Ludwigsburg-Luzerner Bibliographie zur Alltagsvorstellungsforschung in den Geowissenschaften

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Hamann, S. (Ed.). (2004). Schülervorstellungen zur Landwirtschaft im Kontext einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Diss.). Ludwigsburg: Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg. // g6, HUMGEO.

Hammann, M., Hoi Phan, T. T., Ehmer, M., & Grimm, T. (2008). Assessing pupils' skills in experimentation. Journal of Biological Education, 42(2), 66-72. // g7, LAB, INQUIRY, B, METHODS.

Hammann, M., Thi, T. H. P., & Ehmer, M. (2006). Fehlerfrei Experimentieren Der mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht, 59(5), 292-299. // g6, METHODS.

Hanson, L., & Redfors, A. (2006). Swedish upper secondary studens' view of the origin and development of the universe. Research in Science Education, 36(4), 355-379. // g6, P, AS, CSC, ES, ASTRO, STARS.

Happs, J. C. (1981). Soils. Working paper of the Science Education Research Unit, University of Waikato, NZ. // g6, PEDOS.

Happs, J. C. (1982). Classifying rocks and minerals. New Zealand Science Teacher, 34, 20 -25. // g6, LITHOS, GEOL, ROCKS, MINRES.

Happs, J. C. (1982). Glaciers. Working paper of the Science Education Research Unit, University of Waikato, NZ. // g6, KRYOS, GLAC.

Happs, J. C. (1982). Mountains. Working paper of the Science Education Research Unit, University of Waikato, NZ. // g6, LITHOS, GEOLTIME, TECT, VOLC, OROGEN, PLATEC, LAND.

Happs, J. C. (1982). Some aspects of student understanding of soil. The Australian Science Teachers Journal, 28(3), 25-31. // g6, PEDOS.

Happs, J. C. (1982). Some aspects of student understanding of two New Zealand landforms. New Zealand Science Teacher, 32, 4 -9. // g6, LITHOS, LAND.

Happs, J. C. (1982). Some aspects of students understanding of rocks and minerals. Working paper of the Science Education Research Unit, University of Waikato, NZ. // g6, lITHOS, GEOL, ROCKS, MINRES.

Happs, J. C. (1983). Using socio-cognitive conflict to establish an understanding of the scientific meaning of rock. Research in Science Education, 13, 61-71. // g6, g7, CSC, ES, LITHOS, GEOL, ROCKS.

Happs, J. C. (1984). Harnessing alternative frameworks in teacher training: An example from the earth sciences. Research in Science Education, 14, 167-172. // g6, g7, CSC, ES.

Happs, J. C. (1984). Soil genesis and development: Views held by New Zealand students. The Journal of Geography, 177-180. // g6,B, PEDOS.

Happs, J. C. (1985). Regression in learning outcomes: Some examples from the earth sciences. European Journal of Science Education, 7, 431-443. // g6, g7, CSC, LPRO, ES, LITHOS, GEOL, ROCKS.

Harrison, L., & Norman, M. (2004). Pupils´ Perceptions of Geography: KS2/3 transfer issues. In S. Catling & F. Martin (Eds.), Researching Primary Geography (pp. 256-265). London: Register of Research in Primary Geography. // g6, OTHERS.

Harwood, D. (1998). Children's Understanding of Nested Hierarchies. In S. Scoffham (Ed.), Primary Sources - Research findings in primary geography (pp. 12-13). Sheffield: The Geographical Association. // g6, PERCSPACE, CARTO.

Harwood, D., & Jackson, P. (1993). ‘Why did they build this hill so steep?’: Problems of assessing primary children's understanding of physical landscape features in the context of the UK national curriculum. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 2(2), 64 - 79. // g6, HYDROS, LITHOS, TECT, OROGEN, GEOMOR, LAND, HUMGEO.

Harwood, D., & Rawlings, K. (2001). Assessing Young Children's Freehand Sketch Maps of the World. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 10(1), 20-45. // g6, g7, LPRO, PERCSPACE, CARTO.

Häußler, P., Bünder, W., Duit, R., & Mayer, J. (1998). Welche Perspektiven eröffnet die Forschung zu vorunterrichtlichen Vorstellungen und zum Lernprozeß? Naturwissenschaftsdidaktische Forschung - Perspektiven für die Unterrichtspraxis (pp. 169-219). Kiel: IPN. // g1.

Hemmer, M., Rahner, M., & Schuler, S. (2011). Naturrisiken im Geographieunterricht - ausgewählte Ergebnisse empirischer Studien zur Schülerperspektive, didaktische Konsequenzen und Forschungsperspektiven. Geographie und ihre Didaktik, 39(1), 1-24. // g1, g6, EARTHSYS, GEOECO, ATMOS, STORM, LITHOS, EARTHQUA, HUMGEO.

Henze, I., Driel van, J. H., & Verloop, N. (2008). Development of experienced science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge of models of the solar system and the universe. International Journal of Science Education, 30(10), 1321-1342. // g8, CTL, PCK, CSC, P, AS, MODEL, ES, ASTRO.

Hewitt, G. (1991). River quality investigations, part 2: physical, chemical, and microbial determinands of water quality. Journal of Biological Education, 25(3), 201-208. // g6,B,EN, HYDROS, RIVERS.

Hildebrandt, K. (2006). Die Wirkung systemischer Darstellungsformen und multiperspektivischer Wissensrepräsentationen auf das Verständnis des globalen Kohlenstoffkreislaufs. Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel. // g6, EARTHSYS, SYSPROP, CYCLE, ATMOS, HUMINDATM, GREENHEF, BIOS.

Hildebrandt, K., & Bayrhuber, H. (2003). Students´ conceptions about System Earth - System thinking and multi-perspective learning in carbon cycle context. In J. Lewis, A. Magro & L. Simonneaux (Eds.), Biology Education for the Real World. Student - Teacher - Citizen. Proceedings of the ERIDOB Conference (pp. 285-292). Toulouse-Auzeville: Ecole nationale de formation agronomique (enfa). // g6, EARTHSYS, SYSPROP, CYCLE.

Hildebrandt, K., & Bayrhuber, H. (2003). Students‘ conceptions about System Earth – System thinking and multi-perspective learning in the carbon cycle context. In J. Lewis, A. Magro & L. Simonneaux (Eds.), Biology Education for the real world / Student - Teacher - Citizen. Proceedings of the ERIDOB Conference (pp. 285 - 292). Toulouse-Auzeville: Ecole nationale de formation agronomique (enfa). // g6, EARTHSYS, SYSPROP, CYCLE, ATMOS, HUMINDATM, GREENHEF, BIOS.

Hillman, M., Stanistreet, M., & Boyes, E. (1996). Enhancing Understanding in Student Teachers: the case of auto-pollution. Journal of Education for Teaching, 22(3), 311-325. // g8, ATMOS, CLIM, CLIMCHANGE, HUMINDATM, GREENHEF.

Hopwood, N. (2004). Pupils’ Conceptions of Geography: Towards an Improved Understanding. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 13(4), 348-361. // g6, OTHERS.

Hopwood, N. (2007). Environmental education: pupils’ perspectives on classroom experience. Environmental Education Research, 13(4), 453 - 465. // g6, OTHERS.

Horn, M., & Schweizer, K. (2010). Der Umgang mit Alltagsvorstellungen zu geographischen Begriffen. Welchen Einfluss haben personale Faktoren von Lehramtsstudierenden der Geographie auf den Prozess der Konzeptveränderungen? In S. Reinfried (Ed.), Schülervorstellungen und geographisches Lernen. Aktuelle Conceptual-Change-Forschung und Stand der theoretischen Diskussion (pp. 189-211). Berlin: Logos. // g1, g9, OTHERS.

Höttecke, D. (2001). Die Vorstellungen von Schülern und Schülerinnen von der "Natur der Naturwissenschaften". Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, 7, 7-23. // g6, OTHERS.

Höttecke, D., & Rieß, F. (2007). Rekonstruktion der Vorstellungen von Physikstudierenden über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften - eine explorative Studie. Physik und Didaktik in Schule und Hochschule, 1(6), 1-14. // g8, CSC.

Hoz, R., Tomer, Y. , Tamir, P. (1990). The relations between disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge and the lenght of teaching experience of biology and geography teachers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27(10), 973-985. // g8,CTL, CSC.

Hoz, R., Bowmann, D. , Chacham, T. (1997). Psychometric and edumetric validity of dimensions of geomorphological knowledge which are tapped by concept mapping. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(9), 925-947. // g5, g6, LITHOS, GEOMOR.

Hsu, Y.-S., Thomas, R.A. (2002). The impacts of a web-aided instructional simulation on science learning. International Journal of Science Education, 24(09), 955-979. // g7, CC, MMEDIA, PROSOL, ES, ATMOS, WEATHER.

Hsu, Y.-S. (2007). Learning about seasons in a technologically enhanced environment: The impact of teacher-guided and student-centered instructional approaches on the process of students' conceptual change. Science Education, 92(2), 320-344. // g7, AS, ES, ASTRO, SEASON, CC.

Hsu, Y.-S., Wu, H.-K., & Hwang, F.-K. (2008). Fostering high school students' conceptual understandings about seasons: The design of a technology-enhanced learning environment. Research in Science Education, 38(2), 127-148. // g7, P, AS, MMEDIA, ES, ASTRO, SEASON.

Hume, J. D. (1978). An Understanding of Geologic Time. Journal of geological education, 26, 141-143. // g6, LITHOS, GEOLTIME.

Hutchings, M., Fülöp, M., & Van den dries, A.-M. (Eds.). (2002). Young People´s Understanding of Economic Issues in Europe (Vol. 2). Stoke on Trent (UK), Sterling (USA): Trentham Books. // g6, HUMGEO.

Jakobsson, A., Mäkitalo, Å., & Säljö, R. (2009). Conceptions of knowledge in research on students' understanding of the greenhouse effect: Methodological positions and their consequences for representations of knowing. Science Education, 93(6), 978-995. doi: 10.1002/sce.20341 // g5, g6, ATMOS, HUMINDATM, GREENHEF.

Jeffries, H., Stanistreet, M., & Boyes, E. (2001). Knowledge about the ‘Greenhouse Effect’: have college students improved? Research in Science & Technological Education, 19(2), 206-221. // g6, ATMOS, CLIM, CLIMCHANGE, HUMINDATM, GREENHEF.

Jegede, O. J., Akinsola Okebukola, P. (1991). The relationship between African traditional cosmology and students' acquisition of a science process skill. International Journal of Science Education, 13(1), 37-47. // g6, CSC, INDIGENOUS, WORLDVIEW.

Jonassen, D. (2008). Model building for conceptual change. In S. Vosniadou (Ed.), International handbook of research on conceptual change (pp. 676-693). New York: Routledge. // g1, CC, MODEL.

Jones, B. L., Lynch, P. P. , Reesink, C. (1987). Children's conceptions of the earth, sun and moon. International Journal of Science Education, 9(1), 43-53. // g6, P, AS, GEN, ASTRO, MOON.

Jones, B. L., Lynch, P. P. , Reesink, C. (1989). Children's understanding of the notions of solid and liquid in relation to some common substances. International Journal of Science Education, 11(4), 417-427. // g6, g7, P, M, LITHOS, MINRES.

Jones, M. G., Tretter, T., Taylor, A., & Oppewal, T. (2008). Experienced and novice teachers' concepts of spatial scale. International Journal of Science Education, 30(3), 409-429. // g8, GC, EXNOV, PERCSPACE.

Jones, S. (1998). The Interpretation of Geographical Photographs by 11 - and 14-Year-old Students. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 7(2), 122-139. // g6, LITHOS, GEOMOR, LAND, COASTS, OTHERS.

Kali, Y., Orion, N., Eylon, B.-S. (2003). Effect of knowledge integration activities on students' perception of the Earth's crust as a cyclic system. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(6), 545-565. // g7, ES, EARTHSYS, SYSPROP, LITHOS, ROCKS.

Kallery, M. (2001). Science and pseudo-science in the early-years classroom: The educators' attitudes to astronomy and astrology. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P. , Tselfes, V. , Bisdikian, G. , Fassoulopoulos, G. , Hatzikraniotis, E. , Kallery, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science Education Research in the Knowledge Based Society, Vol. 2 (pp. 456-458). Thessaloniki, Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. // g8, CSC, P, AS.

Kang, N.-H. (2007). Elementary teachers´ epistemological and ontological unterstanding of teaching for conceptual learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(9), 1292-1317. // g1, g8, g9.

Kattmann, U. (1993). Das Lernen von Namen, Begriffen und Konzepten - Grundlagen biologischer Terminologie am Beispiel "Zellenlehre". MNU, 46(5), 275-285. // g4, B, BIOS.

Kattmann, U., Duit, R. (1996). Das Modell der didaktischen Rekonstruktion. In H. Behrendt (Ed.), Zur Didaktik der Physik und Chemie: Probleme und Perspektiven (pp. 122-124). Alsbach/Bergstrasse: Leuchtturm-Verlag. // g1, CC, CON.

Kattmann, U., Schmitt, A. (1996). Elementares Ordnen: Wie Schueler Tiere klassifizieren. Zeitschrift fuer Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, 2(2), 21-38. // g4, g6, B, BIODIV, BIOS.

Kattmann, U., Gropengiesser, H. . (1996). Modellierung der didaktischen Rekonstruktion. In R. Duit, Rhoeneck, C. von (Ed.), Lernen in den Naturwissenschaften (pp. 180-204). Kiel: IPN, Kiel. // g1, CON, g6, B.

Kattmann, U., Fischbeck, M. , Sander, E. (1996). Von Systematik nur eine Spur: Wie Schueler Tiere ordnen. Unterricht Biologie, 20(218), 50-52. // g4, g6, B, BIODIV, BIOS.

Kattmann, U., Schmitt, A. (1996) Wie Schueler Tiere ordnen: Typologie oder implizite Theorie? , Oldenburger Vordrucke: Vol. 315. Oldenburg, Germany: Universitaet Oldenburg. // g4, g6 ,B, BIODIV, BIOS.

Kattmann, U., Duit, R. , Gropengiesser, H. , Komorek, M. (1997). Das Modell der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion - Ein Rahmen fuer naturwissenschaftsdidaktische Forschung und Entwicklung. Zeitschrift fuer Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, 3(3), 3-18. // g1, CC, CON,.

Kattmann, U., Duit, R. , Gropengiesser, H. (1998). The model of educational reconstruction - bringing together issues of scientific clarification and students´ conceptions. In H. Bayrhuber, Brinkman, F. (Ed.), What - Why - How? Research in Didaktik of Biology (pp. 253-262). Kiel: IPN - Materialien. // g1, CC, CON.

Kattmann, U. (1999). Warum und mit welcher Wirkung klassifizieren Wissenschaftler Menschen? In H. Kaupen-Haas, Saller, C. (Ed.), Wissenschaftlicher Rassismus (pp. 65-83). Frankfurt (Main), Germany: Campus Verlag. // g6, B, HUMAN.

Kattmann, U. (2001). Aquatics, Flyers, Creepers and Terrestrials - students' conceptions of animal classification. Journal of Biological Education, 35(3), 141-148. // g4, g6, B, BIODIV, BIOS.

Kattmann, U. (2005). Lernen mit anthropomorphen Vorstellungen? - Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen zur Didaktischen Rekonstruktion in der Biologie. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Natruwissenschaften, 11. // g1, ANTHRO, CC.

Kattmann, U. (2007). Didaktische Rekonstruktion - eine praktische Theorie. In D. Krüger & H. Vogt (Eds.), Theorien in der biologiedidaktischen Forschung - Ein Handbuch für Lehramtsstudenten und Doktoranden. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. // g1.

Kaufmann, H. (2001). Wasser - ein natuerlicher Stoff? Ergebnisse einer Befragung in den Jahrgangsstufen 9 und 10. Chimica didactica, 27(1), 9-25. // g6, C, HYDROS.

Keating, T., Barnett, M., Barab, S. A., Hay, K. E. (2002). The virtual solar system project: Developing conceptual understanding of astronomical concepts through building three-dimensional computational models. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 11(3), 261-275. // g7, P, AT, MMEDIA, ASTRO.

Keil, F. C., & Newman, G. E. (2008). Two tales of conceptual change: What changes and what remains the same. In S. Vosniadou (Ed.), International handbook of research on conceptual change (pp. 83-101). New York: Routledge. // g1, CC.

Kelly, G., Chen, C. , Prothero, W. (2000). The epistimological framing of a discipline: Writing science in University Oceanography. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37(7), 691-718. // g1,SCON,g7,ES,CSC,WRITING,MMEDIA, HYDROS, OCEANS.

Kelly, G. J., Takao, A. (2002). Epistemic levels in argument: An analysis of university oceanography students' use of evidence in writing. Science Education, 86(3), 314-342. // g1, DISCOURSE, ARGUMENTATION, g7, HYDROS, OCEANS.

Kerr, K., Beggs, J., & Murphy, C. (2006). Comparing children's and student teachers' ideas about science concepts. Irish Educational Studies, 25(3), 289-302. // g6, g8, CSC.

Keselman, A. (2003). Supporting inquiry learning by promoting normative understanding of multivariable causality. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(9), 898-921. // g7, ES, GC.

Khalid, T. (2003). Pre-service High School Teachers' Perceptions of Three Environmental Phenomena. Environmental Education Research, 9(1), 35-50. // g8, ATMOS, CLIM, CLIMCHANGE, HUMINDATM, GREENHEF, OZON, .

Khishfe, R. (2008). The development of seventh graders' views of nature of science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(4), 470-496. // g7, CSC, INQUIRY.

Kikas, E. (1998). The impact of teaching on students´ definitions and explanations of astronomical phenomena. Learning and Instruction, 8(5), 439-454. // g6, P, AS, ASTRO.

Kilburn, R. (1993). The effect of astronomy teaching experience on the astronomy interests and conceptions of elementary school teachers. In J. Novak (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University (distributed electronically). // g8, P, AS, ASTRO.

Kilinc, A., Stanisstreet, M., & Boyes, E. (2008). Turkish Students’ Ideas about Global Warming. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 3(2), 89-98. // g6, ATMOS, CLIM, CLIMCHANGE, HUMINDATM, GREENHEF.

Kim, C. J., Barufaldi, J. P. (1990). Students' intuitive ideas about "Water in the atmosphere": A cross age study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, Georgia. // g6, P, M, HYDROS, ATMOS.

Kim, J. (1997). Children's theory of race: A question of interpretation. Cognition, 64(3), 345-348. // g6, B, OTHERS.

King, C. (2000). The Earth's mantle is solid: Teachers' misconceptions about the Earth and plate tectonics. School Science Review, 82(298), 57-64. // g8, ES, LITHOS, EARTHINT, TECT, PLATEC.

Klein, C. A. (1982). Children's concepts of the earth and the sun: A cross cultural study. Science Education, 65(1), 95-107. // g6, P, AS, ASTRO.

Klonari, A., Dalaka, A., & Petanidou, T. (2011). How evident is the apparent? Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of the terraced landscape. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 20(1), 5 - 20. // g6, g7, LITHOS, LAND, HUMGEO.

Koerner, H.-D. (1995). Die Bedeutung bildhafter Vorstellungen fuer das Lernen von naturwissenschaftlichem Unterricht. In H. Behrendt (Ed.), Zur Didaktik der Physik und Chemie - Probleme und Perspektiven - Vortraege auf der Tagung fuer Didaktik der Physik / Chemie in Dresden, September 1995 (pp. 60-69). Alsbach: Leuchtturm-Verlag. // g1, g7, C, CTL.

Koulaidis, V., Christidou, I. (1993). Children's misconceptions and cognitive strategies regarding the understanding of the ozone layer depletion. In J. Novak (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University (distributed electronically). // g6, P, ANA, ATMOS, HUMINDATM, OZON.

Koulaidis, V., Christidou,V. (1999). Models of students´ thinking concerning the greenhouse effect and teaching implications. Science Education, 83(5), 559-576. // g6, STS, ATMOS, HUMINDATM, GREENHEF.

Krause, H. (1964). Von der Luft und dem Feuer. Westermanns Paedagogische Beitraege, 16, 10-19. // g6, g7, C, P, ATMOS, ELEMCLIM.

Krause, H. (1966). Die Verbrennung der Kohle. Westermanns Paedagogische Beitraege, 18, 1-12. // g7, C, LITHOS, GEOL, MINRES.

Krüger, D. (2007). Die Conceptual-Change-Theorie. In D. Krüger & H. Vogt (Eds.), Theorien in der biologiedidaktischen Forschung - Ein Handbuch für Lehramtsstudenten und Doktoranden (pp. 81-92). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. // g1, CC.

Kubli, F. (1983). Kosmosvorstellungen als Indikatoren fuer kindliche Denkprozesse. physica didactica, 10, 131-147. // g6, P, AS, ASTRO, MOON.

Kubli, F. (1984). Kosmosvorstellungen von Kindern und die Astronomie im Unterricht. In U. Hameyer, Kapune, T. (Ed.), Weltall und Weltbild (pp. 75-96). Kiel: Schmidt & Klaunig. // g6, g7, P, AS, SHAPEEARTH.

Kurdziel, J. P., & Libarkin, J. C. (2002). Research Methodologies in Science Education: Students’ Ideas About the Nature of Science. Journal of Geoscience Education, 50(3), 322-329. // g6, CSC, LITHOS, GEOL.

Kusnick, J. (2002). Growing pebbles and conceptual prisms - Understanding the source of student misconceptions about rock formation. Journal of Geoscience Education, 50(1), 31-39. // g6, LTHOS, GEOL, ROCKS.

Lacin Simsek, C. (2007). Children's Ideas about Earthquakes. Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2(1), 14-19. // g6, LITHOS, TECT, EARTHQUA.

Lambrinos, N. (2001). World maps: A pupils approach. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P. , Tselfes, V. , Bisdikian, G. , Fassoulopoulos, G. , Hatzikraniotis, E. , Kallery, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science Education Research in the Knowledge Based Society, Vol. 2 (pp. 505-507). Thessaloniki, Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. // g6,ES, PERCSPACE, CARTO.

Lanciano, N. (1989). Aides didactiques en astronomie. In A. Giordan, Martinand, J. L. , Souchon, C. (Ed.), Actes JIES XI (pp. 395-400). Chamonix: Centre Jean Franco. // g6, P, AS, ASTRO, MOON.

Lanciano, N. (1990). Tra luce e ombra: aspetti di geometria e astronomia. L'insegnamento della Mathematica e delle Science Integrate, 13(3,5,7,9). // g7, P, AS, ASTRO.

Lanciano, N. (1994). Aspects of teaching learning geometry by means of astronomy. In N. M. Malara, Rico, L. (Ed.), Proceedings of the first Italian-Spanish research symposium in mathematics education (pp. 43-49). Modena: Mathematics Department, University of Modena. // g6, P, AS, ASTRO.

Lanciano, N. (1994). Conceptual obstacle in astronomy: Spatial vision. L' educazione Mathematica, 1(1), 5-20. // g6, P, AS, ASTRO.

Lane, R. (2008). Students´ Alternative Conceptions in Geography. Geographical Education, 21, 43-52. //

Larsson, Å., & Halldén, O. (2010). A structural view on the emergence of a conception: Conceptual change as radical reconstruction of contexts. Science Education, 94(4), 640-664. doi: 10.1002/sce.20377 // g1, g6, ASTRO, SHAPEEARTH.

Leach, J. T., & Scott, P. H. (2008). Teaching for conceptual understanding: An approach drawing on individual and sociocultural perspectives. In S. Vosniadou (Ed.), International handbook of research on conceptual change (pp. 647-675). New York: Routledge. // g1, CC, SCON, PIAGET, VYGOTSKY, DISCOURSE, g7.

Leather, D. A. (1987). Views of the nature and origin of earthquakes and oil held by eleven to. Geology teaching : journal of the Association of Teachers of Geology, 12(3), 102-108. // g6, LITHOS, GEOL, MINRES, TECT, EARTHQUA.

Lederman, N. G. (2007). Nature of science: past, present, and future. In S. K. Abell & N. G. Lederman (Eds.), Handbook of research on science education (pp. 831-879): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. // g1, CSC, g6, g7, g8.

Lee, H., & Sungah, B. (2008). Issues in Implementing a structured problem-based learning strategy in a volcano unit: a case study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 6(4), 655-676. // g7, g8, PROSOL, LITHOS, TECT, VOLC.

Lee, O. (1999). Science Knowledge, World Views, and Information Sources in Social and Cultural Contexts: Making Sense after a Natural Disaster. American Educational Research Journal, 36(2), 187-219. // g6, ATMOS, STORM, WORLDVIEW.

Lee, O., Lester, B. T., Ma, L., Lambert, J., & Jean-Baptiste, M. (2007). Conceptions of the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming among Elementary Students from Diverse Languages and Cultures. Journal of Geoscience Education, 55(2), 117-125. // g6, CLIM, CLIMCHANGE, HUMINDATM, GREENHEF.

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falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish