Linas Selmistraitis
SeminarS in engliSh lexicology.
Teaching aid for students of English Philology
Vilnius, 2011
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© Linas Selmistraitis, 2011
© Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas, 2011
Metodinė mokymo priemonė „Anglų leksikologijos seminarai.
Semantika“ apsvarstyta Filologijos fakulteto Anglų filologijos ka-
tedros posėdyje 2011 05 05 (protokolo Nr. 14), Filologijos fakul-
teto tarybos posėdyje 2011 05 16 (protokolo Nr. 5) ir rekomen-
duota spausdinti.
doc. dr. Janina Buitkienė (Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas)
doc. dr. Daiva Verikaitė (Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas)
UDK 811.111’37(076.5)
ISBN 978-9955-20-629-3
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PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
FIELDS . .COMPONENTIAL .ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
SYNONYMS, .ANTONYMS, .HOMONYMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4 . . . AMERICANISMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5 . . . PHRASEOLOGICAL .UNITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
LIST .OF .THE .AUTHORS .QUOTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
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“Seminars in English Lexicology. Semantics” is the second teach-
ing aid on English Lexicology meant for students majoring in
English. The first teaching aid written under the title “Seminars
in English Lexicology. Word Structure” was published in 2006.
The current book follows the principles outlined in the teaching
aid 2006 and helps students with:
• comprehension of the English language;
• language acquisition, especially with enriching the vocabu-
• developing of communication skills which in their turn lead
to a higher level of competence in English.
The teaching aid pursues practical aims, and its focus is on prac-
tice. Students are encouraged to identify and characterize the
linguistic phenomena which deal with the word meaning and se-
mantic relations between words in Modern English. These skills
are of great significance to the learners of the English language.
Besides its practical value, the book gives students a significant
insight into the system of the language. The exercises included
reveal paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations between/among
lexical units. The awareness of word correlations develops stu-
dents’ linguistic competence which is also a part of the universi-
ty curriculum. Thus, the practice and theory combined are sup-
posed to produce desired results.
The book consists of 5 parts which cover material coined in dif-
ferent patterns and analysable by means of different linguistic
methods. The exercises differ depending on the task set. They
help to promote students’ analytical abilities and linguistic in-
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The exercises in the teaching aid broaden students’ knowledge
in the following areas:
1) lexical fields and componential analysis of words;
2) lexical meanings of words and types of transferences of mean-
ings which can be identified only by studying the semantic inter-
play of meanings;
3) synonyms, antonyms and homonyms which raise students’
awareness of systematic character of the vocabulary and pho-
netic, graphical and semantic relations between words;
4) meanings of Americanisms and their equivalents in British
5) phraseological expressions and their figurative meaning.
The words for analysis are given both in isolation and in context.
In cases when the context is required to comment on different
linguistic characteristics of particular words, sentences and pas-
sages from authentic sources indicated at the end of the book
are provided.
The author of the teaching aid must here record his appreciation
to the 2
year mA students of English Philology of Vilnius Peda-
gogical University who pilot tested material from “Seminars in
English Lexicology. Semantics” in 2010. Their critical attitude
helped to improve the book.
Sincere thanks go to Associate Professor Dr. Daiva Verikaitė and
Associate Professor Dr.
Janina Buitkienė who kindly agreed to
review the book. The author is thankful for their professional
practical advice and helpful critical comments.
Hopefully, students will benefit from working with this teaching
aid and enjoy studying the meanings of words.
March 2011 Associate Professor Dr. Linas Selmistraitis
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PARt 1
seMAntIC FIeLDs. CoMPonentIAL
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exeRCIse 1.
Divide the following words into three groups and count the
number of the words in each group: a) orthographic words; b)
grammatical word forms; c) lexemes.
How does our brain store information? How is it possible to make
learning faster and easier? Is there any way not to forget what
we have learned and to remember things more easily? Of what
importance is the fact that information is never deleted from
our memory, even if we have forgotten it? These are among
many of the questions for which answers have been sought over
the years (A. M.).
exeRCIse 2.
Characterise the words taking into consideration the features
which are common for the word.
I took the beakers of orange juice and carried them back to the
cubicle. Fiona drank hers slowly and gratefully; then she drank
half of mine. She said that I looked a bit distracted and asked me
what had happened.
“this guy’s just been brought in. he’s unconscious, and he’s in a
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