I. A. Karimov >Sh. M. Mirziyoyev

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The First President of Uzbekistan -- I.A. Karimov was born in ____________.





Who was born on the 30th of January, 1938?

I.A. Karimov

Sh.M. Mirziyoyev

Donald Tramp

V.V. Putin

__________ Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov was appointed Minister of Finance of Uzbekistan.

In 1983

In 1986

In 1989

In 1991

___________ grow downward into the soil and have two main functions- to absorb plant nutrients and water from the soil and to anchor the plant.

The roots

The stems

The leaves

The flowers

_________ is the part of the plant where seeds are produced.

A flower

A root

A stem

A leaf

________ consists of an embryo, and one or more seed coats.

A seed

A root

A stem

A leaf

_________________ are used to combine two clauses or sentences presenting contrast, comparison, condition, supposition, purpose, etc.

Linking words

Word combinations



Find the right answer. Linking words can be used to………..

All answers are true

link the flow of ideas in your writing

guide your reader towards the next stage of your argument

paragraphs together

_______________ is a group of words that includes a subject and a verb.

A clause

A word combination

A transition

No right answer

Linking words are also called ______________.





Linking words are also called ______________.





I earn as…………. money as my mother.



A lot


________________, a problem can refer to particular social issues, which, if solved, yield social benefits. Such as increased class harmony or industry productivity.

In society

In business and engineering

In academic discourse

In chess

______________a problem is a challenge to an assumption, that requires synthesis and reconciliation.

In academic discourse

In travelling

In rock climbing

In society

In chess, a problem is a _______________, often for others to get an instruction or intellectual satisfaction from determining the solution.


Challenge to an assumption

Difference between actual conditions and those that are required

Series of rocks

His ball is as ………………as his friend’s.




The biggest

The structure ______________ is used to compare things that are of similar proportion.





She is as …………as her brother.



The tallest

More tall

You need to go to the hospital _____________possible. An erratic heartbeat can be very dangerous.

As soon as

As much as

As good as

As long as

A wise man once said that a change is almost ___________ a holiday.

As good as

As much as

As long as

As soon as

Many British housewives cannot understand why many British men love watching football twice _____________the women.

as much as

as good as

as soon as

as long as

___________ are one of the three kinds of organs that most plants must have in order to grow.





_____________ is a horizontal underground stem which looks like a root.





How are roots and rhizomes recognized?

All answers are true

By appearance

By colour

By odour

Roots that are formed first and grow directly from the stem are called _________________.

Primary roots


Fleshy roots

Fascicled roots

What roots are called fascicled roots?

A cluster of thick primary roots

Roots that are formed first and grow directly from the stem

A primary root that grows much longer than any of its branches

Roots grow on plants which need extra support for their stems.

I don't know why this class is always so dirty because it ___ every morning.

Is cleaned

Was cleaned

Are cleaned


A: Why didn't you play football yesterday? B: Because________.

The match was cancelled

The match is cancelled

The match cancelled

The match were cancelled

___________ is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.

Passive voice

Active voice



The door was opened ____________me.





The letter was not ________________yesterday.





__________________ acts like a multi-layer shield that protects Earth from dangerous solar radiation.

The atmosphere

The stratosphere

The hydrosphere

The biosphere

_____________ is constantly produced by the action of the sun's ultraviolet radiation on oxygen molecules (known as photochemical reactions).

Stratospheric ozone

The Ozone layer

The troposphere

Polar stratospheric clouds

When did scientists discover that the ozone layer was thinning in the lower stratosphere?

In 1980

In 1960

In 1970

In 1950

______________ emits electromagnetic radiation at different wavelengths, meaning energy at different intensities.

The sun

The thunder

The fire

The ultraviolet wave

____________ is caused primarily by putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when coal, oil, and natural gas are burned to generate electricity or to run our cars.

Global warming

Ozone depletion



Sheila is very upset. She isn’t used __________ being treated like that.





My big grey cat Fluffy is good____________ mice.

At catching

To catch


With catch

____________is very good for your health.


To swimming


To swim

My friend is fond of ______________.


To draw



What is the definition of word “to harm?”

To hurt someone or damage something

To begin something such as a plan or introduce of something new such as a product

No longer existing

To control or limit something that is not wanted

“The state of having no food for a long period often causing death”. Find the right “word” for this definition.





The stratospheric ozone ___________by manufactured chemicals, containing chlorine or bromine.

Is being destroyed

Are destroyed

Has destroyed

Have been destroyed

Since the _______, there has been a trend of increasing warming of the lower atmosphere and a cooling of the upper atmosphere.





What is the definition of “to exploit?”

To use something for advantage

To control or limit something that is not wanted

To begin something such as a plan or introduce of something new such as a product

To change something, usually slightly, or to cause characteristics of something to change

Find the word: “To eat or drink especially lot of something”

To consume

To launch

To curb

To alter

A problem is a challenge to an assumption, that requires synthesis and reconciliation. What kind of problem is it?

An academic problem

Society problem

Business and engineering problem

Problem in rock climbing

A problem is often defined as a difference between actual conditions and those that are required or desired. Where can we see such kind of problem?

In business and engineering

In academic discourse

In society

In travelling

Tashkent is the capital of ______________.


The Uzbekistan

Tashkent city


______________Samarkand flourished, first as the capital of The Great Tamerlane, then as the glorious cultural and scientific center of the medieval East under the rule of Ulugbek, Tamerlane's grandson.

In the 14th century

In the 13th century

In the 15th century

In the 12th century

Shakhrisabz, the birthplace of ______________.



Zakhiriddin Bobur

Alisher Navoi

________________ the United Nations adopted a resolution to admit the Republic of Uzbekistan into its membership.

On March 2, 1992

On September1, 1991

On August 31, 1991

On December 8, 1992

The population of Uzbekistan is _________________ people.

more than 32 million

more than 30 million

more than 24 million

more than 28 million

Mike _______________practice.

Needs to

Is needing

Need to


This bedroom hasn't been cleaned for months, it needs ___________ today.


To clean


To cleaning

I need ____________harder if I want to pass the exam.

To work



To working

My mother _____________ to the supermarket tomorrow.

Needs to go

Needs going

Need going

Need to go

The grass _____________ because it's very high.

Needs cutting

Needs to cut

Need cutting

Need to cut

______________, education reforms in Uzbekistan changed from 12-year program to 11 years after a previous reform disappointed and troubled parents and children.

In 2017

In 2016

In 2018

In 2015

When was Westminster International University in Tashkent established?

In 2002

In 2000

In 2001

In 2005

When do we celebrate Constitution Day?

On December 8

On September 1

On May 9

On March 21

_____________ is an expanded organ of a plant, produced laterally from a stem or branch, or growing from its root.

A leaf

A stem

A root

A seed

____________ of a leaf is attached to a stem by a petiole or a leafstalk, which is an important organ of the leaf.

The blade

The stipules

The footstalk

The seed

______________ has two or more independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction.

A compound sentence

A simple sentence

A complex sentence

A compound-complex sentence

Long-distance travel was possible, but it was not very fast or comfortable. What sentence is it?

A compound sentence

A simple sentence

A complex sentence

A compound-complex sentence

Roots and rhizomes should be collected in autumn when the vegetative processes have ceased. What sentence is it?

A complex sentence

A compound sentence

A simple sentence

A compound-complex sentence

____________ we use a subordinating conjunction to connect the dependent clause to the main clause.

In a complex sentence

In a compound sentence

In a simple sentence

In a compound-complex sentence

The growth of railroads changed the lives of many Americans. What sentence is it?

A simple sentence

A complex sentence

A compound sentence

A compound-complex sentence

What is the definition of “to tackle?”

Make an organized and determined attempt to deal with a problem, often a social one

Happen or develop in this or that way

Use something

Feeling nervous or excited

What is the definition of “immoral?”

Something which is considered to be morally wrong

Want to achieve something especially in career

A connection with a religious or political organization

Happen or develop in this or that way

“Want something very much and in a way that is very hard to control” is …………..

To crave

To aspire

To tackle

To utilize

______________, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy.




Leaf fall

If photosynthesis ceased, there would soon be little food or other organic matter on __________.





During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into ¬¬¬¬¬¬__________.


Fossil fuels


Carbon dioxide

__________ is used when we give someone a warning.

Had better



Need to

It is a very important secret. You __________ tell anybody.

Had better not

Had better



Susy is weak and looks pale. She ______________ consult a doctor.

Had better

Had better not

Have not to

Need to

We use __________ when we talk about personal requirements.

Need to


Had better


It appears to interfere with electron transport in protozdal mitochondria, inhibiting enzymes needed for the synthesis of nucleic acids and adenosine triphosphate.





Atovaquone is a ______________





How many days should the Atovaquone be taken?

21 days

14 days

3 days

30 days

What are the adverse reactions of Atovaquone?

All answers are true




How many types of conditionals are there in English grammar?





If I __________ afraid of spiders, I ___________it up.

wasn't/ would have picked

am/will pick

wasn’t/would picked

weren’t/would pick

We __________him months ago if we ___________him.

would have sacked/ didn't trust

would sack/trust

will have sacked/trust

didn’t trust/would have sacked

If I hadn't fought for our relationship, we____________ together now.

Wouldn’t be

Will be

Would have been


I would be happier if I___________ 'yes' when she asked me to marry her.

Had said

Have said

Would say


If you ___________ a map, as I told you, we wouldn't be lost now.

Had taken

Have taken

Will take


What country did Nanina go to write her research-paper?





What was the theme of Nanina’s research work?

Uzbek soil and its productivity factors

Uzbek cotton and its exports

The culture of Swiss people

The life of foreign students

When did Nanina go to Switzerland?

In autumn

In summer

In spring

In winter

______________ is a tense that usually describes something about the past that has a connection with the present.

The present perfect

The Past perfect

The Present Simple

The present perfect continuous

We use _____________ to talk about important things we’ve done. In this case we often use ever and never.

The present perfect

The past perfect

The past simple

The present simple

Find the sentence in the present perfect passive

The movie has been watched

I have watched the movie

The movie had been watched

The movie has watched

Sara has been promoted three times in her career. What tense is used in the sentence?

The present perfect passive

The past perfect passive

The present perfect

The past perfect

___________ is used to describe actions that started in the past but continue now.

The present perfect

The present perfect continuous

The present simple

The present continuous

The reports have been written. What tense is used?

The present perfect passive

The past perfect

The past perfect passive

The present continuous passive

What signal word is belonged to the present perfect tense?




At the moment

_______________determines the relationship between one or more variables.

Social research

Qualitative research

Quantitative research


Quantitative research is___________________.

The complete opposite and most often involves numbers and set data

Precise and is often the result of surveys or questionnaries

Determines the relationship between one or more variables

Can be investigated using surveys, reports, observations, census statistics

Qualitative research is ____________________.

Inductive, meaning the researcher creates hypotheses and abstractions from collected data

The complete opposite and most often involves numbers and set data

Determines the relationship between one or more variables

Can be investigated using surveys, reports, observations, census statistics

How many types of research are there?





Social research is often conducted by _______________.



Antropology scientists


Mary promised ___ me.

To marry




What verb is the only simple form of Indefinite Infinitive Active?

To ask

To be asking

To have asked


_____ a car in a big city is very difficult.

To drive


The driving


I intend _______ on him and________ this question.

To call/ discuss

To call/to discuss

Calling/to discuss


If there are two infinitives nearby linked with conjunctions _______ so particle to before second of them usually falls.

And/ or

And/ to

As/ so

But /or

We do not put the particle TO before such verbs as:

Make, feel, let, hear, see

Should, would, ask, translate

Watch, listen, let, must

Can, need, feel, spell

Glycyrrhiza is used also as a flavoring agent to mask the taste of such drugs as__________________________ etc.

Aloe, quinine, ammonium chloride

Valerian, quinine, sodium chloride

Rochelle salt, aloe, calcium chloride

Aloe, unine, ammonium chloride

Glycyrrhizic is about 50 times as sweet as___________.





Where is Glycyrrhiza prevalent?

In Central Asia and Urals

Along the Amu-Darya river

In Russia and Urals

In Uzbekistan/ India

What does the word “Glycyrrhiza” mean?

Sweet root

Herbaceous plant

Sweet candy

Bitter root

___________________itself does not indicate the time of the action to which it refers. However, it refers to the fact that this time is the same as the time in the main clause.

Present Participle

Present Simple

Perfect Participle Passive

Past Participle

Tom asked me to talk to the woman____________ the projects.



That supervise

To supervise

Find the verbs in Perfect Participle Active.

Having fulfilled, having gone, having come

Having been arriving, having receiving

Being built, being carried on, being packed

Being squeezes, having asked, having read

Having been sent to the wrong address the letter didn’t reach him.

What is the form of Participle used here?

Perfect Participle Passive

Past Participle Passive

Perfect Participle Active

Present Participle Passive

Present Participle Active used to form, in combination with auxiliary verb TO BE of ____________and______________ tenses.

Continuous/ Perfect Continuous

Continuous/ Past Continuous

Continuous/ Present Continuous

Present Continuous Passive/ Continuous

What did Thomas Edison build in 1876?

Famous laboratory

Empire state building

The Shard

Big Theatre

Which inventor of the XIX century was deaf?

Thomas Edison

Edward Adam

Paul Bunge

Alexander Graham Bell

Where did Thomas Edison stay overnight while working?

In the lab

In the office

At home

On the top of the mountain

_______________ is an American inventor and entrepreneur who received _____patents in the USA and about __________ in other countries of the world.

Thomas Alva Edison/1,093/ three thousand

Mark Twain/1,933/ three thousand

Cyrille Duquet/ 1,093/ four thousand

William Henry/ 1,099/ three hundred

What year was Edison’s asteroid named?

In 1913

In 1928

In 1915

In 1908

When the leaves of Digitalis are collected?

From July to September

From June to September

From August to October

From September to November

Which leaves are thoroughly and quickly dried for use as a source of the drug?

Fresh and full-grown


Finger-shaped and fresh

Fresh and part-grown

__________ has the common wild form of the plant about 4-4.5cm long?

A purple corolla

A pink corolla

A dark greyish-green corolla

A dark green corona

Marcy needed one more unit to qualify for a discount on her car insurance; consequently, she enrolled in an Academic Strategies class. What does the underlined word show in this sentence?

Cause and effect

Contrast or Show Exception


Main points

When a transition is used to join two words groups that could stand alone as sentences,

it’s preceded by a_________ and followed by a_______.

Semicolon /comma

Colon/ comma

Dash/ semicolon

List of transitions used to show contrast:

Although, however, on the other hand, whereas

In contrast, yet, unlike, besides, still

Meanwhile, but, beyond, behind, although

As well as, either, however, conversely

We have a mouse in the house. __________, we should get a cat. Choose the appropriate transition word.





______________ it has been shown that fractures can occur at even relatively low pressures, the use of the material should not be completely discounted.

Even though



No correct answer

In order to try to reduce car use in the inner cities, the government has announced new restrictions on company parking spaces and ______________ a new tax on individual car use.

In the same way

As well as

In addition

In conclusion

It is clear that the situation in Brazil will improve only slowly. ______________ , the economic problems being experienced in Japan, the outlook is slightly more optimistic.

In comparison




Find the meaning of phrasal verb “make for”.

To contribute, to cause, lead to

Pay back, to return

To change or transform

To escape

Choose the phrasal verb according to its meaning: Manage, get along, to do (well, badly etc.)

Make out

Make out of

Make over

Make up

Fill in the correct phrasal verb. He … his apartment a couple of hours ago.

Made for

Make for

Make of

Made out

Choose the right meaning of the underlined phrasal verb in this sentence.

I don’t eat dinner but I make up for it at breakfast.

Compensate for something

Do again


Find the meaning of phrasal verb “make up one’s mind”

To decide which choice to make or which action to take

To provide an amount of money that is needed to be enough

To do something required earlier but not done, such as take a test

To damage something or to do something wrong or badly

Senna belongs to the family…




No correct answer

Put the following sentence in order.

The flowers are bright yellow in axillary and terminal racemes, rather longer than the leaves.

The flowers are bright yellow in axillary and racemes, rather terminal longer than the leaves.

The flowers are rather longer than the leaves in bright yellow axillary and terminal racemes.

Terminal racemes rather longer than the flowers the leaves are bright and yellow in axillary.

What does Senna contain resembling those found in aloe and rhubarb?





What main parts London consists of?

the City, the West End and the East

the City, the North End and the East

the North End and the East

the West End and the East

Which part of London is the richest one?

the West End

the City

the East


What is the traditional place of coronation for English monarchs in London?

Westminster Abbey

Buckingham palace

the Tower of London

no correct answer

When had the first underground railway started to work in London?

In 1863

In 1769

In 1864

In 1763

Who built the Tower of London in the 17th century after the Great Fire?

Sir Christopher Wren

Richard Rogers

Frank Gehry

Norman Foster

What do lab reports require in writing?

Clarity and accuracy

Clear topic sentence

Using more pronouns

Emphasis and clarity

Which things are important in all writing?

Proper grammar, punctuation and spelling

Pronunciation, spelling and meaning

Only proper grammar

Punctuation and spelling

Find the words that are inappropriate to style and format of lab report writing.

Amped, chill, awesome, cool

Dude, interesting, wow, crazy

Wow, amazing, great, marvelous

Chill, plank, plunk, beaker

A single short paragraph that is written in the present simple; self-contained way to briefly summarize the procedures, results and conclusions of an experiment.


Experiment title



Choose the right tips how to write lab report.

Do not use personal pronouns, write in the third person and use past tense.

Do not use personal pronouns, write in the first person and use present tense.

Do not use possessive pronouns, write in the third person and use present tense.

Do not use demonstrative pronouns, write in the first person and use past tense.

Where is located the city of Washington, the capital of the United States of America?

In the District of Columbia

In the District of Colambia

In the Green Street

There is no correct answer

It is situated at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. What is it?

The White House

The Blue Room

The Green House

The East Room

What is the highest building in Washington?

The Capitol

The Capital

The Lincoln

The White House

The cornerstone of the Capitol was laid by______________ on___________________.

George Washington/ September 18th, 1793

George Clooney/ September 19th, 1793

George Michael/ October 18th, 1873

John Kennedy/ October 18th, 1783

Which phrase best describes “the Fourth of July” in the United States?

Independence Day

American history

Capitol Hill

Washington, D.C.

Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln can best be identified as:




War Heroes

Apart from Capitol Hill, what else does Washington, D.C. offer for tourists to visit?

Art galleries and museums

America’s largest shopping mall

Tall skyscrapers

A theme park

Why is Washington, D.C. important for the United States?

It is the nation’s capital.

It offers the most outdoor tourism.

It’s where the Fourth of July was first celebrated.

It is a great vacation spot.

“1600 Pennsylvania Avenue” represents:

The White House’s address

The name of Stephen’s hotel

The location of the Washington Monument

Washington D.C.’s main downtown area

When was founded Washington?

In 1790

In 1870

In 1779

In 1778

Give the definition to the word “valerian”.

is a tall, straight, perennial herbaceous plant

is a short, straight, perennial herbaceous plant; 1—2 m high

is a perennial herbaceous plant, the height of about 100-50 cm

is a perennial herbaceous plant attaining a height of about 1 meter

What adjectives are non-gradable?

amazing, almost, boiling, totally, enormous

ancient, awful, boiling, delicious, very

more, extremely, very, totally

absolutely, freezing, rather, a little bit

Find the word which cannot complete the sentence.

We’ve been … busy at work, so I’m looking forward to a break.

a little



Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence.

You don’t want to go to Egypt in the summer. It’s absolutely_____.




Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence.

I’m enjoying my new job but I have an absolutely _______ workload.




No wonder she won the literature prize. Her first novel is absolutely ____.




The best

Choose the correct statements about Valerian.

Perennial herbaceous plant. Pharmacologic effect: sedative, antispasmodic. Blooms in June-July.

Perennial herbaceous plant. Pharmacologic effect: antibacterial. Blooms in August- September.

Biennial herbaceous plant. Pharmacologic effect: sedative, antispasmodic. Blooms in July-August.

Biennial herbaceous plant. Pharmacologic effect: sedative, antihistamine. Blooms in May-July.

To show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality, we use grading adverbs like… before gradable adjectives.

very, pretty, rather, fairly, really, extremely

dead, fantastic, interesting, rather, very

bigger, good, tired, really, extremely

rather, fairly, really, extremely, fast

Put the words in order.

was fantastic the night absolutely at dinner Saturday.

The dinner at Saturday night was absolutely fantastic.

Dinner at Saturday night was the absolutely fantastic.

The dinner at night Saturday was absolutely fantastic.

Choose an adverb to complete the following sentence.

I was ____ surprised when he told me the news.




The roots of Marsh Mallow are used both... scientific and popular medicine.





Althea comes... the Greek and means curing or cooling.





The leaves of Marsh Mallow are entire, alternate, long petiolate … to … lobed with dentate margins and acute apex.





Althea well grows wild and cultivated in ________and marshes on saline and clay soil near the_______.





What should be written in the main part of writing a report?

Description of the event, important information, correct order of events

Description of the event, final statement about the event

Main part should be short- only important information

Clear thesis, topic sentence and supporting details

In what tense should we use the verbs when we write a report?

In Past Simple

In Present simple

In Present Perfect

It does not matter

The roots of Marsh Mallow contain up to 35 per cent ... mucilage.





Put the sentence in order.

The dried leaves of Marsh Mallow are inodorous and mucilaginous.

The leaves are dried and mucilaginous of Marsh Mallow inodorous.

Dried leaves are inodorous and mucilaginous of the Marsh Mallow.

The Marsh Mallow and dried leaves are inodorous and mucilaginous.

Open the brackets and put the verb in a right tense.

Marsh Mallow is a perennial herb erect with woody stems (to attain) the height of about 1 m.



Are attained

Open the brackets and put the verb in a right tense.

Althea (to use) as an excellent emollient and as an excipient in

making pills.

Is used

Are used

Fill in the correct form.

I ____________________for 6 years. (marry)

Have been married

Had been married

Was married

When we want to make comparisons referring to quantity, we use __________with uncountable nouns and ___________with plural nouns

as much as/ as many as

as many as/ as much as

as little as/ as few as

as…as/ not as…as

Put the sentence in order.

Scientists have discovered a planet which weighs as much as 2,500 times the weight of Earth.

Earth have discovered a planet which as weighs much as 2,500 times the weight of scientists.

A planet which weighs as much as 2,500 times have discovered the weight of scientists Earth.

As much as 2,500 times scientists have discovered a planet which weighs the weight of Earth.

Put the verbs in brackets into their correct form: INFINITIVE or ING-FORM.

He has managed ________some tea and now he wants _______to sleep. (DRINK, GO)

To drink/to go

Drinking/to go

To drink/ going

Put the verbs in brackets into their correct form: INFINITIVE or ING-FORM.

Harry denied ________into the classroom and _______the money (BREAK, STEAL)


Breaking/ to steal

To break/ to steal

Find word-combinations.

Noisy party, crowded bus, to get a quick snack, to make friends

Speak a song, wash your hair, kill fingers, to be happy

Good luck, write a sandwich, eat your friend, speak English

Difficult exam, play football, group of time, to arrange a picnic

Any action which was started in the past and still in progress, then for this kind of sentences we use____________________.

Present perfect continuous tense

Present simple tense

Present continuous tense


It has been raining … five days.





The present perfect continuous is used to refer to ___________time between 'before now' and 'now'.

an unspecified




Choose the right answer.

Very tasty-delicious, very happy-jubilant, very afraid-terrified

Very weak- feeble, very ugly- solemn, very serious- hideous

very cold- freezing, very ugly- solemn, very dry-spotless

very angry- furious, very hungry- famished, very bad-feeble

Find the linking words for comparison.

Neither…nor, not only…but also, in common, resemble

Similarly, likewise, both … and, neither…nor

Furthermore, moreover, however, just like, as…as

Either…or, in common, same as, as well as, differ from

They worked overtime _________finish the project.

In order to

Due to

So that

In spite of

_________her qualifications she wasn't the right person for the job.


Due to


Except for

________we don't have that much money we won't take a holiday this year.



Instead of

So that

Choose the adjectives which describe qualities, character and appearance of a person.

Handsome, jealous, sincere, nasty, wise

Generous, beautiful, young, turquoise

Reliable, old, polite, ancient, nice

Selfish, kelly, indigo, jealous, sincere

That film was terrifying. Think about the meaning of the underlined word.

Very scary

Very terrible

Very awful

Very terry

What adjectives do not normally have comparative and superlative forms?





Choose the correct modal verb.

‘Let’s use your sister’s computer’

‘I think we… ask her first.’

Ought to


Can to


I____________ paella. My mother taught me.

Can make

Can speak

Can hear

Can play

Choose the correct form. Now, people who decide ________the charge can _______ at a higher speed, approximately 20 mph.

To pay/ travel

Pay/ travelling

To pay/travelling

Paying/ travel

The Volga is the________ river in Europe.




Very long

The radio________________ by Popov in 1895.

Was invented

Is invented

Had been invented

Was inventing

We use ‘need’ only in ________ in ________ and ________ sentences.

Present Indefinite/interrogative/negative

Present Indefinite/affirmative/negative

Past Indefinite/interrogative/negative

Future Indefinite/negative/affirmative

…consists of equal simple sentences that do not depend on each other.

The compound sentence

The subordinate clause

The complex sentence

The compound-complex sentence

Valerian grows wild in grasslands throughout…

North America, Asia and Europe

South America, South Africa and Europe

Uzbekistan, Russia and North America

England, Central Asia and New Zealand

Don’t take valerian root for more than_____ without talking to your doctor.

A month

Two months

Two weeks

A week

Give the examples of Annuals.

Corn, rice, wheat, pulses

Rice, onions, beetroot, cabbage

Carrot, pulses, rose, corn

Lilies, rose, lavender, cedars

Plants are classified into a separate kingdom called the_________.

Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Planet

Kingdom Plants

United Kingdom of Plants

The____ absorb water and_______ from the soil and anchor the plant in the ground.




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