16.Listen to a teacher talking to the class.
What is most important for the class to do?/Give in a plan of work 17. listen to a teacher talk about a school trip?
What is the main problem for the school trip?/arranging transport for the students 18. Listen to two teachers talking. What is the woman’s opinion?/the job must be done 19. the plan disregards students various interests 20. listen to a teacher talk about teaching without paper.
What is the teacher’s opinion teaching without paper?/It won’t work 21.You hear a teacher talking about a training session.
What is her opinion?/It’s important to review theories ?22. You hear two parents’ talking.
What is the woman’s opinion?/Students need to review material 23.Listen to two teachers’ discussion how they teach writing.
What part of the woman’s class do students find most useful?/getting feedback from their papers 24.Listen to a student giving a presentation.
What is the purpose of her presentation?/To secure student votes in the school election 25. Listen to two teachers’ discussion their students using computer in the classroom.
What is the main point of the conservation?/Technology helps them plan more interesting lessons ////////// 27. Exam subscreate?/Wednesday 28.Nega o’g’li darslardan shikoyat qiladi?/used to li variant 29. nega erkak sinfni eplolmayapman deb noliydi?/sinfda kim hukmronligini ko’rsatish 30.Betartib bola 31. Kichik guruhda ishlash yaxshi (Omon domla) Tarix fanidan imtixon qachon? /Tuesday
Boss yig’ilishni qachon qiladi?/3.30
Maktabda nima qurish kerak? Somewhere to swim
Bolalar tripda nima qilishdan rohatlanishadi?/take photographs
Bolalar tripga boorish uchun nima olib kelishlari kerak?/letter (ota-onasidan rozilik xati)
4-sinf o’quvchilari parkdagi tripda nima qilishadi?/draw trees
O’qituvchi darsga nimaga kelmadi? /do’sti kasal bo’lib qolgan
Nina degan o’quvchi nimadan yaxshi?/Speakingdan
Hisobotni oxirgi kuni/Thursday
Ona o’g’lini o’qishni davom ettirmasligidan xafa bo’lib do’stidan fikr so’raydi/It’s a good idea
Yangi meeting xonasi qayerda?/Mr Gibson’s other room
Oshxonada nima o’zgargan?/New lights are installed
O’qituvchi o’quvchini otasi bilan gaplashadi. O’quvchi haqidagi fikri? /He’s quiet
Onaga yangi maktabning qaysi tomoni yoqmadi?/The school bus stop is in bad place
Jack degan o’quvchi haftada necha soat dars qiladi?/5 hours
2 ta o’qituvchi bo’sh vaqtida qayerga borishni reja qilishadi?/art centre
2 ta o’quvchi bolalarni nimaga xafaligini muhokama qilyapti?