1.4. Types of language comparison The comparison may be of two types: substantialand non-substantial. Under substantial comparison, linguists mean comparison of some concrete things or objects, e.g. sounds, digits, numbers, etc. Under non-substantial comparison, linguists mean comparison of systems and their elements.
At the early stages of development of typology as a science, the major role is longed to thesubstantial comparison, which is considered primary. Yuri Rojdenstvenskiy' wrote "...in General Linguistics the relations between language systems based on substantial features. The languages were considered cognate because the linguists found principal similarity in their substance: sound and content".Non-substantial comparison played a significant role in shaping Comparative Typology as an independent science.
There are two approaches to language description: internalandexternal. Internal approach deals with the comparison of the systems of any concrete language. It is inner comparison within one concrete language. External approach deals with thecross-language comparison.
Comparative Typology may compare language systems panchronically though they are living or dead; besides, it may compare language systems synchronicallyand diachronically. The diachronic approachis a stative study of a certain period. The synchronic approach is a dynamic one.
Questions for self-control: What does the term ‘typology’ mean?
Do we use this term in everyday life?
What is the role of Typology in Linguistics?
What tasks does this subject have?
What is the necessity of learning typology?
What is the difference between Linguistic and Non-Linguistic typology?
Name the periods of Comparative typology development.
Name the factors of Comparative typology development.
What directions of comparative typological investigations are known to us?
How did Dr. Buranov classify Comparative Typology?
What does linguistic typology study?
What can you say about different viewpoints to the Linguistic typology?
Speak about differences between linguistic and non-linguistic typologies.
What methods of investigation do you know?
How do you understand panchronical approach to thecomparison of language systems?
Characterize substantial and non-substantial types of comparison. Which is used in modern linguistics?
What can you say about theinternal and external approach to thecomparison?
Give the division of linguistic typology with the respect to different criteria.