Ingliz tili fanidan yakuniy nazorat savollari Sinf: 6 1. Chinese usually use _____ A) chopsticks B) spoons C) forks D) knife 2. What’s the capital of Uzbekistan? A) It’s Andijan B) It’s Tashkent C) It’s Sirdaryo D) It’s Samarkand 3. ________is the capital of the UK and of England. A) France B) Russia C) London D) Germany 4. Which continent is Uzbekistan in? A) It’s in Europe B) It’s in Africa C) It’s in Asia D) It’s in America 5. What’s the longest season in Uzbekistan? A) spring B) winter C) autumn D)summer 6. What’s the area of Uzbekistan? A) 8 mln. B) 447.400 C) 1.220.000 D) 244.800 7. So`zni tarjimasini toping. Librarian A) kutubxonachi B) doctor C) injener D) o`qituvchi 8. To`g`ri javobni belgilang. I want to be ____________. A) a car B) an architect C) a doll D) a pen 9. Shifokorni vazifasi nima? A) fix the car B) eating food C) helps sick people D) helps to teacher 10. Pizza taomining Vatani qayer? A) Tashkent B) Italy C) China D) USA 11. Mos javobni belgilang. “Car” A) yummy B) delicious C) slow D) taste 12. So`z tarjimasini toping. “On the left” A) chapga burilmoq B) chap tomonda C) o`ngga burilmoq D) o`ng tomonda 13.Oziq-ovqat sotadigan do`kon nomini toping. A) the hospital B) the book shop C) the grocery D) restaurant 15. So`zni tarjimasini toping? Odamlarni saqlab qolmoq A) save people B) work with police C) find people 16. So`zni tarjimasini toping? Odamlarni topmoq A) save people B) work with police C) find people 17. So`zni tarjimasini toping? Save water A) Suvni asrang B) Suvni iching C) suvni tashlang D) axlatni tashlang 18. What`s is the capital of Australia? A) New Zealand B) wellington C) picton D) south island 19. So`ni tarjimasini toping. North-west A) shimoliy sharqiy B)shimoliy janubiy C) shimoliy g`arbiy 20. Where is the Mississipi? A) Australia B)New Zealand C)Wellington D)USA 21. Great Britain qaysi shtatlarni o`z ichiga oladi? A) England,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland B) UK, wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland C) USA, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland, 22. What`s the capital of England? A) London B) Wales C) Edinburgh C)Cardiff D)Belfast 23. What`s the capital of Scotland? A) London B) Wales C) Edinburgh C)Cardiff D)Belfast 24. What`s the capital of Northern Ireland? A) London B) Wales C) Edinburgh C)Cardiff D)Belfast 25. What`s the capital of Wales? A) London B) The UK C) Edinburgh C)Cardiff D)Belfast 26. So`zning tarjimasini toping