VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-1385
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723
Academic Research, Uzbekistan 971
Gulnora Ziyadullayevna Narkuziyeva
Teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute
It is obvious that, among all types of human activity, one of the most important
is pedagogical activities that ensure the transfer from generation to generation of the
accumulated spiritual and practical experience. Epochs,
social formations,
worldviews change, old ones are destroyed and new value systems are formed
professions die and are born, but just as much as humanity will exist, the work of a
teacher will also be in demand. For decades pedagogical ethics possesses its own role
in education.Therefore, this paper purposes to explore
importance of pedagogical
ethics and its peculiarities.
Pedagogy, ethics, education, teacher, ethical competence.
The work of a teacher involves not only a certain stock of knowledge,
professional experience and motivation. Its moral and ethical component has no less
influence on the quality and effectiveness of pedagogical activity. The need for
ethical regulation of pedagogical activity is especially important at the present stage
of education development. Solving the tasks facing Russia of ensuring the innovative
nature of basic education; modernization of educational institutions as instruments of
development; creation of a modern system of continuous education,
and retraining of professional personnel; the formation of mechanisms for assessing
the quality and demand for educational services is impossible without rethinking the
role of the teacher in the educational process and the requirements that society places
on his personality.
Pedagogical ethics is one of the most developed areas of professional ethics.
According to some experts, its elements "appeared
along with the emergence of
pedagogical activity as a special social function". During the existence of civilization,
pedagogical morality has evolved significantly, and today it is interpreted as “a set of
norms and rules of the teacher's
behavior, ensuring the moral character of
pedagogical activity and
the relationships caused by it; a science that studies the
origin and nature, structure, functions and features of the manifestation of morality in
pedagogical activity; professional morality of a teacher”.