Topics and forms of independent work
Independent study topics
Excursion to ecological regions of Uzbekistan
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
The role of environmental resources in the organization of excursions
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
The role of national parks and reserves in environmental activities
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
The uniqueness of the route of ecological excursions
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
Excursions for special types of tourism
Creative project preparation and presentation
Definition and formation of special types in tourism
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
Classification, description and geography of special species in tourism
Working with literature
Ensuring the safety of tourists during the tour
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
Ensuring legal protection and safety of tourists and excursionists
Prepare a report based on Internet data
Rights and obligations of tourists and excursionists
Working with literature
Rights and obligations of the guide, financial responsibility
Collection of statistical data and presentation in the form of diagrams, graphs
The importance of first aid in the excursion process
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
The rules of first aid in case of various adverse events during the tour
Prepare a case study in a small group
Selection and study of excursion objects
Creative project preparation and presentation
Ability to speak during the tour
Preparation and presentation of practical speech
Interim control questionnaire
1. The content and essence of the tour service, the tour service as a form of communication.
2. Excursion service as a pedagogical process.
3. The concept of "excursion"
4. Excursion service process and tasks.
5. The main functions of the tour service, features of the tour service, classification of the tour service.
6. Propaganda function.
7. Information function.
8. The function of organizing cultural recreation.
9. The function of expanding the cultural-technical worldview.
10. The function of interest formation.
11. The principle of science, the principle of ideology. the principle that theory is related to practice.
12. The concept of marketing management.
13. Peculiarities of the guide's profession, personal qualities of the guide.
14. Skills Requirements.
15. The stages of the organization of the guide and the provision of first aid during the tour.
16. Professional requirements.
17. Stages of formation of the guide profession. profession and specialization.
18. The role of guide temperament in the organization of excursion services.
19. The process of preparing a new tour, determining the purpose, objectives and theme of the tour service, search for sources for information about the tour service.
20. Preparation of the basic and individual number of the excursion service, techniques of using the individual text.
21. Preparation of "Guide portfolio".
22. Dating part. The main part. The final part.
23. The importance of the classification of excursion objects, criteria for evaluating excursion objects.
24. The correct choice of the object, the number, the quality of the tour, the quality of the tour.
25. Sequence of guide actions in the representation of objects.
26. The history of a particular period of the object in the evaluation of the object selected for the theme of the tour. Relation to the life of a famous person, his pictorial dignity.
27. The ability to aesthetically educate the tourist, the popularity of the object among the population, tourists (for example: Registan Square (Samarkand), Ichan Qala (Khiva). Ark (Bukhara), etc.).
28. Object card.
29. The process of preparing the route of the tour service.
30. Development of a technological map of the excursion service.
31. Procedure for conducting a test tour and approval of the theme of the tour.
32. Methods of organization of marketing departments: functional organization, geographical organization, organization by goods or brands, organization by goods and markets, corporate organization by departments.
33. The task of showing objects in the excursion service.
34. Types and features of display of objects.
35. Ways to display objects
36. Tasks of storytelling of objects in the excursion service.
37. Peculiarities of storytelling in the excursion service.
38. Methods of narrating objects.
39. Excursion techniques.
40. Decreased attention in tourists and ways to overcome it
41. Historical and architectural monuments of Samarkand region as objects of excursion.
42. Historical and architectural monuments of Bukhara region as objects of excursion.
43. Historical and architectural monuments of Khorezm region as objects of excursion.
44. Historical and architectural monuments of Tashkent region and Tashkent city as objects of excursion.
45. Historical and architectural monuments of other regions of the country as objects of excursion
46. The role of environmental resources in the organization of excursions.
47. The role of national parks and reserves in the implementation of environmental activities.
48. Definition of special types in tourism and their formation.
49. Classification, description and geography of special species in tourism
50. The role of environmental resources in the organization of excursions.
Final control questionnaire
1. Ensuring legal protection and safety of tourists and excursionists.
2. Rights and obligations of tourists and excursionists.
3. Rights and obligations of the guide, financial responsibility
4. The importance of first aid in the excursion process.
5. The rule of massaging the heart.
6. Rules of first aid in case of various adverse events during the tour.
7. Rules of transporting the victim to the hospital
8. The function of organizing cultural recreation.
9. The function of expanding the cultural-technical worldview.
10. The function of interest formation.
11. The principle of science, the principle of ideology. the principle that theory is related to practice.
12. The concept of excursion.
13. Peculiarities of the guide's profession, personal qualities of the guide.
14. Skills Requirements.
15. The stages of the organization of the guide and the provision of first aid during the tour.
16. Professional requirements.
17. Stages of formation of the guide profession. profession and specialization.
18. The role of guide temperament in the organization of excursion services.
19. The process of preparing a new tour, determining the purpose, objectives and theme of the tour service, search for sources for information about the tour service.
20. Preparation of the basic and individual number of the excursion service, techniques of using the individual text.
21. Preparation of "Guide portfolio".
22. Dating part. The main part. The final part.
23. The importance of the classification of excursion objects, criteria for evaluating excursion objects.
24. The correct choice of the object, the number, the quality of the tour, the quality of the tour.
25. Sequence of guide actions in the representation of objects.
26. The history of a particular period of the object in the evaluation of the object selected for the theme of the tour. Relation to the life of a famous person, his pictorial dignity.
27. The ability to aesthetically educate the tourist, the popularity of the object among the population, tourists (for example: Registan Square (Samarkand), Ichan Qala (Khiva). Ark (Bukhara), etc.).
28. Object card.
29. The process of preparing the route of the tour service.
30. Development of a technological map of the excursion service.
31. Procedure for conducting a test tour and approval of the theme of the tour.
32. Decreased attention in tourists and ways to overcome it
33. The task of showing objects in the excursion service.
34. Types and features of display of objects.
35. Ways to display objects
36. Tasks of storytelling of objects in the excursion service.
37. Peculiarities of storytelling in the excursion service.
38. Methods of narrating objects.
39. Excursion techniques.
40. Decreased attention in tourists and ways to overcome it
41. Historical and architectural monuments of Samarkand region as objects of excursion.
42. Historical and architectural monuments of Bukhara region as objects of excursion.
43. Historical and architectural monuments of Khorezm region as objects of excursion.
44. Historical and architectural monuments of Tashkent region and Tashkent city as objects of excursion.
45. Historical and architectural monuments of other regions of the country as objects of excursion
46. The role of environmental resources in the organization of excursions.
47. The role of national parks and reserves in the implementation of environmental activities.
48. Definition of special types in tourism and their formation.
49. Classification, description and geography of special species in tourism
50. The role of environmental resources in the organization of excursions.
Assessment of students' knowledge on the course is based on the statue “On the system of control and evaluation of students knowledge in higher education” verified by the Minister of higher education and secondary specialized education with the order №19-2018 dated in August 9,2018.
Intermediate and final controls are used to assess student knowledge in the subject. Assessment by types of control: 5 - "excellent", 4 - "good", 3 - "satisfactory", 2 - "unsatisfactory".
Mid-term examinations are conducted twice a semester, based on the nature of the subject, in the form of written work. Estimates from the midterm examinations are recorded as a result of the intermediate control.
Students are regularly evaluated and averaged over each subject during the semester. This includes taking into account the student's timely and full implementation of practical and independent learning tasks and activities.
In addition, evaluations of practical exercises and independent learning assignments are taken into account in the evaluation of interim control. At the same time, the mean scores for each intermediate control type are averaged over the mean control grade.
The final type of control is given at the end of the semester according to the approved schedule and form.
Regardless of the type of control a student is graded:
If a student is able to make independent judgments and decisions, to think creatively, to think independently, to apply what he has learned, to understand, know, express, tell about the subject and have an understanding of the subject grade 5 (excellent);
If a student is able to think independently, apply what he or she has learned, understand the nature of the subject, know, express it, explain it, and have an understanding of the subject- grade 4 (good);
If a student is able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to understand the essence of the subject, to know, to express it and have an understanding of the subject. - grade 3 (satisfactory);
If a student is found to have not mastered a science program, does not understand the matter of the subjec, and has no understanding of the subject - grade 2 (fail).
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