Kanada Oliy va o’rta maktab ta’lim tizimining tuzilishi Kanadada ta'lim Education in Canada

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7 (Sec I)

8 (Sec II)

9 (Sec III)

10 (Sec IV)

11 (Sec V)




(manba[o'lik havola])

Boshlang'ich daraja

O'rta daraja

Bolalar bog'chasi















O'rta o'rta

Katta o'rta

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  • In British Columbia some schools may group together the higher Elementary and lower Secondary Grades. These schools are referred to as Middle Schools or Jr. Secondary Schools. Some Elementary Schools consist solely of grades K-5. Likewise, some Secondary Schools may only have grades 11 and 12. In addition, some school districts may use just elementary (K-7) and secondary (8-12) schools. British Columbia informally subcategorizes the Elementary level into "Primary" (K-3) and "Intermediate" (4-6 or 7).

  • In Ontario, the terms used in French schooling consist of Maternelle in regard to Junior Kindergarten and Jardin in regard to Kindergarten. This differs from Quebec's Maternelle, which is the equivalent of Ontario's Kindergarten.

  • In Manitoba, grade 9 to grade 12 was for a short time referred to as Senior 1 to Senior 4.

  • In Newfoundland and Labrador, Level IV is used to collect missed grades that prevented a student from getting their graduation.

  • In Nova Scotia the terms for groups, and grades they apply to varies significantly throughout the province. A common, but not universal, organization is shown.

  • In Quebec college is two or three years, depending on what a student selects, based usually on what their post-secondary plans are. College in Quebec overlaps what other provinces consider the boundary between secondary education (high school) and post-secondary education (college and university). Masalan, "Sec I" = "Secondary Year One" = "Grade 7"

  • In Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, schools are now set up as elementary schools with grades K-5, middle schools with grades 6–8, and high schools with grades 9-12; however, high school graduation requirements only include courses taken in grades 10–12.

  • In Saskatchewan Elementary school is most often from K-8 and high school from 9-12. High school graduation requirements only taken grades 10-12 and require 24 credits to graduate.

Provincial and Territorial Departments and Ministries

Provincial and Territorial Departments and Ministries

Provincial Education(Wikipedia)

Provincial Department Or Ministry(External Link)

Alberta shtatidagi ta'lim

Alberta ta'limi

Education in British Columbia

Ta'lim vazirligi

Manitobadagi ta'lim

Ta'lim va tarbiya bo'limi

Nyu-Brunsvikda ta'lim

Ta'lim vazirligiTa'lim vazirligi

Education in Newfoundland and Labrador

Ta'lim vazirligi

Shimoli-g'arbiy hududlarda ta'lim

Department of Education, Culture and Employment

Education in Nova Scotia

Ta'lim bo'limi

Nunavutda ta'lim

Ta'lim bo'limi

Ontarioda ta'lim

Ta'lim vazirligi

Shahzoda Eduard orolidagi ta'lim

Ta'lim bo'limi

Kvebekdagi ta'lim

Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport

Saskaçevanda ta'lim

Ta'lim vazirligi

Education in Yukon

Department of Education, Culture and Employment

Shuningdek qarang

  • Kanada portali

  • Ta'lim portali

  • Kanadada akademik baho

  • Kanada ta'lim assotsiatsiyasi

  • Kanadalik til mezonlari

  • Kanadada oliy ma'lumot

  • International students in Canada

  • Chet elda Kanadada akkreditatsiyadan o'tgan maktablar ro'yxati

  • Lists of schools in Canada

  • List of colleges in Canada

  • Kanadadagi universitetlar ro'yxati

  • List of school districts in Canada

  • Open educational resources in Canada


    1. a b In Ontario, if a 17 year-old student's birth date fall between end of the school year to 31 December, they may withdraw from the school at the end of that current school year.

    2. ^ Exemptions to the credit threshold exists, which includes students with special education needs.

    3. ^ In Ontario, a student may take up additional years of secondary education, commonly known as a g'alaba davri. A "resident pupil" of Ontario may attend a public secondary school until they've received their 34th course credit, or have attended the institution for seven years, after which, the school reserves the right to refuse further admission. "Victory lappers" are typically grouped as a part of the Grade 12 student population, and make up an average of 4% of all students enrolled in Ontario secondary schools each year.[98]

    4. ^ In most English high schools, the different terms are used interchangeably. In some English high schools, as well as in most French schools, high school students will refer to secondary 1–5 as year one through five. Shunday qilib, agar ikkinchi darajali uchlikdan kimdir "siz qaysi sinfda / yilni o'qiysiz?" they will reply "three" or "sec 3", or "grade 9". It is presumed that the person asking the question knows that they are referring not to "Grade 3" but "Secondary 3". However, this can be confusing for those who are asking the question from outside of Quebec.


    1. ^ "Minister of Education — Province of British Columbia". Britaniya Kolumbiyasi hukumati. Olingan 16 dekabr, 2016.

    2. ^ "Minister's Welcome — Manitoba Education". Manitoba hukumati. Olingan 25 fevral, 2010.

    3. ^ "Kenny, Brian". Nyu-Brunsvik hukumati. Olingan 25 fevral, 2010.

    4. ^ "Minister — Education". Nyufaundlend va Labrador hukumati. Olingan 25 fevral, 2010.

    5. ^ "Biography of Hon. Marilyn More, Minister, NS Department Education". Yangi Shotlandiya hukumati. Olingan 25 fevral, 2010.

    6. ^ "ECE Home Page". Shimoliy-g'arbiy hududlar hukumati. Olingan 25 fevral, 2010.

    7. ^ "Xush kelibsiz". Government of Nunavut. Arxivlandi asl nusxasi 2008 yil 29 mayda. Olingan 25 fevral, 2010.

    8. ^ "Rookie MPP Stephen Lecce takes on a tough education file". thestar.com. 2019 yil 20-iyun. Olingan 30 avgust, 2020.

    9. ^ "Education and Early Childhood Development: Introducing the Minister". Shahzoda Eduard orolining hukumati. Olingan 25 fevral, 2010.

    10. ^ "Saskatchewan Ministry of Education — Ministry Overview — Education". Saskaçevan hukumati. Olingan 9-iyul, 2019.

    11. ^ "Minister of Education, Hon. Patrick Rouble — Education- Government of Yukon". Yukon hukumati. Arxivlandi asl nusxasi 2010 yil 27 yanvarda. Olingan 25 fevral, 2010.

    12. a b "Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective 2018" (PDF). Kanada statistikasi. December 11, 2018. p. 93. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    13. a b "CIA World Factbook — Canada". BIZ Markaziy razvedka boshqarmasi. Olingan 21 iyul, 2009.

    14. a b v "Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective 2018" (PDF). Kanada statistikasi. December 11, 2018. p. 32. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    15. a b v "Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective 2018" (PDF). Kanada statistikasi. December 11, 2018. p. 24. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    16. ^ "Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective 2018" (PDF). Kanada statistikasi. December 11, 2018. p. 33. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    17. ^ "International Educational Attainment" (PDF). p. 4. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    18. ^ Lucy Scholey. "2015 yilgi federal byudjet o'rta maktabdan keyingi talabalar uchun" umidsiz ": CFS". Arxivlandi asl nusxasi 2015 yil 3-iyun kuni. Olingan 1 iyun, 2015.

    19. ^ "Canada 1956 the Official Handbook of Present Conditions and Recent Progress". Kanada yili Kitoblar bo'limi Axborot xizmatlari bo'limi Dominion statistika byurosi. Ottava: Qirolichaning printeri. 1959 yil.

    20. ^ Minister of Trade and Commerce, The Right Honourable C. D. Howe (1956). "Canada 1956 the Official Handbook of Present Conditions and Recent Progress". Kanada yili Kitoblar bo'limi Axborot xizmatlari bo'limi Dominion statistika byurosi. Ottava: Qirolichaning printeri.

    21. a b "Going to School in Manitoba | Manitoba Education and Training". www.edu.gov.mb.ca. Olingan 1 fevral, 2019.

    22. a b "Huquqiy hujjatning inglizcha ko'rinishi". Ontario.ca. 2014 yil 24-iyul. Olingan 1 fevral, 2019.

    23. a b Government of New Brunswick, Canada (May 18, 2010). "New Brunswick Education". www2.gnb.ca. Olingan 1 fevral, 2019.

    24. ^ "- Basic school regulation for preschool, elementary and secondary education". legalquebec.gouv.qc.ca. Olingan 2 fevral, 2019.

    25. ^ "How many school days the students have in a BC high school?". www.rolia.net. 2014.

    26. ^ "PISA - Results in Focus" (PDF). OECD. 2015. p. 5.

    27. ^ "Kanada - talabalar faoliyati (PISA 2015)". OECD.

    28. ^ "Educational attainment of the population aged 25 to 64, by age group and sex". Kanada statistikasi. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    29. ^ "International Educational Attainment" (PDF). p. 6. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    30. ^ "Canada Overview of the education system (EAG 2018)"OECD. 2018. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    31. ^ "Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective 2018" (PDF). Kanada statistikasi. December 11, 2018. p. 27. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    32. ^ "Educational attainment of the population aged 25 to 64, by age group and sex, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Canada, provinces and territories". Kanada statistikasi. p. 27. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    33. ^ "Canada: Education at a Glance" (PDF). OECD. 2018. pp. 1–2. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    34. ^ "Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective 2018" (PDF). Kanada statistikasi. December 11, 2018. p. 26. Olingan 27 avgust, 2019.

    35. ^ "Educational attainment and labour-force status". OECD.

    36. a b "Umumiy ma'lumot". Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC). Pan-Canadian Indicators. Olingan 27 yanvar, 2020.

    37. ^ Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective 2019 (Report). Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics. Statistics Canada and CMEC. December 10, 2019. p. 145. | kirish tarixi = talab qiladi | url = (Yordam bering)

    38. ^ "Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective 2018" (PDF). Kanada statistikasi. December 11, 2018. p. 142. Olingan 27 yanvar, 2020. issn: 1920-5910

    39. ^ "About PISA". OECD PISA. Olingan 8 fevral, 2018.

    40. ^ "PISA - Results in Focus" (PDF). OECD. 2015. p. 5.

    41. ^ "Kanada - talabalar faoliyati (PISA 2015)". OECD.

    42. ^ Government of Canada, Statistics Canada (May 4, 2017). "Young men and women without a high school diploma". www150.statcan.gc.ca. Olingan 1 fevral, 2019.

    43. ^ "Building a Better Student: Teach These Seven Survival Skills for a Brighter Future". Vancouver Tutoring Services | MyGradeBooster Tutors. 2017 yil 16 oktyabr. Arxivlangan asl nusxasi 2017 yil 19 oktyabrda. Olingan 18 oktyabr, 2017.

    44. ^ Grossman, Samantha (September 27, 2012). "And the World's Most Educated Country Is..." TIME.com.

    45. ^ "Public spending on Education". The world Bank. 2011 yil. Olingan 4-iyul, 2014.

    46. ^ "Ta'limga sarmoyalangan moliyaviy va inson resurslari" (PDF). OECD. 2011 yil. Olingan 4-iyul, 2014.

    47. ^ "Canadian University tuition fees rise 40 percent in the last 10 years". OneClass. 2016 yil. Arxivlandi asl nusxasidan 2016 yil 27 sentyabrda.

    48. ^ "Canada Is Opening Doors To Students". The Education Blog. 2008 yil 19-avgust. Arxivlangan asl nusxasi 2009 yil 26 aprelda.

    49. ^ Wotherspoon, R. (2006). "Teachers' work in Canadian aboriginal communities". Qiyosiy ta'limni qayta ko'rib chiqish. 50 (4): 672–694. doi:10.1086/507060.

    50. ^ Shaker, P (2009). "Preserving Canadian exceptionalism". Ta'lim Kanada. 49 (1): 28–32.

    51. ^ Volante, L (2007). "Educational quality and accountability in Ontario: Past, present, future". Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. 58: 2–21.

    52. ^ Nelles, W. (2008)

    53. ^ Zwaagstra, Michael; Clifton, Rodney; Long, John (2010). What's Wrong with Our Schools: and How We Can Fix Them. Toronto: Rowman & Littlefield. p. 190. ISBN 978-1607091578.

    54. ^ Reynolds, Cynthia (October 31, 2012). "Why are schools brainwashing our children?". Maklin. Rojers. Arxivlandi asl nusxasi 2012 yil 4 dekabrda. Olingan 5 dekabr, 2012.

    55. ^ Bassiri, Mehrnaz (June 16, 2017). "Students Will Keep Learning Less Until We Finally Let Them Fail". Huffington Post. Olingan 20 iyun, 2017. North American high schools and universities are pumping out under-educated, skills-lacking graduates who don't know how to learn because they never mastered the process of learning. They don't know how to fail because they never had to overcome failures. And they don't know how to succeed because everything has been handed to them.

    56. ^ Stokke, Anna (may, 2015). "Kanadadagi matematik ballarning pasayishi haqida nima qilish kerak". Ta'lim siyosati; sharh # 427. D. D. Xou instituti. Olingan 27 sentyabr, 2017.

    57. ^ Cote, James; Allahar, Anton (2007), "The Student as a Reluctant Intellectual", Ivory Tower Blues: A University System in Crisis, University of Toronto Press, pp. 96–126ISBN 978-0802091819, olingan 13 iyul, 2017, The majority of students are hampered by insufficient preparation at the secondary school level, lack of personal motivation, and disillusionment.

    58. a b Dehaas, Josh (November 28, 2011). "Why Alberta's education system is better". Maklin. Fikr.

    59. ^ Zinga, Dawn (2008). "Ontario's Challenge: Denominational Rights in Public Education". Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. 0 (80). ISSN 1207-7798.

    60. ^ "Amendment from Quebec". www.solon.org. Olingan 2 fevral, 2019.

    61. ^ "Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1998 (Newfoundland Act)". www.solon.org. Olingan 2 fevral, 2019.

    62. ^ Government of Canada, Department of Justice (November 9, 1999). "Charterpedia - Section 23 – Minority language educational rights". www.justice.gc.ca. Olingan 2 fevral, 2019.

    63. ^ Frantsuz tili ustavi, s. 73.

    64. ^ Prochner, Larry (2011). Early Childhood Care and Education in Canada: Past, Present, and Future. UBC Press. p. 211. ISBN 978-0-7748-4129-0.

    65. ^ "Nova Scotia to further expand pre-primary classes this fall". CBC News. Kanada teleradioeshittirish korporatsiyasi. 2019 yil 10-aprel. Olingan 27 iyun, 2019.

    66. a b "Shimoli-g'arbiy hududlar" (PDF). Childcare Resource and Research Unit. Childcare Canada. 2019. p. 121 2. Olingan 28 iyun, 2019.

    67. ^ Kanada matbuoti. "Quebec education minister heads to New York to learn about 4-year-old kindergarten". Corus News. Global yangiliklar. Olingan 12 iyun, 2019.

    68. ^ Lau, Rohila. "Quebec government pushes on with plan to enroll 4-year-olds in preschool". Corus News. Global yangiliklar. Olingan 12 iyun, 2019.

    69. ^ Brady, Patrik; Allingham, Philip (November 18, 2010). "Pathways to university: The "Victory Lap" Phenomenon in Ontario" (PDF). Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy (113). Arxivlandi asl nusxasi (PDF) 2011 yil 10 aprelda.

    70. ^ "Four-Year Secondary School Program – Thirty-four credit Threshold". Ontario Ta'lim vazirligi. Ontario uchun qirolichaning printeri. 2013 yil 25 aprel. Olingan 28 iyun, 2019.

    71. ^ "Attendance Rights". Justice for Children and Youth. Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law. 2013 yil. Olingan 28 iyun, 2019.

    72. a b "Kindergarten is optional, depending on where you live | Globalnews.ca". globalnews.ca. 2018 yil 1 mart. Olingan 11 dekabr, 2018.

    73. ^ "About Alberta Charter Schools". ta'lim.alberta.ca. Arxivlandi asl nusxasidan 2016 yil 25 sentyabrda. Olingan 2 fevral, 2019.

    74. ^ "Learning Outcomes by GRADE". Learning Outcomes Framework documents. Yangi Shotlandiya viloyati. 2008 yil.

    75. ^ Education Facts. Retrieved November 1, 2009.

    76. ^ "Nova Scotia completes rollout of pre-primary program across the province".

    77. ^ "Statistics Canada education data". Arxivlandi asl nusxasi 2008 yil 20 oktyabrda. Olingan 8 fevral, 2016.

    78. a b "O'rta maktabdan keyingi ta'lim". Kanada hukumati. 2017 yil 17-may. Olingan 26 avgust, 2019.

    79. ^ Usher, A. (2018). "The State of Post-Secondary Education in Canada, 2018. Toronto" (PDF). Higher Education Strategy Associates. p. 6. Olingan 26 avgust, 2019.

    80. a b "Quality Education for All: Canadian Report for the UNESCO Ninth Consultation of Member States on the Implementation of the Convention and Recommendation against Discrimination in Education" (PDF). Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. 2018. p. 24. Olingan 26 avgust, 2019.

    81. ^ Usher, A. (2018). "The State of Post-Secondary Education in Canada, 2018. Toronto" (PDF). Higher Education Strategy Associates. 3-6 betlar. Olingan 26 avgust, 2019.

    82. ^ "Arxivlangan nusxa". Arxivlandi asl nusxasi 2011 yil 6-iyulda. Olingan 29 iyul, 2010.

    83. ^ Glen A. Jones, ed., Higher education in Canada: Different systems, different perspectives. (Routledge, 2012).

    84. ^ Usher, A. (2018). "The State of Post-Secondary Education in Canada, 2018. Toronto" (PDF). Higher Education Strategy Associates. p. 4. Olingan 26 avgust, 2019.

    85. ^ "QS World University Rankings - 2020". QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited. Olingan 26 avgust, 2019.

    86. ^ Usher, A. (2018). "The State of Post-Secondary Education in Canada, 2018. Toronto" (PDF). Higher Education Strategy Associates. p. 7. Olingan 26 avgust, 2019.

    87. ^ Miller, Zoë. "12 of the biggest differences between attending a university in the United States and in Canada". Insider. Olingan 30 avgust, 2019.

    88. ^ Usher, A. (2018). "The State of Post-Secondary Education in Canada, 2018. Toronto" (PDF). Higher Education Strategy Associates. 8-9 betlar. Olingan 26 avgust, 2019.

    89. ^ Frenette, Marc; Chan, Ping Ching Winnie (November 27, 2015), Why Are Academic Prospects Brighter for Private High School Students?, Kanada statistika, olingan 21 iyun, 2018

    90. ^ "Degree Granting Act". New Brunswick Department of Justice. Arxivlandi asl nusxasi 2003 yil 2 aprelda.

    91. ^ "The Degree Granting Act establishes a framework for evaluating the quality of programs leading to a degree offered by all public and private institutions, except those created by an Act of the New Brunswick Legislature prior to the Act coming in force, that is before March 1, 2002."

    92. ^ "Degree Granting Act". New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. Arxivlandi asl nusxasi 2007 yil 4-yanvarda.

    93. ^ Todd, Douglas (January 16, 2013). "Proposed Christian law school at Trinity Western under fire because of university's anti-gay rules". Vankuver Quyoshi. Arxivlandi asl nusxasidan 2013 yil 19 yanvarda.

    94. ^ Tamminga, Monique (March 27, 2013). "Trinity Western University law school proponents fire back at critics". Langley Times.

    95. ^ "Timeline - Same-Sex Rights in Canada (See 1991)". CBC. Olingan 30 oktyabr, 2012.

    96. ^ "UN says funding of Catholic schools discriminatory"CBC.ca. November 5, 1999. Arxivlandi asl nusxasidan 2008 yil 12 iyunda. Olingan 31 mart, 2008.

    97. ^ "Ta'lim ma'lumotlari". Ontario's Education System. Queen's Printer, Ontario. 2009 yil 8 sentyabr.

    98. ^ Quick Facts – Ontario Schools, 2005-06. Retrieved November 1, 2009.

    99. ^ "Schools in Manitoba". Manitoba Education. Olingan 1-noyabr, 2014.

    100. ^ "Education Facts: Schools and School Boards". Ontario Ta'lim vazirligi. Olingan 1-noyabr, 2014.

    101. ^ [Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (August 18, 2003). "CMEC Provincial and Territorial Departments of Education in Canada". Arxivlandi asl nusxasi (– Olimlarni izlash) 2007 yil 7 aprelda. Olingan 12 aprel, 2007.

    102. ^ [ "About Canada — Society — Learning Resources — Provincial-Territorial Ministries". Kanada hukumati. 2002 yil 5-avgust. Arxivlangan asl nusxasi (– Olimlarni izlash) 2007 yil 24 iyunda. Olingan 12 aprel, 2007.

Qo'shimcha o'qish

  • Axelrod, Paul. The Promise of Schooling: Education in Canada, 1800-1914 (1997)

  • Burke, Sara Z., and Patrice Milewski, eds. O'tish davridagi maktab: Kanada ta'lim tarixidagi o'qishlar (2012) 24 articles by experts

  • Di Mascio, Entoni. Yuqori Kanadada ommabop maktab g'oyasi: bosma madaniyat, ommaviy nutq va ta'limga talab (McGill-Queen's University Press; 2012) 248 bet; 18-asr oxiri va 19-asr boshlarida maktabning umumiy tizimini yaratish.

  • Foght, H.W. tahrir. Qiyosiy ta'lim (1918), compares United States, England, Germany, France, Canada, and Denmark onlayn

  • Gidney, R.D. and W.P.J. Millar. How Schools Worked: Public Education in English Canada, 1900-1940 (2011) 552pp; additional details

  • Harris, Robin S. A history of higher education in Canada, 1663-1960 (1976)


  • Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. "History of education in Canada: historiographic 'turns' and widening horizons." Paedagogica Historica (2014), jild 50 Issue 6, p774-785

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