1 Rasm. Xotiraning psixologik mexanizmi.
Xotirani o`rganish metodlari va amaliy tavsiyalar.
nson xotirasini yaxshilashning ko‘plab usullari mavjud. Mnemotexnik usullarning mohiyati yod olinishi zarur bo‘lgan materialni ma’lum taxlitda tuzishdan iborat. Mana shunday usullardan ba’zilari.
Maromlashtirish metodi ma’lumotni marom yoki qofiya bilan bog‘liq bo‘lgan she’r, qo‘shiq, satrlarga o‘tkazishdan iborat.
Emotsional assotsiatsiyalash metodi esda olib qolinadigan materialning inson hissiy kechinmalari bilan aloqasiga asoslangan. Insondagi kuchli his-tuyg‘ular va kechinmalar hosil qiladigan material oson esda olib qolinishi aniqlandi. Materialni yaxshi va oson esda olib qolish uchun bu materialni yodlayotgan odamda qiziqish uyg‘otishi kerak.
Aloqalar metodi matnning tayanch so‘zlarini yagona yaxlit hosilaga, yagona hikoyaga birlashtirishdan iborat.
Ma’ruza mashg’ulotlari
Joylar metodi ko‘rish assotsiatsiyalarga asoslangan: esda olib qolish kerak bo‘lgan jismni aniq tasavvur qilib, uning obrazini xotirada oson topish mumkin bo‘lgan joy obrazi bilan birlashtirish zarur. Bu metod jismlar va joylar izchilligi tomonidan belgilangan assotsiatsiyalarga asoslangan.
Doimiy yo‘nalish sifatida ish joyigacha bo‘lgan yo‘l, xonadondagi xonalar va xonalar ichkarisidagi alohida «joylar» (divan, shkaf, kreslo va boshqalar) joylashuvi xizmat qilishi mumkin. Joylar ma’lum izchillikda raqamlanadi va esda olib qolinishi zarur bo‘lgan jismlar ko‘rish obrazlarini xotirada qayd etgan holda tanlangan yo‘nalish bo‘yicha joylashtiriladi. Shu tarzda zarur material ma’lum izchillikda esda olib qolinadi.
What is the controversy related to claims of repressed and recovered memories?
There are two tragedies related to adult recollections of child abuse. One is trauma survivors being disbelieved when telling their secret. The other is innocent people being falsely accused. What, then, shall we say about clinicians who have guided people in "recovering" memories of childhood abuse? Are they triggering false memories that damage innocent adults? Or are they uncovering the truth?
In one American survey, the average therapist estimated that 11 percent of the population—some 34 million people—have repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse (Kamena, 1998). In another survey, of British and American doctoral-level therapists, 7 in 10 said they had used techniques such as hypnosis or drugs to help clients recover suspected repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse (Poole et al., 1995).
Some have reasoned with patients that "people who've been abused often have your symptoms, so you probably were abused. Let's see if, aided by hypnosis or drugs, or helped to dig back and visualize your trauma, you can recover it." As we might expect from the research on source amnesia and the misinformation effect, patients exposed to such techniques may form an image of a threatening person. With further visualization, the image grows more vivid, leaving the patient stunned, angry, and ready to confront or sue the equally stunned and devastated parent, relative, or clergy member, who then vigorously denies the accusation. After 32 therapy sessions, one woman recalled her father abusing her when she was 15 months old.1
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