I have enjoyed the film

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Mary says, "I have enjoyed the film." Mary says ... .
*she has enjoyed the film
The waste paper bin is full______crumpled sheets of paper.
In the future we … able to fly to other planets, if we… .
*will be /want
Now I am a second year student. I wish that I … English on the first year.
I've never seen anyone_____as little as you do.
*in eating
Choose the right answer. The job was ... easy.
Choose the correct answer. Please, be free on Sunday. We ... to a party and we ... you to come with us.
*will go/ will want
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. He will have his book ... next month.
Choose the best answer. I ... a new laptop if my boss allows me to work at home.
*had to buy
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. The kettle will switch ... off when it has boiled.
Choose the correct answer. Neil has committed a terrible crime. He is to be sent to ... jail.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. During the years of Cold War Germany ... into two by 166 kilometers of concrete wall.
*was divided
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. I do not know for sure but the rumor is that Agatha will marry Robin as soon as she ... from college.
*will graduate
If he … as slim as you are, he … a fashion model either. He must lose a little weight.
*is / would be
Red … in love with Mary at first sight, if she were not so pretty.
*wouldn`t have fallen
I ___ my interview with the vice-president when my daughter ___ me.
*was having / called
I … with children today, but I can’t I have a lot to do at work.
Abdulla was standing very far from you. You … see him.
Bessie Smith was the “Empress of the Blues.” But long before she earned that title, she and her brother Andrew performed on the streets of Chattanooga, Tennessee. They came from an impoverished family, so they needed to earn money for their household. He danced, and she sang. The two often performed in front of the White Elephant Saloon, a tavern in the city’s African–American community. In
1912, Bessie Smith met Gertrude “Ma” Rainey (known as the “Mother of the Blues.") Smith joined Ma’s vaudeville act and became a popular Blues singer. In the 1920s, Bessie Smith starred in the Broadway musical How Come? In 1923, she made her first record, “Gulf Coast Blues” and “Down Hearted Blues.” It
sold 800,000 copies. She made records with some of the most famous Jazz musicians of that era, including James P. Johnson, Coleman Hawkins, and Louis Armstrong. One of her most famous recordings was “St. Louis Blues,” recorded in 1929 with Louis Armstrong. She was the highest paid black singer of that time. She made 160 records. But the Depression in the 1930s was not good for her career. Columbia Records dropped her in the 1930s. She died in 1937. Today Bessie Smith is still remembered as the “Empress of the Blues.” Bessie Smith was admitted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1989. Which company did Smith record for?
*White Elephant
Archaeologists believe that counting large quantities began about 10,000 years ago. Early farmers had to account for communally stored crops. Early counting systems involved small tokens which represented farmers’ stores. In the area which is now southern Iraq, little figures shaped like discs, balls, and pyramids were used in about 7500 B.C. to represent various holdings. Later, marks which represented the figures were inscribed on clay tablets by use of a blunt reed to cut into the wet clay. Still, the symbols were always connected with specific merchandise. Around 3000 B.C., people began using clay tablets and a new accounting system which they perfected over the next 4,000 years. A writing system called cuneiform, which consisted of wedge–shaped symbols, was also invented. At the same time, other cultures were independently developing numbering and writing systems. Soon philosophers began to discover than nature wassubject to laws which could be expressed with numbers.Tokens are …
I am very sorry. You … upset when you heard the news.
*must be
Tom, … very careful if you … tests on grammar.
*is / are doing
I am sure, you … the entrance exams if you … well.
*will pass/ study
Do you remember______John and tell him that we can't meet today?
*of seeing
Do you wish, you … at the party yesterday. Don’t worry it wasn’t very good.
*hadn`t been
Choose the correct answer. They all work extremely...
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. "Have any of the buildings been damaged?" The correspondent wanted to know ... damaged.
*if some of the houses were
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. He will have his book ... next month.
Choose the best answer. I was told that I ... to take two suitcases if I ... .
*would be allowed/ wanted
Choose the correct answer. I don't think people should be allowed to perform experiments ... animals.
Choose the best answer. I am going to look ... your scientific work.
Choose the correct answer. I hate that noisy cat of ... . Take it away at once!
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. - It's winter. It's not worth ... the house now. - I agree. Let's wait till spring comes.
*To paint
I am sure, you … the entrance exams if you … well.
*will pass/ study
Bobur … leave for school so early. It’s only seven o’clock.
You watch TV all the time. You … watch TV so much
To get a cheap ticket, you … to book in advance.
He hasn’t come to the lesson yet, he … the bus.
*must have missed
Archaeologists believe that counting large quantities began about 10,000 years ago. Early farmers had to account for communally stored crops. Early counting systems involved small tokens which represented farmers’ stores. In the area which is now southern Iraq, little figures shaped like discs, balls, and pyramids were used in about 7500 B.C. to represent various holdings. Later, marks which represented the figures were inscribed on clay tablets by use of a blunt reed to cut into the wet
clay. Still, the symbols were always connected with specific merchandise. Around 3000 B.C., people began using clay tablets and a new accounting system which they perfected over the next 4,000 years. A writing system called cuneiform, which consisted of wedge–shaped symbols, was also invented. At the same time, other cultures were independently developing numbering and writing systems. Soon
philosophers began to discover than nature was subject to laws which could be expressed with numbers. An accounting system is a system of …
Many people worked to create television. In 1862, Abbe Giovanna Caselli invented a machine called the Pantelograph. Caselli was the first person to send a picture over wires. By the 1880s, Alexander Graham Bell invented a machine that transmitted pictures and sound over wires. His machine was called the Photophone. The World’s Fair was held in Paris, France, in the year 1900. The first International Congress of Electricity was held at the World’s Fair. That was when the word television was first used – by a Russian named Constantin Perskyi. That name stuck, and is now shortened to “TV.” At the beginning of TV history, there were several types of TV technology. One system was a mechanical model based on a rotating disc. (Rotating discs are discs that spin like CDs.) The other system was an electronic model. In 1906, Boris Rosing built the first working mechanical TV in Russia. In the 1920s, John Logie Baird in England and Charles Francis Jenkins in the United States demonstrated improved mechanical systems. Philo Taylor Farnsworth also showed an electronic system in San Francisco in 1927. His TV was the forerunner of today’s TV, which is an electronic system based on his ideas. Now TV is everywhere. Before 1947, there were only a few thousand televisions in the U.S. By the 1990s, there were televisions in 98% of American homes. Who first sent a picture over wires?
*abbe giovanna caselli
The budget commitee decided______this meeting.
*to postpone
Because of the flu many teachers were absent_______ work.
If I … as clever as you were at those times, I … university.
*were/would have entered
I wish, I … a car now, I … to work by bus then.
*had/ wouldn`t go
The teacher got tired______hearing the same old ex-cuses.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. When she tried to explain her intention, she cut her ... saying it was not to the point.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Doston, as well as his two elder brothers, ... a good full time job.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. People use ... gestures and words to express their ideas and feelings.
*both of
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Nothing will make them ... their mind.
Choose the correct answer. - When did you leave school? - ... I was sixteen.
Choose the correct answer. I ... smoking because I became breathless just walking stairs.
*had to stop
Choose the suitable modal verb. He spoke so quickly that I ... understand him at all.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. The kettle will switch ... off when it has boiled.
'I'm seeing Dr Evans next week.' 'That … be right. He's on holiday then.
They haven’t worked very much. They … be very tired out.
Pupils, let’s start the lesson, if you … ready.
If I … you, I … at home today, I … somewhere, because the weather is fine.
*were/ wouldn’t stay/ would go
A: Would you like me to give Mike a message for you? B: Oh, I don’t want to trouble you. A: It’s no trouble, really. I ______ Mike tomorrow anyway.
*would see
Helicopters are very different from airplanes. They can do three things that airplanes cannot do. First, when airplanes move upward, they must also move forward, but helicopters can move straight up without moving ahead. Second, helicopters can fly backward, which airplanes cannot do. Third, helicopters can use their rotors to hover in the air (stay in one place) which is impossible for planes. Because helicopters can perform actions that airplanes cannot, they are used for different tasks. Since helicopters can take off without moving forward, they do not need a runway for takeoff. They are used in congested areas where there is no room for airplanes or in isolated areas which do not have airports. Because they can hover, they are used on firefighting missions to drop water on fires. They are used in logging operations to lift trees out of forests. Helicopters are used as air ambulances to airlift patients out of situations which are difficult to reach by conventional ambulances. The police use helicopters to follow suspects on the ground or to search for cars on the ground. Of course, helicopters have military uses because of their design and capabilities. Conventional means…?
*for a large group of people.
The cactus is a plant which grows in very hot, dry places. They do not have leaves. Instead, they have spiny needles which stick out of their stems. There are many shapes of the cactus. Some are small and round. Others are tall like columns or pillars. Some are shaped like tubes or bells. Some are shaped like wheels. Some grow as trees or shrubs. Others grow as ground cover. Cactus flowers are big, and some of them bloom at night. Their flowers come out at night because they are pollinated by insects or small animals that come out at night. Insects and small animals carry pollen from one cactus to another. Most cacti live in North and South America. Others live in Africa, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. Cacti do not have very large leaves because large leaves would allow the water to evaporate. When water evaporates, it changes from a liquid to a gas. When it becomes a gas, it is light enough to move through the air. That would be bad for the cactus because the cactus needs the water to live. Some cacti have waxy coatings on their stems, so that water will run down the stem to the roots. Cacti can absorb water from fog in the air, since it does not rain very much in the desert. Most cacti have long roots which can spread out close to the surface so they can absorb a lot of water on the occasions when it rains. Pillars are…
*long tubes
He wishes, he … to Central Asia next year
*will go
We …the film up to the end, if you … so much business.
*could have watched/ had not had
He looks very ill. He … at home.
*should have stayed
Who is responsible______making such a mess?
I could … instead of you if you … about it, you didn’t.
*have stayed/had asked
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. - Our college is near the railway station - Oh, it ... be noisy during classes.
Choose the correct answer. I ... smoking because I became breathless just walking stairs.
*had to stop
Choose the best answer. ... the first match by only one point, the players realized that they must train much.
*to win
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Nothing will make him ... back to her.
*to come
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. ... to bed so late the night before, we felt sleepy the whole day.
*having gone
Choose the best answer. Tom was about ... the house, when I came.
What would you … if you … in my place?
I ___ my interview with the vice-president when my daughter ___ me.
*was having / called
In the future we … able to fly to other planets, if we… .
*will be /want
The hall is packed. There … be about 2,000 people at the meeting.
I was late for work yesterday. I … to the dentist.
*had to go
One of South America’s mysteries is Easter Island. Easter Island, also called Rapa Nui and Isla de Pascua, 3,600 km (2,237 mi) west of Chile, is a volcanic island with an interesting and partly unknown history. The island was named by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen because he encountered it on Easter Sunday 1722. He was the first European to find the island. The official name of the island, Isla de Pascua, means Easter Island in Spanish. This island is famous because of the approximately 887 huge statues which were found there. The statues consist of heads and complete torsos, the largest of which weighs 84 tons! These monuments, called moai, were carved out of compressed volcanic ash, called tuff, which was found at a quarry at a place called Rano Raraku. Statues are still being found. Some of the monuments were left only half–carved. Nobody knows why Rano Raraku was abandoned. It is thought that the statues were carved by the ancestors of the modern Polynesian inhabitants. But the purpose of the statues and the reason they were abandoned remain mysteries. Who named the island “Easter Island”?
*a Dutch explorer
Bessie Smith was the “Empress of the Blues.” But long before she earned that title, she and her brother Andrew performed on the streets of Chattanooga, Tennessee. They came from an impoverished family, so they needed to earn money for their household. He danced, and she sang. The two often performed in front of the White Elephant Saloon, a tavern in the city’s African–American community. In1912, Bessie Smith met Gertrude “Ma” Rainey (known as the “Mother of the Blues.") Smith joined Ma’s vaudeville act and became a popular Blues singer. In the 1920s, Bessie Smith starred in the Broadway musical How Come? In 1923, she made her first record, “Gulf Coast Blues” and “Down Hearted Blues.” It sold 800,000 copies. She made records with some of the most famous Jazz musicians of that era, including James P. Johnson, Coleman Hawkins, and Louis Armstrong. One of her most famous recordings was “St. Louis Blues,” recorded in 1929 with Louis Armstrong. She was the highest paid black singer of that time. She made 160 records. But the Depression in the 1930s was not good for her career.Columbia Records dropped her in the 1930s. She died in 1937. Today Bessie Smith is still remembered as the “Empress of the Blues.” Bessie Smith was admitted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1989. When did Smith make her first record?
If ancient Greeks … better instruments, they … much bigger buildings.
*had had/ would have constructed
We learned that he ___ the office 5 minutes before he ___ .
*had left / returned
"Remember______the dog before you leave," she said.
Mary says, "I have enjoyed the film." Mary says ... .
*she has enjoyed the film
He evidently ___ his shoes for a very long time. They were worn-out.
*was wearing
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. If she had a long enough holiday she ... Paris to watch all the interesting places.
*would visit
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Neither the clock on the town hall nor my watch ... wrong.
Choose the best answer. I'm afraid ... doing winter sport but I'm rather keen ... football.
*of/ on
Choose the best answer. I want to congratulate you ... behalf ... my family.
Choose the best answer. Come, there's no use in ... like that! - said Alice herself, rather sharply.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. During the years of Cold War Germany ... into two by 166 kilometers of concrete wall.
*was divided
Choose the correct answer. Do you think the book ... well next month?
*will be sold
Choose the correct answer. My dad says he always regrets ... more.
*not travelling
You want to borrow more money from me? You …be joking!
The baby is asleep. You … shout.
I think they … TV now.
*may be watching
I should … to the party with pleasure, if I … angry with you.
*have come/hadn`t been
'I'm seeing Dr Evans next week.' 'That … be right. He's on holiday then.
Helicopters are very different from airplanes. They can do three things that airplanes cannot do. First, when airplanes move upward, they must also move forward, but helicopters can move straight up without moving ahead. Second, helicopters can fly backward, which airplanes cannot do. Third, helicopters can use their rotors to hover in the air (stay in one place) which is impossible for planes. Because helicopters can perform actions that airplanes cannot, they are used for different tasks. Since helicopters can take off without moving forward, they do not need a runway for takeoff. They are used in congested areas where there is no room for airplanes or in isolated areas which do not have airports. Because they can hover, they are used on firefighting missions to drop water on fires. They are used in logging operations to lift trees out of forests. Helicopters are used as air ambulances to airlift patients out of situations which are difficult to reach by conventional ambulances. The police use helicopters to follow suspects on the ground or to search for cars on the ground. Of course, helicopters have military uses because of their design and capabilities. Helicopters are used in firefighting because…?
*they can reach difficult spots and hover above the fire.
Bessie Smith was the “Empress of the Blues.” But long before she earned that title, she and her brother Andrew performed on the streets of Chattanooga, Tennessee. They came from an impoverished family, so they needed to earn money for their household. He danced, and she sang. The two often performed in front of the White Elephant Saloon, a tavern in the city’s African–American community. In 1912, Bessie Smith met Gertrude “Ma” Rainey (known as the “Mother of the Blues.") Smith joined Ma’s vaudeville act and became a popular Blues singer. In the 1920s, Bessie Smith starred in the Broadway musical How Come? In 1923, she made her first record, “Gulf Coast Blues” and “Down Hearted Blues.” It sold 800,000 copies. She made records with some of the most famous Jazz musicians of that era, including James P. Johnson, Coleman Hawkins, and Louis Armstrong. One of her most famous recordings was “St. Louis Blues,” recorded in 1929 with Louis Armstrong. She was the highest paid black singer of that time. She made 160 records. But the Depression in the 1930s was not good for her career. Columbia Records dropped her in the 1930s. She died in 1937. Today Bessie Smith is still remembered as the “Empress of the Blues.” Bessie Smith was admitted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1989. An era is…?
*a period of time.
It is obvious by his saving a lot of money that he ... buy an expensive and luxurious car.
*is going to
If I … a student, I … one of the happiest men on the planet. I think my dream will come true.
*became/ would be
He wishes, he … to Central Asia next year
*will go
I am sure, you … the entrance exams if you … well.
*will not pass/ study
In the future we … able to fly to other planets, if we… .
*are/will want
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. "Where can I buy mobile phone in this city?" – she asked me. She asked me where ... mobile phone in this city.
*she could buy
Choose the best answer. If she had gone to the party yesterday, she ... us.
*would not see
Choose the right answer. The job was ... easy.
Choose the best answer. I'm afraid ... doing winter sport but I'm rather keen ... football.
*of/ on
Choose the right answer. This film made Maria very...
Choose the correct answer. Have you ever climbed ... Alps in winter?
Choose the right answer. I read an ... thing in the newspaper this morning.
Choose the right answer. She finds the characters of the story very ... .
If I … you, I … at home today, I … somewhere, because the weather is fine.
*were/ would stay / wouldn’t go
Please, leave me alone, if you …me to punish you.
*don`t wish
Bobur … leave for school so early. It’s only seven o’clock.
George, help me to do the room, if you … nothing.
*are doing
I think they … TV now.
*may be watching
Why do birds sing? You might assume that birds sing because they are happy. While birds might be happy, they sing in order to communicate. One reason they sing is to stake a claim on territory. Birds sing to warn other birds to stay off their property. For example, a robin might stake a claim on a piece of land which measures about 200 feet wide by 200 feet long. This amount of land provides enough worms for the robin to feed its family. A bird maintains singing perches around the outside edges of its territory. The perches are high in the trees, so other birds can see and hear it. Birds also sing to find a mate. The length and complexity of the mating song gives information about the fitness of the bird. Healthy birds can sing longer, more complicated songs. Birds call to one another in shorter vocalizations in order to warn of danger and to locate one another. Birds sing instinctively. Young birds learn to perfect their songs by listening to adult birds and interacting with other birds. Birds in a local area might learn variations in the basic song which help them recognize other members of their group. Someone’s property is …
*To warn other birds
A PG-13 rating is an advisory issued by the Ratings Board to parents to determine whether children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suitable for them. A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category. The theme of the motion picture by itself will not result in a rating greater than PG-13, although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a restricted rating for the motion picture. Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. More than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. A motion picture’s single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such usage requires an R rating. Nevertheless, the Ratings Board may rate such a motion picture PG-13 if, based on a special vote by a two-thirds majority, the Raters feel that most American parents would believe that a PG-13 rating is appropriate because of the context or manner in which the words are used or because the use of those words in the motion picture is inconspicuous. More than brief nudity… ?
*All of the above.
Because of the flu many teachers were absent_______ work.
Marco Polo was born in 1254 in the Venetian Republic. The city of Venice, Italy was at the center of the Venetian Republic. When he was 17 years old, he went to China with his father, Niccolo,and his uncle, Maffeo. Pope Gregory X sent them to visit Kublai Khan, the emperor of China. Kublai Khan liked Marco Polo. He enjoyed Marco Polo’s stories about many lands. Kublai Khan gave Marco Polo a job. He sent Polo on diplomatic missions. He also made him governor of Yangzhou, an important trading city. When Marco Polo went back to the Venetian Republic, he talked about his life in China. Few believed his stories. In 1298, he went to jail during a war between Venice and Genoa. While he was a prisoner in jail, he dictated his stories about China to another man in jail. The man wrote down the stories. The stories became the book, “The Travels of Marco Polo.” Each chapter of the book covers a specific region of China. Each chapter is about the military, farming, religion, and culture of a certain area. The book was translated into many languages. Marco Polo got out of jail in 1299. He went back to Venice to join his father and uncle. He became very rich. In 1300 he got married, and he and his wife had three children. Marco Polo died in 1324. He was almost 70 years old. Specific means…?
If ancient Greeks … better instruments, they … much bigger buildings.
*had had/ would have constructed
Someone next door ... heavy metal music all night long. I didn’t get a wink of sleep.
*had been playing
Do you remember______John and tell him that we can't meet today?
*to see
How many _____ are there in the cupboard.
Please, … the window, if It is not difficult for you.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. She's found your office without ... difficulty.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. The eagle flew so high that we could ... see it.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. She can imagine ... a weekend in the mountains, climbing the steep hills.
Choose the correct answer. Do you think the book ... well next month?
*will be sold
Choose the correct answer. Oh, I’ll buy this rug! How much ... here?
*does it cost
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. The tourists stopped at
supermarket … something to eat.
*to get
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. When their parents make them ...unfashionable clothes, teenagers always protest .
Choose the best answer. On ... a book I went to bed ... .
*reading/ sleeping
You … whisper. Nobody can hear us.
He said he … come to extra lessons everyday.
I am very sorry. You … upset when you heard the news.
*must have been
Do you wish, you … at the party yesterday. Don’t worry it wasn’t very good.
*had been
You … pass a test before you can get a driving license.
*have to
A PG-13 rating is an advisory issued by the Ratings Board to parents to determine whether children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suitable for them.A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category. The theme of the motion picture by itself will not result in a rating greater than PG-13, although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a restricted rating for the motion picture. Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. More than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. A motion picture’s single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such usage requires an R rating. Nevertheless, the Ratings Board may rate such a motion picture PG-13 if, based on a special vote by a two-thirds majority, the Raters feel that most American parents would believe that a PG-13 rating is appropriate because of the context or manner in which the words are used or because the use of those words in the motion picture is inconspicuous. The way something is oriented involves the way it is…?
*positioned or directed
Marco Polo was born in 1254 in the Venetian Republic. The city of Venice, Italy was at the center of the Venetian Republic. When he was 17 years old, he went to China with his father, Niccolo, and his uncle, Maffeo. Pope Gregory X sent them to visit Kublai Khan, the emperor of China. Kublai Khan liked Marco Polo. He enjoyed Marco Polo’s stories about many lands. Kublai Khan gave Marco Polo a job. He sent Polo on diplomatic missions. He also made him governor of Yangzhou, an important trading city. When Marco Polo went back to the Venetian Republic, he talked about his life in China. Few believed his stories. In 1298, he went to jail during a war between Venice and Genoa. While he was a prisoner in jail, he dictated his stories about China to another man in jail. The man wrote down the stories. The stories became the book, “The Travels of Marco Polo.” Each chapter of the book covers a specific region of China. Each chapter is about the military, farming, religion, and culture of a certain area. The book was translated into many languages. Marco Polo got out of jail in 1299. He went back to Venice to join his father and uncle. He became very rich. In 1300 he got married, and he and his wife had three children. Marco Polo died in 1324. He was almost 70 years old. Who wrote down Marco Polo’s stories?
*a prisoner
It's no good______for a walk. It's raining.
We …the film up to the end, if you … so much business.
*could have watched/ had not had
They ... just ... and ... supper now.
*have/come/are having
They didn’t know that he ___ from the University in 1990 and then ___ abroad.
graduated / was working
had graduated / is working
was graduating / work
graduated / works
Who is responsible______making such a mess?
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. - What did you have for dinner? -Nothing. I didn't have ... for dinner today.
Choose the best answer. We couldn’t get rid of this idea. Let’s discuss it later ...?
*shall we
Choose the best answer. Last week he was seen ... home late at night.
*to leave
Choose the best answer. Your careless attitude ... the matter may get you into trouble.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. People use ... gestures and words to express their ideas and feelings.
This is ... car of the world .
*the most powerful
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. I didn't sleep ... last night. I feel tired this morning.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Neither the clock on the town hall nor my watch ... wrong.
If you …me to help, I … my help at the next exam.
*want/will not refuse
The boy … hardly keep his voice under control and he was shaking with a rage.
Please, leave me alone, if you …me to punish you.
*don`t wish
I don't think you … work so hard.
If ancient Greeks … better instruments, they … much bigger buildings.
*had had/ would have constructed
Some animals hibernate or go into a deep sleep as an adaptation to the cold months of winter. Hibernation is different from normal sleep. During hibernation, an animal seems to be dead. Its metabolism slows down and its body temperature drops. Its heartbeat slows to only two or three beats a minute. Since its bodily processes are so slow, it needs very little food to stay alive. Some animals which hibernate are toads, skunks, ground squirrels, bees, and bats. Bears sleep during the winter, but they are not true hibernators. They wake up when they hear loud noises. Some animals estivate, or go into a deep sleep as an adaptation to the hot, dry months of summer. During estivation, an animal’s heartbeat and breathing slow down. During estivation, an animal does not grow or move. It does not need to eat because it is not using much energy. Some animals burrow underground, where it is cooler, before they begin to estivate. Some animals which estivate are reptiles, bees, hedgehogs, frogs, toads, and earthworms. Hibernation is like estivation because …?
*both are adaptations.
The cactus is a plant which grows in very hot, dry places. They do not have leaves. Instead, they have spiny needles which stick out of their stems. There are many shapes of the cactus. Some are small and round. Others are tall like columns or pillars. Some are shaped like tubes or bells. Some are shaped like wheels. Some grow as trees or shrubs. Others grow as ground cover. Cactus flowers are big, and some of them bloom at night. Their flowers come out at night because they are pollinated by insects or small animals that come out at night. Insects and small animals carry pollen from one cactus to another. Most cacti live in North and South America. Others live in Africa, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. Cacti do not have very large leaves because large leaves would allow the water to evaporate. When water evaporates, it changes from a liquid to a gas. When it becomes a gas, it is light enough to move through the air. That would be bad for the cactus because the cactus needs the water to live. Some cacti have waxy coatings on their stems, so that water will run down the stem to the roots. Cacti can absorb water from fog in the air, since it does not rain very much in the desert. Most cacti have long roots which can spread out close to the surface so they can absorb a lot of water on the occasions when it rains. Where do most cacti grow?
*North and South America
If I … a student, I … one of the happiest men on the planet. I think my dream will come true.
*become/ will be
The budget commitee decided______this meeting.
*to postpone
If I … as clever as you were at those times, I … university.
*were/would enter
Someone next door ... heavy metal music all night long. I didn’t get a wink of sleep.
*had been playing

I wish, she … to our party. Look, she spoiled everything.

*hadn`t come
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. "Have any of the buildings been damaged?" The correspondent wanted to know ... damaged.
*if any of the houses had been
My alarm went ... at 6 o’clock this morning.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. - It's winter. It's not worth ... the house now. - I agree. Let's wait till spring comes.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Nothing will make him ... back to her.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Farida came to the door. It was unlocked. She wondered who ... the door open.
*had left
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. My pet loves ... for a walk, so we spend a lot of time in the park.
*being taken
Choose the best answer. ... the first match by only one point, the players realized that they must train much.
*having won
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. At that moment Ann's husband came in and said that he … the police.
*had called
Zuhra wasn’t admitted to the university. She … be deligted.
I could … in stead of you if you … about it, you didn’t.
*have stayed/had asked
If you … in time, we may go to the concert.
I am sure, you … the entrance exams if you … well.
*will pass/ study
They didn’t know that he ___ from the University in 1990 and then ___ abroad.
*graduated / was working
Helicopters are very different from airplanes. They can do three things that airplanes cannot do. First, when airplanes move upward, they must also move forward, but helicopters can move straight up without moving ahead. Second, helicopters can fly backward, which airplanes cannot do. Third, helicopters can use their rotors to hover in the air (stay in one place) which is impossible for planes. Because helicopters can perform actions that airplanes cannot, they are used for different tasks. Since helicopters can take off without moving forward, they do not need a runway for takeoff. They are used in congestedareas where there is no room for airplanes or in isolated areas which do not have airports. Because they can hover, they are used on firefighting missions to drop water on fires. They are used in logging operations to lift trees out of forests. Helicopters are used as air ambulances to airlift patients out of situations which are difficult to reach by conventional ambulances. The police use helicopters to follow suspects on the ground or to search for cars on the ground. Of course, helicopters have military uses because of their design and capabilities. When airplanes move upward…?
*they must move forward.
Bessie Smith was the “Empress of the Blues.” But long before she earned that title, she and her brother Andrew performed on the streets of Chattanooga, Tennessee. They came from an impoverished family, so they needed to earn money for their household. He danced, and she sang. The two often performed in front of the White Elephant Saloon, a tavern in the city’s African–American community. In 1912, Bessie Smith met Gertrude “Ma” Rainey (known as the “Mother of the Blues.") Smith joined Ma’s vaudeville act and became a popular Blues singer. In the 1920s, Bessie Smith sttarred in the Broadway musical How Come? In 1923, she made her first record, “Gulf Coast Blues” and “Down Hearted Blues.” It sold 800,000 copies. She made records with some of the most famous Jazz musicians of that era, including James P. Johnson, Coleman Hawkins, and Louis Armstrong. One of her most famous recordingswas “St. Louis Blues,” recorded in 1929 with Louis Armstrong. She was the highest paid black singer of that time. She made 160 records. But the Depression in the 1930s was not good for her career. Columbia Records dropped her in the 1930s. She died in 1937. Today Bessie Smith is still remembered as the “Empress of the Blues.” Bessie Smith was admitted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1989.Which company did Smith record for?
Malcolm isn't in his office. He … at home today.
*may be working
If your clothes are very dirty, try_______them in a little bleach.
Now I don’t wish, I … the TV last week. This week they are on sale.
*had bought
I felt very ashamed______making such a stupid mistake.
He wishes, that she … his love yesterday.
*hadn`t ignored
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. I expect you’ll feel a lot better when you ... your exams out of the way.
*have got
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. If she ... just a little older, I would start giving my driving lessons.
Choose the correct answer. They were forced to ... to military discipline.
*to submit

Choose the correct answer. Your relatives wear national costume on special days, ...?

*don't they
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Laylo never said she would marry him, ... she?
Choose the right answer. Some people are lazy, ... are energetic.
Choose the correct answer for the following question. Don't use the phone, ... you? It's not working.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. This broken TV cannot ... . Let's get rid of it.
*be repaired
I … up with that sportsman yesterday, if he … so fast.
*would have caught/were not
I was late for work yesterday. I … to the dentist.
*had to go
We learned that he ___ the office 5 minutes before he ___ .
*had left / returned
I wish, I … with you, I …you to solve the tests.
*were/ would help
When the new road is built, I'll … drive to work in under half an hour.
*be able to
Some animals hibernate or go into a deep sleep as an adaptation to the cold months of winter. Hibernation is different from normal sleep. During hibernation, an animal seems to be dead. Its metabolism slows down and its body temperature drops. Its heartbeat slows to only two or three beats a minute. Since its bodily processes are so slow, it needs very little food to stay alive. Some animals which hibernate are toads, skunks, ground squirrels, bees, and bats. Bears sleep during the winter, but they are not true hibernators. They wake up when they hear loud noises. Some animals estivate, or go into a deep sleep as an adaptation to the hot, dry months of summer. During estivation, an animal’s heartbeat and breathing slow down. During estivation, an animal does not grow or move. It does not need to eat because it is not using much energy. Some animals burrow underground, where it is cooler, before they begin to estivate. Some animals which estivate are reptiles, bees, hedgehogs, frogs, toads, and earthworms. Hibernation is like estivation because …?
*both are adaptations both happen in winter.
Choose the best answer. If she had gone to the party yesterday, she ... us.
*would have seen
Choose the best answer. I have never heard ... that policy ... .
*about/ before

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Laylo never said she would marry him, ... she?

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. ... to bed so late the night before, we felt sleepy the whole day.
*Having gone
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Internet news ... you more information than TV news.
When I got to the office, I _____ that I _____ to lock the front door.
*realized / had forgotten
If I … a student, I … one of the happiest men on the planet. I think my dream will come true.
*become/ will be
He wishes, he … to Central Asia next year.
*would go
He looks very ill. He … at home.
*Should have stayed
You … be sitting in the sun, move out of it into the shade.
The cactus is a plant which grows in very hot, dry places. They do not have leaves. Instead, they have spiny needles which stick out of their stems. There are many shapes of the cactus. Some are small and round. Others are tall like columns or pillars. Some are shaped like tubes or bells. Some are shaped like wheels. Some grow as trees or shrubs. Others grow as ground cover. Cactus flowers are big, and some of them bloom at night. Their flowers come out at night because they are pollinated by insects or small animals that come out at night. Insects and small animals carry pollen from one cactus to another. Most cacti live in North and South America. Others live in Africa, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. Cacti do not have very large leaves because large leaves would allow the water to evaporate. When water evaporates, it changes from a liquid to a gas. When it becomes a gas, it is light enough to move through the air. That would be bad for the cactus because the cactus needs the water to live. Some cacti have waxy coatings on their stems, so that water will run down the stem to the roots. Cacti can absorb water from fog in the air, since it does not rain very much in the desert. Most cacti have long roots which can spread out close to the surface so they can absorb a lot of water on the occasions when it rains. When water evaporates,
*changes from liquid to gas.
Archaeologists believe that counting large quantities began about 10,000 years ago. Early farmers had to account for communally stored crops. Early counting systems involved small tokens which represented farmers’ stores. In the area which is now southern Iraq, little figures shaped like discs, balls, and pyramids were used in about 7500 B.C. to represent various holdings. Later, marks which represented the figures were inscribed on clay tablets by use of a blunt reed to cut into the wet clay. Still, the symbols were always connected with specific merchandise. Around 3000 B.C., people began using clay tablets and a new accounting system which they perfected over the next 4,000 years. A writing system called cuneiform, which consisted of wedge–shaped symbols, was also invented. At the same time, other cultures were independently developing numbering and writing systems. Soon philosophers began to discover than nature was subject to laws which could be expressed with numbers. When did counting large quantities start?
*10,000 years ago
There are almost all types of fruit trees in our garden at home. If I …them, I … them at the market too.
*don’t have/ will buy
If we … the house earlier, we … it more expensive.
*had painted/would have sold
Peter was never a good friend. If I were you I would try ______him.
His situation ... since spring. Now he ... much better.
*has improved / feels
In the future we … able to fly to other planets, if we… .
*will be /want
Choose the correct answer. I don't think people should be allowed to perform experiments ... animals.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Internet news ... you more information than TV news.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. She can imagine ... a weekend in the mountains, climbing the steep hills.
Choose the right answer. The job was ... easy.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. I'm sure it isn't going to snow, I ... take an umbrella.
*don't have to
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. It’s been a really hot summer, ...?
*hasn’t it
Choose the correct answer. Paranoids talk to ... a lot. Talking to oneself is the first sign of madness.
Choose the correct answer. ... Charing Cross Road runs north from Trafalgar Square.
He said, he … come to extra lessons every day.
I think I think they … TV now.
*may be watching
You … be sitting in the sun, move out of it into the shade.
In the future we … able to fly to other planets, if we… .
*will be /want
If my grandfather … so generous, he … so many children for looking after during World War II.
*were not/ wouldn’t have taken
Bessie Smith was the “Empress of the Blues.” But long before she earned that title, she and her brother Andrew performed on the streets of Chattanooga, Tennessee. They came from an impoverished family, so they needed to earn money for their household. He danced, and she sang. The two often performed in front of the White Elephant Saloon, a tavern in the city’s African–American community. In 1912, Bessie Smith met Gertrude “Ma” Rainey (known as the “Mother of the Blues.") Smith joined Ma’s vaudeville act and became a popular Blues singer. In the 1920s, Bessie Smith sttarred in the Broadway musical How Come? In 1923, she made her first record, “Gulf Coast Blues” and “Down Hearted Blues.” It sold 800,000 copies. She made records with some of the most famous Jazz musicians of that era, including James P. Johnson, Coleman Hawkins, and Louis Armstrong. One of her most famous recordingswas “St. Louis Blues,” recorded in 1929 with Louis Armstrong. She was the highest paid black singer of that time. She made 160 records. But the Depression in the 1930s was not good for her career. Columbia Records dropped her in the 1930s. She died in 1937. Today Bessie Smith is still remembered as the “Empress of the Blues.” Bessie Smith was admitted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1989.
When did Smith make her first record?
The cactus is a plant which grows in very hot, dry places. They do not have leaves. Instead, they have spiny needles which stick out of their stems. There are many shapes of the cactus. Some are small and round. Others are tall like columns or pillars. Some are shaped like tubes or bells. Some are shaped like wheels. Some grow as trees or shrubs. Others grow as ground cover. Cactus flowers are big, and some of them bloom at night. Their flowers come out at night because they are pollinated by insects or small animals that come out at night. Insects and small animals carry pollen from one cactus to another. Most cacti live in North and South America. Others live in Africa, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. Cacti do not have very large leaves because large leaves would allow the water to evaporate. When water evaporates, it changes from a liquid to a gas. When it becomes a gas, it is light enough to move through the air. That would be bad for the cactus because the cactus needs the water to live. Some cacti have waxy coatings on their stems, so that water will run down the stem to the roots. Cacti can absorb water from fog in the air, since it does not rain very much in the desert. Most cacti have long roots which can spread out close to the surface so they can absorb a lot of water on the occasions when it rains. What do cacti have instead of leaves?
They didn’t know that he ___ from the University in 1990 and then ___ abroad.
*graduated / was working
I could … in stead of you if you … about it, you didn’t.
*have stayed/had asked
There are almost all types of fruit trees in our garden at home. If I …them, I … them at the market too.
*don’t have/ will buy
Last Sunday we ____ out of the house where we ____ for five years.
*moved / had lived
I … with children today, but I can’t I have a lot to do at work.
*would be
John Keynes used his ... of economics to help his college and himself.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Jellyfish are probably ... predators on Earth.
*the most numerous
Choose the best answer. He wishes that she ... his love yesterday.
*hadn’t ignored
Choose the right answer. I read an ... thing in the newspaper this morning.
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Visola is very active. She ... dozens of jobs in her life.
*has had
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he ... so fast.
*was walking
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. People use ... gestures and words to express their ideas and feelings.
Choose the correct answer. ... our friends did ... home task yesterday. They all came to school without preparing.
*None of/their
There are almost all types of fruit trees in our garden at home. If I …them, I … them at the market too.
*don’t have/ will buy
Years ago children … down mines at the age of six.
*might be sent
I … Spanish, If I … in Spain now, but I’m not.
*would learn /were
We …the film up to the end, if you … so much business.
*could have watched/ had not had
I … a headache now, if I … a sleepless night.
*wouldn’t have/ had not had

Archaeologists believe that counting large quantities began about 10,000 years ago. Early farmers had to account for communally stored crops. Early counting systems involved small tokens which represented farmers’ stores. In the area which is now southern Iraq, little figures shaped like discs, balls, and pyramids were used in about 7500 B.C. to represent various holdings. Later, marks which represented the figures were inscribed on clay tablets by use of a blunt reed to cut into the wet clay. Still, the symbols were always connected with specific merchandise. Around 3000 B.C., people began using clay tablets and a new accounting system which they perfected over the next 4,000 years. A writing system called cuneiform, which consisted of wedge–shaped symbols, was also invented. At the same time, other cultures were independently developing numbering and writing systems. Soon philosophers began to discover than nature wassubject to laws which could be expressed with numbers.

People wrote on ________ tablets.
The cactus is a plant which grows in very hot, dry places. They do not have leaves. Instead, they have spiny needles which stick out of their stems. There are many shapes of the cactus. Some are small and round. Others are tall like columns or pillars. Some are shaped like tubes or bells. Some are shaped like wheels. Some grow as trees or shrubs. Others grow as ground cover. Cactus flowers are big, and some of them bloom at night. Their flowers come out at night because they are pollinated by insects or small animals that come out at night. Insects and small animals carry pollen from one cactus to another. Most cacti live in North and South America. Others live in Africa, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. Cacti do not have very large leaves because large leaves would allow the water to evaporate. When water evaporates, it changes from a liquid to a gas. When it becomes a gas, it is light enough to move through the air. That would be bad for the cactus because the cactus needs the water to live. Some cacti have waxy coatings on their stems, so that water will run down the stem to the roots. Cacti can absorb water from fog in the air, since it does not rain very much in the desert. Most cacti have long roots which can spread out close to the surface so they can absorb a lot of water on the occasions when it rains. A synonym for “absorb” is…
*soak up.
How many _____ are there in the cupboard.
The waste paper bin is full______crumpled sheets of paper.
My grandmother remembers______this famous actor in many parts at the theatre.
He evidently ___ his shoes for a very long time. They were worn-out.
*had been wearing
While the waiter _____ up the broken plates, he _____ his finger.
*was picking / cut
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. My sister is still in the kitchen. She ... all morning.
*has been cooking
Choose the correct answer. Give me ... minutes and I'll be ready.
*a few
Choose the correct answer. They were forced to ... to military discipline.
Choose the best answer. If he ...the money, he ... a fast car.
*had had/ would have bought
Choose the correct answer. Have you ever climbed ... Alps in winter?
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Jellyfish are probably ... predators on Earth.
*the most numerous
Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. - Our college is near the railway station - Oh, it ... be noisy during classes.
He has now recovered from his injury and … drive again.
*is able to
The hall's packed. There … be about 2,000 people at the meeting.
When I got to the office, I _____ that I _____ to lock the front door.
*realized / had forgotten
Now I am a second year student. I wish that I … English on the first year.
*had learnt
I should … to the party with pleasure, if I … angry with you.
*have come/hadn`t been
A PG-13 rating is an advisory issued by the Ratings Board to parents to determine whether children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suitable for them. A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category. The theme of the motion picture by itself will not result in a rating greater than PG-13, although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a restricted rating for the motion picture. Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. More than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. A motion picture’s single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such usage requires an R rating. Nevertheless, the Ratings Board may rate such a motion picture PG-13 if, based on a special vote by a two-thirds majority, the Raters feel that most American parents would believe that a PG-13 rating is appropriate because of the context or manner in which the words are used or because the use of those words in the motion picture is inconspicuous. The way something is oriented involves the way it is…?
*positioned or directed.
A PG-13 rating is an advisory issued by the Ratings Board to parents to determine whether children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suitable for them. A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category. The theme of the motion picture by itself will not result in a rating greater than PG-13, although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a restricted rating for the motion picture. Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. More than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. A motion picture’s single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such usage requires an R rating. Nevertheless, the Ratings Board may rate such a motion picture PG-13 if, based on a special vote by a two-thirds majority, the Raters feel that most American parents would believe that a PG-13 rating is appropriate because of the context or manner in which the words are used or because the use of those words in the motion picture is inconspicuous. The way something is oriented involves the way it is…?
*positioned or directed.
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