Bond Issuer Report*
Using the Standard form provided by the Exchange
- Not later than on the date following the date of bond inclusion in the List (in case the bonds are included in the List in the process of placement);
- annually but not later than within 3 days after the expiration of the annual accounting (financial) statements filing deadline prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation
on the Webpage
Until the cessation of the obligation to disclose the information provided by the List of Requirements to Information Disclosure
Investment Memorandum/Bond Issuer Report text disclosure announcement*
The announcement shall contain the following:
Investment Memorandum/Bond Issuer Report text posting date;
address of the Webpage on which the Investment Memorandum/ Bond Issuer Report text is posted
- Within 1 day from the date of the Investment Memorandum/ Bond Issuer Report text disclosure on the Webpage
in the news feed
Within no less than 12 months since the announcement disclosure period expiration date
Issue-related documents
Document texts:
bond program
decision to issue bonds
bond issue terms and conditions in the framework of the bond program
- Not later than on the bond placement start date (in case the bonds are included in the List in the process of placement);
- not later than on the date following the date of bond inclusion in the List (in case the bonds are included in the List while being traded)
on the Webpage
Until the redemption date of all the issuer’s bonds in relation to which they are drafted
report/notice of bond issue results (if applicable)
- Within 3 days after the state registration of the report on securities issue (additional issue) results, or after the date on which a written notice about securities issue (additional issue) results is submitted to the Bank of Russia;
- not later than on the date following the date of bond inclusion in the List (in case the bonds are included in the List while being traded)
changes to the bond program/issue decision/bond issue terms and conditions
- Within 2 days after the information on the registration (or approval by the designated organisation) of the changes is posted on the registering authority’s (or the designated organisation’s) website, or after the date on which the issuer receives the registering authority’s (the designated organisation’s) written notice of registration (approval) of the changes, but not earlier than on the date when the text of a respective document is posted on the Webpage;
- not later than on the date following the date of bond inclusion in the List (in case the bonds are included in the List while being traded)
The full text of the current edition of the issuer’s Charter with all the amendments made to it
- No later than on the bond placement start date (in case the bonds are included in the List in the process of placement);
- no later than on the date following the date of bond inclusion in the List (in case the bonds are included in the List while being traded);
- no later than within 2 days since the date of receiving documents from the authorized state body that prove the state registration of the Charter or amendments made to it. In cases when amendments made to the Charter come into force in relation to the third parties since the moment of notification of the authorized state body – from the date of such a notification
on the Webpage
Until the cessation of the obligation to disclose the information provided by the List of Requirements to Information Disclosure
Accounting statements*
Annual accounting (financial) statements prepared based on the Russian Accounting Standards, accompanied by an auditor's opinion in respect of the 2 most recent reporting periods (if available)
- Not later than on the bond placement start date (in case the bonds are included in the List in the process of placement);
- no later than on the date following the date of bond inclusion in the List (in case the bonds are included in the List while being traded);
- annually, no later than within 3 days after the expiration of the annual accounting (financial) statements filing deadline prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation
on the Webpage
Until the cessation of the obligation to disclose the information provided by the List of Requirements to Information Disclosure
Issuer announcements
The announcements shall conform to the content and scope of the information that constitutes the insider information of Russian issuers in accordance with the insider information law of the Russian Federation
- Within the time frames and under the procedure conforming to the information disclosure requirements applicable to insider information
Announcements on the bond issue that is publicly placed
Announcements on the bond issue that is publicly placed shall correspond to the requirements to the content and scope of similar announcements disclosure stated in Section 2 of the Information Disclosure Provisions
- Within the time frames and under the procedure complying with the requirements to the disclosure of similar announcements stated in Section 2 of the Information Disclosure Provisions
Announcement of bonds inclusion in the list of securities admitted to regulated trading by the Russian trading authority / of securities exclusion from the list of securities admitted to regulated trading by the Russian trading authority
The announcement shall comply with the requirements to the content and scope of disclosure of a similar notification of material fact set out in the Information Disclosure Provisions
- Within the time frames and under the procedure complying with the requirements to the disclosure of a similar notification of material fact set out in the Information Disclosure Provisions