Scctlon II
Упр. 1. Назовите значения следующих интернациональных слов:
instrumental, biochemistry, colloid, progress, fact, thermodynamics, structure, practical, application, standard, method, empirical, pioneer, geographic, plastic, gasoline, rocket, type, principle, correlation, interpretation, talent, energy, to confront, human, construction, limit
Упр. 2. Определите значения выделенных слов по контексту.
1. Twenty-first century chcmistry has narrowed into different fields of chcmistry such as analytical chcmistry, physical chcmistry, organic chcmistry, ctc. 2. Why were you absent at the classes, were you »//? 3. Promise little, but do much. 4. One of the most important among the past achievements of chcmistry was the discovery of the atomic structure. 5. Chemical engineers’ principal goal is to improve the technology of chcmical production. 6. Almost all the students in our group arc of the
same age. 7. To explore the phenomenon is to learn everything about it.
Comrade N will replace comrade В while he is away on holidays.
Drugs are substances used for medical purposes. 10. In future, oil and coal are to be replaced by new fuels, i. c., materials for producing heat or energy. 11. Cancer is one of the most serious diseases of the 21st century.
Слова к тексту:
assembly—сбор; statement— формулировка; surpass— превосходить; create — создавать; environment — окружающая среда; assurance— убеж денность; frontier — граница; miracle — чудо; superior — лучший; explosive — взрывчатое вещество; fibre — волокно; opportunity— возмож ность; benefit—польза; выгода; mankind— человечество; cure—лекарство; fabric—ткань; cell — клетка
Text 13 В
Прочтите текст про себя (контрольное время — 4 минуты).
New Frontiers in Chemistry
Twenty-first-century chcmistry has narrowed into units such as instrumental analysis, biochemistry, chcmical engineering, and colloids. Chemistry has progressed from an assembly of facts to a statement of laws, and thermodynamics of chcmical reactions to a study of atomic structure. It is also an age of practical applications which contribute to an improved standard of living. Man has learned to surpass nature as he explores the methods by which living matter is produced. To create a better environment, empirical studies of the past have been replaced by an assurance that any type of matter may be synthesized or analysed with time and effort.
The great frontiers of our world and our universe that await the explorer and the pioneer of the beginning of the twenty-first ccntury arc scientific rather than geographic. The past achievements of chcmistry, the “miraclc” drugs, the superior explosives, the new plastics, the synthetic fibres, the improved gasolines, and the rocket fuels, have received great publicity, but much remains to be done. New types of matter, new applications of known principles, and — most important of all — further correlation and interpretation of known facts and the development of new and more general principles await the coming of new scientific workers with energy, talent, and good training. In addition, there arc great opportunities for those who would apply to the benefit of mankind die findings of scicncc. Cures for cancer and other human ills are needed, as arc new materials for construction to meet the needs of our daily life, better fabrics, stronger metals and plastics, and better sources of energy. As we live in the spacc age, new chcmical problems confront us, and the great problem of the chemistry of the living cell is still with us, the promise for the future is unlimited.
Упр. 3. Передайте основное содержание текста в нескольких пред ложениях.
Упр. 4. Составьте план текста.
Упр. 5. Прочтите предложения н скажите, соответствуют лн они со держанию текста. Если нет, исправьте их.
1. Chemistry has made a great progress from an assembly of facts to a statement of laws. 2. Twentieth-century chcmists didn’t think about practical applications of their achievements. 3. In the ancient time there was no assurance that any type of matter may be synthesized or analysed with time and effort. 4. New geographic frontiers await the explorer. 5. Energy, talent and good training are needed for the development of new principles of science. 6. There are no more great opportunities for chcmists. 7. New chcmical problems confront us in the space age.
Упр. 6. Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложе ния, в которых дастся представление о химии двадцатого столетия.
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