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What are to be expressed in synonymous words?

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@IELTSc1 IELTS Speaking How to improve your band score

What are to be expressed in synonymous words?

Keywords in questions should be expressed differently in your answer. They can
be adjectives, nouns, phrases and verbs. The keywords in each sentence are
1.  What is your favourite food?
I am fond of eating _____.
I like / I am into _____.
_____ really entices me.
2.  Can you tell me about some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your

There are many popular/well-known landscapes in my place. _____ and _____
are sought by many people.
Common Part 1 Topics
1.  Do you have a large or small family?
I belong to a big/huge family.
There are a large number of people in my family.
There are only _____ members in my family.
2.  How much time do you spend with your family?
3.  The number of hours varies.
Every weekend I usually allocate five hours and on weekdays just two.
I set aside an hour or two for my family.
4.  What do you like to do together as a family?
We usually spend our time cooking and doing housework.
We are into verb + -ing.
We love to verb (base form).
We share a common interest in verb + -ing / noun.
5.  Do you get along well with your family?
I have a harmonious relationship with every member of my family.
As much as possible, I avoid conflict with any member of my family,
so I try to have a good relationship with them.
I have a smooth relationship with _____.
I get on well with all members of my family.
6.  Are people in your country generally close with their families?
Families are tightly knit in the country where I come from.
There is a tight relationship among families in my country.
Some people are not attached to their families. (when the answer to the
question is no)
Some are distant from their families. (when the answer to the question
is no)

Note: There are many questions about family in the IELTS exam.
Familiarization is really advised.
1.  What do you do?
I work for name of the company.
I am employed as a position.
My job is an/a _____.
2.  What are your responsibilities?
I am in charge of _____.
I am responsible for _____.
My tasks are _____, _____, and _____.
My duties are _____.
I am tasked to verb (base form).
3.  How many hours do you work each day?
I usually spend eight hours daily.
I have a nine-to-five job.
I do a four-hour part-time job every day.
4.  Do you enjoy your work?
I get bored sometimes.
I easily lose interest in my job.
I don’t like doing my job anymore.
I have a lot of fun doing my job.
This job is so interesting.
I love doing my tasks daily.
5.  Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?
If I had a chance, I would love to work as a _____.
I am really interested in working as a position.
Changing jobs hasn’t really entered my mind.
I’d love to work in this job for a lifetime.
6.  Describe the process of getting a job in your country.
To apply for a job, an applicant must _____, _____, and _____.
The hiring process in my country starts with an applicant submitting a
resume, next _____, lastly _____.
7.  Describe the company or organization you work for.
I am employed in an/a nature of company (manufacturing, service
industry, etc.).
I work for a _____.

I am a part of ABC Company. It is a manufacturing company
importing electronic goods to the Philippines.
8.  What do you dislike about your job?
One thing that I really can’t stand / can’t bear about my job is _____.
I’m fed up with _____.
_____ is really unlikeable.
1.  What kind of school did you go to as a child?
I went to a public/private/non-sectarian school.
My primary education began at a same-sex school, where I studied
with students of my gender.
My parents sent me to a private school.
I was educated in a sectarian school (or other types of school).
2.  Did you go to a co-educational school?
Yes, I studied in a school where both genders were in the same
I was educated with other students of the opposite sex.
3.  What was your favourite subject as a child?
I was really interested in studying science.
Name of a subject fascinated me.
I found _____ the most interesting subject for me.
4.  What is the education system like in your country?
I think we follow the United States of America’s system of education.
We have preschool, primary, secondary, undergraduate, and graduate
school. This is financially and time demanding.
Our education system is patterned after the USA, which I believe is
effective. The educational system is both formal and informal. In this
way, learners are given options as to which education they want to
pursue. I would say there is individual freedom in this education
5.  Do you think your country has an effective education system?
My country’s system of education can be both effective and
ineffective, but generally speaking, it is ineffective.
After graduation from university, many graduates from my country are
unemployed due to something lacking in the education system.
I think our system of education lacks effectiveness.

1.  What are you studying now?
I am taking an/a ______ (e.g., education, engineering, etc.) course.
I am in the middle of my master’s degree.
I am pursuing a degree in / a master’s degree in _____ (e.g., two-year
training in cosmetology).
2.  What is your area of specialization?
Literature and linguistics are my fields of concentration.
I am majoring in _____.
I am specializing in _____.
1.  Describe your hometown.
I was born / grew up in a place located in the southernmost part of the
My town is called _____, and it has the smallest population.
2.  What’s special about it?
It is known for a scenic spot called Chocolate Hills.
It is peculiar for the laidback lifestyle among the places in the region.
People easily recognize my hometown because of its gigantic cross.
3.  Where is your hometown located?
My town is situated in the southernmost part of _____.
My town can be found in _____.
4.  Is it easy to travel around your hometown?
There is an easy way when you move around my town because the
transport operates 24/7.
Movement from place to place in my city is really convenient.
Travelling has never been so challenging in my place.
Travelling at night is difficult because there aren’t many vehicles in
my city.
It is really challenging for some people to move around my city
because of _____.
5.  What do people in your town do?
Most of the residents in my city are farmers, and some run their own
small business.
Some people earn/make a living through _____.

There are many sources of income in my city, such as buying and
selling agricultural goods, raising crops and animals, fishery, and a lot
more. So most of the people are farmers, fishermen, and businessmen,
and there are also some who are employed in different establishments
like schools, government offices, and shops.
6.  What are the main industries in your hometown?
My city is an agricultural place, so timber and fishery are the major
industrial sectors.
Fishery and timber are the major industrial sectors in my city.
The major industries in my city are the manufacturing and service
The pharmaceutical and health care industries are the major industries
in my city.
7.  What problems face your hometown?
Pollution is one of the problems my place is facing.
My city is trying to combat illegal logging, drug addiction, and illegal
possession of firearms.
My city is handling environmental and economic challenges such as
the improper disposal of garbage, deforestation, and homelessness.
8.  What languages are spoken in your hometown?
People in my hometown use/speak Filipino for business and the
Cebuano language for daily conversation.
The medium of communication varies depending on the situation.
For instance, they speak English when they talk to people abroad,
Filipino when they do business with people from the capital city, and
Cebuano in common conversation with neighbours.
9.  What are the advantages of living in your hometown?
There are many benefits to living in my hometown.
The good things one can get when living in my hometown are _____,
_____, _____, and _____.
10.  What are some problems faced by your hometown?
Unsolved murder cases, robbery, and illegal gambling were some of
the challenges overcome by my town.
Problems pertaining to peace and order were the challenges
encountered by some authorities in my town.
11.  What are some environmental problems faced by your hometown?
Improper disposal of garbage and deforestation were some of the
problems handled by my city over the past twenty years.
Illegal logging and uncontrolled carbon dioxide emissions challenged

the city authorities and residents in the past.
1.  What’s the weather like in your country?
Generally speaking, it’s dry all year round in my country, so it is sunny
and hot most months.
It rains in summer, and you can experience cool weather in December.
2.  Does the weather affect your mood?
Absolutely! When it rains I feel so low and tired.
Weather condition affects how I feel.
3.  How do rainy days make you feel?
A heavy downpour causes me to be depressed and lazy.
A sunny and warm day induces me to enjoy time outdoors.
I have a more active life in this weather.
My appetite for eating increases when it’s cold.
4.  What’s your favourite season of the year?
I love / like / am fond of summer. Every year I’m looking forward to
Isn’t it fantastic to make a snowman with friends?
5.  What do you like to do when it’s hot?
Hot surroundings stop me from going out often.
So I just spend most of my time indoors reading books and other
Swimming at the beach is one of the activities I love doing when the
weather is hot.
6.  What do you usually do in the winter? Unfortunately, there is no winter in
my country. But I think it would be a lot of fun making a snowman or
snowball fighting with friends.
7.  How many seasons does your country have?
My country has _____.
There are _____ seasons in my country.
Summer, winter, fall, and spring are the four seasons in my country.
For a tropical country like the Philippines, there are only three seasons,
namely hot, rainy, and cold.

1.  Describe your home.
I live in a concrete place with two bedrooms, a living room, and a dining
2.  What kind of building do you live in?
I live in an apartment. I stay in a two-storey building.
3.  How long have you lived there?
I have lived in my home since I was eight years old.
1.  Have you ever been to a wedding?
I have attended several wedding ceremonies.
I was once an invited guest at my friend’s wedding.
2.  Whose wedding was it?
I graced my best friend’s matrimonial ceremony.
I was invited to my best friend’s wedding.
3.  Where was it held?
The venue was actually a public hall.
The wedding ceremony took place in a famous Catholic church in my
4.  What clothes do people wear?
There is no typical dress for a wedding, so invited guests put on
clothes suitable for the occasion.
Guests should follow the dress code, which is usually decided by the
5.  Describe the wedding ceremony.
It is a solemn union of two people, so literally the wedding hall is
silent, and it is embellished with fresh flowers and white linen.
You can feel a festive atmosphere among the people in the wedding
and reception area.
6.  What sort of gifts do people buy for the bridal couple?
Money, kitchenware, and other objects that are useful are the most common
gifts given to newlyweds.
7.  What kinds of clothing do the bride and groom wear?
Generally speaking, a long white dress for the bride and a suit for the
groom are common.

1.  Do you like to travel?
Definitely, travelling is my hobby.
Yes, going to new places is in my blood.
2.  What kind of places have you visited in your life?
I’ve been to some historical spots in the capital city of my country.
I have had a chance to go to places famous for fashion like _____,
______, and _____.
I have visited _____.
3.  Which place would you really like to visit? Why?
I have really longed to go to China to see its ancient civilization and to
experience eating their exotic food.
I want to pay a visit to Paris.
I wish I could spend a long vacation in _____.
4.  What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?
I am not a well-travelled person, and I’ve only visited local tourist
I consider _____ to be the best destination I have been to.
1.  Do you think computers help society?
Absolutely. The computer is very beneficial to people.
Computers are helpful to people in every walk of life.
2.  Do you think computers are bad for the health?
There are some bad effects of the computer on our health.
Some ill effects of computers are seen in people’s health.
Computers are detrimental to the physical aspect of the user.
3.  How do you think computers have changed the world?
Computers have revolutionized the workplace.
Computers have influenced people’s methods of communication.
Computers have a strong impact in the field of _____.
1.  Do you use the Internet much during the day?
Yes, I work using the internet, so most of my time is spent on the

The Internet is indispensable since I use if often in the day.
2.  What do you usually do on the Internet?
I download movies, songs, and videos using the Internet.
I search information through the Internet.
I keep in touch with friends using some messengers on the Internet.
3.  What are some advantages of the Internet?
There are many benefits the Internet has brought to people.
The good effects of the Internet are _____, _____, and _____.
The Internet is beneficial in many ways like _____, _____, and _____.
The Internet has benefited people in several ways such as _____,
_____, and _____.
4.  What are some disadvantages?
The ill effects of the Internet are _____, _____, and _____.
The downsides / side effects / detriments / drawbacks of the Internet
are _____, _____, and _____.
5.  Do people in your country use the Internet a lot?
Definitely, the Internet is a part of people’s lives in my country.
The Internet is a necessity among people in my country.
6.  Do you do any shopping on the Internet?
I shop online sometimes.
I buy some stuff online like clothes , books, and magazines.
1.   Do you send and receive e-mails regularly?
Sending e-mails to my friends seldom happens since we usually keep
in touch through social media.
I only send e-mails to my boss, but not often. However, I receive spam
e-mails a lot.
2.  Who do you usually communicate with?
I sometimes don’t keep in touch with anybody because I am really
If time allows, I want to communicate with my friends in university
and talk about old times.
3.  How often do you check your e-mail?
I open my e-mail account more than eight times a day.
Checking my e-mail is just like looking after my children.
I do this every now and then to check if there are any messages from

my boss.
4.  Do you think writing e-mails has strengthened or weakened a person’s
writing skills?
E-mail writing has made people’s writing skills even better.
I don’t think writing an e-mail can make one’s writing skill poorer.
5.  What are some disadvantages of e-mail?
Some of the negative sides of e-mail are that it is less satisfying
especially when the e-mail is discussing something related to a
business proposal, _____, and _____.
The negative effects / downsides / detriments / side effects / bad sides
of e-mail are _____, _____, and _____.
1.  Describe a place you’d like to go to.
It’s been my desire to visit China because I want to see its historical
spots like the Great Wall.
I want to pay a visit to one of the cities in the Philippines. It is known
for its old historical street called Colon. This is a place with a lot of
cheap goods and old buildings that were constructed in the fifteenth
2.  Why is the place special to you?
I have read a lot of historical accounts of this place, and I just want to
see those things in the flesh.
There is nothing more worth remembering than what you have seen
and touched.
3.  When did you first visit this place?
I haven’t been to this place yet. I wish I could pay a visit someday.
I went to _____ last year / when I was eight years old / after my high
school graduation / last winter.
4.  Where is this place located?
Cebu can be found in the Philippines. This can be reached by any type
of transportation.
The place is situated in the northern part of _____. The place is in

1.  What do you feel about smoking in public places?
I think public smoking is detrimental to people’s health. So this
should be strictly prohibited and laws be implemented without
I’ve heard that secondhand smoking is riskier to one’s health. So
smoking in public places must be banned, and people caught doing it
must be penalized strictly.
2.  Do you think smoking should be banned in people’s homes?
Banning smoking at home must be a family’s policy, which I think is
really necessary because there are children who are directly affected.
I believe that for a country to be smoke-free, this starts at home. If the
government is really alarmed by the risks of smoking, an anti-smoking
policy must be also implemented at home.
To forbid/limit/ban/disallow people from smoking in their own homes
is very unlikely. To smoke or not to at home must be an individual’s
1.  What is the attitude toward marriage in your country?
People in my country consider marriage to be divine and that it cannot
be broken by anybody.
Marriage is one of the most important events in one’s life, and it is so
special that people are willing to spend a fortune on it.
2.  Do most young people plan on getting married in your country?
Yes, getting married is still very popular among young people, and
they prepare for this.
Some of the young adults in my country still plan for this big day.
3.  What are some of the advantages of marriage?
Marriage can be the foundation of the family, and with families we can
build a society.
Marriage coupled with faithfulness can stop the spread of sexually
transmitted disease.
The good sides / benefits of marriage are security, well- behaved
children, and happiness.
4.  What are some of the disadvantages?
Some of the drawbacks of marriage are the sacrifices you have to
make in order to get along with in-laws.

You can’t spend your money at will because it has to be used to
support your family and giving up your freedom just to stay married.
5.  Is the divorce rate high in your country?
Divorce is not legal in my country, but there are couples who are
separated by a process called annulment, and the number is increasing.
The rate of people who get divorced in China (or your country’s name)
is increasing.
6.  Do you think people should be allowed to get divorced?
I don’t think couples should be permitted to get divorced.
I think divorce should be legalized so that couples who don’t find
peace in the relationship can have an exit.
I think divorce is a solution for couples whose marriage is no longer
making them happy, so they can be set free and avoid further violence
and harm.
1.  Do you have any hobbies?
I enjoy playing basketball in my spare time. This is the only hobby I
have. I do this every weekend with friends.
Yes, in my free time I read books, play games online, and do cross-
2.  What are some of your hobbies?
Most of my hobbies are done outdoors, for example, sports, travelling,
and island hopping.
I have a lot of indoor hobbies like reading books, cooking out-of-this-
world menus, and sewing.
3.  When did you first develop this hobby?
When I was an elementary school student, I had a subject called home
economics. My teacher taught us how to sew and make something, and
from that time on, my love for sewing began.
I started doing this hobby when I was _____. My mother gave me a
book with a lot of pictures in it. And I couldn’t stop myself from
buying and loving to read books.
4.  What are some of the advantages of having a hobby?
Hobbies are indeed very beneficial. They can help us relax by not
focusing on stress but diverting our attention to our hobbies.
Doing hobbies is a good way to improve our health. For example,

some sports can promote physical activities that are helpful for burning
fat and lowering cholesterol. Hobbies also are an avenue where we can
discover our skills and hidden talents.
5.  How much time do you spend on your hobby?
I usually allocate an hour a day for my hobby.
I give an hour of my time doing my hobby.
I spare an hour for my hobby.
1.  Do you enjoy watching movies?
I have a lot of fun watching movies.
Watching movies is such a fun thing to do.
Watching movies is very enjoyable.
I find watching movies boring sometimes.
Watching movies is sometimes boring.
2.  What’s your favourite film?
The movie genre I love watching is romantic comedy / science fiction /
I like watching / I am into watching / I’m interested in watching
3.  Who are your favourite actors?
I like many actors, but above all, _____ catches my attention.
I like _____ in the movie _____.
4.  How often do you watch films?
I watch movies once a week, and that is every Sunday.
I seldom watch movies.
I watch movies once a month.
1.  Do you enjoy shopping?
I always have a great time when I shop.
I get tired when I go shopping.
I don’t find shopping enjoyable.
I have lots of fun when I shop.
2.  How do you feel about shopping?

Shopping can be very exciting when you have a lot of extra money.
Shopping, when it becomes an addiction, can be very destructive to
your personal and family budget.
Shopping is a good way to relieve stress.
3.  Do you like shopping on the Internet?
Online shopping is really the answer for people like me who have a
tight schedule and no time to shop in malls. This is an innovation that I
Shopping online does not fascinate me at all because I am into trying
on clothes before I buy them. This I can’t do online.
I don’t just like online shopping, but it has actually become my
4.  Do you have any favourite stores?
Yes, I love places that sell goods at an affordable price and with a lot
of options to choose from.
Wholesale and retail stores are places I often visit, especially when I
buy goods in large quantities.
I like going to secondhand shops in my place because the cost of
goods there is really within my budget.
5.  What don’t you like about shopping?
The crowded shopping centres, disorganized items, and impersonal
clerks are some of the reasons that make me lose interest in shopping.
The increasing cost of goods is so irritating when I shop.
Sometimes shopping centres do not have a place for you to unwind
without spending any money. This is one thing that I don’t like when I
6.  Which is the most popular place to shop in your hometown?
We have Colon Street and Divisoria. These are the places people shop
because there are a lot of cheap goods and a wide array of options to
choose from. You can often hear people talking about these places
because they are really known among shoppers.
The famous places to shop are _____, _____, and ______.
7.  What’s your favourite sport? (Please see other questions with the words

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