The latvian academy of culture

Requirements for the Acquisition of Credit Points

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Requirements for the Acquisition of Credit Points:

  1. To receive a positive assessment at seminars.

  2. To pass an examination.


1. Valeinis V. Ievads literatūras zinātnē. - R., 1972.

2. Valeinis V. Literatūras teorija. - R., 1982.

3. Hiršs H. Prozas poētika. - R., 1989.

4. Kiršentāle I. Latviešu romāns. - R., 1979.

5. Kiršentāle I. u.c. Prozas žanri. - R., 1991.

6. Mauriņa M. Īsais stāsts latviešu padomju literatūrā. - R., 1975.

7. Smilktiņa B. Latviešu novele. - R., 1981.

8. Tabūns B. Prozas specifika. - R., 1988.

9. Vārdaune Dz. Traģēdijas žanrs latviešu literatūrā.- R., 1973.

10. Valeinis V. Latviešu lirika. - R., 1973.

11. Dilthey W. Gesammelte Schriften. - Stuttgart, 1957., 1. - 7. Bd.

12. Gadamer H. Wahrheit und Methode. - Tübingen, 1960.

13. Palmer R. Hermeneutics. - Ewangton, 1969.

14. Ricoeur P. Hermeneutik und Structuralismus. - München, 1973.

15. Eagleton T Literary Theory.- University of Minnesota Press, Mineapolis – London, 1983.

The Name of the Course: The Theory of Sociology

The Scope of the Course: 32 academic hours.

2 credit points. The form of assessment: an examination.

The Author of the Course: Lecturer Taņa Lāce, Mag. artis

Preconditions for the Acquisition of the Course: Knowledge in the fundamentals of sociology, the history of sociology and an ability to cope with texts in English and Russian.

The Contents of the Course: The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the basic themes and trends of sociology.

Thematic Planning:



Type of classes and hours

  1. The subject of sociology.



  1. The founders of the theory of sociology:

  • Auguste Comte,

  • Emile Durkheim,

  • Karl Marx,

  • Max Weber.

2., 3., 4.


  1. Modern approaches:

  • Functionalism,

  • symbolic interactionism,

  • structuralism and others.

5., 6.


  1. The conception of culture in sociology.



  1. Socialization and its theories.



  1. Conformism and deviance.



  1. Social structure.



  1. Social stratification and its theories:

  • gender stratification,

  • ethnical, racial stratification,

  • age stratification.

11., 12.


  1. Social institutions:

  • marriage and family,

  • education, politics, religion as social institutions.

13., 14., 15., 16.


Requirements for the Acquisition of Credit Points: Participate in seminars and, accomplish practical tasks, pass examination.


  1. -Cilvēks un dzīve socioloģijas skatījumā. Ievadkurss skolām un pašmācībai. Red. B. Zepa un A. Zobena-Rīga-Latv.Universit.Sociol.katedra-1996,-208 lapp.

  2. Socioloģijas skaidrojošā vārdnīca skolām un pašmācībai Red. B.Zepa un A.Zobena-Rīga-Latv.Universit.Soc.katedra-1997,-152 lapp.

  3. Birkerts, P. Zocioloģija. Skolām un pašmācībai. 1 sējums. Zociālā statistika-Rīga-Kultūras balss-1921,-281 lapp.

  4. Giddens, Anthony. Sociology, 2nd ed., UK, Polity Press, 1993

  5. Alla, G.Johnson. Human Arrangements. An Introduction to Sociology, 2nd ed.,USA, HBJ., 1989

  6. Denkweisen und Grundbegritte der Soziologie: eine Einführung (Arbeitsgruppe Soziologie) 10, rev. und erw. Aufl.-Franrfurt/Main; NewYork-Campus Verlag-1992-235 S.

  7. Bahrdt, Hans Paul Schlüsselbegriffe der Soziologie: Eine Einführung mit Lehrbeispielen. 5 Aufl.-München-Verlag CH Beck-1992-200 S.

  8. Dechmann, Birgit, & Ryffel, Christiane -Soziologi im Alltag: Eine Einführung mit Illustration und graphischen Darstellungen der Autorinen 8. Aufl.-Weinheim, Basel-Beltz Verlagen-1993-279 S.

  9. Reimann, Horst, Giesen, Bernhard, Goetze, Dieter, Samid Michael-Basale Soziologie: Theoretische Modellen 4. neubearb. und erw. Aufl.- Oplanden-Westdeutscher Verl.-1991-310 S.

  10. Schäfers, Bernhard-Grundbegriffe der Soziologie 3.Aufl.- Oplanden-Leske und Budrich-1992-400 S.

  11. Гидденс, Энтони-Социология-Москва-Эдиториал УРСС-1999,-704 стр.

  12. Мостовая, И.В.-Зачет по социологии в кармане для студентов вузов: Учебн.пос.-Ростов на Дону-Учебники «Феникса»-1999,-320 стр.

  13. Самыгин С.И., Перов Г.О.-Социология: 100 экзаменационных ответов-Ростов на Дону-Изд.центр МарТ-1999,-191 стр.

  14. Смелзер, Нейл-Социология-Москва-Феникс-1994,-687 стр.

  15. Кравченко А.И. Введение в социологию, М., 1994

  16. Радугин А.А., Радугин К.А. Социология. Курс лекций, Воронеж, 1994

  17. Современная западная социология: словарь-Москва-Изд. Полит. Лит.-1990,-432 стр.

The Name of the Course: The Theory of Folklore

The Scope of the Course: 64 academic hours (lectures)

4 credit points. The type of assessment: a test and an examination.

The Author of the Course: Lecturer Iveta Tāle, Mg. artis

Preconditions for the Acquisition of the Course:

To be competent in Latvian folklore and history within the scope of the programme of secondary school.

The Contents of the Course: An overview of the genres of Latvian folklore, stressing the functions of folklore and the traditions of heritage in traditional and modern culture. When encompassing the main themes in folklore special attention is paid to the structure of particular folklore texts and the functioning of symbolic codes in them. The objective of the course is to provide the knowledge necessary for the acquisition of the subsequent course in Baltic mythology.
Thematic Planning:



Type of classes and hours

1. The notion of folklore. The genres of folklore.



2. The metrics, strophe and stylistics of the folk songs.

2., 3.

L2, L2

3. The structure of miracle fairy-tales.



4. The understanding of time and space in folklore.



5. Folklore of calendar traditions.

6., 7., 8.

L2, L2, L2

6. Folklore of family traditions.

9., 10., 11.

L2, L2, L2

7. Traditional singing, its types, functions and connection with a ritual.

12., 13.

L2, L2

8. Traditional music instruments. The traditions of playing music.

14., 15.

L2, L2

9. The symbolism of numbers, colours and metals.

16., 17., 18.

L2, L2, L2

10. The symbolism of animals, birds, reptiles, fish and insects.

19., 20., 21., 22., 23

L2, L2, L2, L2, L2

11. The symbolism of trees and plants.

24., 25., 26., 27.

L2, L2, L2, L2

12. Modern folklore.

28., 29.

L2, L2

13. The history of Latvian folklore studies.

30., 31., 32

L2, L2, L2

Requirements for the Acquisition of Credit Points:
1. To pass a test.

2. To pass an examination.


  1. Ambainis O. Latviešu folkloristikas vēsture. – R., 1977.

  2. Bērziņš L. Ievads latviešu tautas dzejā. I daļa. – R., 1940.

  3. Kursīte J. Latviešu folklora mītu spogulī. – R., 1996.

  4. Līdeks O. Latviešu svētki. Latviešu svinamās dienas. – R., 1991.

  5. Ozols A. Latviešu tautasdziesmu valoda. – R., 1961.

  6. Propp V. Morfologija skazki. 2.izd. – M., 1969.

  7. Šmits P. Latviešu mitoloģija. 2. izd. – R., 1926.

  8. Latvju dainas. K. Barona un H. Visendorfa izd., 1.- 6. sēj. – Jelg., - Pb., 1894 – 1915.

  9. Latvju tautas daiņas. Sakārt. R. Klaustiņš, 1. – 12. sēj. – R., 1928 – 1932.

  10. Latviešu pasakas un teikas. P. Šmita sakārt., 1 – 15. sēj. – R., 1925 – 1937.

  11. Latviešu tautas ticējumi. P. Šmita red., 1. – 4. sēj. – R., 1940 – 1941.

  12. Straubergs K.. Latviešu buramie vārdi. 1. – 2. sēj. – R.., 1927.

  13. Latviešu tautas mīklas. A. Ancelānes sakārt., 2. izd.. – R.., 1996.

The Name of the Course: The History of the Latvian Theatre

The Scope of the Course: 48 academic hours (32 hours of lectures, 16 hours of seminars).

3 credit points. The form of assessment – an examination.

The Authors of the Course: Prof. Livija Akuratere, Dr. habil. Artis, Prof. Janis Silins

Preconditions for the Acquisition of the Course: A successfully passed examination in The History of the World Theatre.
The Contents of the Course: The course introduces to prehistory of the Latvian theatre and the development of the theatre from the 70’s of the 19th century up to the 90’s of the 20th century. The objective of the course is to analyze the ongoing process on the Latvian stage in connection with the main processes in the European theatres.

The Thematic Planning:



Type of classes and hours

1. Theatrical elements in Latvian national traditions.



2. Performances in Riga and other places before the stationary theatre.

3. The (German) theatre of Riga.


L2; S2

4. The first performances in Latvian.

5. Ādolfs Alunāns and the Latvian Theatre of Riga.



6. Ādolfs Alunāns as an actor and playwright.

7. The period under the direction of Rode-Ebelings and Pēteris Ozoliņš in the Latvian Theatre of Riga.


L2; S2

8. The first most famous Latvian actors.

9. Creation of the small scenes in the 90’s of the 19th century.



10. The New Latvian Theatre.

11. The New Theatre of Riga.


L2; S2

12. Rūdolfs Blaumanis and the Latvian theatre.

13. Aspazija.



14. Rainis.

15. The rest of the drama contribution up to World War I.


L2; S2

16. Formation of the Latvian professional direction (A. Mierlauks, J. Duburs, A. Freimanis).

17. The professional training of the Latvian actors (the Latvian Dramatic course).



18. The Latvian Theatre during World War I..

19. The National Theatre and its main forces (the actors and directors).


L2; S2

20. The Daile Theatre and its founder Eduards Smiļģis, his consultants and actors.

21. Eduards Smiļģis: a producer and an actor.



22. The other stages between the 20’s and the 30’s.

23. Actor training between the 20’s and the 30’s.


L2; S2

24. The contribution of the national drama to the theatre between the 20’s and the 30’s.

25. The joint movement of the Latvian theatre after World War II. Destiny of the main stages.



26. The main directors (A. Amtmanis-Briedītis, V. Baļuna, E. Smiļģis, F. Ertnere, N. Mūrnieks, P. Lūcis, A. Lācis u.c.).

27. The gradual change of the old masters by the strong generation of directors during the 50’s and the 60’s (A. Jaunušāns, P. Pētersons, O. Kroders, M. Ķimele u.c.)


L2; S2

28. The main actors in the period from the 50’s up to the 80’s.

29. The most important contribution of the Latvian drama in the second half of the 20th century and its life on the stage.



30. The Latvian theatre during the 90’s.


L2; S2

Requirements for the Acquisition of Credit Points:

  1. Positive assessment at seminars.

  2. A passed examination.


1. Kundziņš K. Latviešu teātra vēsture. – I, II sēj. – R., 1968., 1972.

2. Latviešu padomju teātra vēsture. – R., 1973., 1974.

3. Latvijas teātris 70.gadi. – R., 1993.

4. Latvijas teātris 80.gadi. – R., 1995.

5. Akurātere L. Aktiermāksla latviešu teātrī. – R., 1983.

6. Akurātere L. Dzīves izturīgie (par režisoriem N. Mūrnieku un I. Mitrēvici). – R., 1968.

7. Amtmanis-Briedītis A. Pretim saulei. – R., 1963.

8. Anna Lācis. – R., 1973.

9. Baļuna V. Kur palika dienas. – R., 1974.

10. Banga T. Mana dzīve. – R., 1957.

11. Blūma Dz. Skatuves ietērps latviešu teātrī (1870. – 1919.). – R., 1988.

12. Dzene L. Mana versija par Alfrēdu Jaunušānu. – R., 1979.

13. Dailes teātra 10 gadi. – R.

14. Eduards Smiļģis un viņa darbs. – R., 1937.

15. Freimane V. Liep[ājas teātra 50.gadi. – R., 1958.

16. Grēviņš M. Dailes teātris. – R., 1971.

17. Grēviņš V. Aleksis Mierlauks. – R., 1956.

18. Grēviņš V. Eduards Smiļģis. – R., 1956.

19. Hausmanis V. Rainis un teātris. – R., 1965.

20. Hausmanis V. Sarunas ar Felicitu Ertneri. – R., 1977.

21. Jaunais Rīgas teātris. – R., 1977.

22. Kalniņš J. Pa gadu kāpnēm. – R., 1966.

23. Kāpums mūža garumā (Atmiņas par A. Amtmani-Briedīti). – R., 1965.

24. Kundziņš K. Latviešu teātra hronika (1901. – 1908.) – R., 1977.

25. Kundziņš K. Latviešu teātra repertuārs līdz 1940.gadam. – R., 1953., lab. un papild. 1955.

26. Miške E. Valsts latviešu teātris “Skatuve” 1919. – 1938.gadā Maskavā. – R., 1963.

27. Rotkale R., Straupeniece A. Ar skatiem pāri horizontam. Eduards Smiļģis un aktiemāksla dokumentos un atmiņās. – R., 1986.

28. Skudra A., Ferbers B. Teātris ar divsimt skatuvēm. – R., 1978.

29. Stepiņš L. Henriks Ibsens latviešu teātrī. – R., 1978.

30. Šapiro A. Starpbrīdis. – R., 1991.

31. Šekspīrs un latviešu teātris. – R., 1964.

32. Zeltiņa G. Ernests Feldmanis.
The Name of the Course: The History of Latvian Art from the Beginning till the 30’ies of the 20th Century

The Scope of the Course: 32 contact hours (24 hours of lectures, 8 hours of seminars).

2 credit points. The type of assessment – a test.

The Author of the Course: Ass. Prof. Tatjana Suta

Preconditions for the Acquisition of the Course: A successfully passed examination in the history of world art.
The Scope of the Course: The main kinds of art in Latvia: painting, graphic arts, sculpture, and applied arts. The objective of the course is to give an insight into the development of Latvian art in the context of the trends of Western art.
The Thematic Planning:



Type of classes and hours

  1. The tendencies of classicism and the Biedermeier Style in the works of the19th century Baltic German artists.



  1. The first most significant Latvian artists in the second half of the 19 century: K Hūns. J. Feders. J.S.Roze.



  1. The generation of artists educated in the St.Petersburg Academy of Arts and the Stiglitz, Central Drawing School: Ā. Alksnis. J.Rozentāls. V.Purvītis. J.Valters. The reflection of Art Nouveau, symbolism, impressionism and other trends in the work of the Latvian artists.



  1. Graphic artist R.Zariņš. Sculptors G.Šķilters and T.Zaļkalns. Master of applied decorative art J.Madernieks. The father of the Latvian stage design Jānis Kuga



  1. The most impressive tendencies of the beginning of the 20th century – academic realism ( J.R.Tilbergs) and the avant-garde aspirations (R.Pērle, V.Krastiņš, T.Ūders).



  1. The growth and branching of the theory and practice of art in the 20’ies of the 20th century: V.Matvejs. J.Grosvalds.



  1. The groups of artists during the first Latvian free state. The group of Riga artists-modernists “Zaļā vārna” (The Green Crow).



  1. The development of sculpturein the 20’ies – 30’ies of the 20th century: K. Zāle. T.Zaļkalns. K.Zemdega. K.Jansons.



  1. L.Liberts’ ideas of stage-design.



  1. The great realists of the 30’ies of the 20th century: A.Annuss un K.Miesnieks.



  1. Individual artists: K.Padegs, J.Tīdemanis, V.Irbe.



Requirements for the Acquisition of Credit Points:

1. To receive a positive assessment at seminars.

2. To pass a test.


  1. Kļaviņš E.Latviešu portreta attīstība: 1850 – 1916. R, 1996

  2. SiliņšJ. Latvju māksla : 1800 – 1914. I – II. Stokholma, 1980

  3. SiliņšJ. Latvju māksla: 1915 – 1940. I – II. Stokholma, 1988 – 1990

  4. Laikaposmi un mākslas vērtības. R,1988

  5. Latviešu tēlotāja māksla: 1860 – 1940. R.,1986

  6. Latvijas tēlotājas mākslas pieci gadi: 1934 – 1939. R.,1939

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