Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The people of Uzbekistan,
solemnly declaring their adherence to human rights and principles of state sovereignty,
aware of their ultimate responsibility to the present and the future generations,
relying on historical experience in the development of Uzbek statehood,
affirming their commitment to the ideals of democracy and social justice,
recognizing priority of the generally accepted norms of the international law,
aspiring to a worthy life for the citizens of the Republic,
setting forth the task of creating a humane and democratic rule of law,
aiming to ensure civil peace and national accord, represented by their plenipotentiary deputies adopt the present Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Part one. Fundamental principles
Part two. Basic human and civil rights, freedoms and duties
Part three. Society and the individual
Part four. Administrative and territorial structure, and state system
Part five. Organization of state authority
Part six. Procedure for altering the constitution
Five new codes are being elaborated in line with the adopted National Human Rights Strategy. According to this document, it is stipulated the adoption of:
Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on non-governmental non-profit organizations. The purpose of the adoption of this Code is to further improve the legal framework for the activities and the procedure for registration of NGOs, to strengthen the mechanism for monitoring the activities of government bodies. It is envisaged that the document will regulate the right of citizens to associate in non-governmental and non-profit organizations, as well as ways of exercising this right, the legal basis for organizing, registering, conducting business, and abolishing non-governmental and non-profit organizations;
Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to the National Human Rights Strategy it is envisaged complete codification of legislation in the field of entrepreneurial activity, revision of antimonopoly regulation of entrepreneurial activity, taking into account the transition of the national economy to market relations; strengthening the legal, economic and social conditions and guarantees that ensure free enterprise; increasing the social responsibility of entrepreneurs, improving the business environment, taking into account international standards in the field of economic rights and freedoms; strengthening the responsibility of officials for illegal and unjustified actions aimed at interfering, limiting or terminating the activities of business entities, causing damage to them; expansion of mechanisms of public control over the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;
Healthcare Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The purpose of the adoption of this Code is to strengthen the legal framework for the provision of health and social services in the country on the basis of modern international mechanisms. At the same time, state regulation of the health sector, the implementation of interdepartmental interaction, health system financing, organization of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, determination of the norms of educational and scientific activities in the field of healthcare are provided;
Environmental Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The purpose of the adoption of this Code is the unification of legislation in the field of ecology, the implementation of a set of measures to ensure the environmental safety of the population, taking into account foreign experience. It is envisaged that the document stipulates systematization of the environmental legislation; implementation of parliamentary and public control over the activities of the authorized state body for environmental protection; rights and obligations of citizens and public associations for environmental protection; types of environmental control and monitoring and the procedure for their implementation; the procedure for conducting environmental expertise; requirements for the use of flora and fauna;
Information Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Adoption of Information Code is necessary in order to systematize access to information as one of the most important factors in the development of civil and information society, to ensure the protection of human rights freedom in the information space, cyber security, media culture and online hygiene.
It is expected that on the adoption of these codes, as well as the implementation of other points of the National Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Human Rights the following will be achieved:
increasing the efficiency of the implementation of international human rights standards in legislation and law enforcement practice, as well as improving national legislation;
elimination of shortcomings in legislative acts in terms of fulfilling international obligations on human rights, increasing the efficiency of implementation of recommendations of international organizations in the field of human rights;
creation of a system of organizational, legal and other comprehensive measures aimed at ensuring reliable protection of human rights and freedoms, ensuring effective parliamentary control, as well as control of territorial representative bodies and the public over the proper implementation of international obligations;
increasing the legal literacy of the population in the field of human rights, including further improving the dissemination of information and educational activities in this area, as well as further enhancing the culture of respect for human rights in society;
improving the position of our country in international rankings and indices in the field of human rights and freedoms by raising to a new stage of cooperation with international and regional structures in the field of human rights.
The Legislative Chamber (Uzbek: Qonunchilik palatasi) is the lower chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It has 150 members, 135 elected for a five-year term in single-seat constituencies using the two-round system and previously until the new president came to power, 15 seats were taken by the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan.[1] Today, the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan is a full participant, and participates in parliamentary elections as an "Ecological party of Uzbekistan[2][3]". Elections of deputies to the Legislative Chamber are universal. Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who have reached the age of eighteen by the election day have the right to vote. The citizens who have reached the age of twenty-five by the date of election and have been residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan for at least five years have the right to be elected to the Legislative Chamber. Citizens who are recognized to be incapacitated by the court, as well as persons held in places of detention by a court sentence, cannot be elected and participate in elections.Voting at elections of deputies of the Legislative Chamber is free and secret. Control over the will of the voters is not allowed.One hundred thirty-five territorial constituencies are formed for elections to the Legislative Chamber. One deputy is elected from each constituency. Election districts for the election of deputies to the Legislative Chamber are formed by the Central Election Commission by the proposal of the Jokargi Kenes (parliament) of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional hokimiyats (administrations) and the city of Tashkent. Lists of electoral districts with indication of their borders and the number of voters are published by the Central Election Commission at least seventy-five days before the election.
The following persons are not eligible to register as candidates:
Citizens who have pending or unserved sentences for serious or particularly serious crimes.
Citizens who have not resided permanently in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the last five years before election day;
Military personnel of the Armed Forces, employees of the National Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and other armed units;
Professional ministers of religious organizations and associations.
The procedure for electing deputies to the legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan is established in the law "On elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan" [1] .
Elections of deputies to the Legislative Chamber are universal. Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who have reached the age of eighteen by the day of elections have the right to vote. The right to be elected to the Legislative Chamber is held by citizens who have reached twenty-five years of age by the day of elections and have been permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for at least five years. Citizens recognized as legally incompetent by a court, as well as persons held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict, cannot be elected and do not participate in elections.
Voting in the elections of deputies of the Legislative Chamber is free and secret. Control over the will of the voters is not allowed.For elections to the Legislative Chamber, one hundred and thirty-five territorial electoral districts are formed. One deputy is elected from each constituency. Constituencies for the election of deputies to the Legislative Chamber are formed by the Central Election Commission on the proposal of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of regions and the city of Tashkent . Lists of electoral districts indicating their boundaries and the number of voters are published by the Central Electoral Commission at least seventy-five days before the elections.The beginning of the election campaign is announced by the Central Election Commission in the mass media no later than three months before the expiration of the term of office of the deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the previous convocation.
Candidates for deputies are not subject to registration:
citizens who have an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committed grave or especially grave crimes.
citizens who have not permanently resided on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the last five years before the election day;
military personnel of the Armed Forces, employees of the State Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan, officers of the Security Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other paramilitary units;
professional ministers of religious organizations and associations.
Election campaigning begins from the day of registration of candidates for deputies by the Central Election Commission. Pre-election campaigning on election day and the day before the start of voting is not allowed. It is prohibited to conduct pre-election campaigning, accompanied by the provision to voters free of charge or on preferential terms of goods, services (except for information), as well as the payment of funds. On election day, the polling station is opened if at least two-thirds of the members of the precinct election commission are present. The chairman, in the presence of members of the election commission, seals the ballot box, distributes ballot papers and voter lists among the members of the election commission, and announces the start of elections. The total number of ballots is drawn up in a separate document. The ballot paper is filled in by the voter in the booth or room for secret voting. When filling out the ballot, the presence of other persons, except for the voter, is prohibited. A voter who is not able to fill out a ballot on his own has the right to invite another person to the booth or room at his discretion, except for persons who are members of the election commission, observers and proxies. There might be sectors, groups and other structural units formed within the departments mentioned above. The Staff is supervised by Head of the Staff of the Legislative Chamber (Secretary General), who, along with his main functions, represents the Staff in relations with other institutions of state authority and coordinates the activity of the Staff structural units, organizes preparation of draft planning of activities of the Legislative Chamber and its Kengash, provides information and reference materials to the Administration, Committees, deputy unions, moderates cooperation of the Legislative Chamber with the Senate, organizes joint sessions of the two chambers. The Departments are managed by Heads of Departments. The Head and the personnel of the Staff are appointed and dismissed by the Order of the Speaker of the Legislative Chamber. Distribution of regular information for the public on the activities of the lower chamber falls under the responsibility of Press Secretary. He also organizes regular and extraordinary press-conferences, briefings for mass media representatives and provides assistance for TV and Radio programs, assists in publishing other printed materials, covering the activities of the Chamber. He also coordinates relations of Committees with mass media, carries out accreditation of mass media representatives.
The main objective and function of the Coordination Group on organization of consideration of the draft laws and other normative-legal acts. The main task of the Coordination Group is organizing consideration of introduced draft laws and other normative-legal acts in the Legislative Chamber. The main functions of the Coordination Group are: registration of incoming draft laws and other normative-legal acts, preparation and submission to the meeting of the Kengash of the Legislative Chamber of information about incoming draft laws and other normative-legal acts, transmission of incoming draft laws to factions of political parties (deputy groups), the responsible committee and relevant department of the Apparatus of the Legislative Chamber, maintenance of the draft laws and other normative-legal acts submitted to the meetings of the Legislative Chamber and its Kengash, at all stages of their preparation, review and adoption in the Legislative Chamber, systematical informing the members of the Kengash of the Legislative Chamber on the state of the draft law, the process of passing draft laws that are under consideration in the Legislative Chamber, on any cases of non-compliance with the Regulation of the Legislative Chamber, compilation and preparation of information and analytical materials on the basis of information about the views and proposals raised during the consideration of draft laws and projects of other normative-legal acts under consideration of the meetings of the Legislative Chamber, in factions of political parties (deputy groups), committees, including the information contained in the copies of protocols of their meetings, submission for consideration to the Kengash of the Legislative Chamber of proposals on improving the procedure of preparation and review of draft laws and other normative-legal acts under consideration of the meetings of the Legislative Chamber.
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