Making Organic Farming Inputs
Medical-business group work hard to dissuade people from taking care of
their own health, convincing that they need to rely on the experts – and buy
from them. Agro-business group make simple things hard, easy things com-
plicated until farmers have completely lost conidence in farming – and buy
inputs from them. People are lost and lonely. So much of the real world can
be seen from the operation of agro-business groups. If only we, together, can
change agriculture, we go one step closer to changing the world.
e key is to provide a nutritional balance that is best for the crops.
How do you do that?
Base fertilizer
is supplied by crop residues and cover
crop. You can add manure from animals that ate a lot of grass. Chicken and
pig manure can also be used. Focus on cover
crop so that you can supply
100 percent of base fertilizer just with your cover crop and crop residues. If
you can’t grow cover crops, bring in saw dust or tree barks or leaves; they all
make excellent fertilizer. Additional fertilizer is JLF made from crop
residues (fruits, leaves, branches, roots, etc.) and JLF made from wild grass.
Crop residues JLF is best because it has the same nutrients that the crop
needs. Wild grass JLF is second best because it has nutrient composition
that is similar to the crops – wild grass and crops are the same plants! You
can make JLF with both wild grass and crop residues; this is called wild
grass and crop residues
JADAM liquid fertilizer, or GC-JLF in short. Use
GC-JLF as the main additional fertilizer. Dilute it around 100 times and
use it throughout the season. Always add JMS when applying additional
fertilizer. When you feel GC-JLF is a bit weak, then use nitrogen-rich in-
puts like food waste JLF, urine JLF, human feces JLF, ish JLF, etc. Nitrogen
composition for each JLF is as follows: wild grass (0.01%), purslane
(0.2%), tomato (0.27%), spinach (0.29%), food waste (2.93%), human
feces (2.48%), urine (3.92%), raw anchovy (5.08%) and ish (7.44%). To
control growth, use calcium JLF diluted ×100.
during growth, you may apply sea water, humus soil JLF, phyl-
lite JLF and chitosan JLF. ey help improving the quality. If you think the
plants need some phosphorus, apply calcium phosphate JLF. If you want to
give some potassium, apply potassium JLF. Dilute around 100 times, but
farmers can decide on the best dilution. Calculate the amount of inputs
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JADAM Organic Farming
(and therefore dilution) based on 1 ton (264 gal) of water going in 0.03 ha
(0.08 ac) of land. I’d like to note that according to the root settlement and
the soil quality, the required JLF can differ over 10 times.
If root settlement
is strong, the total root area is very large which means they can easily absorb
nutrients. In this case, you need to only use little JLF and increase the dilu-
tion to ×500. You need almost no money for JADAM organic farming. You
can see that JLF and JMS cost almost nothing. Ultra-low-cost is not a
dream. e little money you need is because you have to buy some ingredi-
ents for making natural pesticide and wetting agent (surfactant). In 1 year,
the cost will be merely $100 per acre (0.4 ha).
Rice bran, perilla pulp, oil cake, oyster shell, bone meal… what do they
have in common? ey are “parts” of a whole body. is “partial
body fer-
tilizer” should not be the main ingredient in your base fertilizer. Partial fer-
tilizers should be limited to 1/10 of the total fertilizer. On the other hand,
there are the chemical fertilizers. ey are made of material (urea, ammo-
nium sulfate, NPK mix, etc.) even simpler than partial fertilizers. JADAM
calls them “simple fertilizers.” Simple fertilizers are most notable for their
fast effect. But they disrupt the soil nutritional balance; they cannot be used
for a sustainable farming. ey eventually bring in more pests and diseases,
creating more demand for pesticides. Try JADAM method; you will ind
that you can still farm with excellent results even if you don’t use any chem-
ical fertilizer at all. Make it a rule to give nutrients to the roots. Use foliar
application only as a secondary means. Absorption
of nutrients through
leaves can weaken the power of the roots to take in nutrients. When you
practice foliar application, take care not to leave any marks on the leaves or
fruits. Always mix with JADAM wetting agent for complete coating and
absorption (JWA 3 L or 0.8 gal for water 500 L or 132 gal).
When applying on open ields, if possible, apply in strong concentration
right before the rain so that the inputs may follow the rainwater to seep
into the soil. For greenhouses, apply the input with generous amount of
water; it is important to deeply and fully wet the soil. It is particular impor-
tant to apply before transplanting for annuals and before lowering/sprout-
ing for fruit trees. Farming in essence is about balance.
Roots should extend
wide and deep so that the upper and lower parts of the plant are balanced.
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Making Organic Farming Inputs
Soil nutrients should be supplied with material that are same or similar to
the crops so that the nutrient composition is balanced. ink simply. Make
soil fertile where the roots reach. Use JADAM fertilizer program inten-
sively before transplanting and lowering/sprouting; you will be on your
way to high yield. Root settlement will be robust as never before after
transplanting. If you succeed in establishing strong roots, moisture and fer-
tilizer management become so much easier because large root area means
the plant has secured a stable supply of water and nutrients. If you use this
method, wherever the root goes,
microbes will be teeming, minerals will be
sufficient, nutrients will be ready in balance. Plants will grow in excellent
health. It is not rare for the yield to increase four-fold after applying
JADAM method. is is the path to high yield, high quality, strong health,
soil nutritional balance, nutritional diversity, microbial population and di-
versity. All this costs almost nothing.
Organic blueberry farm in Yesan. Gangbong Yi makes all
farm inputs himself ranging
from microbes, fertilizers to pesticides.
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