Iqtisodiyot fakulteti dekani Xorijiy tillar kafedrasi mudiri
_________ A.Berdiyev ___________B.Xoliyorov
1 Speak about your specialty
Financial is management of money and including activites investing , borrowing ,lending, forecasting saving budgeting .finacial have 3 types main : personal , corparativ and public or goverement . personal financial is own activies or money use in life . you use right your budgeting is improve and your money increase. You increase own fianacial situation you study personal financial or you read books how use money or how increase active.
2.What is a business idea and a business plan? Is there a connection between them?
Business idea and Business plan are two interconnected concept. Without an idea,there can be no business plan. Business idea metamorphose to a business plan.
The business idea is the build and the concept developed.Business Idea ‘comes’ to either solve an impasse or to improve on how things are done. Before the idea can be transformed into a business ,it must undergo a process of viability and feasible test.
The business plan prepared will analyse,interpolate,strategise and package the concept into a holistic business. The business plan will entail the marketing strategy of the idea,the sales strategy of the idea,the profitability of the idea,the viability of the idea,investment funding of the idea,the implementation of the idea and its stages of implementation and a detailed description of the idea.
So Business idea must be conceived first before the business plan is prepared. Biznes g'oya va Biznes-reja bir-biriga bog'langan ikkita tushunchadir. G'oyasiz biznes-reja ham bo'lmaydi. Biznes g'oyasi biznes-rejaga aylanadi.
Biznes g'oya qurilish va ishlab chiqilgan kontseptsiyadir.Biznes g'oyasi boshi berk ko'chani hal qilish yoki ishlar bajarilishini yaxshilash uchun "keladi". G'oyani biznesga aylantirishdan oldin u hayotiylik va amalga oshirish mumkin bo'lgan sinovdan o'tishi kerak.
Tayyorlangan biznes-reja kontseptsiyani tahlil qiladi, interpolyatsiya qiladi, strategiya qiladi va yaxlit biznesga aylantiradi. Biznes-reja g'oyaning marketing strategiyasini, g'oyani sotish strategiyasini, g'oyaning rentabelligini, g'oyaning hayotiyligini, g'oyani investitsion moliyalashtirishni, g'oyani amalga oshirish va uni amalga oshirish bosqichlarini va batafsil tavsifini o'z ichiga oladi. fikrning tavsifi.
Shunday qilib, biznes-rejani tayyorlashdan oldin biznes g'oyasi birinchi navbatda o'ylab topilishi kerak.
3. What is the insurance? Read the text, translate it and retell it in short..
Many people and businesses take out insurance policies to protect against risks such as fire, accident and theft. Policeholders pay a yearly premium to the insurance company which then provides other against financial loss. If something unexpected happens, the police holder can make a claim and receive compensation for the loss or damage.
Compilers: Diyorova M and Begimova G
“Kelishilgan” “ Tasdiqlayman”
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