Ma'lumotlar bazasi Sotibaldiev erali Nimahisoblanadi Ma'lumotlar bazasi? Ma'lumotlar bazasi - Ayig'ish ning ma'lumotlar saqlanadi ichida muvofiq bilanama'lumotlar sxema va manipulyatsiya qilingan ichida muvofiq bilan the qoidalar ning ma'lumotlar modellashtirish asboblar. Ma'lumotlar bazasi - ao'rnatish ning doimiy(doimiy saqlanadi)ma'lumotlar ishlatilgan tomonidan the ilova dasturiy ta'minot tizimlari ning har qanday korxona Ma'lumotlar bazasiturlari Tasniflash tomonidan ma'lumotlar model Misollar: - Ierarxik
- Ob'ektyoki ob'ekt yo'naltirilgan
- Ob'ekt -aloqador
- Aloqaviy
- Tarmoq
- Funktsional.
Ma'lumotlar bazasi turlari
Persistent storage classification:
In secondary memory, or traditional (eng. Conventional database): persistent storage medium is peripheral non-volatile memory (secondary memory) - usually a hard disk.
The DBMS places only the cache and data for current processing into the RAM.
In-memory (in-memory database, memory-resident database, main memory database): all data at the execution stage is in RAM.
Tertiary database: The persistent storage medium is a mass storage device (tertiary memory) detachable from the server, usually based on magnetic tapes or optical disks.
The server's secondary memory stores only the tertiary memory data directory, file cache, and data for current processing; loading the data itself requires a special procedure.
and that was some of them. There are many more types of database.
Superkatta ma'lumotlar bazalari Juda KattaMa'lumotlar bazasi (VLDB)hisoblanadiama'lumotlar bazasi bu oladi yuqoriga a nihoyatda katta miqdori ning jismoniy saqlash qurilma. Themuddat nazarda tutadi the maksimal mumkin ma'lumotlar bazasi jildlar,qaysi bor belgilangan tomonidan the oxirgi avanslar ichida jismoniy ma'lumotlar saqlash texnologiyalar va dasturiy ta'minot ma'lumotlar manipulyatsiya texnologiyalar. Juda katta ma'lumotlar bazalari
y 2010, it was believed that the size of an ultra-large database should be measured at least in petabytes.
In 2011, Facebook stored data in a cluster of 2,000 nodes with a total capacity of 21 petabytes [18]; by the end of 2012, Facebook's data volume reached 100 petabytes [19], and in 2014 - 300 petabytes.
By 2014, according to indirect estimates, Google was storing up to 10-15 exabytes of data on its servers in aggregate.
According to some estimates, by 2025, geneticists will have data on the genomes of 100 million to 2 billion people, and it will take from 2 to 40 exabytes to store this amount of data.
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