228 31.4. Measures and measures taken to protect mines and quarries from
232 32. Deposits of natural building materials ………………………….
236 33. Engineering and geological research for the construction of buildings and structures …………………………………………
240 33.1. General terms…………………………………………………….
240 33.2. Engineering and geological surveys for the construction of
industrial structures……………………………………………….
241 33.3. Research on the detailed layout project…………………………...
244 33.4. Engineering and geological surveys for individual buildings…….
246 33.5. Engineering and geological surveys for the construction of
underground structures……………………………………………
248 34. Environmental protection tasks ………………………………...
255 34.1. General provisions for the protection of wildlife and the
255 34.2. Environmental protection tasks…………………………………...
258 35. Management of environmental protection ……….…………….
261 35.1. Environment when drilling oil and gas wells……………………..
261 35.2. Water and waste from oil and gas drilling……………………...…
263 35.3 Water resources protection……………………………..…………
265 35.4. Release of contaminated water……………………………………
265 35.5. Protection of soil resources…………………………….……….…
266 35.6. Protection of the earth 's interior and wildlife…………………….