Цель работы: доказать фармакологические свойства фитопрепаратов у лиц страдающих неврозом.
Материалы и методы исследования: эксперименты были проведены на 12
половозрелых крысах самцах в двух сериях опытов:
№1: Введение настоя корней и корневищ валерианы per os.
№2: Введение настоя травы пустырника per os.
Животных поместили в клетку. Перед тем как начать опыт, подождали несколько минут, соблюдая тишину в комнате, без хождений и резких движений. Затем вызывали раздражение у крыс, наносив 2 громких удара по клетке линейкой. Фиксировали время раздражения и реакцию на раздражитель.
После того, как крыса успокоилась вводили ей в эксперименте №1: 1 мл настоя корней с корневищами валерианы per os, в эксперименте №2: 1 мл настоя травы пустырника per os. Через 20 минут вызывали раздражение у крысы тем же образом, фиксировали время раздражения и реакцию животных на раздражитель.
Полученные результаты: анализ полученных данных показал, что в первом эксперименте длительность реакции крысы на раздражитель до приёма настоя валерианы составила 104 с. Реакции крысы на раздражитель: животное вздрогнуло, начало беспокойно бегать и взбираться на решетки клетки, дрожало, забилось в угол. После приёма настоя валерианы длительность реакции составила 72 с. Реакции крысы на раздражитель: крыса бегала по клетке, забивалась в углы. во втором эксперименте длительность реакции крыс на раздражитель до приёма настоя травы пустырника составила 99 с. Реакции крысы на раздражитель: крыса отпрыгнула, бегала по клетке, забилась в угол, дрожала. После приёма настоя травы пустырника длительность реакции составила 51 с.
Реакции крысы на раздражитель: животное отбежало, недолго побегало по
противоположной стороне клетки, затем спокойно передвигалось по всей клетке.
Выводы: настои корней валерианы и травы пустырника действуют успокаивающе на ЦНС, сокращая время раздражения и ослабляя реакцию крыс на раздражитель.
Сравнив результаты можно сказать, что настой травы пустырника обладает более сильным седативным эффектом.
Saidmukhamedova- Faculty pharmacy 2nd course,
The Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent city
Ecology and microbiology chair
Scientific tutor: docent Z.R. Fayzullaeva
Pesticides - a collective term covering the chemical compounds of different classes used for pest control in agriculture, health, industry, oil production, and many other cases. Pesticides have started to use more in the army of Alexander the Great to combat parasites (powder of dolmate chamomile). In health care, pesticides are used for the control of arthropods - carriers of dangerous diseases such as malaria, plague, tularemia, encephalitis, sleepy and elephantiasis, many intestinal diseases. In health care and veterinary in addition, pesticides are used as disinfectants, in the industry - for the protection of non-metallic materials (polymers, wood, textiles), anti-fouling marine vessels, particularly in the South Seas for combating sulfur-hydrogen forming bacteria for protection pipes fromcorrosion.
At the largest scale pesticides are used in agriculture for the control of arthropods (insecticides and acaricides), nematodes (nematicides), fungal (fungicide) and bacterial (bactericides) diseases of plants and animals, as well as to control weeds (herbicides). Pesticides include as plant growth regulators (retardants), used to control the lodging of different cultures, for defoliation (leaf removal) and desiccation (drying plant root) to facilitate harvesting, as well as for protection from frost and drought
Monitoring carried out in the USA for pesticides in foods, shows that 80-90% of the pesticide contains altogether 10% of the permissible limits and contains only 0.7% - above the norm. It is interesting to note that in the most intensive use of pesticides is the highest life expectancy that is not a sign of the positive effects of the application of pesticides on life expectancy, and characterizes only the absence of sufficiently significant negative impact if used correctly. Throughout the world, is carried out intensive wore to improve the range of application of pesticides and reduce their harmful impact on the environment. Currently, for these works by companies - manufacturers of pesticides, as well as from the federal budget of economically developed countries such as the US, Britain, France, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Annually is spent more than $ 2 billion.
The toxicity of pesticides. Speaking about the toxicity of pesticides, it must be said that most modern drugs significantly safer than many drugs. For example: salt LD50 - 3750 mg / kg of caffeine - 200 mg / kg, aspirin - 1750 mg / kg, and Modern herbicides - sulfonylurea derivatives - 5000 mg / kg (LD50 - dose at which die 50% of the experimental animals) . According to the statistics of poisoning in the United States the largest number of deaths is observed in cases of poisoning by alcohol and less than 2% - from pesticides and fertilizers.
Cost-effectiveness of the use of pesticides. The widespread use of pesticides due to their high economic efficiency, which can be characterized by the following example: one man weeding 1 ha of sugar beet requires not less than 20 working days, while the use of modern herbicides can solve this problem for 30-40 minutes. Furthermore, the use of some herbicides you allow to go to no-till farming, which dramatically reduces fuel consumption and labor. The effectiveness of the integrated use of chemicals crops can be shown by the example of Germany. From 1955 to 1988 wheat crop in the country has increased from 25 to 64 kg / ha, of which 10 u have to improve seed and soil treatment, 7 p - the use of mineral fertilizers, 7 p - the use of retardants and the rest - on insecticides, fungicides and herbicides
Currently, pesticides are the main means of protection plants, animals, and various materials from damage of various organisms. For example, in Russia in 1992,it had to fight locusts in the area of about 2 million hectares, which necessitated the purchase of a large number of detcisa for the currency, as well as the use of military aircraft, as the locusts for one day can destroy vegetation over large areas. In 1972, the Soviet Union on 2 million hectares of all vegetation was destroyed webworm. In 1995, inthe Krasnoyarsk Territory by Siberian moth was damaged 600 thousand ha of forest. Fighting moth was conducted with the participation of forces from the MES. In 1996 in Russia due to lack of combat with bedbug-tortoise 5 million tons of wheat lost baking quality, and it can be used only for animal feed, which caused a loss of two trillion rubles. Grain contaminated with Fusarium, due to the accumulation of toxic mycotoxinscan not be used even for fodder. We can recall the famine in Ireland in 1848 due to poor harvest of potatoes, who died as a result of multiplication of the fungus Phytophthora. Currently, using the contact and systemic fungicides, it is possible to avoid massive epiphytoties.
Given the great work done in the development of new pesticides and the assortment selection , it is hoped that it will reduce the harmful effects and increase the selectivity of pesticides on different organisms. One of the major shortcomings of current medications, especially insecticides, is the acquisition of unwanted organisms resistance (stability) to use products that are now overcome by using mixtures of pesticides with different modes of action. For example, the use of mixtures of fungicides of contact and systemic action of insecticides - pyrethroids with organophosphate insecticides. Acquisition of resistance necessitates regular replenishment assortment of drugs with different mechanisms of action that requires a lot of cost and time.
С. Фазлиев - студент 1 курса
Ташкентский фармацевтический институт, г. Ташкент
Кафедра фармакологии и клинической фармации
Руководитель: доц. Э.С. Багдасарова
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