1.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на глагольные формы с суффиксом -ing. 1. The coaches running the service on the first underground line in London had first, second and third class compartments. 2. The project being worked out provides for the application of atomic energy for traction purposes.
3. Being much stronger than the conventional wooden cars the steel cars contributed a great deal to increased safety.
4. Having increased the efficiency of the engine the designers improved the performance of the locomotive. 5. While running the tramcars produce much noise. 6. Being fitted with numerous electronic devices and automatic control, the new locomotive is one of the up-to-date motive power units. 7. Having been built in 1961, the locomotive is still capable of hauling long and heavy trains. 8. The advantages of the diesel engine being evident, the railroads were quick to adopt it for traction purposes. 9. The possibilities of the steam locomotives exhausted, they were replaced by electric and diesel locomotives. 10. With the experiment being completed, it became clear what railroads could expect of this new form of motive power. 11. The body of the car has a high strength, being covered with steel sheets. 12. The higher efficiency of fluorescent tubes has resulted in their being widely applied to lighting carriages. 13. The building having been erected in the last century, its architectural design is different from that of the surrounding (окружающий) structures. 14. The first diesels were capable of doing the same work as the conventional steam locomotives being built at that period. 15. The scientists took great interest in the newly-designed prime mover because of its having good characteristics as regards reliability. 16. Burning organic fuel the thermal power stations cause air pollution. 17. Experimenting with high speeds has involved changes in all braches of railway engineering. 18. The problem of railway transportation should be studied as an economic and engineering problem, with attention being given to the economy of transportation and to the construction and maintenance of railways. 19. At present, railroads make use of both the open-top hopper cars and the covered hoppers, the latter being primarily employed for conveyance of goods which require protection from the weather. 20. Not many people know of the internal combustion engines having been originally used as stationary engines. 21. With the fuel being burnt inside the cylinders, the engine has an increased efficiency. 22. Cleanliness being the basic feature of electric traction, e.lectrification reduces the maintenance expenses of the rolling stock and the railway buildings.
2.Переведите предложения с инфинитивными конструкциями. 1. It is necessary for the railways to have wagons that may be used in combined, road rail traffic. 2. The new locomotives to be brought into use on our railways are to be sufficiently powerful to haul long goods trains. 3. The Soviet Union was the first to build and test the main-line diesel locomotive. 4. To compete successfully with the conventional power plants the A-power plants must be quite safe for people. 5. The mechanical engineers want further research to be carried out into new kinds of motive power. 6. The Trans-Siberian trunk line is regarded to be the most significant railway handling traffic between Europe and Japan. 7. At the container terminal (станция) one can see huge cranes transfer heavy containers from flat cars to road vehicles. 8. The next step to be taken was the replacement of wood by plastics for the interior finishes of passenger cars. 9. In 1972, the London Underground was reported to have put the new Victoria Line into public service. 10. We know the railways to use the electric rolling stock on the most heavily used trunk lines. 11. For low temperature to be maintained inside the refrigerator cars their walls, roof and floor must be airproof. 12. The ways to perfect the performance characteristics of the main-line electric locomotive are expected to be the key topic of the conference. 13. After the test runs the locomotive was found to have some serious drawbacks in its design. 14. The data to be obtained in the course of the experimental runs are to be used later for improving the passenger rolling stock. 15. Despite its high speed the gas-turbine locomotive is unlikely to find a wide application because of producing much smoke and noise. 16. The a.c. to d.c. conversion appears to be performed at the railway substations; the latter are also known to have transformers to lower the voltage of the current supplied by the transmission line.
3.Переведите следующие сложноподчиненные предложения. 1. Quite recently the newspapers wrote a new tramcar could seat 300 passengers. 2. That Gakkel invented the first trunk-line diesel locomotive is known to all diesel locomotive designers. 3. The voltage the train power supply depends on must be constant. 4. The disadvantage of a tunnel is that its ventilation is always a serious problem. 5. The flat' cars the automobiles are conveyed on are usually double-deck (двухъярусный) vehicles. 6. The problem to be solved is whether an electric motor, a gas turbine or some other kind of motive power will better meet the requirements of high-speed passenger transport. 7. That the wind, the ocean and the sun are promising sources of energy does not surprise anybody. Nevertheless, what is not quite clear is which of these energy sources will give cheaper electricity. 8. The engineers were not sure if the new discovery was promising. 9. The data which the speaker referred to (ссылаться на) in his report had been obtained in the laboratory after processing the initial data by the computer.
10. That the long-welded rails have a lot of advantages is quite evident: the fewer the rail joints the smoother is the running of trains and the less is the wear of the rails.
11. The specialists spoke of the increased volume of traffic the railways are to cope with in the next decade. 12. The fact is that the train stop device enables the speed to be automatically regulated according to signal indications.
13. The designer asked if the data obtained would be of value for further improvement of the engine cooling system.
14. One of the chief advantages of the electric loco is that we can keep it running for long periods of time. 15. That the transformers can be arranged either inside or outside the substation is their big advantage.