| 589
Friedman, Benjamin M., 488
Friedman, Milton, 14, 90, 326n, 328,
384n, 390, 445, 457, 499–500
permanent-income hypothesis and,
Froot, Kenneth A., 147n
Full-employment budget deficit, 476
Full-employment level of output, 273
Functions, 11
Gali, Jordi, 438
Galor, Oded, 217n
Gambia, population growth and
income per person in, 215f
Gayer, Ted, 478n
GDP. See Gross domestic product
GDP deflator, 25
CPI versus, 33–34, 34f
Geithner, Timothy, 366
General equilibrium models, 74
The General Theory of Employment,
Interest and Money (Keynes),
287–288, 289, 452, 460–461, 496
collective bargaining in, 173t
economic growth in, 200, 201
exchange rate of, 354
government debt of, 468t
hyperinflation in, 79, 106, 109, 110f,
inflation and nominal interest rate in,
real GDP in, 237t
standard of living in, 192t
unemployment in, 180, 181f
work hours in, 184, 484f
Gertler, Mark, 438
Ghana, investment rate in, 202f
Glaeser, Edward, 185, 186n
GNP. See Gross national product
Golden Rule level of capital, 203–211
comparing steady states and,
204–207, 205f, 206f
finding steady state and, 207–208, 208t
transition to steady state and,
208–211, 209f, 210f
Goldfeld, Stephen M., 563n
Gold standard, 81
international, 351–352
Goods and services
capacity to produce, standard of liv-
ing and, 568
CPI and, 32–34
demand for, 60–73, 410–411
intermediate goods, 22
international flows of. See Inter-
national flows of capital and goods
in national income accounts, 21–23
new, CPI and, 35
normal goods, 505–506
Goods and services (continued)
production of, aggregate demand
and, 568
supply of, 48–49, 65–73
used goods, 21
valuing government services, 23
Goods market, IS* curve and, 341–343,
Gordon, David, 463n
Gordon, Robert J., 35, 243n, 396n
Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier, 510n
Government bonds, in United
Kingdom, 70
Government debt, 467–490. See also
Budget deficits
balanced budgets versus optimal fiscal
policy and, 485–486
fiscal effects on monetary policy and,
indexed bonds and, 489–490
international perspective on, 468t,
468–469, 488
long-term outlook for fiscal policy
and, 470–472
measuring, problems in, 472–476
political process and, 487–488
Ricardian view of, 479–485
size of, 468t, 468–472, 469f
traditional view of, 476–479
Government purchases, 27, 64–65
crowding out by, 69
increase in, saving and, 68–70, 70f
IS curve shifts and short-run equilib-
rium and, 312f, 312–313
Keynesian cross and, 292–294, 293f,
Government-purchases multiplier,
292–294, 293f
Government services, valuing, 23
Great Depression, 6, 257, 326t–327t,
bank failures and, 538
depletion of ideas and, 238
money hypothesis of, 328–331
policy debate about, 452
possibility of recurrence, 331–332
recovery from, 354
spending hypothesis of, 327–328
government debt of, 468t
investment rate in, 202 f
Greenspan, Alan, 438, 458, 486, 563
Griliches, Zvi, 35, 242n
Gross domestic product (GDP), 18–32,
45–75, 46f
chain-weighted measures of, 25–27
circular flow and, 18–20, 19f, 45–46,
components of, 61. See also
Consumption; Government pur-
chases; Investment; Net exports
components of expenditure and,
27–29, 29t
computation of, 20–23
definition of, 18
determinants of, 47–49. See also
Factors of production;
Production function
GDP deflator and, 25
income and expenditure and, 18–20,
inventories and, 21–22
nominal, 23–24
other measures of income compared
with, 29–31
real. See Real GDP
seasonal fluctuations in, 31–32
sources and uses of, 45–46, 46f
of United States, 28–29, 29t
views of, 18
Gross national product (GNP), 29–30
Growth accounting, 247–254
growth in East Asian tigers and,
increases in factors of production
and, 247–249
Solow residual in short run and,
252–254, 253f
sources of growth in United States
and, 251, 251t
technological progress and, 249–250
Growth effect, 201
Guatemala, population growth and
income per person in, 215f
investment rate in, 202f
population growth and income per
person in, 215f
Haiti, inflation and money growth in,
Hall, Robert E., 164n, 227n, 519, 533n
random-walk hypothesis and,
Hamilton, Alexander, 94, 456, 467
Hamilton, James D., 283n
Hansen, Gary D., 217n
Happiness, unemployment and,
Hayashi, Fumio, 534 n
Heertje, Arnold, 14n
Hicks, John R., 289n
High-powered money, 551
Hirsch, Barry T., 14n
Hong Kong
Big Mac price and exchange rate in,
economic growth in, 251–252
exchange rate of, 364
population growth and income per
person in, 215f
House, Christopher L., 533
Housing market. See also Residential
decline in prices in United States, 69
economic downturn of 2008-2009
and, 332–333
imputations and, 23
Howitt, Peter, 243
Hubbard, R. Glenn, 538n
Human capital, 232
Hume, David, 86, 278
Big Mac price and exchange rate in,
government debt of, 468t
Hurd, Michael, 513n
Hyperinflation, 79, 106–112
in Bolivia, 107–108
causes of, 108–109
costs of, 106–107
in Germany, 79, 106, 109, 110f, 111
in Zimbabwe, 111–112
Hysteresis, 400
government debt of, 468 t
inflation in, 145f
Ideas, depletion of, 238
Identities, 27, 87
IMF. See International Monetary Fund
Imperfect-information model, 383–384
Implicit price deflator for GDP, 25
Impossible trinity, 364–365, 365f
Impulse response functions, 425
Imputed value, 22–23
Incentives, taxes and, 478
circular flow and, 18–20, 19f
consumption and, 505 f, 505–506
disposable, 61
GDP as measure of. See Gross
domestic product (GDP); Real
GNP as measure of, 29–30
LM curve and, 304–305, 305 f
national. See National income entries
NNP as measure of, 30
permanent, 514–516
per person, in United States, 215f
personal, disposable, 31
predictable changes in, consumption
and, 518
ratio of labor income to total income
from 1960-2007 in United States
and, 58, 59f
total, GDP as, 18
transactions and, 87–88
transitory, 514
Income effect, 506
Income velocity of money, 88
Independence of central banks, 459, 460f
Indexation, 104
Indexed bonds, 489–490
Index of leading economic indicators,
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