores Altyn Topkan. Give her and metallurgical plants, as there are only harmful sulfur impurity, and therefore it is burned in special furnaces, and sulphurous gases go into v'ozduh. Now set up a special production of capture and the use of these wastes is truly golden. A ton of sulfuric acid produced from them costs more than 2 times cheaper than the conventional method of its production. Nedra Al-malykskogo area rich in deposits of pyrite and coming also to produce sulfuric acid. Therefore Almalyk in combination with non-ferrous metallurgy is transformed into a major center for the production of sulfuric acid. Chemistry and cotton - siblings. Chemistry helps to grow cotton, cotton gives it a valuable raw material. On ginneries processing waste - cotton lin-ta - Namangan originated plant cellulose acetate fibers. It produce and acetyl cellulose acetate silk. Good chemical raw materials - cotton husks and guzapaya (cotton stalks). Hydrolysis plant in Yangiyul cities, Andijan produced from this waste industrial alcohol, furfural, glucose, nutrient yeast and other products. The country is now also mastered production of furfuryl alcohol, is widely used in the development of plastics, paint and cable industry. Prior to that he imported from abroad.
When chemically treated cotton leaves get citric acid, used in food, textile, pharmaceutical, printing industry. There are in the country before and chemical enterprises, non-cotton growing. This sulfur-ozocerite mine, pharmacy-matic and paint plants. Because ozone-kerite chemists produce ceresin -Price product for the electrical and rubber industry. rubber products plant operates in Ferghana region and rubber shoes. " In addition to natural fibers (cotton, silk, wool, kenaf) gives Uzbekistan now man-made fibers. The raw materials for its production are natural and are worthwhile gases, waste processing raw cotton. Natural gas, oil refining products are also used for making plastics and synthetic rubber. In conditions of Uzbekistan plastics replace scarce wood and metal. Polymeric materials used for the lining channels. By 1970, Uzbekistan has become a major area of ​​chemistry. Mineral fertilizers production here will increase by 2 times. the second phase of the Fergana nitrogen fertilizer plant and the Navoi chemical plant, will be completed expand Chirchik Electrochemical Combine.
The Almalyk rise housing concentrated fertilizer plant. In Soviet times, there was the construction industry in the country. Its plants, using local raw materials, produces cement, brick, plaster, gypsum, lime, asbestos-cement pipes, Slate, ceramic !. cinder and concrete structures. Leading centers of this industry - Beck-Bad Kuvasay, Angren. In the seven-year period (1959-1965 gg.) Began to give products the biggest Akhangaran-sky cement plant in the country. In addition to the cement produced in Akhangaran slate, concrete structures, asbestos cement pipe, veneer for irrigation canals. Wide application found here and synthetic resins, polymers: plant produces linoleum of PVC, insulation materials made of polystyrene, building materials of plastics. Everywhere there are brick and lime plants in the country. In the construction business in great demand silicate materials made from lime, sand, loess. In Khorezm, Bukhara regions and Karakalpakstan, they are the most accessible. Plants for the production of silicate materials are in Karaulbazar, Nukus, Jizzakh. In Uzbekistan, as elsewhere in the country, the foundation of industrial construction is becoming increasingly concrete. During 1959-1965,. any factories of precast concrete in Angren, Fergana, Bukhara, Kokand, Urgench, Nukus and in many other cities and industrial centers.
Entered into operation the largest in Central Asia Tashkent house-building factory, which produces a strong panel-boards for prefabricated construction, walls, floors, various house building parts. Turning building in the aftermath of the earthquake in Tashkent required to create new house-building enterprise. Such plants are already operating in Namangan, Ferghana, Samarkand, Bukhara and other cities of the republic. Uzbekistan is famous for beautiful and durable marble. Especially enjoyed great renown Gazgan marble Well Ratinsky mountains. marble deposits is also in the area of ​​the village and Zarkent v.ray-one Bostandyk (Tashkent region). Uzbek marble tiled with some stations of the Moscow Metro. In the future, production of building materials will increase greatly. In the 1966- 1970 biennium. expand the existing and any new businesses of the building industry.

O'zbekiston tabiiy resurslari

Respublika rangli va noyob metallar juda boy rudasi hisoblanadi. yon bag'irlari va kilometr ko'p o'nlab O'zbekiston shimoliy-sharqiy qismida Kurama tizmasi o'tib, mis, rux, qo'rg'oshin konlarini bilan Olmaliq kon maydoni cho'ziladi. kavlab olingan rudalardan metallar bu Bundan tashqari oltingugurt, oltin, kumush, selen, kadmiy olib tashlang. Bu konlari, qayta ishlash korxonalarini, eritish zavodiga, kuchini, kommunal kompaniya SSSR Topkansky Altyn-qo'rg'oshin-rux zavodi, eng katta bir yaratilgan. Eritish Zavodi zavodining ishga tushishi bilan rangli metallar ishlab chiqarish to'liq tsikliga yoqilgan. Mamlakatimizda birinchi marta korxonaning do'konlarida tabiiy gaz bilan mis eritish o'zlashtirildi. volfram-molibden sanoat - rangli metallar tarmoqlaridan biri. U minalar va fabrikalar Koytashskogo kon boshqarmasi tomonidan taqdim etiladi.
Ayniqsa, muhim Ingichkinsky volfram koni. O'zbekiston alyuminiy sanoatini rivojlantirish uchun yaxshi imkoniyatlar bor. Toshkent viloyatida Srednechirchiksky plavikovoshpa-tovy zavodi ishlaydi. alyuminiy epektroliae mamlakat alyuminiy priborlar ishlatiladigan hidrofluorik Pshat. Mamlakatimizda yirik biri - Biz Naugarzansky jumladan bir necha konlari, birlashtirish. alumina ishlab chiqarish uchun xom ashyo muhtasham - alyuminiy sanoati rivojlanishi Angren-ko'mir havzasining kaolin Killerin katta zaxiralari foydalanishni o'z ichiga oladi. 1970 yilga kelib, mamlakat rangli metallurgiya O'zbekiston roli oshadi. Bu sanoat o'simliklar barcha mis ishlab chiqarish tsikli to'liq - temir rudasidan po'lat ishlab chiqarish. mamlakat va ochiq-Qizilqum Muruntaus bir sohada asosida yirik oltin qazib olish yaratilgan. besh yillik davrida, qattiq qotishmalar va o'tga chidamli metallar zavodida yangi ishlab chiqarish quvvatiga joriy alyuminiy va alümina-sement qayta ishlangan fabrikalar qurish, Elektrolitik rux ishlab chiqarish bilan rux zavodi qurish ko'zda tutilgan. Kimyo sanoati faqat Sovet davrida paydo bo'lgan. tabiiy gaz, neft, ko'mir, oltingugurt ona, fosfor, tuz - O'zbekiston bu sanoatni rivojlantirish uchun juda xilma-xil xomashyo boy. Kimyoviy kompaniyalari, shuningdek, metallurgiya o'simliklar va chiqindilarni ko'mir tayyorlash o'simliklar gazlar foydalanishi mumkin. Kimyo ayniqsa keng istiqbollari, ulkan tabiiy gaz zahiralari kashf munosabati bilan paydo - qimmatli va arzon xomashyo ko'p oziq-ovqat ishlab chiqarish uchun. 
kimyo sanoati yaqindan paxta ekish bilan bog'liq. Bu, unga pestitsidlar zarur o'g'itlar beradi. asosiy o'rin mineral o'g'itlar ishlab chiqarish bilan band bo'ladi. etakchi fabrikalarda biri - Chirchiq elektr azot o'g'itlar ishlab kombinati. o'simlik karbamid ishlab chiqarish, azot o'g'itlar va karbamid eng jamlangan shakllaridan biri uchun do'kon o'rnatish. Azot o'g'itlari, shuningdek, Farg'ona zavodi va mamlakat Navoiy kimyo zavodi eng yirik birini berish. Zavodning xodimlari Krasnaya Polyana dam afzal. o'g'itlar tashqari Giant kimyoviy allaqachon ammiakli selitrani, atsetilen, asetil tsellyuloza va boshqa mahsulotlar ishlab chiqaradi. azot o'g'itlar tashqari Farg'ona zavodi zararkunandalar hosil himoya ishlab chiqaradi. Fosfat o'g'itlar Qo'qon, Samarqand superfosfat zavodi bilan maydonga kelgan. mashinasozlik, sulfat kislota uchun po'lat va temir kabi mineral o'g'itlar va zarur kimyo boshqa ko'plab mahsulotlar uchun. Shuning uchun, uning O'zbekistondagi ishlab chiqarishni boshladi. bu uchun xomashyo polimetall rudalari Altyn Topkan ham ko'p. faqat zararli oltingugurt ifloslik bor, deb, uni va metallurgiya zavodlari ber, va shuning uchun u maxsus o'txonalarida yoqiladi, va oltingugurt gazlar v'ozduh kirib. Endi qo'lga maxsus ishlab chiqarish tashkil va bu chiqindilarni foydalanish, albatta, oltin bo'ladi. ulardan ishlab chiqarilgan sulfat kislota A tonna ishlab chiqarish an'anaviy usuli nisbatan 2 barobar arzonroq turadi. pirit va oltingugurt kislotasi ishlab chiqarish, shuningdek, kelgusi omonatlari boy Nedra Al-malykskogo maydoni. Shuning uchun Olmaliq rangli metallurgiya bilan birga sulfat kislota ishlab chiqarish uchun asosiy markaziga aylanadi. Kimyo va paxta - ukalari. Kimyo paxta uni qimmatbaho xomashyo beradi, paxta etishtirish uchun yordam beradi. chiqindilarni qayta ishlash Paxta tozalash korxonalari to'g'risida - paxta lin-to - Namangan zavodi tsellyuloza asetat tolalar paydo. Bu ishlab chiqarish va atsetil tsellyuloza asetat ipak. Yaxshi kimyoviy xomashyo - paxta tashqini va guzapaya (g'o'zapoya). Yangiyo'l shaharlarida gidroliz zavodi, Andijon, bu chiqindilaridan sanoat spirtli, furfural, glyukoza, to'yimli xamirturush va boshqa mahsulotlar ishlab chiqarilgan. mamlakat hozir ham furfuryl alkogol ishlab chiqarish o'zlashtirildi, keng plastmassa, bo'yoq va kabel sanoati rivojida ishlatiladi. U xorijdan import Bungacha.
kimyoviy ishlov paxta barglari, oziq-ovqat, to'qimachilik, farmatsevtika, poligrafiya sanoati ishlatiladigan limon kislotasi, bo'lsin. , Non-paxtachilik korxonalar oldin va kimyoviy mamlakatda mavjud. Bu oltingugurt-parafin va ozokerit bilan shaxta, dorixona-matic va bo'yoq o'simliklar. ozon-kerite kimyogar elektr va rezina sanoati uchun ceresin -Price mahsulotni ishlab chiqarish, chunki. rezina mahsulotlari zavodi Farg'ona viloyati va rezina poyabzal ishlamoqda. " Tabiiy tolalarni tashqari (paxta, ipak, jun, kenaf) O'zbekiston texnogen tolalar beradi. uni ishlab chiqarish uchun xom ashyo, tabiiy va munosib gazlar, chiqindilarni qayta ishlash xom paxta bo'ladi. Tabiiy gaz, neftni qayta ishlash mahsulotlari, shuningdek, plastik va sintetik kauchuk qilish uchun ishlatiladi. O'zbekiston plastmassa sharoitida noyob yog'och va metall o'zgartiring. astar kanallar uchun ishlatiladigan polimer materiallar. 1970 yilga kelib, O'zbekiston kimyo asosiy yo'nalishiga aylandi. Mineral o'g'itlar ishlab chiqarish, bu erda 2 barobar oshadi. Tugallangan bo'ladi Farg'ona azot o'g'itlari zavodining va Navoiy kimyo zavodi ikkinchi bosqichi Chirchiq elektr kombinati kengaytirish.
Olmaliq yuksalishi uy-joy o'g'itlar zavodi jamlangan. Sovet davrida, mamlakatdagi qurilish sanoati ham bor edi. mahalliy xomashyo foydalanib, uning o'simliklar, tsement, g'isht, gips, gips, ohak, asbest-sement quvurlar, shifer, sopol ishlab chiqaradi. shlakli va beton konstruktsiya. Beck-Bad Quvasoy, Angren - bu sanoat yetakchi markazlari. etti yillik davrida (1959-1965 gg.) mamlakatda mahsulotlar eng katta Ohangaron-osmon tsement zavodi berishni boshladi. sug'orish kanallari uchun Ohangaron shifer, beton tuzilmalar, asbest tsement quvur, shpon ishlab chiqarilgan sement tashqari. Keng dastur bu yerda topish va sintetik smolalar, polimer: o'simlik polivinilxlorid Linolyum ishlab chiqaradi, izolyatsiya materiallari polistirol, plastmassa qurilish materiallari qildi. Hamma joyda mamlakatimizda g'isht va ohak zavodlari mavjud. ohak, qum, lyoss yasalgan katta talab silikat materiallar qurilish biznes. Xorazm, Buxoro viloyatlari va Qoraqalpog'iston, ular eng o'tish mumkin. Silikat materiallar ishlab chiqarish uchun O'simliklar Qorovulbozor, Nukus, Jizzax mavjud. O'zbekistonda, boshqa mamlakatda sifatida, ishlab chiqarish qurilishiga asos tobora aniq bo'lib kelmoqda. 1959-1965 davomida ,. Angren, Farg'ona, Buxoro, Qo'qon, Urganch, Nukus va boshqa ko'plab shaharlar va sanoat markazlarida tayyor beton har qanday fabrikalar.
ishga yig'ma qurilish, devorlar, pol, turli turarjoy qurilishi qismlar uchun kuchli panel-platalar ishlab chiqaradi Markaziy Osiyo Toshkent uy-qurilish zavod, eng katta kirdi. Toshkentda zilzila so'ng bino o'girib yangi uy-qurilish korxonasi yaratish zarur. Bunday o'simliklar allaqachon Namangan, Farg'ona, Samarqand, Buxoro va respublikaning boshqa shaharlarida faoliyat ko'rsatmoqda. O'zbekiston go'zal va mustahkam marmar mashhur. Ayniqsa, katta shuhrat Gazgan marmar Xo'sh Ratinsky tog'larni zavq. marmar konlari qishlog'ida va Zarkent v.ray-bir Bostandyk (Toshkent viloyati) sohasida ham. Moskva metrosi ba'zi stantsiyalar bilan qoplanadi o'zbek marmar. Kelajakda, qurilish materiallari ishlab chiqarish sezilarli darajada oshirish imkonini beradi. 1966- 1970 biennium yilda. mavjud bo'lgan va qurilish sanoatini har qanday yangi biznesini kengaytirish.
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