Адамбаева Н.К.1, Ибодуллаев Э.Т.2 (Республика Узбекистан) Email: Adambaeva534@scientifictext.ru
1Адамбаева Наргиза Кадамбаевна – преподаватель;
2Ибодуллаев Элер Толиб угли – студент, кафедра общественно-гуманитарных наук,
Ургенчский филиал, Ташкентская медицинская академия, г. Ургенч, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье анализируются словарный состав языка и методы и приемы преподавания лексики и изучаются некоторые методы, такие как с помощью демонстрации фотографии, изучение слова в контексте, чтение слова и т.д. В ней обсуждается, что словарный запас необходим для выражения смысла и при помощи воспринимающих (аудирование и чтение) и продуктивных (устной и письменной речи) навыков. Статья также подчеркивает то, что установка хорошего контекста является необходимым условием для изучения лексики, поскольку это помогает в привлечении внимания учащихся и естественно генерирует целевой словарный запас.
Ключевые слова: метод, умение, словарный запас, техника, слова, чтение, аудирование, говорение.
Vocabulary is an important skill for secondary students who are preparing for taking an entrance test for universities from English or taking an IELTS exam in order to get the maximum scores of tests in English . As a teacher, you need to utilize a variety of tactics to keep pupils engaged and avoid boredom in the classroom. One way for improving vocabulary knowledge is to use the mnemonic keyword method.
Mnemonic teaching, according to (Mastropieri, M.A., & Scruggs, T.E.1991), refers to instructional or learning practices that are especially geared to improve memory. In many circumstances, it refers to modifying or changing the content to be learnt in order to connect it to knowledge the learner already knows. The keyword approach is one of the most effective mnemonic tactics. When the knowledge to be learnt is unknown to the students, it works best.
Link method Interactive visual imagery connects items in a list, making a chain. Item 1 is joined
with item 2; a separate image joins item 2 with item 3 and so on. Thus, retrieving one item in the list cues the next item.
Method of loci First, a memory palace—a mental map of a building or walk that you know well, such as your house—is memorized. Then, imagery is used to store list items at different locations throughout the palace. Items are retrieved by “walking” through the palace.
Peg system A “peg list,” or a list of concrete objects in a specific order (e.g.,
one is a bun,
two is a shoe,
three is a flea) is learned. Then, visual imagery combines the to-be- remembered items with the peg items. Items can be retrieved by thinking of a number and the corresponding peg, which cues the target item.
Keyword method First, a keyword is found that sounds like the unfamiliar word (e.g., “dentist” sounds like “la dent”). Then imagery joins the keyword with the definition of the unfamiliar word (an image of a “dentist” holding a large “tooth”). Seeing “la dent” activates dentist, which in turn should activate tooth.
Phonetic system Each number corresponds to a consonant sound (1 =
t, 2 =
n, 3 =
m etc.). Then
numbers can be remembered as words, using vowels as necessary. For example, 321
can be remembered as “manatee.” Words can be decoded back into numbers.
Acronyms The first letters of a list of words are used to create a new word. For example, the
colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) can be remembered as ROYGBIV. Each letter serves as a retrieval cue for the target items.
Acrostics The first letters in a list of words serve as the first letters in a new sentence or phrase. For example, the colors of the rainbow can be remembered as
Vain. The first letter in each word of the acrostic serves as a retrieval cue.
Songs, stories, and rhymes Words in a list are joined together by being elements in a story, or by being included in a song or rhyme. Songs and rhymes can also be written to remember specific pieces of information (e.g.,
i before
e except after
link method – interactive visual imagery connects items in a list
Changes are quick and inevitable. The need to teach in general and teach to English language effectively in particular is the challenge before all the teachers in Uzbekistan. Today, it has become mandatory for the academicians to rethink and revamp their teaching strategies with the changing times. Since there has been a constant change in the teaching methods and techniques all over the world in every subject, vocabulary teaching methods and techniques need desirable and radical changes in a view of the demanding job market in the globalized world. Vocabulary of a language is just like bricks of a high building. Despite quite small pieces, they are vital to the great structure. Wilkins rightly says, “Without grammar very little can be conveyed. but without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” [2]. Therefore the study of vocabulary is at the center while learning a new language. English being a second language or foreign language, one needs to learn vocabulary in the systematic way.
If we want to use language effectively, we must have good stock of vocabulary. We cannot use the language, if we don’t know the words of that language. English language has vast vocabulary. It is the richest language of the world. One cannot learn a language without learning vocabulary. Therefore, the study of vocabulary has occupied the central place in teaching learning activities. Thornbury opines: “If you spend most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement, if you learn more words and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with words.” This speaks volumes about the significance of vocabulary in learning, developing and enriching English. Vocabulary is a very important means to express our thoughts and feeling, either in spoken or written form. Indeed, neither literature nor language exists without vocabulary.Famous imperialist poet, Rudyard Kipling says that words are the most powerful drug used by mankind. English being