Quyidagi otlar ma’nolariga qarab ba’zan sanaladiga ba’zan sanalmaydigan bo’ladi:
1.Paper “gazeta
” [C] –I’m reading a paper.
[U] –I need some paper.
2.Glass “stakan
”[C] –I broke a glass.
[U]-Glass is made from sand.
3.Hair “soch tolasi
” [C] –There is a hair in my soap.
“boshdagi soch”
[U] –She has got black hair.
4.Stone “toshcha, dona
” [C] – I picked up a stone.
U] –We used stone to build it.
5.Work “asar”
[C] – The works of A. Navoi was very interesting.
[U] – I have got some work.
6.Iron “dazmol”
7.Room “xona”
“bo’sh joy”
8.Experience “kechinma, voqea”
9.Time “marta”
10.Painting “surat”
11.light “chiroq”
12.space “bo’sh o’rin”
13.bussiness “ korxona”
Note :[C] – countable - sanaladigan
[U] – uncountable – sanalmaydigan
Sanaladigan va sanalmaydigan otlarni taqqoslaymiz.
Sanaladigan otlar
Sanalmaydigan otlar
I’m looking for a job. Men ish qidiryapman.
What a beautiful view! Qanday go’zal manzara!
It’s a nice day today. Bugun yaxshi kun.
We had a lot of bags and cases. Bizni ko’p sumka va chemadonlarimiz bor edi.
These chairs are mine. Bu stullar meniki.
It was a goodsuggestion. Bu yaxshi taklif edi.
I’m looking for work. Men ish qidiryapman.
What beautiful scenery. Qanday go’zal manzara.
It’s nice Weather today Bugun havo yaxshi.
We had a lot of luggage. Bizni ko’p yukimiz bor edi.
This furniture is mine. Bu jihoz (mebel) meniki.
It was good advice. Bu yaxshi maslahat edi.
Ko’plikda va birlikda ma’no jihatdan farqlanadigan otlar:
Some nouns have a different meaning in the plural.
Singular Plural
Give me a piece of
paper please! The police asked to see his
papers. (documents)
The needle of a
compass always points North. You can draw a perfect circle with
It is a
custom to give presents at Christmas. All plane passengers were searched at
She has a lot of
experience in teaching. We had lots of exciting
experiences on our trip.
Would you like a
glass of milk? He can’t see very well without his
She has got long, blonde
hair. There are two
hairs in your milk!
They were shocked at the
scale of the disaster. She weighed herself on the
The bowl is made of
wood The girls got lost in the
He goes to
work every day except Sunday. Picasso’s
works are really fascinating.
There were many
people waiting outside. All
peoples of the world should be peaceful. (nations)
Don’t go out in the
rain without an umbrella. In some climates the
rains come twice a year.
I’ve bought an iron as a wedding gift for Tom and Jane. (for ironing clothers)
this chair is made of iron. (the material)
You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate.
we gave her a box of chocolates.
Your room is a mess!
we haven’t got enough room to put you up. (space)
The table is made of wood (the material)
a lot of wolves live in the woods (forest)
Mr Davis has a lot of experience in accounting. (length of time doing it)
He had a few unpleasant experiences while living abroad (events)
I haven’t got any time to lose.
How many times did Rick phone? (occasions)
Lesson 4
Possessive case
(Otlarda kelishik)
Ingliz tilida 2 xil kelishik bor:
1. Umumiy kelishik (Common case)
2. Egalik kelishigi (Possessive case)
Umumiy kelishik o’zbek tilidagi bosh kelishikka to’g’ri keladi va
kim?, nima? so’rog’iga javob bo’ladi. Ular tarjimada hech qanday qo’shimcha olmaydi.
e.g. a book, a car, a teacher, Karim, Aziza…..
Egalik kelishigi o’zbek tilidagi qaratqich kelishikka to’g’ri keladi va
kimning?, nimaning? so’rog’iga javob bo’ladi. Ular tarjimada
–ning qo’shimchasini oladi.
-ning qo’shimchasini ingliz tilida “
’s ”
(apostraf “s”
) va “
of ” orqali beriladi.
e.g. Anvar
’s car = The car
of Anvar.
Ega + ’s + qarashli narsa
Qarashli narsa + of + ega
s ” ning qo’llanilishi:
1. Agar ot birlikda bo’lsa yoki ko’plikda bo’la turib oxiri
-s ga tugamasa(men, geese…)
’s qo’shiladi.
e.g. boy’s ball (bolaning koptogi), children’s book (bolalarning kitobi) Ann’s room(Annaning xonasi), men’s shoes (erkaklarning tuflilari)
2. Agar ot birlikda bo’la turib
–s ga tugasa
’syoki faqat
’ qo’yish mumkin.
e.g.Doris’s room.
= Doris’ room. (Dorisning xonasi.)
O’lmas’s dog. = O’lmas’ dog. (O’lmasning iti.)
3. Agar ot ko’plikda
-s ga tugasa faqat
’ qo’yiladi.
e.g. girls’ bag (qizlarning sumkasi.) teachers’ book (o’qituvchilarning kitobi)
4. Agar ega 2 yoki undan ortiq bo’lsa
’s oxirgisidan keyin qo’yiladi.
e.g.Temur and Akbar’s house. (Temur va Akbarning uyi.)
Tom and Ann’s wedding. (Tom va Annaning to’yi.)
5. Ikkinchi marta ham bir xil narsani takrorlamaslik uchun
’s ni qarashli otsiz ham ishlatish mumkin.
flat is larger than Jack’s (flat).(Tomning kvartirasi Jeknikidan kattaroq)
house –uy, office-idora, shop-do’kon so’zlari egalik qo’shimchasini olgan so’zdan keyin tushib qoladi.
I had supper at my friend’s ( = my friends house)
Bu qoida quyidagi holatlar uchun ham taaluqli:
Baker’s, chemist’s, grocer’s (baqqollik), the butcher’s (qassobxona)
Jonli otlardan tashqari quyidagi otlar ham egalik qo’shimchasini olishi mumkin:
1.Vaqt va masofani ifodalovchi otlar:
a month’s holiday- bir oylik ta’til
Eg: He had
a month’s holiday last summer
A km’s distance – 1 kilometrlik masofa
Eg: He lives at a
km’s distance from here
In two months’ time
2. Paytni bildiruvchi so’zlar bilan ham
’s ni qo’llash mumkin.
e.g. Tomorrow’s meeting; Yesterday’s …..; Today’s…; Monday’s..; Next week’s
Mamlakat,shahar, kema nomlari:
England’s theatres
The Titanic’s crew
Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: