party tonight. (You can’t come.) Biz sizning bu oqshom ziyo-
fatga kelishingizni istardik. (siz
kela ol maysiz.)
I wish that you would stop saying
that. (You probably won’t stop.) Men sizning bunday deyishin-
gizni istamas edim. (Bunday
demang. Siz ehtimol shunday
deyishdan to‘xtamaysiz.)
She wishes that she were coming with
us. (She is not coming with us.)
U biz bilan borishni istar edi. (U
biz bilan bormaydi.)
PRESENT WISH subject + wish + (that) + subject + simple past tense... I wish that I had enough time to
fi nish my homework. (I don’t have enough time.)
Qaniydi uy vazifamni bajarish-
ga yetarli vaqtim bo‘lsaydi.
(Yetarli vaqtim yo‘q.)
We wish that you were old enough
to come with us. (You are not old
Qaniydi biz bilan borish uchun
yetarlicha katta bo‘lsayding.
(Katta emassan.)
They wish that they didn’t have to go to class today. (They have to go to class.)
Qaniydi ular bugun darsga
borishga majbur bo‘lmasaydilar.
(Ular darsga borishga majbur.) kutubxonasi