Ingliz filologiyasi va tarjimashunoslik fakulteti, 2021-2022 o'quv yilining kuzgi semestrida yakuniy nazorat test savollari Kafedra: Ingliz filologiyasi Kurs: I fan nomi: O`qish va yozish ko’nikmalari Savollar soni: 146

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*to add something very different to something, so that it becomes part of it
an event, situation, etc., that people do not understand or cannot explain because they do not know enough about it
treatment that helps someone feel better or grow stronger

  1. Match the target word with its definition: Therapy

*treatment that helps someone feel better or grow stronger
something a person does, especially something that is very good or bad
a feeling of respect for someone, or a good opinion of someone

  1. Match the target word with its definition:Inherit

*to be born with the same character or physical appearance as your parents
to use all or most of your time and effort in order to do something or help someone
something a person does, especially something that is very good or bad

  1. Match the beginning with ending below

... About three years ago, my parents organized a party in honor of my grandfather, who was retiring from work at the age of sixty-five …
*...In the end, it was a great success. All the effort was worth it just to see
the broad smile on his face when he was surrounded by all his family. I'll
never forget it
...It is usually a day full of surprises and, unavoidably, there are often disappointments. Most of all, however, it is a day for romantic people of all ages.
... After I had cleared up the mess, I went to bed, exhausted but delighted that it had been such success. I'm sure everyone will remember it for a long time.

  1. Read the rubric below. How many main body paragraphs would a letter have?

You are about to visit a friend in another country and you are not sure what clothes to take with you or how to get to their house.


  1. Read the rubric below. How many main body paragraphs would a letter have?

You've got two tickets for a week's cruise in the Mediterranean Write a
letter to your friend, inviting him/her to join you, giving details which places you are going to visit and suggestions as to what he/she will need
to take with him/her.

  1. Semi-formal is …..

Interacting with friends, speaking or chatting online
Textbooks, official reports, academic articles, essays, business letters, contracts, official speeches
*Day-to-day interaction with colleagues and teachers, popular magazines/books, interviews, when talking with someone in authority or who you respect

  1. Learning another language can improve your career and social life. Some people also say it can make you smarter, but others disagree.


  1. Select the correct line where the words are more formal

eat, purchase, at first, better, sufficient, help
start again, try, quite, desire, watch, work
*subsequently, it is said that, individuals, animated

formal style
Semi-formal style**
informal style

  1. The Subject line is not required in an …………….

semi-formal letter format
formal letter format
*informal letter format

  1. To make something smaller and clearer by removing the things that are less important

come up with
work out
narrow down*

  1. Blaming others……….your mistakes is never a good idea.


  1. Fill the gaps with correct prepositions.

The crew consisted ...... three Russians, two Europeans and a Chinese, so there were plenty of cultural traditions to focus.....

  1. Fill the gap.

Some studies have looked at how human's function in .... situations.

  1. Continue the sentence with correct meaning.

If you do not find the answer for multiple choice question....
leave a blank
choose two answers
make a guess**

  1. Fill the gaps

I do not believe .... spending money ... space exploration.

  1. The synonym for "severe"

* critical

  1. Fill the gap

It does mean that you need to take the age into .....

  1. Fill the gap

If my expectations had not been so ....., I would enjoy the lecture

  1. Replace the underlined word with correct form

I have seen several films produced by James White, but neither was outstanding.

  1. Many features of the film were seen as.....


  1. Fill the gap.

Yet cinema audiences have increasingly ..... expectation

  1. As might be expected, the number of UK homes with access to the Internet ………over the past twenty years

has expanded fourfold
has completely changed
has grown steadily

  1. According to city car hire firms, the automated toll system which the government (l) ……….on the M36 next year (2) .................... difficulties for car rental companies.

won't really be/
will no longer be/
will be introducing/

  1. Over the next half century, the world's popu1ation…………… to around 9 billion.

will have improved
will have provided
will probably rise*

  1. In (1) ..... Arabic, (2) ..... word sabra describes (3) ..... flat area without (4) ..... water.


  1. There are five necessary uses of a/an and the missing from these texts.

Three basic types of irrigation are flood irrigation, drip irrigation 1…………..
and spray irrigation. Names are self-explanatory. In flood irrigation, 2……………
which is cheap and does not require expensive machinery, water simply 3……………
flows among the crops, and while this is easily administered system, 4……………
a lot of water is wasted. Much of it evaporates, either on ground or 5……………
from the leaves of plants in process known as 'transpiration. 6……………
The three/the names/-/an easily administrated system/- ground/a process
-three/the names/-/an easily administrated system/- ground/a process
The three/the names/-/an easily administrated system/the ground/a(the) process

  1. Whereas once the police (1) had to wait before someone reported a crime to them, nowadays CCTV operators (2) .................... crimes as they happen. There are almost three million CCTV cameras in Britain, and you (3) .................... the owner of a security company to know that it is a growth business. But does CCTV work? Some experts believe that we (4) .................... to install so many cameras, as they only reduce a small percentage of crimes- mainly against property. There may be millions of cameras, but in order to make CCTV effective, somebody (5) .................. what is happening on the screens.

are able to watch/didn’t have to be/needn’t have bother/has to monitor
are able to watch/don’t have to /needn’t have bothered/has monitor
*are able to watch/don’t have to be/needn’t have bothered/has to monitor

  1. In addition, Alabama has a (1) ........................... tourist industry, and (2) ....................... tourists visit Alabama's historic sites, state parks, and national forests. The state's (3) .........................forests also produce (4) ..................... of pulpwood and lumber. Mobile, the only port, is the 1Oth (5) .........................(by tonnage) in the United States. There are also (6) ........................ road, rail and canal systems.

major/ large quantities/extensive/much/ busiest /substantial
many/ busiest /substantial /extensive / large quantities/major
*substantial/many/extensive/large quantities/busiest/major

  1. This is why everyone needs to try (1) .................... to avoid wasting water supplies, especially hot water, because consumers are having to pay (2) .................. prices for it. Easily (3) ................... solution is to change your bathroom habits' It's said that a typical bath uses around (4) .................... hot water as a five-minute shower, and therefore uses (5) .................... energy to heat the water. If you already do this, then remember that (6) .................... you stay under the shower, the more water (and energy) you use. So try making your showers (7) ...................... .

hard/higher/the best/twice as much/a lot more/ longer/shorter and cool
harder/high/ best/twice as much/a lot more/ longer/short and cool
*harder/higher/the best/twice as much/a lot more/the longer/shorter and cooler

  1. At the professional level, football probably attracts (1) .................... spectators and television viewers (2) .................... any other sport, but it is here that the situation is perhaps (3) ................... as healthy (4) .................... it might seem. According to some, the profit motive has begun to dominate the game, and the more that clubs and players earn, the (5) .................... they care about football as a game. In other words, winning at all costs and making as much money (6) .................... possible are beginning to overwhelm the sport. For some fanatical fans, in any case, football has become more of a religion (7) .................... a sport.

less /than/not/as/ more /as/than

  1. Find the antonym for this phrase:

As soon as a fish dies
from the moment
*immediately after
over a period of time

  1. Find the synonym for this phrase:

while something else is happening

  1. Put the correct verb in the gap

Only the wealthy can expect to .... a profit from selling works of art.

  1. Put the verb in correct form

It is time we take action to stop the forgery of famous artists' work.
were taking

  1. Fill the gap

The event had to finish early ..... an electricity failure.
*owing to

  1. Fill the gap

However, the amount of time spent on the internet over-80s was not .... as high in 2013 as it was in 2010.

  1. Put the correct noun

There are many different ..... of milk on supermarket shelves.

  1. Put the correct verb

Some hospitals have .... a new approach to patient care.
* devised

  1. Which conjunction does not express purpose

in order to
* as a result

  1. Which noun we use with "make"

a business

  1. To encourage the development or existence of something

devise a strategy
yield results
promote feelings

  1. To control or influence directly, to decide

overlook the factor
outline the causes
determine an outcome

  1. Put the correct preposition

Some people are more capable than others ... studying late at night.

  1. Put the correct preposition

Blaming others ... your mistakes is never a good idea.

  1. Find the correct word

... to plan a path or direction, to find a way

  1. Fill the gap

The designer .... that the pattern on the fabric was unique
*-worked out
turned up
pointed out

  1. Put the most appropriate word:

My brother has taken a lot of singing lessons, but he still sings ...

  1. Put the most appropriate word:

Can I borrow your ___ for a minute? I need to look up a word.

  1. Put the most appropriate word:

Alcohol used to be banned in the United States. It was _ _ _in 1933.

  1. ... to appear or be found

*turns out
comes to
turn up

  1. Choose the correct verb tense to complete the sentence.

Between 2000 and the present day, the numbers .......steady
were remaining
have remained

  1. Choose the correct verb tense to complete the sentence.

In 2002,the university intake was stable, but prior to that, it ......
have fluctuated*
had fluctuated

  1. Find the definition of word: Fulfill

something you buy because it may be worth more in the future
a continuing increase in prices over time
*to achieve a stated goal or promise

  1. Synonym for "add up"

to mix
to combine*-
to increase

  1. Find the most appropriate definition for word: Engrave

combine (one thing) with another to form a whole.
have enough money to pay for.
*to mark, usually putting a name or a special message on an object

  1. The official language of the Czech Republic is Czech, a highly complex western Slavic tongue. Any attempt from foreigners to speak Czech will be heartily appreciated, so do not be discouraged if people fail to understand you, as most will be accustomed to hearing foreigners stumble through their language. If you don't know any Czech, brush up on your German, since, among the older generation at least, it is still the most widely spoken second language. Russian, once the compulsory second language has been practically wiped off the school curriculum, and the number of English speakers has been steadily increasing, especially among the younger generation.

-This passage would most likely appear in ----.
*a travel guide for the Czech Republic
a book about English language teaching
a history book of the Czech Republic
a grammar book of the Czech language

  1. The Rhine is a European river which rises in the Swiss Alps and flows northward for a distance of 1320 kilometres, entering the North Sea just south of the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. It is navigable all the way from the sea to Basle, Switzerland, and for this reason is of great commercial importance, serving the industrial region of Ruhr and such inland ports as Cologne, Manheim and Strasbourg. It is connected by canal with the Danube and the Rhone Its most famous stretch is the Rhine Gorge, the steep sides being given over to vineyards. Politically, too, the Rhine has played a big part in European history, providing a natural frontier between French speaking people to the west and Germanic peoples to the east.

-It is stated in the passage that the industrial importance of the Rhine --- .
*stems from its role as a link between Switzerland and the sea
comes from its length of more than a thousand kilometers
is a direct result of its rising in the Alps in Switzerland
is due mainly to the river's political significance

  1. Amphibious vehicles, those that can move on both land and water, have been in use for a number of years. However, while most of them are quite fast on land, they move quite slowly when they are functioning as boats. The only truly amphibious vehicle that can move with equal ease on both land and water, is the Hovercraft. A Hovercraft actually travels on an air cushion produced by a large fan which blows air downwards between the body of the vehicle and the water or the ground. This lifts up the craft. Because the Hovercraft floats on the air cushion, there is no contact between the craft and the surface below. This allows it to travel over flat or rough ground, or water.

-The passage tells us that amphibious vehicles ---- .
are still in the early stages of development
can also function as aeroplanes in certain situations
are not capable of travelling efficiently on water
*are able to travel on water as well as on land

  1. Many experiments have suggested that a child who has watched a violent video sequence is more likely to engage in aggressive acts than one who has not. According to one study, a preference for violent TV shows is a more accurate indicator of aggression than socio -economic background, family relationships, IQ, or any other single factor. Though it is difficult to say which comes first, an aggressive personality or a preference for violent shows, the relationship is certainly valid. A steady diet of TV violence can also make children numb to reality. One eleven -year -old was quoted as saying that he had seen so many assaults and murders on the screen that if he saw someone really get killed, it would not bother him.

-According to the study mentioned in the passage, the most likely people to be aggressive are --- .
people with low IQ's
*people who watch too much violence on TV
those with violent family relationships
those who are numb to reality

  1. US citizens are legally permitted to arrive in the Netherlands as tourists, 'and then look for work while they're there. However, nobody can work legally in the Netherlands, without a social -fiscal, SOFI, number: yet, the Tax Office won't issue a SOFI number to non -EU nationals without a residence permit, and the Aliens' Police won't issue the permit to anyone without a SOFI number. These regulations are designed to make things difficult, but there do seem to be ways around them. If you can find an employer who will give both the Tax Office and the Aliens' Police a written statement to say that you alone are the right person to do the job, you may be granted a residence permit and a SOFI number. Otherwise, apart from marrying a Dutch citizen, there is little you can do legally to establish yourself there.

-An American who wishes to week in the Netherlands ----- .
*is allowed to seek employment while on holiday in the country
must get a written statement from the Tax Office to give to his employer
must arrange all of the details before leaving the United States
should arrive there with a residence permit and a SOFI number

  1. A descriptive composition about a person should consist of…

*An introduction, a main body and conclusion
An introduction and conclusion
A main body and conclusion
An introduction, a table of contents and conclusion

  1. To describe physical appearance, details should be given as…

*Height/build, age, facial features, hair, clothes.
Hair, clothes, height/build, facial features.
Hair, clothes, age, the date of birth, hobbies, interests.
Height/build, age, facial features, comments and feelings about the person.

  1. John is a tall, slim man in his mid-forties. He has a thin face, blue eyes and a large nose. His short hair is greying at the temples. He is usually casually dressed. What kind of paragraph is it?

Opinion essay

  1. When you write a descriptive composition about a place or building, a good introduction should…

*identify it, give its exact location and state the reason for choosing it;
describe the main aspects of the place or building in detail;
mention your feelings and your final thoughts about the place or give a
overall look and particular details

  1. Match the characteristics of informal style.

Personal style, use of colloquial English (idiomatic expressions), use of idioms, use of short forms, chatty descriptions.
Personal style, use of idioms, address the reader, chatty descriptions, variety of adjectives, use of short forms, non-colloquial English
Impersonal style, frequent use of passive voice, complex sentences, use of participles, non-colloquial English, no descriptions of feelings/emotions, short forms acceptable only in quotes, advanced vocabulary
Only use of idioms can help you identify the difference between informal and formal style.

  1. Match the characteristics of formal style.

Personal style, use of idioms, address the reader, chatty descriptions, variety of adjectives, use of short forms, non-colloquial English
Personal style, use of colloquial English (idiomatic expressions), use of idioms, use of short forms, chatty descriptions.
Only use of idioms can help you identify the difference between informal and formal style.
Impersonal style, frequent use of passive voice, complex sentences, use of participles, non-colloquial English, no descriptions of feelings/emotions, short forms acceptable only in quotes, advanced vocabulary

  1. Match the characteristics of semi-formal style.

Personal style, use of idioms, address the reader, chatty descriptions, variety of adjectives, use of short forms, non-colloquial English.
Personal style, use of colloquial English (idiomatic expressions), use of idioms, use of short forms, chatty descriptions.
Impersonal style, frequent use of passive voice, complex sentences, use of participles, non-colloquial English, no descriptions of feelings/emotions, short forms acceptable only in quotes, advanced vocabulary
Only use of idioms can help you identify the difference between informal and formal style.

  1. A good letter/email should consist of …;

An introduction, a main body, a final paragraph
*An appropriate greeting, an introduction, a main body, a final paragraph, an appropriate ending.
Greeting, beginning, ending, and ending.
Several paragraphs.

  1. The characteristics of formal style in letters/emails are….;

colloquial English), no abbreviated forms
the greeting (Dear Alex, Dear Dad,) informal language and style
*frequent use of the passive, formal language (complex sentences, non-

abbreviated forms, pronouns omitted, the ending

Greeting (Dear sir/madam) and ending (Yours faithfully)

  1. When you write a descriptive composition about a place or building, a main body should…

* describe the main aspects of the place or building in detail;

identify it, give its exact location and state the reason for choosing it;

mention your feelings and your final thoughts about the place or give a recommendation
overall look and particular details

  1. When you write a descriptive composition about a place or building, a conclusion should…

*mention your feelings and your final thoughts about the place or give a recommendation
identify it, give its exact location and state the reason for choosing it;
describe the main aspects of the place or building in detail;
overall look and particular details

  1. Set in the heart of southern England, London is one of the biggest and busiest cities in Europe. A truly international city, London attracts millions visitors every year from all over the world, yet never loses its own unique charm. What kind of paragraph is it?

*Description of a place, an introduction.
Description of a place, a main body.
Description of a place, a conclusion.
Description of a person, an introduction.

  1. London has many impressive sights to see, ranging from the historical beauty of St Paul's Cathedral and Big Ben to Buckingham Palace and The Houses of Parliament. In this city of contrasts, you can be walking along one of the busiest streets, yet still be less than a mile from one of the many huge, peaceful parks. London is a great cultural center, too; the National Gallery contains one of the finest collections of classical paintings in the world. What kind of paragraph is it?

*Description of a place, a main body.
Description of a place, an introduction.
Description of a place, a conclusion.
Description of a person, an introduction.

  1. London is also well known for other things apart from its monuments and art galleries. Shoppers will enjoy visiting the department stores on Oxford Street or they could try Harrods, the most exclusive shop in London. For evening entertainment, the choice of theatres is enormous. From the famous Southbank Theatre complex to the smaller theatres of Covent Garden, there is no end of plays to see. Soho and its pavement cafes are also worth visiting. What kind of paragraph is it?

*Description of a place, a main body.
Description of a place, an introduction.
Description of a place, a conclusion.
Description of a person, an introduction.

  1. London is an exceptional place, a truly modern city that has managed to keep its traditional style and sense of history. You may get exhausted in London, but one thing is certain; you will never get bored because, as Dr Johnson once said, "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life." What kind of paragraph is it?

*Description of a place, a conclusion.
Description of a place, an introduction.
Description of a place, a main body.
Description of a person, an introduction.

  1. Amphibious vehicles, those that can move on both land and water, have been in use for a number of years. However, while most of them are quite fast on land, they move quite slowly when they are functioning as boats. The only truly amphibious vehicle that can move with equal ease on both land and water, is the Hovercraft. A Hovercraft actually travels on an air cushion produced by a large fan which blows air downwards between the body of the vehicle and the water or the ground. This lifts up the craft. Because the Hovercraft floats on the air cushion, there is no contact between the craft and the surface below. This allows it to travel over flat or rough ground, or water.

According to the passage, of all amphibious vehicles, only the Hovercraft --- .
*operates with equal efficiency on both land and sea
requires smooth ground or a calm sea
has a large fan which keeps the engine cool
has become popularly known

  1. Trinity College, or Dublin University, in the Republic of Ireland, dates from the sixteenth century. However, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, many Irish students went abroad, to Italy, Spain and France, to be educated, as Catholics, forming the majority of the population were forbidden to have schools. During that time in Ireland, many teachers operated outside the law. Known as Hedge Shoolmasters, they taught their pupils by the hedgerows in summer and in hillside huts in winter due to a lack of buildings of their own. They managed to teach Latin and Greek well, Without texts, masters and pupils had to rely on memory. Not until the nineteenth century did these banned 'hedge' schools disappear, when a system of public education was finally approved by the British Government.

-One difficulty that Hedge Schoolmasters and their pupil were faced with was that ---- .
*they didn't have any school books
the school masters weren’t properly trained
the masters and pupils spoke different languages
the students had to study Latin and Greek

  1. Nowhere else in Italy is the art of making pasta so perfected as in Emilia. An ordinary housewife, in half an hour, can make enough taglierini, a kind of pasta, for a dozen people. With eggs and flour and just a drop of water she makes the dough. With a long rolling pin, she presses it out into circular sheets, paper thin. She then cuts it into ribbons a quarter of an inch in width. In Rome this pasta is called fettucfrie, and is boiled and drained like spaghetti, and served swimming in butter and melted cheese. In Emilia, they prefer it served with a sauce of meat, tomato, herbs and mushrooms. In Genoa, the same pasta, made in exactly the same way, is served al pesto-with an uncooked sauce of garlic, herbs and olive oil.

-From what the author says about taglierini and al pesto, we can understand that-
*they are the same pasta with different names
the people from Emilia like a thicker sauce
the Genoans generally use more herbs in cooking
the people in Genoa eat much less pasta

  1. All contact lenses are now made of plastic, but hard and soft varieties are available. The newer and more expensive soft lenses can be bent and will return to their original shape. Made of water - absorbing plastic, they cause very little discomfort and can be worn for as short or as long a period as you like. Lenses of hard plastic do cause discomfort during the adjustment period and must be worn regularly so that another break -in period isn't necessary. However, vision through soft contacts isn't as good as through hard contacts. Another disadvantage of soft lenses is their tendency to absorb eye secretions and mists from hair spray, room deodorant and the like.

-We can conclude from the passage that a person wearing soft plastic lenses ---- .
*should avoid using aerosol sprays
doesn't need to have them checked frequently
won't have any difficulty seeing clearly
ought to use them for short periods

  1. Scientists have warned that the Great Barrier Reef, meant to be one of the most strictly protected natural wonders of the world, is dying, and this is because of the western appetite for prawn cocktails, and a combination of other human activities, including tourism and oil mining. The Australian Conservation Foundation has said that the reef could soon be listed as "endangered". It is one of the world's richest natural sites, with more than 400 species of coral and 1,500 fish species. Every living thing in the 140,000 -square -mile park is extremely sensitive to disturbance. The scientists' report reveals that large -scale prawn fishing-both illegal and licensed-has in a few years reduced seabed animals by more than half. For every tonne of prawns caught, up to 10 tonnes of marine life is being sacrificed.

-The author believes that prawn fishing ----.
*is disturbing the balance of nature in the area
only benefits the rich West
is the only means for the locals to earn their living
should be restricted to ten tonnes per year

  1. His office, which is in the seventh floor, is spacious and bright due to the natural light coming in from the large, full-length windows. It is peaceful too, as a result of its position high from the traffic-filled city streets. What kind of paragraph is it?

Description of a place, a main body.
*Description of a place, an introduction.
Description of a place, a conclusion.
Description of a person, an introduction.

  1. The interior is very comfortable. Long curtains hang on the ceiling all the way down the pale pink carpet and there are several potted plants in one corner of the room. My father's wooden desk with its luxurious black leather chairs, is situated opposite the window so he can look at over the city. Behind his chair, there is a large wood-paneled cupboard where he keeps his files.

What kind of paragraph is it?
*Description of a place, a main body.
Description of a place, an introduction.
Description of a place, a conclusion.
Description of a person, an introduction.

  1. My father's office is a very pleasant working environment and I am sure that working there helps to make his job a lot easier. What kind of paragraph is it?

*Description of a place, a conclusion.
Description of a place, an introduction.
Description of a place, a main body.
Description of a person, an introduction.

  1. My house would have a large, bright kitchen where I could sit quietly at a wooden table admiring the view of the garden through the window. My living room would be simple, with basic furniture like a long soft sofa and two large armchairs. It would also have a fireplace so I could keep warm or cold windy nights. There would also be several wooden bookcases full of books to keep me company. My bedroom would have a four-poster bed with a white linen bed cover and the walls would be painted a soothing pale blue. What kind of paragraph is it?

*Description of place/building.
Description of person.
Description of thing.

  1. It is a narration.

It would be a small wooden cottage surrounded by a neat green lawn stretching all the way down to a river. There would be colorful flowers gently swaying in the cool breeze and an orchard at the back of the house with trees full of sweet and juicy oranges, apples and pears. What kind of paragraph is it?
*Description of place/building.
Description of person.
Description of thing.
It is a narration.

  1. In Memphis, Tennessee, the unofficial capital of the Mississippi Delta, many people, black and white, have always been drawn to the blues music. It is this racial cross -over that helped inspire Memphis's most famous adopted son, Elvis Presley, to fuse black blues and white country and gospel music into rock'n'roll. Whereas rock'n'rol became universally popular, very few black blues musicians gained commercial success, and the blues remained no more than a side -show, appreciated mainly by the poor blacks who created it in the first place. Surprisingly though, it was white rock groups from Britain, particularly the Rolling Stones, who popularized the great American blues guitarists and singers by acknowledging their debt to them.

-The author tells us that rock'n'roll ----- .
became most famous in Memphis, the capital of Mississippi
became popular owing to blues musicians
is better sung by whites than blacks *–bu javob aniqmas chunki kitobda belgilangan javob bunda yuq.
has never been as popular as the blues

  1. The development of geology owes much to the work of non -professional observers. In no other science, with the possible exceptions of astronomy and archaeology, has the keen amateur participated so actively or contributed so much. This is mainly because experimental methods of investigation involving complicated apparatus typical of chemistry, physics and biology are of only limited use in geology, which results from the fact that geological processes work slowly and depend on factors beyond human control. The advance of geological knowledge has depended on simple observations, patiently gathered, of the outcrops of rocks, their thicknesses, their angles and their fossil content

-It is clear from the passage that complex equipment for geological investigation -
*only plays a small part in the field of geology
is much the same as that used in other scientific fields
may be easily mastered and used by the amateur
is of no use whatsoever in the development of geology

  1. According to local legend, the Russian Mikhail Bukanin entered a Prague cafe in 1848 and ordered tea. When the owner said that he'd never heard of the drink Bukanin marched into the kitchen and made the city's first cup of tea. Eighty years later, there were an estimated 150 tea - houses in Prague, but the culture died out under the Communist regime. Today's tea -houses are mostly a 1990s' phenomenon. Partly a reaction to the smoke -filled atmosphere of the Czech pub, and partly a reaction against the multinational, fast food culture that has recently arrived in Prague, tea -houses are non -smoking, peaceful places to enjoy a quiet cup of tea and relax. The tea drinking is taken very seriously, and many of the tea -houses stock a huge array of different kinds of tea.

-Legend tells that ----- .
*a Russian introduced tea to the people of Prague
the first cafe in Prague serving tea was started by a foreigner
the Czechs used to drink tea themselves but did not offer it to their guests
eating and drinking habits of the Czechs were greatly affected by the Russians’

  1. When you describe objects, you should be accurate and give a clear picture of what you describe. This means you should give information about…

*Size and weight, shape, pattern and decoration, color, origin and material as well as
information concerning value, use, quality and special characteristics
Description of color and size.
Description of thing generally.
Material and size

  1. When you need to use a variety of adjectives to describe an object, they are normally given in the order. Match the right order.

Opinion, Size/Weight, Age, Shape, Color, Pattern, Origin, Material.
Shape, Color, Pattern, Origin, Material.
*Size/Weight, Age, Shape, Color, Pattern, manba: successful-54-bet
Weight, Age, Shape, Color, Pattern, Origin,

  1. Witnesses reported that the craft appeared to be fifty metres long and resembled a balloon. It was said to be silver in color with flashing orange lights all around the bottom. What kind of description is it?

*Description of thing.
Description of person.
Description of place/building.
It is a narration.

  1. My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped blond guitar―the first instrument I taught myself how to play. It's nothing fancy, just a Madeira folk guitar, all scuffed and scratched and fingerprinted. At the top is a bramble of copper-wound strings, each one hooked through the eye of a silver tuning key. The strings are stretched down a long, slim neck, its frets tarnished, the wood worn by years of fingers pressing chords and picking notes. What kind of description is it?

Description of thing.*
Description of person.
Description of place/building.
It is a narration.

  1. As he passed by the window, the long steel blade flashed in the moonlight.

He kept a firm grip on the heavy, cold handle of the weapon as he slowly made his way to his victim’s bedroom. What kind of description is it?
Description of thing.
Description of person.
Description of place/building.
*It is a narration.

  1. This beautiful antique Chinese necklace is guaranteed to enhance even the most classic of outfits. Made of the finest miniature black and white pearls, this masterpiece of craftsman ship is a must for any serious jewellery collector. What kind of description is it?

Description of thing.*
Description of person.
Description of place/building.
It is a narration.

  1. My overcoat is dark blue and is made of lamb’s wool. It is old but should be recognized from the initials J.P. Sewn on the lining. Should it be found please contact me on. What kind of description is it?

Description of thing.*
Description of person.
Description of place/building.
It is a narration.

  1. It was a brown, paper, shopping bag with two black straw handles. There were three articles of clothing inside the bag. One was an expensive, silk blouse with a gold collar. There was also a long, dark green, French scarf to match. The third item was a pair of soft, grey, woolen trousers with thin pinstripes. What kind of paragraph is it?

Description of a thing, a main body.
Description of a place, an introduction.
Description of a thing, a conclusion.
Description of a person, an introduction.

  1. Lake Harriet is a great place to swim and relax. In the summer, the water is warm and

clean, and the beaches are large enough to accommodate groups of people seeking relief from a midsummer scorcher. In addition to swimming, visitors to the lake can go canoeing, sailing, windsurfing, or fishing. The blue water is a refreshing, tempting sight. What kind of paragraph is it?
Description of a place, a main body.
Description of a place, an introduction.
Description of a place, a conclusion.
Description of a person, an introduction.

  1. US citizens are legally permitted to arrive in the Netherlands as tourists, 'and then look for work while they're there. However, nobody can work legally in the Netherlands, without a social -fiscal, SOFI, number: yet, the Tax Office won't issue a SOFI number to non -EU nationals without a residence permit, and the Aliens' Police won't issue the permit to anyone without a SOFI number. These regulations are designed to make things difficult, but there do seem to be ways around them. If you can find an employer who will give both the Tax Office and the Aliens' Police a written statement to say that you alone are the right person to do the job, you may be granted a residence permit and a SOFI number. Otherwise, apart from marrying a Dutch citizen, there is little you can do legally to establish yourself there.

-The author suggests that for an American to have any hope of securing a residence permit, you need -- .
*something in writing from an employee
to be a non -EU national
to open your own business there
to have Dutch ancestors

  1. India, one of the poorest countries in the world. has the most HIV positive citizens, an estimated 4 million people. However, it is estimated that less than 1 percent of those living with HIV in India can afford the medication; about 20 pills of various types which has become known as the "AID cocktail". Indigenous production of drugs which will eliminate the cost of import, and perhaps even development of a vaccine may be the only way for India to combat AIDS But costs remain high, even though an Indian company has begun to produce some of the treatment drugs in India.

-The "AIDS cocktail" ---- .
*consists of about 20 different kinds of medicine
is taken by all HIV positive Indians every day
is widely available and inexpensive
is produced in India by an Indian company

  1. In recent years, a whole new generation of cargo vessels have begun sailing the oceans of the world at speeds that in the past were confined to fast passenger liners. They are known as container ships, monsters with powerful engines developing up to 90,000 horse power. These ships are primarily important due to the fact that the container method of transporting goods has revolutionised maritime cargo carrying because of the speed at which they can be loaded and unloaded when they arrive at a port specially equipped to handle the containers. These containers look like giant building blocks and are made to a standard size.

-It is stated in the passage that container ships ---- .
*have recently begun sailing the oceans
are described as "monsters" because they are ugly
have virtually replaced passenger liners
can travel so fast because they are loaded with standard size containers

  1. The man responsible for greatly reducing the suffering resulting from surgery was Joseph Lister, who was born in 1827. In 1886 he made the discovery that wound infections following surgery were due to bacteria, and he began to use carbolic acid in an attempt to destroy the bacteria in the air around the operating table. Clean, sterile operating theatres as we know them were unfamiliar in Lister's day, and he was the first surgeon to realise the importance of antisepsis-killing the bacteria in and around the incision that is necessary for the operation. It was his pioneering work with antiseptics which led to the strict routines which surround modern operating theatres, where surgical instruments are sterilised before use, and all the theatre staff have to "scrub up" and wear sterilised gloves and clothing.

-Before Joseph Lister's discoveries, ---- .
**clean, sterile operating theatres were unknown
there was an inefficient method of sterilisation
theatre staff followed strict preparation routines
surgery was always very dangerous

  1. Choose the best word to complete the sentence:

__________two generation is often shown through music, fashion and business.
*The distinction between

  1. Choose the best word to complete the sentence:

______previous generations, who would save to buy a product, today people use debt to buy what the want.

  1. Choose the best word to complete the sentence:

Many people want a greater choice of food available all year round.________________, some prefer seasonal and local food.
*On the other hand

  1. Choose the best word to complete the sentence:

The largest bookstore in Europe holds 150.000 books___________Amazon holds over millions of titles.
at the same time

  1. Add capital letters to this sentence

the red sea separates east africa from the arabian peninsula.
The Red Sea separates East Africa from the Arabian Peninsula.
The Red sea separates east africa from the arabian peninsula.
The Red sea separates East africa from the Arabian peninsula.
The red sea separates east Africa from the Arabian peninsula.

  1. Define the term: Fact

expresses truth
expresses an opinion
expresses a belief
expresses a feeling

  1. Define the term: Opinion

expresses a belief, feeling or judgement.
expresses truth.
expresses facts.
expresses actions.

  1. Define the term:
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