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Another problem with this theory is that the Two Witnesses MUST prophesy 1,260 days, then be captured and killed by Antichrist, then rise from the dead and ascend to heaven 3-1/2 days later (that's 1,264 days).

They ASCEND prior to Armageddon and prior to the Second Coming. (Revelation 11:7-14)

Assuming that Antichrist captures and kills them AS SOON AS the 1,260 days end:

They would have to BEGIN prophesying AT THE SAME TIME that THE TRUMPET JUDGMENTS are going on.

That doesn’t make much sense. It’s doubtful that anyone would listen to their prophesying while 1/3 of the globe is burnt to a crisp and 1/3 of mankind is annihilated.

If they began prophesying concurrent with the trumpets, they'd be killed 3½ years later on Yom Kippur and ascend to heaven THE DAY BEFORE Sukkot, in other words THE DAY BEFORE JESUS RETURNS.

Is it mathematically POSSIBLE?


But it’s highly IMPROBABLE, for obvious reasons:

If they were on earth THE DAY BEFORE Christ returns that means that they'd have to endure the HORRIFIC BOWL JUDGMENTS mentioned in Revelation 16, which are ONLY for the unsaved.

God even takes to heaven those who come to faith in Jesus during the tribulation BEFORE He pours out those unprecedented judgments. (Revelation 14:15; 15:2)

It just doesn't make sense.

And if they begin prophesying 5 days later (right after the trumpets), then they'd be killed at the Second Coming of Jesus AND ASCEND AFTER He's already here on earth and reigning, which makes no sense AT ALL and is utterly impossible.

Another problem with this theory is that we'd have to TOTALLY DO AWAY with any RAPTURE PROCESS (the 10 days or even 3 days).

The Rapture would have to be an INSTANT Rapture like the prophecy establishment has sold us for years.

That simply ISN'T TAUGHT in Scripture.

Jesus said "when these things BEGIN, then look up... your redemption DRAWS NEAR".

If it were INSTANT, as they claim, THERE WOULD BE NO TIME TO "LOOK UP". And our redemption would not be "near", it would be INSTANT.

That is why we published a Timeline that incorporates EVERY DETAIL given in Scripture.


Problem with most people is they start dreaming up theories and focus ON ONLY A FEW THINGS mentioned in Scripture, while they DISREGARD "other" important details.

They have been doing the same thing with the Antichrist for years and years. That's why they keep coming up with some Islamic leader, or some European prince.

I want the Rapture AS MUCH AS ANYONE. But if something DOESN’T FIT, we simply CAN’T sweep it under the rug.

We CANNOT use the Bible “selectively”. We can’t pick and choose the portions of prophecy we like TO THE NEGLECT of those we don’t like or don’t serve our scenario.

Either EVERYTHING God says IS TRUE, or NOTHING He says is.





The term “first fruits” usually refers to the Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost), which takes place 7 weeks after Passover.

In fact, Shavuot is also called Hag ha bikkurim (THE FEAST OF First Fruits” (Exodus 34:22; Leviticus 23:16–17; Numbers 28:26)

There is, however, ANOTHER “first fruits” spoken of in the Bible:

It refers STRICTLY to the first fruits, actually the FIRST SHEAF OF THE BARLEY harvest.

Leviticus 23:10–11 and 15–16 calls for a sheaf of the new barley harvest (omer) to be offered on THE DAY AFTER the Sabbath (the Sunday) following Passover.

Paul refers to THE FIRST FRUITS or (first sheaf) OF BARLEY when he calls JesusTHE FIRST FRUITS of those who died” (1 Corinthians 15:20).

Jesus rose from the dead three days and nights after Passover, on the First Fruits of the Barley. (Matthew 28:1-7)

At that time, He also “took captivity captive”, by resurrecting and rapturing to heaven MANY OLD TESTAMENT SAINTS. (Matthew 27:51-53)

There’s a theory floating around that pairs 1 Corinthians 15:21-23:

“For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man: For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in turn: Christ, the first fruits; THEN, WHEN HE COMES, THOSE WHO BELONG TO HIM.”

With James 1:18:

“Of his own will He begat us (gave us a NEW BIRTH) with the word of truth, THAT WE SHOULD BE A KIND OF FIRSTFRUITS of His creatures.”

The theory, based on these two verses, is that the Rapture will happen ON THE FIRST FRUITS OF THE BARLEY (Aviv/Nisan 17/18), the very same day on which Jesus rose from the dead.

I’ve had people ask me whether this theory is feasible.

Technically, yes.

We can still get 3½ years from First Fruits of Barley in a given year to Sukkot 3½ years later, which is when Jesus’ Second Coming must take place (Deuteronomy 31:10, Daniel 9:24).

So why did I give Passover, instead of First Fruits of Barley, as the “absolute deadline” in a given year for the catching away of believers to happen?

-      Because it’s THE MAJOR spring Feast.

-      It’s THE FIRST major Feast in the Hebrew calendar.

-      Because it’s when Jesus bought us back with His own Blood.

-      Because it’s a 7-day Feast which fits PERFECTLY with the Jewish Wedding banquet which lasted 7 days.

Is First Fruits of Barley rapture possible?

Technically, yes.

Will the Church be raptured on Aviv 17/18?

In all likelihood, NO.

Why not?

Because we must allow AT THE VERY LEAST a 5-DAY PERIOD for the 6-trumpet judgments to devastate the earth BEFORE Antichrist reappears.

We know that he rules for “only” 42 months (Revelation 13:5).

That would give him 21 DAYS TOPS to reappear risen from the dead, gain worldwide recognition, form an army, defeat Turkey and Egypt, and take Jerusalem.

I know better than most people about Alex’s legendary swiftness, but that seems to be cutting it A BIT SHORT, even for him.

Could I be wrong? Yes!

Look, I just want Jesus to appear and take us Home.

If He happens to appear THREE DAYS LATER than I anticipated, SO BE IT.

I specifically stated that the dates in my Timeline ARE APPROXIMATE, anyway.

Come, Lord Jesus!

Not when I want, WHEN YOU WANT.

MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2016


The world didn't end on May 21, 2011 when Harold Camping said it would.

It didn’t end on December 21, 2012 when the Mayans said it would:  

But certain scientists THINK they can accurately predict the end.

There's something called the Doomsday Clock.

Every year, a group of atomic scientists at the University of Chicago determines whether the clock should remain at its present setting (3 minutes to midnight, “midnight” representing “the end”) or whether it should be reset.

The adjustments (or lack thereof) take into consideration all sorts of factors like nuclear proliferation and national arsenals, climate change, emerging technologies and biotechnology.

The closer the minute hand moves to “midnight”, the closer THEY CLAIM we are to the apocalypse.

But the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists isn't the only group SPECULATING about when the world will end.

They now have “competition” from researchers at Oxford University's Future of Humanity Institute joined by the Global Challenges Foundation.

These groups released a joint report in 2015 that listed a number of potential causes for the world’s demise.

They include extreme climate change, the prospect of nuclear war, ecological catastrophe, global pandemic, major asteroid impact, a “super-volcano” erupting, synthetic biology, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence.

One tiny problem with the theory formulated by these men of science:

The world DOES NOT END with the Apocalypse.

Again: the world DOES NOT END with the Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse is merely THE END of the PRESENT CORRUPT WORLD ORDER.

But the world itself will remain and WILL BE RENOVATED by none other than Jesus.

It will be restored to a paradisiacal environment. (Isaiah 2:1-5; 11:1-12)

It will be the Garden of Eden again, only this time not just in the Middle East, but ALL OVER THE PLANET.

So when will the world end?

According to God, NOT FOR AT LEAST 1,010 YEARS: (Revelation 20:1-10)

Even then, THE WORLD WON’T REALLY END. It will merely ASCEND INTO THE HIGHER DIMENSION and be replaced by new heavens and a new earth. (Revelation 21:1-5)

Never mind what the heathen say, never mind what religious swindlers may say, never mind what scientists say…

According to its Creator, THE WORLD… NEVER ENDS.

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016


"A little while, and you shall not see me: and again, a little while, and you WILL SEE ME: and... YOUR SORROW SHALL BE TURNED INTO JOY" (John 16:17-20)

"And the Spirit and the bride SAY, COME. And let him that hears SAY, COME. And let him THAT IS THIRSTY COME. And WHOEVER WILL, let him take the water of life freely...Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, COME, Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:17-20)

There are two main Christian camps where eschatology is concerned:

1. Those who CAN'T WAIT for Jesus to appear and take us Home. And,

2. Those who think we're a bunch of loons and that Jesus will return "SOMEDAY"-- and THE FARTHER into the "future" they can push that "SOMEDAY", the better.

They live as though this world will go on "as usual" for another 50, 100, or even 1,000 years.

These Christians are IN DENIAL.

They make LONG-RANGE PLANS in order to RUN AWAY from reality and PRETEND it's not happening.


That JESUS WILL HAVE TO INTERVENE VERY SOON, or the world will destroy itself and He will have NO CHURCH to rapture.

I've had "Christians" tell me that they hope Jesus DOESN'T show up yet because they just "bought a house", or they want to see their children grow up, go to college, get married, etc. 

How can A HOUSE -- I don't care if it is a palace -- compare to JESUS? 

I won't even go into PAYING A MORTGAGE... 

HOW can a parent prefer to see his/her children grow up in this CORRUPT, sin-infested, dangerous environment  than enjoy those children in Jesus' Presence and heavenly glory?

How ANYONE can see what's going on in the world today, and think that -- 20 or 30 years from now -- this world will still be taking its "normal" course and everything will be "as usual" -- is INCOMPREHENSIBLE.

There's NEVER been a time like this in ALL of history.

Even politicians AND SCIENTISTS are being forced to TAKE NOTICE.

A year ago they moved their Doomsday Clock TWO MINUTES CLOSER TO "MIDNIGHT"!

Normal "rules of war" NO LONGER APPLY, NO MATTER HOW CLEVER OR BRILLIANT, because we're no longer engaged in CONVENTIONAL war, but something NEVER BEFORE SEEN -- which has NO RULES, and has spread its ugly and barbaric tentacles into every Western nation: I refer to ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

Although that is still, in large part, how they operate, THEIR GOAL IS NO LONGER TO JUST blow up a bunch of people.


Their aspiration is to CONQUER AND SUBJUGATE the rest of us into their demonic religion.

They dream of a hellish world filled with impoverished, hate-filled, demonized illiterates; where women are treated like fourth rate PERSONAL PROPERTY - in other words - AS DISPOSABLE GARBAGE.

Where THEIR WICKED LEADERS GET TO DECIDE who gets an education and who doesn't, who can drive and who can't, how you dress, what you eat, and WHO YOU WORSHIP.

Where they get to torture, maim, rape, behead, or brutally and barbarously murder -- ON A WHIM -- ANYONE WHO DOESN'T "SUBMIT" to their evil will.

When we see SUPER POWERS like the U.S., Britain and France SHAKEN UP and virtually IMPOTENT to combat THIS EVIL FORCE, HOW CAN ANYONE THINK it will still be an "ordinary life, in an ordinary world" in 20 years?

The ONLY REASON some "Christians" get upset at those who try to warn them is because THEY DON'T WANT TO FACE REALITY. 

They CAN'T HANDLE the Truth.

They're SCARED TO DEATH of  facing Jesus.

It's amazing how THE SAME Divine Presence, the same beautiful Face that some of us LONG TO SEE and anticipate with unspeakable joy - can fill others with DREAD and RESENTMENT.

I'm not here to judge any INDIVIDUAL.

Only God knows each person's heart.

But if you're in group #2, I strongly advise you take a private, HONEST, and PROFOUND LOOK at your own heart.

No one else needs to know, but TAKE STOCK of who or what REALLY IS -- OR ISN'T -- there (Romans 8:9; 1 John 5:12).

Because, generally speaking, we're only SCARED OF the UNKNOWN.

There's NO REASON WHATSOEVER TO BE SCARED of someone we KNOW (Matthew 7:22-23; 25:1-12). 

Of someone we TRUST (have faith in). (John 3:16).

Of Someone Whom WE LOVE, and with Whom we have regular contact and intimacy.


Saturday, April 16, 2016


"For as by one man's DISOBEDIENCE many were MADE SINNERS, so BY THE OBEDIENCE OF ONE (Jesus) shall many be MADE RIGHTEOUS" (Romans 5:18-19).

What did you DO in order to inherit Adam's sinful nature and his LOST condition?

You did NOTHING:

You didn't WORK for it.

You didn't WAIT for it.

You didn't have to BREAK any law.

You didn't have to BREAK any commandments.

You didn't have to OBSERVE a certain day of the week over another.

You didn't forsake a particular denomination.

You didn't forsake any religious leader.

ALL you needed in order to inherit Adam's sinful, nature was TO BE BORN.

That's right: your PHYSICAL birth was ALL it took.

Every innocent baby born into this world AUTOMATICALLY INHERITS that sinful nature by virtue of his/her PHYSICAL birth.

They INHERIT IT BEFORE they even have a chance to DO anything.


Likewise, in order to acquire Christ's perfect, righteous Nature, we DO NOTHING:

We DON'T WORK for it.

We DON'T WAIT for it.

We DON'T OBSERVE the law.

We DON'T OBSERVE commandments.

We DON'T OBSERVE a certain day of the week.

We DON'T BELONG to one particular denomination.

We DON'T follow any RELIGIOUS leader.

ALL we need in order to inherit Jesus' SINLESS Nature is TO BE BORN AGAIN.

When we're born physically, we automatically inherit Adam's fallen nature.

When we're born SPIRITUALLY, from above, by opening our hearts to Jesus and receiving Him as Lord and God, we automatically inherit Jesus' SINLESS, PERFECT, HOLY Nature. (John 3:5)

Physical birth gave us a sinful nature, naturally.

Spiritual birth gave us a righteous nature, SUPERNATURALLY.

It's AUTOMATIC: no law keeping required, no 10 commandment keeping, no Sabbath keeping, ALL THAT IS REQUIRED is a NEW SPIRITUAL BIRTH.

Jesus' OWN Righteousness, His Divine Love Nature, is THE BIRTHRIGHT of ALL who are born from above, from the spirit realm, by the Spirit of God. (2 Peter 1:4)

That's why John 3:3-5 tell us we MUST be born again.

Except we are BORN AGAIN, we CANNOT ENTER the Kingdom of God.

In 1 Corinthians 15:47-49 Paul assures us that:

"The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and AS IS THE HEAVENLY, SUCH ARE THEY ALSO THAT ARE HEAVENLY.

And as we have borne the image of the earthy, WE SHALL ALSO BEAR THE IMAGE OF THE HEAVENLY".

Invite Jesus TO ENTER your heart, and Salvation and Righteousness are yours...AUTOMATICALLY.

Friday, April 15, 2016


Most of us have, at some point, PRAYED OUR HEARTS OUT for another person(s) only to feel the sting of disappointment that what we prayed for DID NOT happen.

God’s Word assures us that if we ask ANYTHING according to His will, he hears us. And if we KNOW He hears us, we KNOW that we have WHATEVER we ask of Him. (1 John 5:14-15)

This is true when we pray FOR OURSELVES and, generally speaking, when ANOTHER person asks for prayer for himself or herself.

Prayer requests for THIRD PARTIES are a different story.

God still hears and answers prayers according to His will. THAT part of the equation DOES NOT CHANGE.

However, there are MULTIPLE FACTORS involved that AFFECT the OUTCOME.

Among those factors are:

1. Whether than individual is saved or not.

2. Whether he or she even WANTS prayer.

3. Their attitude, lifestyle, and what they have “sown” (Galatians 6:7).

4. Their own FREE WILL.

We simply CANNOT override another person’s free will.

For instance, we can pray for their Salvation. God will hear the prayer and IS WILLING TO ANSWER that prayer. But THEY have to MAKE THAT DECISION on their own.

We CANNOT force Salvation (Jesus) down someone else’s throat.

They have to WANT HIM, SINCERELY, and with ALL their hearts.

If they DON’T, our prayer is hindered by the hardness of their heart.

Does that mean we should STOP praying for their Salvation?


Jesus EVER LIVES to make intercession for us. (Hebrews 7:25)

And, following His lead, we should pray and intercede FOR THEM.

How and when God may touch their hearts and bring them to repentance and faith IS, SO FAR, A MYSTERY known only to Him.

I know that Divine omniscience and predestination play a BIG role.

However, I would be A LIAR if I pretended to know ALL that is INVOLVED in answering third party prayers.

Likewise, someone may request prayer for a couple going through marital difficulties or divorce, or for a sick person.

I’ve prayed those prayers MANY, MANY TIMES and SEEN tremendous results. Glory to Jesus forever and ever!

Other times I’ve prayed and the condition has persisted or worsened, and the individual has passed on.

We simply DON’T KNOW ALL that may be going on in their hearts and minds.

The exception would be, of course, if the Spirit supernaturally REVEALS IT. But such cases are A RARITY and NOT the norm.

Even when the outcome we desired and prayed for DOESN’T materialize, GENUINE, HEART-FELT prayer IS NEVER a failure.

It SERVES God’s purpose, in some way, even WHEN WE DON’T UNDERSTAND or see HOW.



In Deuteronomy 6:4 we find the immortal words often recited in Hebrew worship:

"SHEMA yisrael Yahweh (Adonai) eloheinu Yahweh (Adonai) echad".

"Hear O Israel the LORD our God is ONE".

It's often referred to simply as the "Shema".

This verse is often used by opponents of the Trinity, in a futile attempt to DISPROVE the plurality within that One God:

"See? It says God is ONE, not THREE".

Well, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity has NEVER SAID there are THREE "gods", but ONE God, WHO manifests in THREE forms: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The PERFECT Unity of the three in One God is often called The Godhead.

In fact the Hebrew word echad used in this verse as "one" is what is known in grammar as a COLLECTIVE noun.

Collective nouns are technically SINGULAR, yet contain A PLURALITY (more than one) in themselves.

For example, the U.S. ARMY is ONE army comprised of several branches including the Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard, as well as over one MILLION individual soldiers, yet it's only ONE army.

Your favorite football or baseball TEAM is ONE team comprised of more than A DOZEN players.

The CHOIR in your congregation is ONE choir, comprised of HOWEVER MANY singers.

The Church is ONE, but it's comprised of millions or billions of believers.

That echad IS a collective noun can be clearly seen in Genesis 11:6:

"And the LORD said, Behold, THE PEOPLE (PLURAL) are ONE (echad)"...

And, again, in Genesis 2:24:

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and THEY (plural) will become ONE (echad) flesh".

Paul referred to this tremendous Truth as "a great mystery".

However, he added, nowhere is this "mystery" greater than with regards to "Christ and His Church" (Ephesians 5:32).

Yes, there's ONLY ONE God. Praise His Name forever!

Yes, there's ONLY ONE Jesus, who IS that One God, praise His Name forever!

But that ONE God, that ONE Jesus, contains WITHIN HIMSELF millions if not billions of facets.

That's where the Church comes in.

WHY do you think we're called, COLLECTIVELY, the Body (singular) OF Christ?

Because we're ONE Body comprised of MANY DIFFERENT "Body parts"... yet only ONE Body, His Church, of which He is now and FOREVER the Head.

That One Jesus LIVES in each member of His Body.

And, EACH MEMBER OF His collective Body, LIVES in Him (Colossians 3:3).

We are IN Him, and He is IN us.

If you're born again, that ONE Jesus LIVES IN you.

He created you, He SAVED you. He BOUGHT YOU with His own Blood.

Therefore that One Jesus has EVERY RIGHT to MANIFEST thru you.

Why do you think He gave you His Divine Nature? (2 Peter 1:4).

Why do you think He calls you His Body?

He may be THE HEAD, but the arms are Jesus, the legs are Jesus, the torso is Jesus, the thighs are Jesus, the hands are Jesus, the feet are Jesus, the toes are Jesus:

"For those He KNEW IN ADVANCE, He also did PREDESTINATE to be CONFORMED to the Image OF his Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren" (Romans 8:29).

"Beloved, now we are the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but WE KNOW THAT, when He shall appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE Him; for we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 3:2).

If you're born again, you're not that big jerk you APPEAR to be.

You're not, and I'm not, that ugly sinner we APPEAR to be.

You're not even that "nice Christian" you PRETEND to be.

Jesus LIVES IN YOU. He LIVES in me.


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