place to ind them than the leaf mold in nearby mountains.
Conversely, the
tirelessly marketed products have factory-cultured microorganisms coming
from Japan, the US and other distant, non-native origins.
We call the microorganisms that live in our nearby forests the “indigenous
microorganisms (IMO).” Bring them home, cultivate them and use them. In 1
gram (0.04 oz) of leaf mold there are approximately 2 billion to 10 billion mi-
croorganisms. ere are over one million different species. e data published
by a laboratory in Denmark revealed that 1 gram of leaf mold contains 30,000
protozoa, 50,000 algae, 400,000 fungi and billions of bacteria. e best mi-
croorganism input as JADAM sees it is those optimized for your ield. It should
have harmony and
balance between the producers, predators, and decomposers.
Diversity is the foremost value. is JADAM view perfectly coincides with the
principles of modern microbiology.
Science is not ready to judge which organism is beneficial or harmful.
Our best choice is to accept nature as it is. The key is in the leaf mold in the
surrounding mountains. Leaf mold is the key to optimization of the soil envi-
ronment, balance and diversity. This is where the four thousand years of Ko-
rean organic farming is rooted. With its mountainous terrain Korea has
treasures buried everywhere.
Research in agriculture should have a clear purpose of serving the public in-
terest. e moment it loses this sense of purpose, all the indings and associated
methodology (and products) too easily fall into the hands of the corporations. In-
stead of serving the farmers, researches will be beneiting the corporations. Mi-
croorganism is a good example. It is an essential input in organic farming yet it is
completely commercialized. Managing microbes is managing nutrients for plants.
Microorganisms cannot travel without the help of water. ey are some-
what like ish. However strong a microorganism might be, over 95% of its body
is water and it is like an aquatic animal. It cannot
simply move around inside
dry soil. Microbes must be applied with water. If you want your microorgan-
JADAM Organic Farming
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Soil Management
isms to reach the ends of the roots, then water must reach there; microorgan-
isms must “swim” with the water to reach that destination. What is especially
important is that you apply microbe solution fully before plants take root. Early
root settlement determines the success of harvest.
Early root settlement is very,
very important along with water (irrigation) and nutrient (fertilizer).
JADAM indigenous microorganism solution (JMS) should be intensively
applied before active root growth. Meaning, for fruit trees, that period is after
leaves fall until sprouts or lowers appear next year; for ield crops, from after-
harvest to before transplant.
In this period, you can give as much water as you
want so the microbes can swim deep and thoroughly into the soil. When there
are crops growing, you can’t give unlimited water so there’s a limit to microbial
penetration. “Soil foundation work” refers to applying JMS plus minerals plus
Apply these inputs intensively before transplant/flowering so that soil condition is fully improved
and nutrients are sufficient. Continue using these after planting/flowering in smaller quantities.
ULC영어본문.qxp_레이아웃 1 2016. 2. 19. 오후 6:40 페이지 101
Soil Management
JADAM liquid fertilizer (JLF) before the transplanting of crop plants and the
sprouting or lowering of fruit trees on a regular basis through irrigation. It
looks simple enough but just put it to practice and
you will be shocked at the
results. is soil foundation method is the most important technology of
JADAM; I repeat again that you have to implement this. Use motored sprayer,
sprinkler or drip irrigation to apply a mixture of JMS, sea salt, phyllite solution,
and wild grass plus crop residues JLF (GC-JLF). 500 L (132 gal)
of JMS can be
used for an area of ¼ acre to 8 acres. As for both sea salt and phyllite water, use
500 g (1.1 lb) for ¼ acre. GC-JLF should be diluted about 100 times. Standard
is to use 1 ton (2205 lb) of water for 3558 sq. ft (0.08 ac). is liquid fertilizer
made from various wild grass and crop residues (leaves, branches, fruits) is the
most optimized fertilizer available. For areas smaller than 0.08 ac,
do not add
sea salt because they are added when making JMS. e greatest beneit of this
JADAM soil foundation work is that root settlement will be very strong. Roots
will be almost dancing inside the soil!
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