Ko‘chirma gap: O‘zlashtirma gap: She said to Tom,
«Come at fi ve o’clock».
U Tomga dedi:
«Soat beshda ke ling».
She told Tom to come at fi ve
U Tomga soat beshda kelishni
I said to Ann, «Please bring
me a glass of water».
Men Annga dedim: «Iltimos,
menga bir stakan suv olib keling».
I asked Ann to bring me a glass
of water.
Men Anndan menga bir stakan
suv olib kelishni iltimos qildim.
He said to me, «Don’t go there».
U menga dedi: «U yerga bormang».
He ordeded me not to go there.
U menga u yerga bormaslikni bu-
Aniqlovchi ergash gaplar (Attributive clauses) 1. Aniqlovchi ergash gaplar qo‘shma gapda aniqlovchi vazifasida keladi
va bosh gapga who (whom), whose, which, that olmoshlari va when, where, why ravishlari yordamida bog‘lanadi:
The man who was here yesterday is a painter.
Kecha bu yerda bo‘lgan
kishi rassom.
www.ziyouz.com kutubxonasi
I know the man whom you mean. Kim haqida gapirayotganingizni
bilaman. (Siz gapirayotgan kishini
Our representative, whose letter I