population – aholi
various – turli hil
several – bir qancha
mosque – machit
modern – zamonaviy
to held – o’tkazmoq
enterprise – ishlab chiqarish korhonasi
joint venture – qo’shma korhona
to produce – ishlab chiqarmoq
goods – mollar
guest – mehmon
flourishing – gullab-yashnayotgan
to be proud of smth – biror nima bilan fahrlanmoq
Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations:
Davlatimiz poytahti; aholi; asoslangan; tarixiy binolar; machit; Markaziy Osiyoning eng zamonaviy shaharlaridan biri; davlatimizning siyosiy (iqtisodiy, moliyaviy, sanoat, madaniy, ta’lim, transport) markazi; ishlab chiqarish va qo’shma korhona; milliy universitet; tayyoragoh; temir yol bekati; to’rt yonalishli chiroyli bekatlarga ega metro; poytaht mehmonlari; chiroyli gullab-yashnayotgan shahar; fahrlanmoq.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:
How old is Tashkent?
Where is it situated?
What is Tashkent of the past and nowadays like?
What cultural places can you visit in Tashkent?
Where can guests of the capital spend a good time?
What are your favourite places in Tashkent?
Why do we call Tashkent the capital of our state?
Why are we proud of it?
Exercise 4. Speak on the topic using the following words and word combinations:
the capital of the independent Republic of Uzbekistan; founded; population; people of various nationalities; several Muslim monuments; historical buildings; one of the most modern cities in Central Asia; held in Tashkent; financial center of our state; produce different goods; a cultural center; art galleries and concert halls; underground with four lines and beautiful stations; a lot of places; children with their parents; guests of the capital; spend a good time; a very beautiful and flourishing city; proud of our capital.
Exercise 5. Make up your own topic using additional information.
The National Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
3. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
4. Independent Uzbekistan Today.
5. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
6. Youth Today.
7. Navruz.
8. Abu Ali ibn Sino (Avicenna)
9. My Summer Holidays.
10. Our Future Profession.
11. My Native Town.
12. Taking Patient’s Case History.
13. Working Day of a Medical Student.
14. English Meals.
15. Uzbek Traditional Meals.
16. About Myself.
17. New Year Holiday.
18. Medical Education in Uzbekistan.
19. Our Institute.
20. My Day off.
21. The United Kingdom.
22. London.
23. Sports.
24. Outstanding People of the East.
25. Tashkent.