5A140101-“Biologiya (Botanika va o’simliklar fiziologiyasi)” magistr akademik darajasiga talabgor Savutova Maloxat Erkinovnaning “Iris pseudacorus L. ning introduktsiya sharoitidagi bioekologik xususiyatlari” mavzusidagi magistrlik dissertatsiya ishi
Tayanch so’zlar: Iris pseudacorus, dorivor o‘simlik, urug‘ unuvchanligi, urug‘idan ko‘paytirish, stratifikatsiya, morfologik va bioekologik xususiyatlar, ontogenez davri.
Tadqiqot ob’ekti: - Iridaceae Juss. oilasining Iris L. turkumiga mansub Iris pseudacorus L. turi.
Tadqiqotning maqsadi: Xorazm viloyati sharoitida Iris pseudacorus L. ning bioekologik xususiyatlarini o‘rganish va ko‘paytirish usullarini ishlab chiqishdan iborat.
Tadqiqotning vazifalari: Iris pseudacorus ning morfologik va bioekologik xususiyatlarini ontogenezning davr va bosqichlarida o‘rganish, urug‘larning laboratoriya va dala sharoitidagi unuvchanligini o‘rganish hamda ekish muddatini aniqlash, ko‘paytirish usullarini ishlab chiqish hamda o‘simlik ildizpoyasining ho‘l va quruq biomassasini aniqlashdan iborat.
Tadqiqot metodlari: Laboratoriya va dala tajribalari, morfologik, fenologik, biometrik, biokimyoviy va statistik metodlar asosida olib borildi.
Olingan natijalar va ularning yangiligi: Xorazm viloyati sharoitida Iris pseudacorus ning bioekologik xususiyatlari ontogenezining davr va bosqichlarida o‘rganildi. Vegetativ va urug‘idan ko‘paytirish usullari ishlab chiqildi. Urug‘larni saqlash muddati, unishi uchun optimal harorat va sharoitlar aniqlandi. Iris pseudacorus nafaqat suvda, balki nam tuproqda ham yaxshi o‘sib, rivojlanib, urug‘ hosil qilishi kuzatildi.
Amaliy ahamiyati: Introduktsiya sharoitida Iris pseudacorus ning bioekologik va morfologik xususiyatlari o‘rganildi. Ko‘paytirish usullari ishlab chiqildi. Tadqiqot natijalaridan dorivor va manzarali o‘simlik sifatida uni yetishtirish hamda oliy o‘quv yurtlaridagi o‘quv jarayonida foydalanish mumkin.
Tadbiq etish darajasi va iqtisodiy samaradorligi: Tadqiqot natijalari asosan Xorazm Ma’mun akademiyasi bog‘i sharoitida, T.N.Xolmuradova tomonidan introduktsiya sharoitida o‘rganilgan gulsafsar turida joriy etildi. Yuqoridagilarni inobatga olib bu dissertatsiyadan biologiya mutaxassisligida taxsil olayotgan magistrlar, biologlar, farmasevtlar, izlanuvchi tadqiqotchilar, fermerlar va qishloq xo’jaligi xodimlari foydalanishlari mumkin.
Qo’llanilish sohasi: farmasevtika, parfyumeriya, biologiya.
Ilmiy rahbar: b.f.d., prof I.I.Abdullayev
Magistrant: M.E.Savutova
Master's dissertation on "Bioecological features of Iris pseudacorus L. in the conditions of introduction" by Savutova Malokhat Erkinovna, applying for a Master's degree on Biology (Botany and Plant Physiology)
Keywords: Iris pseudacorus, medicinal plant, seed germination, seed multiplication, stratification, morphological and bioecological features, period of ontogeny.
Object of study: - Iridaceae Juss. genus Iris pseudacorus L. belonging to the family Iris L.
The purpose of the study: to study the bioecological characteristics of Iris pseudacorus L. in the conditions of Khorezm region and to develop methods of reproduction.
Objectives of the study: To study the morphological and bioecological properties of Iris pseudacorus in the stages and stages of ontogeny, to study the germination of seeds in the laboratory and in the field, to determine the timing of sowing, to develop methods of propagation and wet and dry biomass detection.
Research methods: Laboratory and field experiments were conducted on the basis of morphological, phenological, biometric, biochemical and statistical methods.
Results and their novelty: Bioecological features of Iris pseudacorus in the conditions of Khorezm region were studied at different periods and stages of ontogeny. Vegetative and seed propagation methods have been developed. The shelf life of the seeds, the optimum temperature and conditions for germination were determined. Iris pseudacorus grows well, not only in water, but also in moist soil, and produces seeds.
Practical significance: Bioecological and morphological features of Iris pseudacorus were studied under introduction. Reproduction methods have been developed. The results of the research can be used as a medicinal and ornamental plant, as well as in the educational process in higher education.
Level of implementation and economic efficiency: The results of the study were introduced mainly in the garden of the Khorezm Mamun Academy, in the type of roses studied in the conditions of introduction by TN Kholmuradova. With the above in mind, this dissertation can be used by masters, biologists, pharmacists, researchers, farmers and agricultural workers studying biology.
Field of application: pharmaceuticals, perfumery, biology.
Scientific adviser: DSc., prof I.I.Abdullayev
Master: M.E.Savutova
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