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3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


The Circle of life is a film everyone should see if they want to go home feeling cheerful. Sara

couldn`t stop laughing. There is one sad part in the middle but everything is all right in the end. Jules Verity, the star, normally sings and dances in films so this is a change for him.

Çka ka pasur në mes të filmit?

The Circle of life is a film everyone should see if they want to go home feeling cheerful. Sara couldn`t stop laughing. There is one sad part in the middle but everything is all right in the end. Jules Verity, the star, normally sings and dances in films so this is a change for him.

Çka bën aktori zakonisht në film?

The clothes the actors wear in Cramer Place are lovely. It is a true story which takes place in the nineteenth century in an old house. It is actually difficult to believe this really happened and John found it impossible to guess the ending- so he just has to wait and see. The acting is wonderful.

Çfarë ngjarje është Cramer Place?

The clothes the actors wear in Cramer Place are lovely. It is a true story which takes place in the nineteenth century in an old house. It is actually difficult to believe this really happened and John found it impossible to guess the ending- so he just has to wait and see. The acting is wonderful.

Ku ndodh ngjarja?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


The clothes the actors wear in Cramer Place are lovely. It is a true story which takes place in the nineteenth century in an old house. It is actually difficult to believe this really happened and John found it impossible to guess the ending- so he just has to wait and see. The acting is wonderful.

„Takes place“ nënkupton?

The clothes the actors wear in Cramer Place are lovely. It is a true story which takes place in the nineteenth century in an old house. It is actually difficult to believe this really happened and John found it impossible to guess the ending- so he just has to wait and see. The acting is wonderful.

Çfarë është aktrimi në film?

People earn money from the jobs they work and use that money to save for the future, pay their houses, cars, food, taxes, medical needs and household items among other things. Even things such as turning the lights on, using the air conditioning or heat, and connecting to the internet cost money.

„Household items“ nënkupton:

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


Maddy loves to jump rope, ride her scooter, and ride her skateboard. One day, Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearths and a Velcro tab. Now she needs new shoes.

Maddy`s mom takes her to the shoe area. The shoe area is crowded, and there is long wait. Maddy does not mind. Maddy sees a pair of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with dots. She wants the purple sneakers.

Çka dëshiron Medi të vozis?

Maddy loves to jump rope, ride her scooter, and ride her skateboard. One day, Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearths and a Velcro tab. Now she needs new shoes.

Maddy`s mom takes her to the shoe area. The shoe area is crowded, and there is long wait. Maddy does not mind. Maddy sees a pair of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with dots. She wants the purple sneakers.

Cilët këpucë i ka grisur Medi?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


Maddy loves to jump rope, ride her scooter, and ride her skateboard. One day, Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearths and a Velcro tab. Now she needs new shoes.

Maddy`s mom takes her to the shoe area. The shoe area is crowded, and there is long wait. Maddy does not mind. Maddy sees a pair of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with dots. She wants the purple sneakers.

Kur i ka grisur Medi këpucat?

Maddy loves to jump rope, ride her scooter, and ride her skateboard. One day, Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearths and a Velcro tab. Now she needs new shoes.

Maddy`s mom takes her to the shoe area. The shoe area is crowded, and there is long wait. Maddy does not mind. Maddy sees a pair of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with dots. She wants the purple sneakers.

Çka ka shikuar Medi në këndin e këpucëve?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small skinny can. The can is tied to the pigeon`s leg. Then the pigeon flies off to deliver the note. Carrier pigeons are good messengers because they`re fast and can fly long distances. They also have a good sense of direction. They can even reach places that people can`t. More than 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, an Asian ruler set up pigeon post offices across his lands! As recently as 2010, Cuba used pigeons to send election results to its mountain people.

Kush mund të jetë i trajnuar që të përcjell porosi te njerëzit?

Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small skinny can. The can is tied to the pigeon`s leg. Then the pigeon flies off to deliver the note. Carrier pigeons are good messengers because they`re fast and can fly long distances. They also have a good sense of direction. They can even reach places that people can`t. More than 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, an Asian ruler set up pigeon post offices across his lands! As recently as 2010, Cuba used pigeons to send election results to its mountain people.

Ku vendoset porosia?

Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small skinny can. The can is tied to the pigeon`s leg. Then the pigeon flies off to deliver the note. Carrier pigeons are good messengers because they`re fast and can fly long distances. They also have a good sense of direction. They can even reach places that people can`t. More than 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, an Asian ruler set up pigeon post offices across his lands! As recently as 2010, Cuba used pigeons to send election results to its mountain people.

Si janë pëllumbat - postierë?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small skinny can. The can is tied to the pigeon`s leg. Then the pigeon flies off to deliver the note. Carrier pigeons are good messengers because they`re fast and can fly long distances. They also have a good sense of direction. They can even reach places that people can`t. More than 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, an Asian ruler set up pigeon post offices across his lands! As recently as 2010, Cuba used

pigeons to send election results to its mountain people Çfarë shqisa kanë pëllumbat - postierë?

Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small skinny can. The can is tied to the pigeon`s leg. Then the pigeon flies off to deliver the note. Carrier pigeons are good messengers because they`re fast and can fly long distances. They also have a good sense of direction. They can even reach places that people can`t. More than 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, an Asian ruler set up pigeon post offices across his lands! As recently as 2010, Cuba used pigeons to send election results to its mountain people.

Çka ka qenë Xhingis Kan?

Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small skinny can. The can is tied to the pigeon`s leg. Then the pigeon flies off to deliver the note. Carrier pigeons are good messengers because they`re fast and can fly long distances. They also have a good sense of direction. They can even reach places that people can`t. More than 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, an Asian ruler set up pigeon post offices across his lands! As recently as 2010, Cuba used pigeons to send election results to its mountain people.

Në cilin shtet janë dërguar rezultatet e zgjedhjeve përmes pëllumbave postierë?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


The path to Nowhere is the latest in a series of films starring Des Riley and Tom Carver. It starts with a car chase, there is plenty of action in the middle and it finishes with a helicopter following the two men as they try to escape in a boat. Peter couldn`t wait to discover what happened.

Çka është „Rruga që na çon dikund„?

The path to Nowhere is the latest in a series of films starring Des Riley and Tom Carver. It starts with a car chase, there is plenty of action in the middle and it finishes with a helicopter following the two men as they try to escape in a boat. Peter couldn`t wait to discover what happened.

Cilët janë aktorët në filmin „Rruga që na çon dikund“?

The path to Nowhere is the latest in a series of films starring Des Riley and Tom Carver. It starts with a car chase, there is plenty of action in the middle and it finishes with a helicopter following the two men as they try to escape in a boat. Peter couldn`t wait to discover what happened.


Young people today have many opportunities to travel abroad. The use many programs for transfer of students such as the Erasmus program for studying abroad, or if they are 18 years old, students can also use the many Work and Travel programs for finding summer jobs in foreign countries. Most of the male students go to USA and work in hotels, the females prefer going to England and working as babysitters.

Cilin program e shfrytëzojnë studentët për të punuar jashtë shtetit?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


Steve Jobs was born in 1955


His parents were graduate students who gave him up for adoption because their parents did not want them to marry. Steve was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. His mother taught him to read before he went to school. Steve and his father would work on electronics in the family garage, taking apart and reassembling televisions, radios and stereos.

Steven Jobs was one of the best innovators of the 20th and 21st century.

Çka ka ndodhur me Stiven Xhobs kur ka lindur?

Steve Jobs was born in 1955


His parents were graduate students who gave him up for adoption because their parents did not want them to marry. Steve was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. His mother taught him to read before he went to school. Steve and his father would work on electronics in the family garage, taking apart and reassembling televisions, radios and stereos.

Steven Jobs was one of the best innovators of the 20th and 21st century.

Çka e ka mësuar nëna e Stiven?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


A vegetarian is someone who doesn’t eat meat, and mostly eats foods that come from plants, like grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Some stricter vegetarians avoid more than just meat, they also avoid animal products, which are nonmeat foods that come from animals such as milk and eggs. Kids can be vegetarians but they can’t do it alone. They need grown-ups to help them make sure they get the vitamins and minerals they need. Eating nutritious diet helps kids develop and grow as they should.

Cilin ushqim e konsumojnë vegjetarianët?

A vegetarian is someone who doesn’t eat meat, and mostly eats foods that come from plants, like grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Some stricter vegetarians avoid more than just meat, they also avoid animal products, which are nonmeat foods that come from animals such as milk and eggs. Kids can be vegetarians but they can’t do it alone. They need grown-ups to help them make sure they get the vitamins and minerals they need. Eating nutritious diet helps kids develop and grow as they should.

Vallë munden edhe fëmijët të jenë vegjetarian?

The Circle of life is a film everyone should see if they want to go home feeling cheerful. Sara

couldn`t stop laughing. There is one sad part in the middle but everything is all right in the end. Jules Verity, the star, normally sings and dances in films so this is a change for him.

Çka mendoni, si është filmi nëse secili del i gëzuar pas përfundimit të filmit dhe nëse qeshet?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


The clothes the actors wear in Cramer Place are lovely. It is a true story which takes place in the nineteenth century in an old house. It is actually difficult to believe this really happened and John found it impossible to guess the ending- so he just has to wait and see. The acting is wonderful.

Edhe pse kjo është ngjarje e vërtetë, vallë është e thjeshtë të shikohet se ajo ka ndodhur?

Maddy loves to jump rope, ride her scooter, and ride her skateboard. One day, Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearths and a Velcro tab. Now she needs new shoes.

Maddy`s mom takes her to the shoe area. The shoe area is crowded, and there is long wait. Maddy does not mind. Maddy sees a pair of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with dots. She wants the purple sneakers.

Vallë pse Medit i nevojiten këpuca të reja?

Maddy loves to jump rope, ride her scooter, and ride her skateboard. One day, Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearths and a Velcro tab. Now she needs new shoes.

Maddy`s mom takes her to the shoe area. The shoe area is crowded, and there is long wait. Maddy does not mind. Maddy sees a pair of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with dots. She wants the purple sneakers.

Cilët këpuca Medi dëshiron t’i blejë?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


Maddy loves to jump rope, ride her scooter, and ride her skateboard. One day, Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearths and a Velcro tab. Now she needs new shoes.

Maddy`s mom takes her to the shoe area. The shoe area is crowded, and there is long wait. Maddy does not mind. Maddy sees a pair of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with dots. She wants the purple sneakers.

Si ndjehet Medi për rendin e gjatë në shitore?

Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small skinny can. The can is tied to the pigeon`s leg. Then the pigeon flies off to deliver the note. Carrier pigeons are good messengers because they`re fast and can fly long distances. They also have a good sense of direction. They can even reach places that people can`t. More than 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, an Asian ruler set up pigeon post offices across his lands! As recently as 2010, Cuba used pigeons to send election results to its mountain people.

Për çka lidhet konserva e vogel?

Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small skinny can. The can is tied to the pigeon`s leg. Then the pigeon flies off to deliver the note. Carrier pigeons are good messengers because they`re fast and can fly long distances. They also have a good sense of direction. They can even reach places that people can`t. More than 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, an Asian ruler set up pigeon post offices across his lands! As recently as 2010, Cuba used pigeons to send election results to its mountain people.

Çka ka vendosur Xhingis Kan në tërë vendin?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small skinny can. The can is tied to the pigeon`s leg. Then the pigeon flies off to deliver the note. Carrier pigeons are good messengers because they`re fast and can fly long distances. They also have a good sense of direction. They can even reach places that people can`t. More than 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, an Asian ruler set up pigeon post offices across his lands! As recently as 2010, Cuba used pigeons to send election results to its mountain people.

Te kush janë dërguar rezultatet e zgjedhjeve?

Young people today have many opportunities to travel abroad. The use many programs for transfer of students such as the Erasmus program for studying abroad, or if they are 18 years old, students can also use the many Work and Travel programs for finding summer jobs in foreign countries. Most of the male students go to USA and work in hotels, the females prefer going to England and working as babysitters.

Ku dhe më shpesh punojnë të rinjtë ,të cilët i shfrytëzojnë programet për punë jashtë shtetit?

Steve Jobs was born in 1955


His parents were graduate students who gave him up for adoption because their parents did not want them to marry. Steve was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. His mother taught him to read before he went to school. Steve and his father would work on electronics in the family garage, taking apart and reassembling televisions, radios and stereos.

Steven Jobs was one of the best innovators of the 20th and 21st century.

Kush ka qenë Stiven Xhobs?

3. Англиски (Прв странски јазик)


A vegetarian is someone who doesn’t eat meat, and mostly eats foods that come from plants, like grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Some stricter vegetarians avoid more than just meat, they also avoid animal products, which are nonmeat foods that come from animals such as milk and eggs. Kids can be vegetarians but they can’t do it alone. They need grown-ups to help them make sure they get the vitamins and minerals they need. Eating nutritious diet helps kids develop and grow as they should.

Çka duhet të konsumojnë për zhvillim të drejtë?

Cila nga fjalët vijuese është institucion?

Cilin nga mjetet vijuese e përdorim për të dëgjuar muzikë?

Kur njerëzit janë të sëmurë shkojnë në:

Kur duam të bëjmë llogaritje të saktë, përdorim

Kur duam të bisedojmë me dikë, përdorim

Përfundo fjalinë: My arm hurts. I’m afraid it is_____.

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