It is a branch of psychology b it is a branch of linguistics

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Card - 1

  1. What is phonetics?

  1. It is a branch of psychology B) It is a branch of linguistics

C) It is a branch of phonology D) It is a branch of psycholinguistics

  1. What does theoretical phonetics study? It studies…

  1. Physical media of a language B) Articulatory- acoustic and perceptual features of a language

C) The phonetic substance and the expression area of the language D) Sounds , syllables, stress

  1. What types of phonetics are distinguished?

  1. General, descriptive, special, historical. comparative-typological B)General, diachronical, confrontative, differential

C) General descriptive, special, D) Descriptive, historical, contrastive, comparative

  1. What aspects of phonetic units are distinguished in phonetics?

  1. Acoustic, articulatory, phonological B) Phonological, articulatory, perceptual

C) Acoustic, perceptual, received D) Articulatory, acoustic, perceptual, phonological

  1. Method of direct observation is used in the following aspect-

  1. Articulatory B) perceptual C) Phonological D) Acoustic

  1. What is the object of the perceptual aspect?

  1. The voice producing mechanism B) Sounds generated by the activities of the vocal organs

C) The way of hearing speech utterances D) Establishing the exact number of speech sounds

7. To whom do the works: “An outline of English phonetics”, “The pronunciation of English” belong?

A) M. A. Gleason B) D. Jones C) A. Martinet D) J. R. firth

8. When did the international phonetic alphabet appear?

A) 1888 B) 1900 C) 1970 D) 1978

9. The voice producing mechanism and the way we produce speech sounds are considered as

A) Articulatory features B) acoustic features
C) perceptual features D) Phonological features

10. Define the main aspects of phonetics

A) General, descriptive, acoustic B) Articulatory, acoustic, perceptual, phonological
C) General, acoustic, perceptual, paleography D) Phonological, historical, acoustic

11. What type of phonetics studies the phonetic system of a certain language ?

Descriptive phonetics General phonetics
Comparative- typological phonetics Historical phonetics

12. What does the acoustic aspect study?

It studies the acoustic features of speech sounds It studies the way of hearing speech utterances
It studies the voice producing mechanism It studies the power mechanism

13. How many levels of investigations has phonology?

2 levels 3 levels 4 levels 5levels

14. What method is used to find out the difference between distinctive and non -distinctive features ?

Experimental Oppositional
Distributional Acoustic

15. Define the methods of phonetic investigations:

1. phonetic 2. Phonological 3.physical observation 2.linguistic 3.experimental
1. linguistic 2.phonetic 3.morphological 1.acoustic 2. Phonetic 3.grammatical

16. The phonetic structure of the language is…

The object of lexicology The object of morphology
The object of grammar The object of phonetic investigations

17. How many mechanisms take part in the production of speech?

4 5 6 7

18. Define the types of pronunciation in Great Britain

Western, Northern, Irish, Cokney English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish
Southern, Northern, Scottish and Irish Eastern, Northern, Southern and Western

19. What is norm?

More or less constant end stable features of pronunciation The most important features of phonetic utterance
More stable features of tempo Constant features of English word accentuation

20. What does Received pronunciation mean?

Scottish pronunciation Irish dialectal pronunciation
Informal English pronunciation the literary type of pronunciation

Card - 2

  1. In what line the correct types of pronunciation in Great Britain are given?

Historical, Scottish, general and descriptive Northern, Southern, Scottish and Irish
General, diachronical, typological Comparative, standard, Southern, Irish

  1. How many speech areas are there in the USA?

2- Northern and Western 3-American, Southern and Western
3- Eastern, Southern and Western 4- Eastern, Northern, Southern and Western

  1. What is the characteristic feature of Southern type of American pronunciation?

The use of sonorant[r] in all positions Pronouncing vowels with some accent
Southern drawl Changing [æ]into[a:]

  1. What type of American English is called Standard American English?

Western type of AE The type which is spoken in New York State
Eastern type of AE Southern type of AE

  1. How many types of regional pronunciation are there in Great Britain?

3(Eastern, Northern and Southern) 3(General, Scottish and Irish)
3(Eastern, Southern and Irish) 4 (Southern, Northern, Scottish and Irish)

  1. What type of American English is accepted as the literary pronunciation?

Western type of pronunciation Southern type of pronunciation
Eastern type of pronunciation Northern type of pronunciation

  1. A national language has 2 material forms

Oral and nasal Eastern type of pronunciation
Written and spoken Lexical and phonetic

  1. Dialects may differ from one another in the following aspect-

in vocabulary, in writing, in reading In grammar, in vocabulary, in pronunciation
In morphology, in phonetics, in grammar In words, in phrases, in syllables

  1. The Southern British type of English pronunciation is also known as…

American pronunciation Scottish pronunciation
Irish pronunciation RP or SE pronunciation

  1. Find the correct line in which the names of the representatives of the Prague Phonological school are given

Trubetskoy Shcherba Zinder W.Matezius, B.Havrenek, N.S.Trubetskoy, B,Trnka, I.Vachek, V.Skalichka
Suhotin, Trnka, Panov, Reformatsy Howranik, Sidorov, Jakovlev, Suhotin

  1. Representatives of which school suggested the term “hyperphoneme”?

Moscow Prague St. Petersburg London

  1. Who is the author of the theory of the phonological oppositions among the representatives of the Prague school?

Trnka Vachek N.S.Trubetskoy Skalichka

  1. Who are the representatives of the London phonological school?

Firth, Fry, Sidorov Firth, Jones,Ward, Armstrong,Fry, Kingdon,Gimson
Kingdon, Avanesov, Reformatsky Gimson, Trubetskoy, Vassilyev

  1. When and by whom the was term “phoneme” invented?

In 1940 by Shcherba In 1950 by Henry Sweet
In 1900 by Trubetskoy in 1879 by Krushevskiy

15. Who defined the phoneme as “the psychological equivalent” of the speech sound?

I. A. Baudouim de Courtenay L. V. Shcherba
N. F. Jakovlev W. Motezius

16. Who gave the following definition of the phoneme: “Phoneme is a minimal unit of the sound structure of a language, serving to form and differentiate meaningful units’’?

L. R. Zinder N. S .Trubetzkoy A. A. Reformatsky Z. Marris

17. Which phonological school established the term “phonemic line”?

American London Prague Moscow

18. Which phonological school’s definition of a phoneme is based on words and word forms?

St. Petersburg Moscow London Prague

19. In what position can phonemes preserve their phonetic characteristics?

In an unstressed position In a phonemic line
In a stressed position In combinations

20. Who defined the phoneme as the psychological equivalent of the speech sound Saussure A. Baudouin de Courtenay
N.V. Krushevsky L. K. Zinder
Card - 3

  1. The representatives of the Moscow phonological school based their definition of a phoneme on the concept of

Phoneme Intoneme Lexeme Morpheme

  1. What is an archiphoneme?

It is the opposition is differentiated from the another by one distinctive feature
It is the shortest element serving to differentiate units of meaning
It is the sum of relevant distinctive features common to both members of the opposition
It is the feature different in both members of the opposition.

  1. How many types of allophones are differentiated?

Positional, Combinatory Combinatory, Functional
Concrete, Positional Positional Generalized

  1. “… a unit which appears in the position of neutralization of a group of phonemes is called…

Mycrophoneme Hypermorpheme Intoneme Hyperphoneme

  1. Segmental phonemes are…

Letters and speech sounds Speech sounds and allophones
Vowels and consonants Letters and vowels

  1. Phonology has 2levels of investigations

Segmental and supra-segmental Phonetic and acoustic
Morphemic and syntactic Intonational and accentual

  1. The minimal segmental unit is…

A porpheme A word A phrase A phoneme
The number of consonant phonemes in English is…
20 22 24 30

8. The number of vowel phonemes in English …

20 22 24 30

9. According to the manner of articulation consonants may be divided into:

Occlusive, Oral,,Nasal Rolled, Occlusive, Nasal
Constrictive Rolled, Nasal Occlusive,Constrictive Occlusive-constrictive, Rolled

10. In English occlusive voiced consonants are…

g, k, l b, d, g d, m, n f, g, k

11. Find the correct definition of occlusive consonants

… are those in the production of which the air stream meets an incomplete obstruction in the resonator.
… are also made with an incomplete obstructions but with a rather wide air passage.
… are sounds in the production of which the air stream meets a complete obstruction in mouth
… are noise consonant sounds produced with a complete obstruction which is slowly released

12. Find the correct definition of constrictive consonants.

… are also made with an incomplete obstructions but with a rather wide air passage; so tone prevails over noise
… are noise consonant sounds produced with a complete obstruction
… are sounds in the production of which the air stream meets a complete obstruction in mouth
… are those in the production of which the air stream meets an incomplete obstruction in the resonator , so the air passage is constricted

13. Find the correct definition of occlusive constrictive consonants

… are those in the production of which the air stream meets an incomplete obstruction in the resonator
… are noise consonant sounds produced with a complete obstruction which is slowly released and the air escapes from the mouth with some friction
… are sounds in the production which the air stream meets a complete obstruction in mouth
… are noise consonant sounds produced with a incomplete obstruction

14. Find the correct definition of rolled consonants

… are sounds pronounced with periodical momentary obstructions when the tip of the tongue taps quickly several times against the teeth ridge and vibrates in the air stream
… are sounds in the production of which the air stream meets a complete obstruction in mouth
… are noise consonant sounds produced with a complete obstruction which is slowly released and the air escapes from the mouth with some friction
… are also made with an incomplete obstructions but with a rather wide air passage; so tone prevails over noise

  1. In a stressed position phonemes can preserve their

Acoustic features Phonetic features
Articulatory features Phonological features

16. How many diphthongs are there in modern English?

4 6 8 10

17. According to the vertical movement of the tongue vowels may be:

Front, mixed, back and back advanced Close, open and mid open
Checked and free Long and Short

18. Into what subsystems are the English vowel phonemes divided?

Stressed vocalism, unstressed vocalism Rounded and unrounded
Oral and Nasal Monophthongs, diphthongs and diphthongoids

19. What types of transcription do you know?

Segmental and phonological Phonetic and phonological
Phonetic and segmental Segmental and supra-segmental

20. The transcription symbols of a language are based on…

The International phonetic alphabet The letters of English
The letters of Latin Phonemes of French
Card – 4

  1. What principal types of transcription are distinguished?

Morphological, phonetic Phonetic, phonological
Phonological, morphological Dialectal, Phonetic

2. How many principal types of transcription are usually distinguished?

2 3 4 5

3. What was the reason for choosing special phonetic symbols?

It was made for scientific research symbols were not sufficient so it is decided to add some phonetic symbols
The need for translation A big difference between English spelling and pronunciation

4. The symbols of a phonetic transcription are enclosed in …

Brackets ( ) Square brackets [ ] Slanting bars / / Inverted commas

5. Supra segmental units are…

Syllable, stress intonation Sentence stress, word stress
Vowels and syllables Morphemes and phonemes

6. The syllable has 2 aspects…

Articulatory and grammatical Syllable formation and syllable division
Morphemic and phonetic Syntactic and phonological

7. By what is the syllable formed in English?

By a consonants By a letter By a vowel sound By a morpheme

8. How many types of syllables do you know?

4 5 6 7

9. Fully open syllable consists of …

1 phoneme 2 phoneme 3 phoneme 4 phoneme

10. Where is the syllable boundary in the combination CVCV?

Before the first vowel Within the second consonant
After the first vowel After the second consonant

11. What is an uncovered syllable?

The syllable which begins with a consonant The syllable which begins with a vowel
The syllable which ends in a consonant The syllable which ends in a vowel

12. How many degrees of word stress do you know?

Two Three Four Five

13. Count the degrees of word stress.

Stressed, Weak-stressed Medial stressed, unstressed
Stressed, half-stressed, unstressed Half stressed, medial stressed

14. What types of sentence stress do we differentiate?

Normal Logical Emphatic Logical Direct labial
Labial Direct Emphatic Emphatic Labial Occlusive

15. Word stress in English is …

Fixed Mixed Changeable Free

16. Stress in English has 2 forms…

Morpheme stress, phonetic stress Word stress and sentence stress
Lexic stress, grammatical stress Phonological stress, word stress

17. Degrees of stress are found only in…

Monosyllabic words Phrases Polysyllabic words Sentences

18. Word stress effected by the force of utterance is called …

Musical Fixed Free Dynamic

19. What sonorants can form syllables in English?

r,l,j,m m,n,η,l n,r,l,j r,n,l,η

20. In defining the number of syllables in polysyllabic words much attention should be paid to…

The scale of sonority The consonants
The morphemes The place of stress

Card – 5

  1. In English words the onset of the syllsble may consist of ….

3 consonants 4consonants 5 consonants 6 consonants

  1. Show the correct line of the types of syllables in English words

Open, mid-open, close Open, close, covered, uncovered
covered, mixed, simple Simple, mixed, fixed

  1. Syllabic phonemes in English are…

Consonants, diphthongs Monophthongs, consonants
Plosives, affricates Vowels, sonorants

  1. Word stress in English is…

Musical Qualitative Dynamic Quantitative

The structure of English words allow the appearance of….

8 syllables 9 syllables 10 syllables 12 syllables

  1. The greater degree of special prominence given to one or more syllables in a word is known as

Sentence stress Logic stress Fixed stress Word stress

  1. All the features of intonation are found in…

a word a sentence a syllable a phoneme

The original factor that turns a word or a combination of words into a sentence is…

Stress syllable phoneme Intonation

  1. Define the components of intonation

Frequency, duration, pause, tempo Tempo, pause, duration, frequency
Speech melody, sentence stress, tempo, voice timber Word stress, tempo, pause, intensity

  1. In the structure of intonation we distinguish…

Prehead, head, body, tail Head, tune, pause, tail
Pause, tail, intensity, pitch Pitch, melody, pause, duration

  1. The most frequently used tones in English are…

Falling high falling Falling, rising Rising, high rising High rise, low rise

  1. For practical purposes three pitch levels are generally distinguished

High, very high, very low Mid, super high, super low
High, mid, low Low, super low, super high

  1. The analysis of intonation is usually based on 2 functions?

Qualitative, distinctive Constitutive, distinctive
Emotional, recognitive Constitutive, emotional

  1. The pre-nuctear part of the intonation pattern is called

Body Tail Prehead Head

  1. Combinatory changes mostly occur with…

Consonant phonemes Vowel phonemes Plosive consonants Monophthongs

How many stages the complete articulation of a speech sound consist of?

2 3 5 7

  1. What is assimilation?

… is a sound in the production which the air stream meets a complete obstruction in mouth
… is a process of alteration of speech sounds as a result of which one of the sounds becomes fully or partially similar to the adjoining sound
… is the sum of relevant distinctive features common to both members of the opposition
… is the smallest unit capable of differentiating words and word forms

  1. What types of assimilation can be distinguished?

Morphemic, allophonic Complete, partial, double
Optional, visual Labial, oral

  1. What is reduction?

… is a sound in the production of which the air stream meets a complete obstruction in mouth
… is a process of alteration as a result of which one of the sounds becomes similar to the adjoining sound
… is a historical process of weakening, shortening or disappearance of vowel sounds in unstressed positions
… is the sum of relevant distinctive features common to both members of the opposition

  1. How many types of reduction are distinguished in English?

Two Three Four Five

  1. Find types of reduction

Quantitative Direction Labial Elusion Stability Labial
Qualitative Direction Stability Quantitative Qualitative Elision

  1. Find out the correct variant:

… is a historical process of weakening, shortening or disappearance of vowel sounds in unstressed positions.
Reduplication Intonation
Reduction Tempo

  1. Find out the correct variant:

… is a process of alteration of speech sounds as a result of which one of the sounds becomes fully or partially similar to the adjoining sound
Assimilation Reduction Intonation Tempo

  1. Combinatory changes mostly occur with….

Monophthongs Consonant phonemes
Vowel phones Plosive consonants

  1. Positional changes mostly occur with…

Vowel phonemes Consonant phonemes
Monophthongs Diphthongs

  1. Combinatory-positional changes happen with all the English phonemes in…

Phrases Combination Isolation Connected speech

  1. Define the correct line of phonetic phonomena which happen with vowels …

Elision, dissimilation Reduction, assimilation
Reduction, vowel harmony, elision Aspiration, adaptation

  1. Define the correct line of phonetic phonomena which happen with consonants

Assimilation, aspiration, adaptation, dissimilation, palatalization Dissimilation, Reduction, adaptation
Adaptation, vowel, harmony, elision Reduction, aspiration, accommodation

6. Styles of pronunciation may be of the following types:

1. Phonological 2.Grammatical 1.Literary 2.Phonological
1.Colloquial 2Logical 1.Literary 2.colloquial

7. Careful colloquial and careless colloquial styles of pronunciation differ from each other by…

The frequency The duration The loudness The tempo of speech

  1. Define the correct line of intonational styles

Broadcasting, publicistic, educational, oral Informational, academic, publicistic, declamatory, familiar
Oral, colloquial, literary, publicistic, national Informational academic, literary, colloquial, oral

  1. The system of interrelated intonational means which is used in a social sphere and serves a definite aim of communiations is…

Literary style Phonological style Intonational style Colloquial style

  1. The intonational style which is used by radio and TV announcers when reading weather forecast, news or in various official situations is…

Informational style Academic style Literary style Colloquial style

  1. The style which is frequently used by university lectures, school teachers or by scientists is…

Literary style Colloquial style Informational style Scientific (academic) style

12. How many principles are used in classification of consonants?

3 4 5 6
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