ANNOTATSIYA Ilk oʻrta asrlar Sugʻd savdo manzilgohlari va ularning Buyuk ipak yo’li taraqqiyotidagi o’rni mavzusidagi dissertatsiyada ilk o’rta asrlar Sug’d savdo manzilgohlarining vujudga kelishiga turtki bo’lgan omillar va tarixiy sharoit, Sug’dning Sharqiy Turkiston va Xitoy bilan aloqalarida sug’diy manzilgohlarning o’rni, Sug’dning Sharqiy Turkiston va Xitoy bilan aloqalarda savdo ustuvorliklari yoritilgan. Shu bilan bir qatorda quyidagi masalar, Sug’d va Xitoy o’rtasidagi aloqalarning tarixiy asoslari, sug’diylarning Xitoy va Sharqiy Turkistonga joylashuvi, Sharqiy Turkistondagi sug’diy manzilgohlaridagi savdo munosabatlarning umumiy tavsifi, Sug’d va Xitoy o’rtasidagi savdo va siyosiy aloqalarda sug’diy manzilgohlarning o’rni, ilk o’rta asrlar Sharqiy Turkiston va Xitoy bilan aloqalarda Choch va Ustrushonaning o’rni, Buyuk ipak yo’li savdosida sug’d va Farg’ona aloqalari masalasi ilmiy va moddiy manbalar asosida yoritilgan. Magistrlik dissertatsiya shuni ko’rsatadiki, Markaziy Osiyo hududidagi yirik vohalardan biri boʻlgan Sugʻd Buyuk ipak yoʻli chorrahasida joylashgan hudud boʻlib, uning Xitoy bilan savdo va madaniy aloqalari alohida ahamiyatga ega. Sugʻd va Xitoy munosabatlari qadimgi davrlarga borib taqaladi. Ayniqsa Aleksandr Makedonskiyning Markaziy Osiyoga yurishlari natijasida bu hududda yashaydigan etnoslar Xitoy hududlariga koʻchib oʻtishga majbur boʻlganlar. Ana shu davrdan boshlab Sugʻd koloniyalarining vujudga kelishini kuzatamiz. Markaziy Osiyo boʻylab sugʻdiylarning savdo harakatlari ilk oʻrta asrlardagi sugʻdiylar uchun siyosiy, ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy va etnomadaniy zamin hozirladi hamda ulkan mintaqada yagona etnomadaniy makonni vujudga keltirish jarayonini faollashtirdi. Qolaversa, Buyuk ipak yoʻlining Marvdan Xitoy devori qadar tarmogʻi shu hududda yashagan elat va xalqlarni iqtisodiy hamkorlik asosida siyosiy va etnomadaniy jihatdan yaqinlashtirdi
Kalit so’zlar: koloniya, savdo-tijorat, diplomatiya, strategiya, Buyuk ipak yo’li, etnomadaniy.
Annotation The first medieval Suvd trade destinations and their Great Silk Road the first medieval Sogd trade in the dissertation on the theme of its role in development factors and historical conditions that motivate the establishment of settlements Sogdian settlements in relations with East Turkestan and China role, trade priorities of Sogd in relations with East Turkestan and China Illuminated. Alternatively the following tables, between Sogd and China historical background of the relationship, the location of the Sogdians in China and Turkestan, General overview of trade relations in the Eastern Turkistan Sogdian settlements description, Sogdian in trade and political relations between Sogd and China the death of the settlers, the first Middle Ages in relations with East Turkestan and China. The place of Choch and Ustrushoona, sogd and Fergana in the Great Silk Road trade the issue of their relations is covered on the basisof scientific and material sources. Master’s degree the dissertation shows that one of the largestoases in the Central Asian region Sogd is a territory located at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, Its China of particular importance are trade and cultural relations with. Sogd and China relations go back to the old times. Especially Alexander as a result of Makedonsky’s travels to Central Asia, he lived in this area Ethnos were forsed to move to the terretories of Chine. From this period from the beginning, we observe the emergence of the Sogd Colonies. Across Central Asia the trade movements of the Sogdians were political for the political for the first medieval Sogdians, the socio-economic and ethnomadean ground has been laid and is the only one in the vast region ethnomadaniac has faded the process of creating space. Great the network of the Silk Road from the Marv to the Chinese wall lived in the same area as elat and on the basis of Economic Cooperation, the peoples were politically and ethnomatically brought closer.
Key words: colony, commerce, diplomacy, strategy, Great Silk Road, ethnomadani