For my favorite artist, I chose Leonardo DaVinci. He’s the best artist in my opinion, but others think he’s better now, but I’ve seen better. My favorite Mona Lisa, no doubt why it looks like a work of art. But the picture he painted on the wall is a beautiful “12 Apoclesos” What I hate is all the cracking. If they don’t yet, they need to restore it. One of my other favorite books is The Second Hyacinth. I want to see all of his artwork, but it will never happen. But if so, I would have spent a lot of time looking at them to understand what he meant and what he meant. There is no one better than Leonardo DaVinci, and that is a key fact in practice. But if he were alive now, if he sold his paintings, he would be very rich, I would have wanted him to be at any time of the day.
Sevimli rassomim uchun men Leonardo DaVinchini tanladim. U mening nazarimda eng yaxshi rassom, lekin boshqalar hozir yaxshiroq deb o'ylashadi, lekin men yaxshiroq ko'rdim. Mening sevimli Mona Liza, nega u san'at asariga o'xshaydi, bunga shubha yo'q. Lekin u devorga chizgan rasmi go'zal "12 Apoklesos" Men yomon ko'rgan narsa - bularning barchasi yorilish. Agar ular hali yo'q bo'lsa, uni tiklashlari kerak. Mening yana bir sevimli kitobimdan biri bu "Ikkinchi Giakonda". Men uning barcha san'at asarlarini ko'rishni xohlayman, lekin bu hech qachon sodir bo'lmaydi. Ammo agar shunday bo'lsa, men u nima demoqchi va nimani nazarda tutayotganini tushunish uchun ularga qarab ko'p vaqt sarflagan bo'lardim. Leonardo DaVinchidan yaxshiroq hech kim yo'q va bu amaldagi asosiy fakt. Ammo agar u hozir tirik bo'lganida, agar u rasmlarini sotsa, u juda boy bo'lardi, men kunning istalgan vaqtida u bo'lishni xohlardim.
My hometown is very beautiful and the people are also very good guest friends. Almalyk is a company town built in the 1930s by the Soviet Union to develop local reserves of copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver and barite. Today, the city has a number of large smelters and related industrial enterprises managed by JSC "Almalyk MMC", one of the largest mining and metallurgical enterprises in Uzbekistan.
The operation of the smelter has greatly polluted Almalyk, one of the most polluted places on earth. There is a high concentration of sulfuric acid vapors in the air and hundreds of tons of toxic waste on the ground. The Uzbek government has resisted calls to close the plant, arguing that the country's economy cannot afford it: the plant employs about 25,000 people and accounts for a significant share of the region's economy. However, in January 2005, the government announced plans to clean up the area for 2010.
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