An Item of Clothing You Wear on Special Occasions
Tell me about an item of clothing you wear on special occasions.
You should say:
what the item is
why you bought it
if you own many clothes of the kind
and explain on what occasions you wear it.
I a m young and I don’t often dress up compared with Americans (who go to
school balls)
I own one nice shirt.
My mother bought it for me, after a whole day of shopping
Describe the shirt: long sleeves
What color? A collar. When could I wear it?
I alwavs wear a
white shirt at school
basic, no special feeling.
I don’t know when I will wear it again
I need a tie
more shopping but i d
like it.
Well, as you can see, I am still very young and as a student in high school I don't get many
opportunities to dress up
I know that in America, students get to go to different formal dances or
They even have what they call "prom" before
they graduate, but in China, unless you go for
job interview, you don't really need to buy any formal clothes.
The only formal or more sophisticated clothing item I own is a nice button-down shirt. My
mother bought it for me last year for my cousin's wedding. My mother took me to the mall and I
thought it would be easy but we ended up spending the whole afternoon there. But after visiting
many shops, we found it!
It's a light blue shirt with long sleeves. I don't think it's anything amazing but it's my only nice
shirt with a collar. I could wear it for festivals but we don't really need to dress up for Spring Festival.
I could put it on if I ever go to a fancy restaurant in the future.
At school I have to wear a white shirt every day. It's supposed to be a dressy shirt but because
I wear it every day, I don't feel like it is special anymore. I think it's a good idea to wear a uniform,
by the way, but the problem is that our uniforms are just not trendy fashionable) enough. They are
usually too big for most students and young people are always happy to get home and change into
a T-shirt or something more casual.
I really don't know when I will wear my nice shirt again. But it would be better if I could
a tie to match the shirt, and nice slacks
trousers) with a belt to look better. The last
is that I hate shopping and, believe me, going shopping with my mother is a real
I don't have an instinct for fashion
I wear casual clothes
My look says I'm a laid-back relaxed
kind of guy. I'm most comfortable
wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and my flip-flops.
My mother says that I come across as lazy and unintelligent because of the clothes I wear. She
says they're not distinctive enough
She says they don't reflect my personality.
(Source: World
Link series