partiya o'tgan hafta ularning sakkiztasi uylarini buzib kirishganini aniqladi
ikki martadan ortiq, ikkitasi esa besh marta o'g'irlangan. Rekord qo'yish uchun
(3) to'g'ridan-to'g'ri, mening do'stlarimning hech birida qimmatbaho rasmlar yoki ular bilan to'la servant yo'q
oilaviy kumush idishlar. Ulardan uchtasi talaba, (4) aslida. Eng tipik
o'g'irlik, ko'rinishidan, (5)osonlik bilan olib o'tiladigan narsalarni o'g'irlashni o'z ichiga oladi - the
televizor, video, hatto muzlatgichdagi ovqat. Buning uchun nimadir bo'lishi mumkin
(6)o'rtacha o'g'rining (yoki) o'smirlik yoshida ekanligi bilan qiling va
Ehtimol, u Pikasso bilan nima qilishni bilmas, (7) walkmanni sotgan bo'lsa
yoki changyutgich juda oson (8) masala. Ular, ehtimol, unchalik ko'p emas
professional jinoyatchilar, bir necha funt kerak qattiq-up yoshlar va
qandaydir hayajon. Bu sizning uyingizni (9) ostin-ustun qilib qo'yadi degani emas
pastga va sevimli narsalaringiz o'g'irlangan har qanday osonroq qabul qilish (10). Ko'pchilikda
(11) holatlar, politsiyaning omadi yo'q (12) o'g'irlangan narsalarni qaytarib olish. Agar
aniq dalillar bor, ular, ehtimol, hech narsa qila olmaydi. Va
signallar yoki maxsus qulflar ham (13) yordam bermaydi. Mening yagona maslahatim
do'stlar (14) "Hech qachon birinchi qavatda yashamang" va "Ikkitasini ushlab turing yoki
uchta juda shafqatsiz itlar', bu menga o'qigan voqeani eslatdi, qaerda
o'g'rilarning (15) o'ljasiga oilaning uy hayvonlari pudeli ham kiradi.
a) The whole building ...collapsed.... but fortunately there were no casualties.
b) Throughout the flooded area, villages are being evacuated by helicopter.
c) The terrorists threatened to kill their hostages if their demands were not met.
d) Several buildings sustained damage from the earthquake.
e) Trees were uprooted and many roads were blocked.
f) The two trains collided after one
failed to stop at signals.
g) Rescue teams held out little hope of finding other survivors.
h) The blaze rapidly spread to neighbouring buildings.
i) Police fired tear-gas in an attempt to disperse the mob.
j) Police sealed off the town-centre for two hours while they searched.
a) Butun bino ... qulab tushdi .... lekin baxtga qurbonlar yo'q.
b) Suv bosgan hudud bo'ylab qishloqlar vertolyotda evakuatsiya qilinmoqda.
c) Terrorchilar, agar talablari bajarilmasa, garovga olinganlarni o'ldirish bilan tahdid qilishgan.
d) Zilzila natijasida bir qancha binolar zarar ko'rgan.
e) Daraxtlar ildizi bilan sug'orilib, ko'plab yo'llar to'silgan.
f) Ikki poyezd birdan keyin to‘qnashdi
signallarda to'xtab qola olmadi.
g) Qutqaruv guruhlari boshqa tirik qolganlarni topishga umid qilmagan.
h) Yong'in tezda qo'shni binolarga tarqaldi.
i) Politsiya olomonni tarqatib yuborish uchun ko'zdan yosh oqizuvchi gaz ishlatdi.
j) Politsiya tintuv o'tkazayotganda shahar markazini ikki soatga muhrlab qo'ydi.
Ex3One of the most (1) ..worrying crime statistics in Europe is WORRY
the rise in juvenile crime. Often the root cause is
(2) to drugs, an expensive habit which often ADDICT
leads young (3) into a life of petty crime. OFFENCE
Some parents, unable to cope with their children's addiction have
thrown them out of home, forcing them to live the lives of
(4) 'Kate' (not her real name) is one such BEG
person. (5) since she was 18, Kate has had HOME
various brushes with the law, most recently for
(6) , in order to raise cash to fuel a heroin SHOP
habit. As a result of that transgression, Kate spent two months
in prison, rubbing shoulders with (7) criminals HARD
and murderers. Kate accepts that she acted (8) LEGAL
in stealing computer equipment, and doesn't bear any grudges
towards the police. 'It's their job to (9) the FORCE
law, I understand that. And I'm trying to come to terms with my
addiction.' Kate has come good. Helped by the social services, she
hasn't touched any drugs for the best part of a year. But, sadly,
for every Kate there are ten young people for whom prison is no
(10) at all.
One of the most (1) ..worrying crime statistics in Europe is
the rise in juvenile crime. Often the root cause is
to drugs, an expensive habit which often
leads young (3)offenders into a life of petty crime.
Some parents, unable to cope with their children's addiction have
thrown them out of home, forcing them to live the lives of
(4)beggars 'Kate' (not her real name) is one such
person. (5)Homeless since she was 18, Kate has had
various brushes with the law, most recently for
(6)shoplifting, in order to raise cash to fuel a heroin
habit. As a result of that transgression, Kate spent two months
in prison, rubbing shoulders with (7)hardened criminals
and murderers. Kate accepts that she acted (8)illegally
in stealing computer equipment, and doesn't bear any grudges
towards the police. 'It's their job to (9)enforce the
law, I understand that. And I'm trying to come to terms with my
addiction.' Kate has come good. Helped by the social services, she
hasn't touched any drugs for the best part of a year. But, sadly,
for every Kate there are ten young people for whom prison is no
(10)deterrent at all.
Yevropadagi eng (1) .. xavotirli jinoyat statistikasi
voyaga etmaganlar jinoyatchiligining o'sishi. Ko'pincha asosiy sabab
(2) giyohvandlik
giyohvand moddalarga, ko'pincha qimmat odat
yosh (3) jinoyatchilarni mayda jinoyatlar hayotiga olib boradi.
Ba'zi ota-onalar o'z farzandlarida giyohvandlikka dosh berolmaydilar
ularni uydan haydab, hayotlarini yashashga majbur qildi
(4) tilanchilar 'Keyt' (uning ismi emas) ana shundaylardan biri
odam. (5) Kate 18 yoshidan beri uysiz edi
qonun bilan turli cho'tkalar, eng oxirgi uchun
(6) geroinni yonilg'i quyish uchun naqd pul yig'ish maqsadida do'konlarni o'g'irlash
odat. Ushbu huquqbuzarlik natijasida Keyt ikki oyni o'tkazdi
qamoqxonada, (7) qattiq jinoyatchilar bilan yelkalarini ishqalab
va qotillar. Kate u (8) noqonuniy harakat qilganini tan oladi
kompyuter jihozlarini o'g'irlashda va hech qanday g'azablanmaydi
politsiya tomon. "Bu ularning ishi (9) talablarni bajarish
qonun, men buni tushunaman. Va men o'zim bilan kelishishga harakat qilaman
giyohvandlik. Kate yaxshi keldi. Unga ijtimoiy xizmatlar yordam berdi
Yilning eng yaxshi qismida hech qanday dori-darmonlarga tegmagan. Ammo, afsuski,
Har bir Kate uchun qamoqxona yo'q bo'lgan o'nta yosh bor
(10) umuman to'xtatuvchi.
a) The new law on dropping litter comes ...into . force next month.
b) Ann was released from prison and now she is on probation.
c) Local students have been banned from taking part in the
d) Local people have called for an investigation into the causes of
the fire.
e) Football fans went on the rampage in the centre of Norwich last
f) She claimed that the selling of habit-forming drugs was getting out of
g) The car left the road and crashed into a tree.
h) Several guests at the hotel were robbed of jewellery and money.
i) David, 19, has been sleeping on a park bench for the past six
j) The police have charged her with driving without due care and
a) Axlat tashlash to'g'risidagi yangi qonun ... kiradi. keyingi oyda kuchga kiradi.
b) Enn qamoqdan ozod qilindi va hozir u sinovda.
c) Mahalliy talabalarning ishtirok etishlari taqiqlangan
d) Mahalliy aholi sabablarni tekshirishga chaqirdi
e) Futbol muxlislari oxirgi marta Norvich markazida to'qnash kelishgan
f) U odat hosil qiluvchi dori vositalarining savdosi cheklanib borayotganini da'vo qildi
g) Mashina yo‘ldan chiqib, daraxtga borib urilgan.
h) Mehmonxonaning bir nechta mehmonlari zargarlik buyumlari va pullarini o'g'irlab ketishdi.
i) 19 yoshli Devid so‘nggi olti yil davomida parkdagi skameykada uxlab yotibdi
j) Politsiya uni ehtiyotsiz mashina haydaganlikda aybladi va
a) The police arrested Jack and took him into custody.
b) In most countries, the death penalty has been abolished.
c) A man is said to be helping the police with their inquiries.
d) The judge in the court was wearing a wig.
e) Two football fans were later charged with assault.
f) Less serious cases are dealt with in the magistrate's court.
g) I was given a light sentence because it was my first offence.
h) A patrol car stopped me because I was speeding in a built-up
i) The court case was dismissed for lack of evidence.
j) 'Members of the jury, what is your verdict?'
a) Politsiya Jekni hibsga oldi va hibsga oldi.
b) Ko'pgina mamlakatlarda o'lim jazosi bekor qilingan.
c) Aytishlaricha, bir kishi politsiyaga so'rovlar bilan yordam beradi.
d) Sudda sudya parik kiygan edi.
e) Ikki futbol ishqibozi keyinroq tajovuzda ayblandi.
f) uncha og'ir bo'lmagan ishlar magistratura sudida ko'riladi.
g) Menga engil jazo berildi, chunki bu mening birinchi jinoyatim edi.
h) O'rnatilgan joyda tezlikni oshirayotganim uchun patrul mashinasi meni to'xtatdi
i) dalil yo'qligi sababli sud ishi to'xtatildi.
j) 'Hakamlar hay'ati a'zolari, hukmingiz qanday?'
After drinking a bottle of vodka, Alan and Richard Potter both 15, decided.
to go out and do some joyriding. The car they broke into belonged to a.
Mrs McDiarmad. Having drivern the car at high speeds along country lanes,
they abandoned it in a layby, and thumbed a lift home. Mercifully, no
other drivers were hurt, although several had to swerve dangerously to
avoid the Potter boys. In an experiment which is proving to be remarkably
successful, the two teenagers were obliged to meet the victim of their crime
in person. Mrs McDiarmad told them in no uncertain terms that 20 years
earlier she had lost a nephew in a car accident caused by a drunken driver.
The Potters ended up in tears, and the younger, Alan, has since visited Mrs
McDiarmad on two occasions to apologise for his actions. The scheme
Alan and Richard took part in is known as 'Face up to it'. It brings together
young offenders with those they have wronged. Naturally, the victim must
agree to participate, and many find themselves simply unable to co-operate.
The scheme is being operated on a trial basis in several major cities, and
has the approval of the social services. Early results suggest that young
people who take part are considerably less likely to commit any further
offences. It is to be hoped that this is indeed the case with Alan and
Richard Potter.
Bir shisha aroq ichgandan so'ng, 15 yoshli Alan va Richard Potter qaror qilishdi.
tashqariga chiqish va xursandchilik qilish. Ular buzib kirgan mashina tegishli bo‘lgan.
MakDiarmad xonim. Avtomobilni qishloq bo'laklari bo'ylab yuqori tezlikda haydab,
Ular uni uyga tashlab ketishdi va uyga olib ketishdi. Mayli, yo'q
Boshqa haydovchilar jarohat olishdi, biroq bir nechta haydovchi xavfli tarzda burilishga majbur bo'ldi
Potter yigitlaridan qoching. Ajoyib isbotlangan tajribada
Muvaffaqiyatli, ikki o'smir o'z jinoyati qurboni bilan uchrashishga majbur bo'ldi
shaxsan. MakDiarmad xonim ularga 20 yil o'tganini aniq aytmadi
avvalroq u mast haydovchi sabab avtohalokatda jiyanini yo'qotgan.
Kulollar yig'lab yuborishdi va kenjasi Alan o'shandan beri Missis Xonimga tashrif buyurdi
MakDiarmad ikki marta o'z harakatlari uchun kechirim so'radi. Sxema
Alan va Richard ishtirok etgan "Face up to it" nomi bilan tanilgan. Birlashtiradi
yosh jinoyatchilar o'zlari haqorat qilganlar bilan. Tabiiyki, jabrlanuvchi kerak
ishtirok etishga rozi bo'ladi va ko'pchilik o'zlarini oddiygina hamkorlik qila olmaydi.
Sxema bir necha yirik shaharlarda sinov asosida ishlamoqda va
ijtimoiy xizmatlarning ruxsatiga ega. Dastlabki natijalar yosh ekanligini ko'rsatadi
ishtirok etgan odamlar bundan keyin sodir bo'lish ehtimoli ancha past
huquqbuzarliklar. Umid qilish kerakki, Alan va bu haqiqatan ham shunday
Richard Potter.
Grammar 8
Mr Jeffries, I have decided against a prison sentence in your case. You may walk
free from this court on (1)condition that you report to Chesham
police station every Friday for the next six months. Should you fail to
(2)do so, you will be given one warning; and if you persist
(3)in failing to meet this obligation, you will return to this
court for a harsher sentence. (4)Unless you can present good
reason why you were unable to report to the station, you will
(5)find yourself in severe trouble. If you are
(6)unable to attend because of illness, please note that a medical
certificate must be produced, signed by your doctor, proving your state of
health. You should realise that (7)but for your previous good
conduct, I would (8)have had no hesitation in imposing a prison
sentence. And I shall not forget that if your friend had (9)not
intervened in the fight, you might (10)have seriously injured the
Janob Jeffris, men sizning ishingiz bo'yicha qamoq jazosidan voz kechdim. Siz yurishingiz mumkin
(1) Cheshamga hisobot berish sharti bilan ushbu suddan ozod bo'ling
keyingi olti oy davomida har juma kuni politsiya bo'limi. Muvaffaqiyatsiz bo'lsangiz
(2) shunday qilsangiz, sizga bitta ogohlantirish beriladi; va agar siz davom etsangiz
(3) ushbu majburiyatni bajarmasangiz, siz bunga qaytasiz
qattiqroq jazo uchun sud. (4) Agar yaxshilik ko'rsata olmasangiz
Nima uchun stantsiyaga xabar bera olmaganingizning sababini bilib olasiz
(5) o'zingizni og'ir muammoga duchor qiling. Agar shunday bo'lsangiz
(6) kasallik tufayli ishtirok eta olmasangiz, tibbiy yordamga e'tibor bering
Sizning ahvolingizni tasdiqlovchi shifokor tomonidan imzolangan sertifikat taqdim etilishi kerak
salomatlik. Siz buni tushunishingiz kerak (7) lekin oldingi yaxshiligingiz uchun
Agar men (8) qamoq jazosini tayinlashda ikkilanmas edim
jumla. Va agar sizning do'stingiz bo'lganida (9) yo'qligini unutmayman
mushtlashuvga aralashsangiz, siz (10) og'ir jarohat olgan bo'lishingiz mumkin
b) If you are in London by any chance, come and see me.
If you happen to be in London come and see me.
c) If you insist on doing everything yourself, of course you'll feel tired!
If you will do everything yourself, of course you'll feel tired!
d) Please take a seat, and I'll inquire for you.
If you will (just) take a seat, I'll inquire for you.
e) If you do the shopping, I'll cook lunch.
You do the shopping and I'll cook lunch.
f) If Pauline hadn't been interested, the project would have been abandoned.
But for Pauline's interest the project would have been
g) The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchman.
If it hadn't een for the night-watchman, the fire would
have got out of control.
h) Dick is in prison because a detective recognised him.
Dick wouldn't be in prison if a detective
had not recognised him.
i) I am not tall enough to reach the shelf.
If I was taller I
could be able to reach the shelf.
j) But for Helen acting so wonderfully, the play would be a flop.
If it was not for Helen's
wonderful acting the play would be a flop.
k) It won't make any difference if City score first; United will still win.
United will win, even if
City score first.
l) Getting up early makes me feel hungry.
If I get up early it makes me feel
b) Agar tasodifan Londonda bo'lsangiz, keling va meni ko'ring.
Agar siz Londonda bo'lsangiz, keling va meni ko'ring.
c) Agar siz hamma narsani o'zingiz qilishingizni talab qilsangiz, albatta charchaganingizni his qilasiz!
Agar siz hamma narsani o'zingiz qilsangiz, albatta charchagan bo'lasiz!
d) Iltimos, o'tiring, men sizni so'rayman.
Agar siz (shunchaki) o'tirsangiz, men sizni so'rayman.
e) Agar siz xarid qilsangiz, men tushlik qilaman.
Siz xarid qiling, men tushlik tayyorlayman.
f) Agar Paulin qiziqmaganida, loyihadan voz kechgan bo'lardi.
Ammo Paulinning manfaati uchun loyiha bo'lar edi
tashlab ketilgan.
g) Yong'in tungi qorovul tufayli nazorat ostiga olindi.
Agar tungi qorovul bo'lmaganida, olov yoqardi
nazoratdan chiqib ketishdi.
h) Dik qamoqda, chunki tergovchi uni tanidi.
Agar tergovchi bo'lsa, Dik qamoqda bo'lmasdi
uni tanimagan edi.
i) Men tokchaga yetib boradigan darajada emasman.
Agar men balandroq bo'lsam
tokchaga yetib borishi mumkin edi.
j) Ammo Xelen juda ajoyib harakat qilgani uchun o'yin muvaffaqiyatsiz bo'lar edi.
Agar u Helenniki bo'lmasa edi
ajoyib aktyorlik o'yin flop bo'lardi.
k) “Siti” birinchi bo‘lib gol ursa, bu farq qilmaydi; "Yunayted" hali ham g'alaba qozonadi.
"Yunayted" g'alaba qozonadi, hatto
“Siti” birinchi o'rinni egalladi.
l) Erta turish menda ochlikni his qiladi.
Agar erta tursam, ochlik hissi paydo bo'ladi.
b) I should really be going home now.
It'stime I was going home now.
c) I'd rather not go by plane.
I'd prefer not to go by plane.
d) Jack doesn't know all the answers, though he pretends to.
Jack acts as if he knows all the answers.
e) I'd love to be able to go with you to the opera.
I wish I could go with you to the opera.
f) I wish I hadn't sold that old painting.
It's a pity I sold that old painting.
g) I'd rather you didn't stay long at the party.
It would be better if you didn't stay long at the party.
h) The management said it was important for us to wear dark suits to the
The management insisted on our wearing dark suits to the meeting.
i) I've had enough of your constant complaining!
I wish you would stop complaining all the time!
j) I'd love to be sitting on a beach in Turkey right now!
I wish I was sitting on a beach in Turkey right now!
b) Men hozir uyga qaytishim kerak.
Endi uyga qaytish vaqti keldi.
c) Men samolyotda bormaslikni afzal ko'raman.
Men samolyotda bormaslikni afzal ko'raman.
d) Jek barcha javoblarni bilmaydi, garchi u o'zini ko'rsatsa ham.
Jek barcha javoblarni biladigandek harakat qiladi.
e) Men siz bilan operaga borishni istardim.
Siz bilan operaga borishni istardim.
f) Qaniydi o‘sha eski rasmni sotmagan bo‘lsam.
O‘sha eski rasmni sotganim achinarli.
g) Ziyofatda uzoq qolmaganingizni ma’qul ko‘raman.
Agar ziyofatda uzoq turmasangiz yaxshi bo'lardi.
h) Rahbariyat biz uchun qora kostyum kiyish muhimligini aytdi
Rahbariyat uchrashuvga quyuq kostyum kiyishimizni talab qilishdi.
i) Doim noroziligingdan to'yib ketdim!
Qaniydi, har doim shikoyat qilishni to'xtatsangiz!
j) Men hozir Turkiyadagi plyajda o‘tirishni istardim!
Qani endi Turkiyadagi plyajda o‘tirgan bo‘lsam!
b) I'd rather the children did not turn on the television without
c) Suppose I paid you half the money I owe you. Would that satisfy
d) I hope you do not get into trouble on my account. What do you
think they'll say?
e) This is an awful hotel. I wish we had gone to the Grand instead.
f) It is absolutely imperative thatyou contact head office in advance.
g) I think it's high time we started locking all the windows at night.
h) Would you rather I made the lunch, if you feel tired?
l) I wish my went car as fast as yours.
j) I'd prefer you not to smoke in here, if you don't mind.
b) Bolalar televizorni yoqmasa yaxshi bo'lardi
c) Faraz qilaylik, men sizga qarzimning yarmini to'ladim. Bu qanoatlantirarmidi
d) Umid qilamanki, siz mening hisobimda muammoga duch kelmaysiz. Sen nima
aytadilar deb o'ylaysizmi?
e) Bu dahshatli mehmonxona. Uning o‘rniga Grandga borsak edi.
f) Bosh ofisga oldindan murojaat qilishingiz shart.
g) Menimcha, biz tunda barcha derazalarni qulflashni boshlash vaqti keldi.
h) Agar charchagan bo'lsangiz, men tushlik qilishni afzal ko'rasizmi?
l) Mening mashinam siznikidek tezroq ketsa.
j) Agar qarshi bo‘lmasangiz, bu yerda chekmasligingizni ma’qul ko‘raman.
b) It's time something was done about this problem.
c) The late Prime Minister is said to have been difficult to
work with.
d) That was lucky! If I had not caught this bus, I
(meet) you.
e) Your order is being dealt with at the moment.
f) But for Pauline, I would not have passed the exam.
g) All dishes are served with French fries and a green
h) The house is thought to have been sold recently for a
million pounds.
i) If only I had studied more when I was at school.
j) If I were to tell you where the treasure is, what
would you do?
b) Bu muammoni hal qilish vaqti keldi.
c) Marhum Bosh vazirga qiyin bo'lgan deyishadi
bilan ishlash.
d) Bu omadli edi! Agar men bu avtobusga tushmaganimda, men
e) Sizning buyurtmangiz hozirda ko'rib chiqilmoqda.
f) Ammo Paulin uchun men imtihondan o'tmagan bo'lardim.
g) Barcha taomlar frantsuz kartoshkasi va yashil bilan beriladi
h) Uy yaqinda a uchun sotilgan deb taxmin qilinadi
million funt.
i) Men maktabda bo'lganimda ko'proq o'qigan bo'lsam.
j) Agar xazina qayerdaligini aytsam, nima
b) Everyone knows that taking exercise is good for your health.
Taking exercise is known to be good for your health.
c) Someone has suggested the resignation of the minister.
It has been suggested that the minister should resign.
d) They've asked me if I would chair the meeting.
I have been asked to chair the meeting.
e) We have managed to account for all the missing papers.
All the missing papers have been succesfully accounted for.
f) Since Sue left for Glasgow, nobody has seen anything of her.
Nothing has been of Sue since she left for Glasgow.
g) I'd rather you didn't sit at the back of the room please.
I'd prefer it if you sat at the front of the room.
h) A traffic warden showed me how to get to the museum.
I was shown the way to the museum by a traffic warden.
i) John's school is making him sit his exams again.
John is being made to sit his exams again.
j) I should really be starting my homework.
It's time I was starting my homework.
b) Har bir inson sport bilan shug'ullanish sog'liq uchun foydali ekanligini biladi.
Ma'lumki, jismoniy mashqlar sog'liq uchun foydalidir.
v) Kimdir vazirni iste'foga chiqarishni taklif qilgan.
Vazir iste’foga chiqishi kerak, degan fikr bildirildi.
d) Mendan yig'ilishga raislik qilishimni so'rashdi.
Mendan majlisga raislik qilish taklif qilindi.
e) Biz barcha etishmayotgan hujjatlarni hisobga olishga muvaffaq bo'ldik.
Barcha etishmayotgan hujjatlar muvaffaqiyatli hisobga olindi.
f) Sue Glazgoga ketganidan beri hech kim uni ko'rmadi.
Syu Glazgoga ketganidan beri hech narsa bo'lmadi.
g) Xonaning orqa tomonida o‘tirmaganingizni ma’qul ko‘raman.
Agar siz xonaning old tomonida o'tirsangiz, men buni afzal ko'raman.
h) Yo‘l nazoratchisi muzeyga qanday borishni ko‘rsatdi.
Yo‘l nazoratchisi menga muzeyga yo‘l ko‘rsatdi.
i) Jonning maktabi uni yana imtihon topshirishga majbur qilmoqda.
Jon yana imtihon topshirishga majbur qilinmoqda.
j) Men haqiqatan ham uy vazifamni boshlashim kerak.
Uy vazifamni boshlash vaqti keldi.
a) It's possible that we'll know the answers tomorrow. ...A.,...
A We may know the answers tomorrow.
B We should know the answers tomorrow.
b) I don't think you should ring him now. It's rather late.B.
A You might not ring him now. It's rather late.
B You'd better not ring him now. It's rather late.
c) You needn't come if you don't want to. B.
A You won't come if you don't want to.
B You don't have to come if you don't want to.
d) I think it's wrong for you to work so hard. B.
A You don't have to work so hard.
B You shouldn't work so hard.
e) Perhaps these are the keys.A.
A These might be the keys.
B These must be the keys.
f) It would be wrong for us to lock the cat in the house for a week. B.
A We'd better not lock the cat in the house for a week.
B We can't lock the cat in the house for a week,
g) Ifs possible that the decision will be announced next week.A.
A The decision might be announced next week.
B The decision will be announced next week,
h) Although I try hard, I can never solve The Times' crossword.A.
A Try as I may, I can never solve 'The Times' crossword.
B Try as I can, I may never solve 'The Times' crossword.
i) I know. Why don't we go out to eat instead?B.
A I know. We must go out to eat instead.
B I know. We could go out to eat instead.
a) Javoblarni ertaga bilib olishimiz mumkin. ...A.,...
Javoblarni ertaga bilishimiz mumkin.
B Javoblarni ertaga bilishimiz kerak.
b) Menimcha, siz hozir unga qo'ng'iroq qilishingiz kerak emas. Kech bo'ldi. B.
A Siz unga hozir qo'ng'iroq qilmasligingiz mumkin. Bu ancha kech.
B Endi unga qo'ng'iroq qilmaganingiz ma'qul. Bu ancha kech.
c) Agar xohlamasangiz, kelishingiz shart emas. B.
A Agar xohlamasangiz, kelmaysiz.
B Agar xohlamasangiz, kelishingiz shart emas.
d) Menimcha, bunchalik qattiq ishlashingiz noto‘g‘ri. B.
A Bunchalik qattiq ishlashingiz shart emas.
B Siz juda qattiq ishlamasligingiz kerak.
e) Balki bu kalitlardir.A.
A Bu kalitlar bo'lishi mumkin.
B Bu kalitlar bo'lishi kerak.
f) Mushukni bir hafta davomida uyga qamab qo‘yishimiz noto‘g‘ri bo‘lardi. B.
A Biz mushukni bir hafta davomida uyga qamab qo'ymaganimiz ma'qul.
B Biz mushukni bir hafta davomida uyga qamab qo'ya olmaymiz,
g) Iloji bo'lsa, qaror keyingi haftada e'lon qilinadi.A.
A Qaror keyingi hafta e'lon qilinishi mumkin.
B qaror keyingi hafta e'lon qilinadi,
h) Ko'p harakat qilsam ham, The Times krossvordni hech qachon yecha olmayman.A.
Qanchalik urinmasam ham, men hech qachon "The Times" krossvordini yecha olmayman.
B Iloji boricha harakat qilib ko'ring, men "The Times" krossvordni hech qachon yechmasligim mumkin.
i) bilaman. Nega uning o'rniga ovqatlanmoqchi emasmiz?B.
A bilaman. Buning o'rniga ovqatlanish uchun chiqishimiz kerak.
B Men bilaman. Buning o'rniga ovqatlanish uchun chiqishimiz mumkin edi.
b) Of course I'll help! I don't have to let you do it on your own.
c) It's a lovely hotel. And the staff could not possibly more helpful.
d) George must like it there if he has stayed there for so long.
e) You may be right, but I'm still not convinced.
f) We might as well go in this museum. There's nothing else to do.
g) I love these trees. Without them the garden would not be the
h) There's the phone call I was expecting. It migt be George.
i) Thanks. And now you just need to sign on the dotted line.
j) Try as I might, I simply couldn't open the lid.
b) Albatta yordam beraman! Buni o'zingiz qilishingizga ruxsat berishim shart emas.
c) Bu ajoyib mehmonxona. Va xodimlar bundan ham foydaliroq bo'lishi mumkin emas.
d) Jorj u erda uzoq vaqt qolgan bo'lsa, uni yoqtirishi kerak.
e) Siz haqsiz, lekin men hali ham ishonchim komil emas.
f) Biz bu muzeyga borsak ham bo'ladi. Boshqa qiladigan ish yo‘q.
g) Men bu daraxtlarni yaxshi ko'raman. Ularsiz bog 'bo'lmas edi
bir xil.
h) Men kutgan telefon qo'ng'irog'i bo'ldi. Bu Jorj bo'lishi mumkin.
i) rahmat. Va endi siz faqat nuqta chiziqda imzo qo'yishingiz kerak.
j) Iloji boricha harakat qilib ko'ring, men shunchaki qopqog'ini ocholmadim.
I may as well be admit it - I'm a secret admirer of all things connected
with trains! It's not with something you would want to admit to your
friends, but I can't imagine life possibly without my collection of model
trains and train memorabilia. You're probably thinking I must be done
some kind of nerd who stands around on chilly platforms all day
collecting train numbers, and yes, I have to admit for I've done my fair
share of that, but that's only a small part of it. I can just love the feel of
railway stations, and I can cheerfully spend a whole of afternoon in
one, just walking around soaking up to the atmosphere of the place,
looking for things for my collection, and taking photos of new engines.
Call me might a wierdo, but I'd far rather spend a day in a station
than on the beach by sunning myself. I'd be too busy taking the train
down the coast - coastal routes can be an absolutely spectacular.
There's a convention for those railway lovers on the south coast soon
- rest assured that I shall be there. I wouldn't miss it for all the world!
Men ham tan olaman - men bog'liq bo'lgan barcha narsalarning yashirin muxlisiman
poezdlar bilan! Bu siz tan olmoqchi bo'lgan narsa bilan emas
do'stlarim, lekin men hayotni modellar to'plamimsiz tasavvur qila olmayman
poezdlar va poyezdlar yodgorliklari. Meni tugatishim kerak deb o'ylayotgandirsiz
kun bo'yi sovuq platformalarda turadigan qandaydir nodon
poezd raqamlarini yig'ish, va ha, men o'z adolatli qilganimni tan olishim kerak
buning ulushi, lekin bu uning kichik bir qismi. Men shunchaki tuyg'uni yaxshi ko'rishim mumkin
temir yo'l stantsiyalari va men butun kunni quvnoq o'tkazishim mumkin
biri, shunchaki aylanib, joyning atmosferasiga singib ketish,
kolleksiyam uchun narsalarni qidirish va yangi dvigatellarni suratga olish.
Meni ahmoq deb chaqiring, lekin men bekatda bir kun o'tkazgan ma'qul
o'zimni sunning tomonidan sohilda ko'ra. Men poyezdda juda band bo‘lardim
sohil bo'ylab - qirg'oq yo'llari mutlaqo ajoyib bo'lishi mumkin.
Tez orada janubiy qirg'oqda temir yo'l sevuvchilar uchun anjuman bor
- Ishonchim komilki, men u erda bo'laman. Men uni butun dunyo uchun sog'inmagan bo'lardim!
Grammar 12
b) You should have been here when Helen told the boss not to be so
lazy! It was great!
c) Peter wasn't here then, so he could not have broken your vase.
d) I could have bought that car, but I decided to look at a few others.
e) If you felt lonely, you should have given me a ring.
f) Don't take a risk like that again! We could have lost because of you.
g) It's been more than a week! You should have had some news by now!
h) We were glad to help. We could not have just stood by and done
i) You really should not have gone to so much trouble!
j) I should have thought that it was rather difficult.
b) Xelen xo'jayinga bunday bo'lmaslikni aytganida, siz shu yerda bo'lishingiz kerak edi
dangasa! Judaham zo'r bo'ldi!
c) Piter o'sha paytda bu erda yo'q edi, shuning uchun u guldoningizni sindira olmadi.
d) Men bu mashinani sotib olishim mumkin edi, lekin men bir nechta boshqa mashinalarni ko'rib chiqishga qaror qildim.
e) Agar o'zingizni yolg'iz his qilsangiz, menga uzuk berishingiz kerak edi.
f) Yana shunday tavakkal qilmang! Siz tufayli mag'lub bo'lishimiz mumkin edi.
g) Bir haftadan ko'proq vaqt o'tdi! Sizda hozircha yangilik bo'lishi kerak edi!
h) Biz yordam berishdan xursand edik. Shunchaki o‘rnida turolmasdik
hech narsa.
i) Siz haqiqatan ham bunchalik muammoga duch kelmasligingiz kerak edi!
j) Men buni ancha qiyin deb o'ylagan bo'lardim.
a) Surely you mustn't have forgotten already!(cannot)
b) Even Paul couldn't have foreseen what was coming next.(could)
c) Frances might not have understood what you said.(could not)
d) It was funny that she should have remembered me.(Could)
e) Harry may have won the match with a bit more effort.(could)
f) You must have told me you had already eaten.(could)
g) Look, there's £30 in my wallet. I shouldn't have gone to the bank after all.(should)
h) You mustn't have been so unkind!(could not)
i) I couldn't have managed without you.(should not)
j) I have no idea who it was, but I suppose it would have been Ann.(should)
a) Albatta, siz allaqachon unutgan bo'lsangiz kerak!(mumkin)
b) Hatto Pavlus ham bundan keyin nima bo'lishini oldindan ko'ra olmas edi.(mumkin)
c) Frensis aytganlaringizni tushunmagan bo'lishi mumkin.
d) U meni eslashi juda kulgili edi.(Mumkin)
e) Garri o'yinda biroz ko'proq harakat qilib g'alaba qozongan bo'lishi mumkin.
f) Siz allaqachon ovqatlanganingizni aytgan bo'lsangiz kerak.(mumkin)
g) Qarang, hamyonimda 30 funt sterling bor. Axir men bankka bormasligim kerak edi.(shuld)
h) Siz shunchalik shafqatsiz bo'lmagan bo'lsangiz kerak!
i) Sensiz men uddalay olmasdim.(kerak emas)
j) Bu kimligini bilmayman, lekin menimcha, bu Enn bo'lar edi.(kerak)
a) Someone obviously must have picked it up by mistake.
b) He could easily have stolen the painting without anyone
c) I may well have made a mistake.
d) You really shouldn't have spent so much on my present.
e) Bill simply wouldn't listen to anything we said.
f) I couldn't just have left without saying a word.
g) Surely you can't seriously believe that I am guilty!
h) I opened the window, I simply had to get some fresh air.
i) I still couldn't have come to your party,
j) How dangerous! You could well have been injured!
a) Kimdir uni xato qilib olgan bo'lishi aniq.
b) U rasmni hech kimsiz osongina o'g'irlashi mumkin edi
c) Men xato qilgandirman.
d) Haqiqatan ham siz mening sovg'amga ko'p pul sarflamasligingiz kerak edi.
e) Bill biz aytgan hech narsaga quloq solmadi.
f) Men indamay keta olmasdim.
g) Men aybdor ekanligimga jiddiy ishonolmaysiz!
h) Men derazani ochdim, shunchaki toza havo olishim kerak edi.
i) Men hali ham ziyofatingizga kela olmasdim,
j) Qanday xavfli! Siz jarohat olishingiz mumkin edi!
b) Were the plane to have taken off, everyone in it would
have been killed.
c) Had I studied harder, I would probably have
passed all my exams.
d) Should you be in the neighbourhood, drop in.
e) Had you gone to the doctor immediately, your
daughter would not be so ill.
f) Never before had she spent so much money on her
daughter's birthday.
g) Should you feel hungry, just call room service, and
order a meal.
h) Were we to offer her the job, we couldn't be sure
that she would accept.
i) Had you (government) taken the necessary measures, this political
crisis could have been avoided,
j) Scarcely had we got home when the police called us
with news of Geoffrey.
b) Samolyot havoga ko'tarilgan bo'lsa, undagi hamma havoga ko'tarilgan bo'lardi
c) Agar ko‘proq o‘qiganimda, o‘qigan bo‘lardim
barcha imtihonlarimni topshirdim.
d) Agar siz mahallada bo'lsangiz, tashrif buyuring.
e) Agar siz darhol shifokorga borgan bo'lsangiz, sizning
qizim bunchalik kasal bo'lmasdi.
f) U hech qachon unga bunchalik ko'p pul sarflamagan edi
qizining tug'ilgan kuni.
g) Agar siz ochlikni his qilsangiz, faqat xona xizmatiga qo'ng'iroq qiling va
ovqatga buyurtma bering.
h) Agar biz unga ishni taklif qilsak, ishonchimiz komil emas edi
u qabul qiladi.
i) Agar siz (hukumat) zarur choralarni ko'rgan bo'lsangiz, bu siyosiy
inqirozdan qochish mumkin edi,
j) Uyga yetib bormay qoldik, politsiya chaqirdi
Jeffri yangiliklari bilan.
a) Jim promised that he would never tell anyone else.
b) Not until it was too late did I remember to call Susan.
c) Hardly had we settled down in our seats when the lights went out.
d) Only after checking three times was I certain of the answer.
e) At no time was I aware of anything out of the ordinary.
f) Only Catherine and Sally passed they pass the final examination.
g) Only when Pete has arrived can we begin the programme,
h) No sooner had it stopped raining than the sun came out.
a) Jim boshqa hech kimga aytmasligiga va'da berdi.
b) Kech bo'lgunga qadar men Syuzanga qo'ng'iroq qilishni esladim.
v) O‘rindiqlarga o‘rnashib qolgan edik, chiroqlar o‘chdi.
d) Faqat uch marta tekshirgandan so'ng men javobga amin bo'ldim.
e) Men hech qachon g'ayrioddiy narsani bilmasdim.
f) Faqat Ketrin va Salli yakuniy imtihondan o'tishdi.
g) Pit kelgandan keyingina dasturni boshlashimiz mumkin,
h) Yomg'ir to'xtashi bilanoq quyosh chiqdi.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we've done it again - another election victory. The
last four years of office has been a wonderful time for the party, a tale of
adversity overcome.(1)No sooner had we come to office than the Stock Market crashed. But we survived that scare, and we came out of it stronger
for the experience. The opposition claimed we were faltering.
(2)Seldom have I heard such hypocrisy from a party which
continued to squabble internally for the next four years. Then
(3)along came a fellow called David Rew, with his new
breakaway Democratic party - but he didn't have much success in the opinion
polls! (4)Not only did he claim he'd become Prime Minister
within three years, he also reckoned that this party was now unpopular with
younger voters. (5)Little did he realise that it would be
the young voters who gave us an overwhelming vote of confidence in
yesterday's election. (6)Scarcely had the first votes rolled in
when it was obvious that we would be re-elected with a huge majority.
(7)Such was the extent of our victory that the New
Democrats obtained a meagre five seats. (8)Had they
known they would perform so poorly, I don't think they would have been quite
so scathing in their criticism of our economic policy. But rest assured, ladies and
gentlemen, (9)under no circumstances will we rest on our laurels. There is
no room for complacency in this government. And I am confident,
(10)as I'm sure are most of you, that the next four
years will be a resounding success. Thank you.
Xo'sh, xonimlar va janoblar, biz buni yana qildik - saylovdagi navbatdagi g'alaba. The
so'nggi to'rt yil ofis uchun ajoyib vaqt bo'ldi, bir ertak
qiyinchilikni yengib o'tish.(1)Biz ofisga kelishimiz bilanoq fond bozori qulab tushdi. Ammo biz bu qo‘rquvdan omon qoldik va undan kuchliroq chiqdik
tajriba uchun. Muxolifat bizni sustlashayotganimizni da'vo qildi.
(2) Men kamdan-kam hollarda bunday ikkiyuzlamachilikni bir partiyadan eshitganman
keyingi to'rt yil davomida ichki janjal davom etdi. Keyin
(3) Devid Ryu ismli bir kishi yangisi bilan birga keldi
ajralib chiqqan Demokratik partiya - lekin u bu fikrda unchalik muvaffaqiyatga erisha olmadi
so'rovlar! (4) U nafaqat Bosh vazir bo'lishini da'vo qildi
uch yil ichida, u ham bu partiya endi mashhur emas, deb hisobladi
yosh saylovchilar. (5) U shunday bo'lishini bilmas edi
Bizga katta ishonch bildirgan yosh saylovchilar
kechagi saylov. (6) Birinchi ovozlar deyarli qabul qilinmadi
katta ko'pchilik ovoz bilan qayta saylanishimiz aniq bo'lganida.
(7) Bizning g'alabamiz shunchalik ediki, Yangi
Demokratlar arzimagan besh o'ringa ega bo'lishdi. (8) Ular bor edi
ular juda yomon ishlashlarini bilar edi, menimcha, ular unchalik yaxshi emas edi
iqtisodiy siyosatimizni keskin tanqid qilishdi. Lekin ishonch hosil qiling, xonimlar va
janoblar, (9) hech qanday holatda biz erishgan yutuqlarimiz bilan to'xtab qolmaymiz. Mavjud
bu hukumatda xotirjamlikka o'rin yo'q. Va men ishonchim komil,
(10) Ishonchim komilki, ko'pchiligingiz keyingi to'rttasi
yillar ajoyib muvaffaqiyat bo'ladi. Rahmat.
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