Use the prompts to write sentences, as in the example: He works on the computer every day.
Susana does her laundry at the weekend.
My friends and I go fishing at the weekend.
He reads the newspaper every morning.
Sharon exercises in the morning.
They eaty dinner at 7 30 .
Write questions and negations as in the example.
Does Mr Simpson teach Chemstry?
Do you like playing computer games?
Do John and Sue work in a café?
Do we do the shopping on Saturdays?
Does the baby cry all the time.
V. Fill in do / don’t, does /doesn’t. 1. Sam speaks French, but he doesn’t Speak Russian.
2. Ann doesn’t like jazz music but she likes pop music.
3. “Does she play the saxophone ?” “No, she doesn’t”.
4. Where do you work?
5. He doesn’t go to school on Sunday.
6. What do you have for dinner.
VI. Match the questions to the answers. 1. What time does she get up? - She gets up at 7:00. 2.How does she go to school? - She walks to school. 3.Does she have breakfast every day? - No, she doesn’t . 4.What does she do in the afternoon? - She does her homework. 5.When does she go to bed? - She goes to bed at 10.00.
Qorbobo – bu Yangi yil arafasida bolalarga sovg’a olib keladigan semiz keksa odam yoki ehtomol elf. Yiliga bir marta, u sakkizta kiyik tortib olgan chanada butun dunyo bo’ylab sayohat qiladi. U har bir uyda to’xtaydi, u yerda yaxshi bolalar bor va uyga mo’ridan kiradi. U daraxt ostiga sovg’alarni qo’yadi. Agar siz paypog’ingizni osib qo’ysangiz, u kichkina o’yinchoqlar yoki kanfetlarni ham solib qo’yishi mumkin. Yangi yil sehridan foydalanib, u bir kechada dunyodagi barcha o’g’il – qizlarga sovg’alar qoldirishi mumkin.
Hech kim uning Yoshi va qayerdan kelganini bilmaydi. Bizga ma’lum bo’lganidek, u Shimoliy Qutubda rafiqasi Klaus xonim bilan yashaydi. Missis Klaus Yangi yil uchun barcha pecheni, qand – qurs va pirojniylarni tayyorlaydi. Uning o’yinchoqlar yasaydigan elflari ham bor. Qorboboda dunyodagi barcha bolalarning katta ro'yxati bor va u kim yaxshi va kim yomon ekanligini bilish uchun yil davomida kuzatib boradi. Shuningdek, u Yangi yil uchun nima istayotganingizni ham biladi. Albatta, bolalar unga maktublar yozib, o'zlarining qanchalik yaxshi bo'lganliklari va nima istashlarini aytib berishlari mumkin. Shuningdek, u bolalar bilan uchrashishi mumkin bo'lgan savdo markazlari va yarmarkalar va bolalar bilan uchrashadigan do'konlarga boradi. Ba'zi odamlar Qorbobolar savdo markazi haqiqiy narsaning o'rniga yordamchi bo'lishi mumkin deb o'ylashadi.
2.Answer The questions:
Where does Santa Clause live? - As far as we know, Santa lives in the North Pole with his wife, Mrs. Klaus.
What animals pull Santa’s sleigh? - Santa's sleigh is pulled by 8 deer.
How does Santa enter a house? - Santa enters the house through a pipe.
Who helps Santa make toys? - Elves help Santa make toys.
Where does Santa put presents. - Santa puts the presents under the tree.