Lesson 9
3g-18 EE Khyatov Shakhzod
Topic: “Investigating skills”
TASK1: Translate the text and make up 10 questions on the given topic.
Thomas Edison is considered to be one of history's most well-known inventors, whose contributions to the modern era transformed the lives of people all over the world. He is the one who is the author of creations like electric light bulb, typewriter, electric pen, phonograph, motion picture camera and alkaline storage battery - to the talking doll. Moreover, in 1876 he built his famous laboratory in Menta Park, New Jersey to conduct experimentations. Edison and his wife Mary had a house which was near his work place, Edison often became so involved in his work that he stayed overnight in the lab as he considered "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." The father of the creations of XIX century was born in Milan, Ohio on February II, 1847. He attended a formal school for only a short time when he was seven years old. His mother was a tutor and taught him to be fond of reading. Love for experimenting and mechanical things developed when Edison received his first chemistry set. Edison was mostly deaf. He lost most of his hearing at the age of twelve when a conductor pulled him onto a train by his ears. But, he did not let his disability stop his love of learning. Creating experiments was Thomas Edison's passion. Astonishingly, in all he held 1.093 patents for his inventions. It took him 9,000 experiments to perfect the light bulb. He believed that people's greatest weakness lies in giving up and the most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. He never quit. After inventing a lighting bulb in September 4, L882, he kept working on the idea of lightening the world, as he believed there is always away to do the work better and he tried to find it. As a result, Edison's Pearl Street Station delivered power to a one square mile section of Manhattan for the first time Edison continued to work on several projects and experiments till the end of his life. In 1928, he was awarded with the Congressional Gold Medal, presented to him at the Edison Laboratory.
TASK 2: Read the statements and decide whether the statements are true, false or not given.
1.Edison created a television ______ not given
2. Edison thought that a person wouldn’t achieve anything until he worked enough. ____true
3. Edison couldn’t hear at all. _____ false
4. He usually broke down the investigation if he confronted with challenges. ______false
5. He is the one due to whom we have chandeliers (lustra) full of lighting bulbs. ______true
6. His last words were "it is beautiful over there". ________not given
Tomas Edison tarixning eng taniqli kashfiyotchilaridan biri hisoblanadi, zamonaviy davrga qo'shgan hissasi butun dunyodagi odamlarning hayotini o'zgartirdi.U elektr lampochka, yozuv mashinkasi, elektr ruchka, fonograf, kinokamera va gidroksidi saqlash batareyasi - gaplashayotgan qo'g'irchoqqa qadar bo'lgan asarlarning muallifidir.
Bundan tashqari, 1876 yilda u Nyu-Jersi shtatidagi Menta Parkda o'zining mashhur laboratoriyasini qurdi.Edison va uning rafiqasi Meri ish joyi yaqinida bir uyga ega edilar, Edison tez-tez o'z ishiga shu qadar aralashib ketardiki, u "Dohiylik - bu bir foiz ilhom va to'qson to'qqiz foiz ter to'kish" deb o'ylab laboratoriyada tunab qoldi.
XIX asr ijodkorlarining otasi 1847 yil 2-fevralda Ogayo shtatining Milan shahrida tug'ilgan. U yetti yoshida qisqa vaqt ichida rasmiy maktabda o'qigan.Onasi o'qituvchi bo'lib, unga o'qishni yaxshi ko'rishni o'rgatgan. Edison o'zining birinchi kimyo to'plamini olganida tajriba va mexanik narsalarga bo'lgan muhabbat paydo bo'ldi. Edison deyarli kar edi.
U o'n ikki yoshida poezdda konduktor quloqlarini tortib olganida ko'p eshitishni yo'qotgan. Ammo, u nogironligi uning o'qishni sevishini to'xtatishiga yo'l qo'ymadi.Tajribalarni yaratish Tomas Edisonning ishtiyoqi edi. Ajablanarlisi shundaki, u ixtirolari uchun 1,093 patentga ega. Lampochkani takomillashtirish uchun unga 9000 ta tajriba kerak bo'ldi.
Uning fikriga ko'ra, odamlarning eng zaif tomoni - taslim bo'lishdir va muvaffaqiyatga erishishning eng aniq yo'li bu har doim yana bir marta urinishdir. U hech qachon taslim bo'lmadi.1882 yil 4-sentyabrda lampochkani ixtiro qilgandan so'ng, u dunyoni yoritish g'oyasi ustida ish olib bordi, chunki u ishni yaxshiroq qilish uchun har doim borligini va uni topishga harakat qilganini aytdi.Natijada Edisonning Pearl ko'chasidagi stantsiyasi Manhettenning bir kvadrat mil qismini quvvat bilan ta'minladi va Edison umrining oxirigacha birinchi marta bir nechta loyihalar va tajribalar ustida ishlashni davom ettirdi.1928 yilda u Edison laboratoriyasida unga taqdim etilgan Kongressning oltin medali bilan taqdirlandi.
Who is Thomas Edison?
Did Thomas Edison create a televison?
Who is Thomas Edison’s wife?
Did Thomas Edison have a disability?
When Edison was born ?
Who taught him to be a fond of reading?
When did he lose most of hearing?
What did he build in Menta Park in 1876?
How many experiments did he take to create perfect bulb?
Was he awarded with the Congressional Gold Medal?
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