a An article about increased use of horses as pets.
b A historical account of the relationship between man and horse.
c A personal complaint about the cruel treatment of horses.
Write the paragraph headings:
Foals as pets.
Domestication of horses saved them from extinction.
Ancient species.
‘Domestication’- Interpretations and definitions.
The uses of horses.
Horses- symbols of power.
Evidence about the domestication of horses.
Wild or domesticated?
Choose one of the headings to match each paragraph of the text. You have two minutes to read through the headings and try to predict what information each paragraph will contain.
You have just carried out a number of predicting and previewing activities. You have used:
A time limit of ten minutes is set so that you read quickly for the main idea in each paragraph.
How did you do?
Can you explain your answers?
Suggested answers: