Estetik tarbiyaning maqsad va vazifalari.
Har bir ota-onada pedagogik ichki hissiyot mavjud. Ulardan har kim har xil yoidan foydalanib farzandlarini tarbiyalaydilar. Bu borada estetik tarbiya eng samarali yo’llardan biridir. Oilada ham, mahal-lada ham, tanishlar orasida ham estetik tarbiya muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. SHu sababli, el ehzozidagi va xalq e’tiboridagi shaxslarni ibrat-namuna qilib ko’rsatish tarbiya samaradorligini oshirishga muhim g’oyaviy asosdoir,
Estetik tarbiyaning asosiy tushunchalaridan biri go’zallik kategoriyasidoir. Uning mahnosini talaba-yoshlarga tushuntirish ham mazkur tarbiyaning xayotiyligini tahminlashga katta yordam beradi. SHu sababli go’zallik tushunchasining mazmun-mohiyatini ochib berishga quyidagicha yondashuvlar qilishni maqsadga muvofiq deb topdik:
• go’zallik — bu kishining qalbi go’zalligi;
• go’zallik-bu kishining istarasi issiqligi;
• go’zallik - bu kishining go’zal xulq egasi bo’lishi ;
• go’zallik — bu bamisoli daraxt, yaprog’i - axloq, ildizi - ichki dunyo, mevasi -yaxshi fazilat. Xullas, odam bolasidagi go’zallik — tabiat ato qilgan husn-jamolidan tashqari, yana eng yaxshi xulq-atvorni, insondagi eng yaxshi fazilatlarni o’z ichiga olgan odamiylikdan iborat (Mirzakalon Ismoiliy).
Demak, estetik tarbiya nafosat tarbiyasi ham, odamiylik tarbiyasi ham, to’la-to’kis ahamiyatga ega bo’lgan go’zallik tarbiyasidoir. SHu sababli talaba-yoshlarni estetik ruhda tarbiyalash g’oyat murakkab, ko’p qirrali dinamik jarayon boyib, uning yordamida barkamol shaxs tarbiyasi jarayonini olib borishning optimal variantlarini qo’lga kiritish mumkin.
Aesthetic system. If educational tools, methods and techniques stand the idea behind the leading technological system of psychological and social relations are not targeted educational system. Teacher's every movement, the formation of aesthetic culture of students. Educational activities should be conducted on the basis of the principles and values of life, then, ensured the process of education of the student. Outlook is still full for students in the form of teacher's life experiences, personal design aesthetic and educational impact of his ownership should not be forgotten. Therefore, before the formation of the teacher's attention toward the motivation for the aesthetics of the teacher schools plays an important role. Establishing a high level of aesthetic system tarbiyalanganlikning means he needs to continually absorb the reader, each student, class, school team. Aesthetic system is great for the achievement of educational goals teachers are very familiar with the firmness required to achieve the unity of the means of the positive impact of:
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