Mavzu: Menejment printsiplari va shaxsni shakllantirishda ularning ahamiyati Bajardi:139-20 guruh talabasi Davlatov Diyorbek
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Management principles are general patterns and stable requirements, subject to which the effective development of the management object is ensured.
The number and composition of management principles are mainly of interest to domestic researchers.
For practical activity, the number of principles becomes minimal and is reduced to the following.
1. The principle of targeting. Management assumes
setting a specific goal for a managed object. The manager leads the managed object towards the set goal. Therefore, goal setting is a mandatory requirement for management as an activity.
2. The principle of hierarchical ordering. Hierarchy represents the order and rules of subordination of the lower to the higher. In social systems that are objects of management, hierarchy inevitably arises. It is necessary to distinguish between the organization onny and the natural hierarchy. At the heart of the organizational hierarchy
hii - appointment to the position. A natural hierarchy arises on the basis of personal qualities: strength, intelligence, high professionalism, etc. The abuse of the organizational hierarchy by appointments to a position without taking into account the personal qualities of the future manager) leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of management. The vector of development of this principle is from the organizational hierarchy to the natural hierarchy.
3. The principle of scientific validity and optimality. This principle means that the manager must know and use in his activities the achievements of the sciences related to management (economics, informatics, psychology, sociology, etc.).
Management should be based on scientific understanding of the controlled object. In addition, the manager should strive for maximum rationality of actions and decisions (saving all types of resources) and their optimization (maximizing results and minimizing costs).
4. The principle of the right to interest. Elements of a managed object (social system) are entitled to their own interests. The manager must consider these interests and seek harmony between the interests of the organization as a whole and the interests of its members. Ignoring this feature leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of management.
5. The principle of innovation. The manager must deeply realize the necessity and inevitability of changes in the managed object and perceive these changes not as a disaster, but as a sign of life and development. The manager should seek the same approach to innovation from subordinates.
6. The principle of the rational ratio of one-man management and collegiality. The manager must understand that with collegiality in discussing problems and ways of solving them, the responsibility for making decisions and their implementation lies entirely with him.
7. The principle of priority of self-realization. The manager must behave in such a way that subordinates can best reveal their abilities and direct them to achieve the goals of the organization.
Following the listed principles leads to an increase in management efficiency
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Management principles are general patterns and stable requirements, subject to which the effective development of the management object is ensured.
The number and composition of management principles are mainly of interest to domestic researchers.
For practical activity, the number of principles becomes minimal and is reduced to the following.
1. The principle of targeting. Management assumes
setting a specific goal for a managed object. The manager leads the managed object towards the set goal. Therefore, goal setting is a mandatory requirement for management as an activity.
2. The principle of hierarchical ordering. Hierarchy represents the order and rules of subordination of the lower to the higher. In social systems that are objects of management, hierarchy inevitably arises. It is necessary to distinguish between the organization onny and the natural hierarchy. At the heart of the organizational hierarchy
hii - appointment to the position. A natural hierarchy arises on the basis of personal qualities: strength, intelligence, high professionalism, etc. The abuse of the organizational hierarchy by appointments to a position without taking into account the personal qualities of the future manager) leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of management. The vector of development of this principle is from the organizational hierarchy to the natural hierarchy.
3. The principle of scientific validity and optimality. This principle means that the manager must know and use in his activities the achievements of the sciences related to management (economics, informatics, psychology, sociology, etc.).
Management should be based on scientific understanding of the controlled object. In addition, the manager should strive for maximum rationality of actions and decisions (saving all types of resources) and their optimization (maximizing results and minimizing costs).
4. The principle of the right to interest. Elements of a managed object (social system) are entitled to their own interests. The manager must consider these interests and seek harmony between the interests of the organization as a whole and the interests of its members. Ignoring this feature leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of management.
5. The principle of innovation. The manager must deeply realize the necessity and inevitability of changes in the managed object and perceive these changes not as a disaster, but as a sign of life and development. The manager should seek the same approach to innovation from subordinates.
6. The principle of the rational ratio of one-man management and collegiality. The manager must understand that with collegiality in discussing problems and ways of solving them, the responsibility for making decisions and their implementation lies entirely with him.
7. The principle of priority of self-realization. The manager must behave in such a way that subordinates can best reveal their abilities and direct them to achieve the goals of the organization.
Following the listed principles leads to an increase in management efficiency
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Management principles are general patterns and stable requirements, subject to which the effective development of the management object is ensured.
The number and composition of management principles are mainly of interest to domestic researchers.
For practical activity, the number of principles becomes minimal and is reduced to the following.
1. The principle of targeting. Management assumes
setting a specific goal for a managed object. The manager leads the managed object towards the set goal. Therefore, goal setting is a mandatory requirement for management as an activity.
2. The principle of hierarchical ordering. Hierarchy represents the order and rules of subordination of the lower to the higher. In social systems that are objects of management, hierarchy inevitably arises. It is necessary to distinguish between the organization onny and the natural hierarchy. At the heart of the organizational hierarchy
hii - appointment to the position. A natural hierarchy arises on the basis of personal qualities: strength, intelligence, high professionalism, etc. The abuse of the organizational hierarchy by appointments to a position without taking into account the personal qualities of the future manager) leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of management. The vector of development of this principle is from the organizational hierarchy to the natural hierarchy.
3. The principle of scientific validity and optimality. This principle means that the manager must know and use in his activities the achievements of the sciences related to management (economics, informatics, psychology, sociology, etc.).
Management should be based on scientific understanding of the controlled object. In addition, the manager should strive for maximum rationality of actions and decisions (saving all types of resources) and their optimization (maximizing results and minimizing costs).
4. The principle of the right to interest. Elements of a managed object (social system) are entitled to their own interests. The manager must consider these interests and seek harmony between the interests of the organization as a whole and the interests of its members. Ignoring this feature leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of management.
5. The principle of innovation. The manager must deeply realize the necessity and inevitability of changes in the managed object and perceive these changes not as a disaster, but as a sign of life and development. The manager should seek the same approach to innovation from subordinates.
6. The principle of the rational ratio of one-man management and collegiality. The manager must understand that with collegiality in discussing problems and ways of solving them, the responsibility for making decisions and their implementation lies entirely with him.
7. The principle of priority of self-realization. The manager must behave in such a way that subordinates can best reveal their abilities and direct them to achieve the goals of the organization.
Following the listed principles leads to an increase in management efficiency
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Boshqarish tamoyillari bu umumiy qoliplar va barqaror talablar bo'lib, ularga bo'ysungan holda boshqaruv ob'ektining samarali rivojlanishi ta'minlanadi.
Boshqarish tamoyillarining soni va tarkibi asosan mahalliy tadqiqotchilarni qiziqtiradi.
Amaliy faoliyat uchun printsiplar soni minimal bo'ladi va quyidagilarga kamayadi.
1. Maqsadni belgilash printsipi. Menejment taxmin qilmoqda
boshqariladigan ob'ekt uchun aniq maqsadni belgilash. Menejer boshqariladigan ob'ektni belgilangan maqsad sari olib boradi. Shuning uchun maqsadni belgilash faoliyat sifatida menejment uchun majburiy talab hisoblanadi.
2. Ierarxik tartiblashtirish printsipi. Ierarxiya quyi qismdan yuqori darajaga bo'ysunish tartibi va qoidalarini ifodalaydi. Boshqarish ob'ekti bo'lgan ijtimoiy tizimlarda ierarxiya muqarrar ravishda paydo bo'ladi. Tashkilotni onny va tabiiy ierarxiyani ajratib ko'rsatish kerak. Tashkiliy ierarxiya markazida
hii - lavozimga tayinlash. Tabiiy ierarxiya shaxsiy fazilatlar asosida vujudga keladi: kuch, zukkolik, yuqori professionallik va boshqalar. Bo'lajak menejerning shaxsiy fazilatlarini inobatga olmasdan lavozimga tayinlash orqali tashkilot ierarxiyasidan suiiste'mol qilish) samaradorlikning pasayishiga olib keladi. menejment. Ushbu tamoyilning rivojlanish vektori tashkiliy iyerarxiyadan tabiiy iyerarxiyaga qadar.
3. Ilmiy asoslilik va maqbullik printsipi. Ushbu tamoyil menejer menejment bilan bog'liq fanlarning (iqtisodiyot, informatika, psixologiya, sotsiologiya va boshqalar) yutuqlarini bilishi va ulardan foydalanishi kerakligini anglatadi.
Boshqarish boshqariladigan ob'ektni ilmiy tushunishga asoslangan bo'lishi kerak. Bundan tashqari, menejer harakatlar va qarorlarning maksimal ratsionalligiga (barcha turdagi resurslarni tejash) va ularni optimallashtirishga (natijalarni maksimal darajada oshirish va xarajatlarni minimallashtirishga) intilishi kerak.
4. Foiz olish huquqining printsipi. Boshqariladigan ob'ekt (ijtimoiy tizim) elementlari o'z manfaatlariga ega. Menejer ushbu manfaatlarni hisobga olishi va umuman tashkilot manfaatlari va uning a'zolari manfaatlari o'rtasida uyg'unlikni izlashi kerak. Ushbu xususiyatga e'tibor bermaslik boshqaruv samaradorligining pasayishiga olib keladi.
5. Innovatsiya printsipi. Menejer boshqarilayotgan ob'ektdagi o'zgarishlarning zaruriyati va muqarrarligini chuqur anglab etishi va bu o'zgarishlarni falokat sifatida emas, balki hayot va rivojlanish belgisi sifatida qabul qilishi kerak. Menejer yangilikka nisbatan xuddi shunday yondashuvni bo'ysunuvchilardan izlashi kerak.
6. Bir kishilik boshqaruv va kollegiallikning oqilona nisbati printsipi. Menejer muammolarni va ularni hal qilish usullarini muhokama qilishda kollegiallik bilan qaror qabul qilish va ularni amalga oshirish uchun javobgarlik to'liq uning zimmasida ekanligini tushunishi kerak.
7. O'z-o'zini anglashning ustuvorligi printsipi. Menejer o'zini shunday tutishi kerakki, bo'ysunuvchilar o'zlarining qobiliyatlarini eng yaxshi ochib beradigan va ularni tashkilot maqsadlariga erishishga yo'naltiradigan.
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