ONE of the following drugs is most appropriate in treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. clarithromycin
Trimethoprim-Sulphamethoxazole e- INH and rifampicine
ONE of the following is the mode of action for B-Blockers in controlling hypertension.
a- decrease cardiac out put. b- Slow the heartrate c- Increase cardiac force of contraction d- Increase cardiac output
e- Decrease plasma volume
A healty patient who is HLA-B27 is most likely to develop ONE of thefollowing.
a- psoratic arthritis
According to Vaughan Williams Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs, which class would be verapamil belongto? class 1 A
class 1 B
class 1 C
class III
Which one of the following is LEAST useful in assessing patient with apoor prognosis in community-acquiredpneumonia? mental confusion
urea of 11.4 mmol/l
positive C-reactive protein d- respiratory rate of 35/ min. e- age 75 years old.
All the following are functions of kidney Except. (a). Excretion of waste products.
(b). production of erythropoietin. (c). Metabolism of vitamin D (d). destruction ofrennin. (e). production of prostaglandins.