Something You Made by Hand Tell me about something you made by hand. You should say:
what the thing was
why you made it
how you made it
and explain what other people thought of it
A Family Photo Tell me about a family photograph you particularly like. You should say:
when the photograph was taken
who took the picture
who is in the photograph
and explain how you feel when you look at it.
1. Are photographs better than postcards as a record of travel? 2. Why do some people use a professional photographer for family pictures? 3. How important are photographs as a record of family life? 4. Why are photographs often used in advertisements? 5. Assess the value of photographs in communicating the news. 6. How important are photographs as a record of history? 7. What is the function of the photograph of the author on a book or the performer on a CD? 8. What are the similarities and differences between a good photograph and a good painting?