Activity 3 Approaches to error correction Objective: to introduce some techniques of error correction
Time: 25 min
Materials: video, handout 2 and 3
- ☺(3 min) Introduce the concept of errors (i.e. ‘regular’ mistakes coming from misconceptions) and mistakes (i.e. occasional ones, which seem to be more random innature). Say that the teacher should focus more on error correction rather than on correcting students’ mistakes. Refer back to the videos.
- ☺(1 min) Say that now you would like participants to watch a clip of an ELT specialist talking about different types of errors and different approaches to error correction. Ask participants to take notes of the talk using a special form and answer some questions.
Distribute handout 2 to each participant.
- (11 min) Play the video fragment of Rod Bolitho talking about errors and error correction.
-☺(5 min) Discuss the questions on the form and participants’ answers. Check whether all participants understood the terms used in the talk.