Current and selected bibliographies on benthic biology – 2012

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Diptera (Chironomidae).


Petrova, N.A.; Vinokurova, N.V.; Danilova, M.V.; Sharton, A.I. 2011. [Inversion polymorphism in the population of Camptochironomus tentans from Kaliningrad City]. Tsitologiia 53(7): 580-5.

Petrova, N.A.; Zhirov, S.V.; Zelentsov, N.I.; Kachvoryan, E.A. 2011. To the fauna of chironomids (Diptera, Chironomidae) from the Razdan River Valley (Armenia). Zoologichesky Zhurnal 90(4): 445-451.

Phibbs, J.; Franz, E.; Hauck, D.; Gallego, M.; Tse, J.J., et al. 2011. Evaluating the trophic transfer of Selenium in aquatic ecosystems using caged fish, x-ray absorption spectroscopy and stable isotope analysis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74(7): 1855-1863.

Planelló, R.; Herrero, O.; Martínez-Guitarte, J.L.; Morcillo, G. 2011. Comparative effects of Butyl Benzyl Phthalate (BBP) and Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) on the aquatic larvae of Chironomus riparius based on gene expression assays related to the endocrine system, the stress response and ribosomes. Aquatic Toxicology 105(1): 62-70.

Plociennik, M.; Self, A.; Birks, H.J.B.; Brooks, S.J. 2011. Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) succession in Zabieniec Bog and its Palaeo-Lake (Central Poland) through the Late Weichselian and Holocene. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 307(1-4): 150-167.

Popoola, K.O.K.; Otalekor, A. 2011. Analysis of aquatic insects' communities of Awba Reservoir and its physico-chemical properties. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 3(4): 422-428.

Porter, D.L.; Martin, J. 2011. Cytogenetics of a parthenogenetic Arctic species of Micropsectra (Diptera. Chironomidae). Comparative Cytogenetics 5(4): 315-328.

Pozdeev, I.V. 2011. On the chironomid fauna (Diptera, Chironomidae) of the Kama River basin. Evraziatskii Entomologicheskii Zhurnal 10(2): 207-212.

Pramanik, M.K.; Raut, S.K. 2011. Chironomid larvae hindering potentiality of water-bugs in regulating vector mosquito populations in Kolkata, India. Environment and Ecology (Kalyani) 29(3B): 1513-1516.

Printes, L.B.; Fernandes, M.N.; Espíndola, E.,Luiz Gaeta 2011. Laboratory measurements of biomarkers and individual performances in Chironomus xanthus to evaluate pesticide contamination of sediments in a river of southeastern Brazil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74(3): 424-430.

Przhiboro, A.A.; Saether, O.A. 2010. Tvetenia vitracies (Saether, 1969), a synonym of Tvetenia tshernovskii (Pankratova, 1968), comb. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa (2675): 57-64.

Pusey, B.J.; Arthington, A.H.; Stewart-Koster, B.; Kennard, M.J.; Read, M.G. 2010. Widespread Omnivory and Low Temporal and Spatial Variation in the Diet of Fishes in a Hydrologically Variable Northern Australian River, Journal of Fish Biology 77(3): 731-753.

Qi, X.; Shi, S.-d.; Lin, X.-l.; Wang, X.-h. 2011. The Genus Stenochironomus Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) with three newly recorded species from China. Entomotaxonomia 33(3): 220-230.

Qu, C.S.; Chen, W.; Bi, J.; Huang, L.; Li, F.Y. 2011. Ecological risk assessment of pesticide residues in Taihu Lake wetland. China. Ecological Modelling 222(2): 287-292.

Radu, E.; Risnoveanu, G. 2011. Main characteristics of weed-bed invertebrate communities in aquatic systems of the small Island of Braila during 2009 summer season. Romanian Journal of Biology Zoology 56(1): 17-29,

Raio, C.B.; Espinoza, A.A.; Bennemann, S.T. 2011. Similarity and diversity between aquatic insect populations in streams of first and second order, South of Brazil. Semina: Ciencias Biologicas e Da Saude (Londrina) 32(1): 69-76.

Rakovska, A.; Noskovic, J.; Porhajasova, J. 2010. Zoobenthos of the Nature Reserves Zitavsky Luh and Aluvium Zitavy., Acta Horticulturae Et Regiotecturae 13(1): 13-16.

Ramilo, L.; Dube, M.; Niyogi, S.; Rickwood, C. 2010. Using a field-based multi-trophic artificial stream bioassay to assess the effects of complex mining mixtures. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2883: 7-8.

Diptera (Chironomidae).


Raposeiro, P.M.; Costa, A.C.; Hughes, S.J. 2011. Environmental factors - spatial and temporal variation of chironomid communities in oceanic island streams (Azores Archipelago). Annales De Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 47(4): 325-338.

Rapp, T.; Shuman, D.A.; Graeb, B.D.S.; Chipps, S.R.; Peters, E.J. 2011. Diet composition and feeding patterns of adult Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) in the Lower Platte River, Nebraska. USA. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27(2): 351-355.

Raunio, J.; Heino, J.; Paasivirta, L. 2011. Non-biting midges in biodiversity conservation and environmental assessment: findings from boreal freshwater ecosystems. Ecological Indicators 11(5): 1057-1064.

Raunio, J.; Paasivirta, L.; Hamalainen, H. 2010. Assessing lake trophic status using spring-emerging chironomid pupal exuviae. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 176(1): 61-73.

Raymond, K.L.; Vondracek, B. 2011. Relationships among rotational and conventional grazing systems, stream channels, and macroinvertebrates. Hydrobiologia 669(1): 105-117.

Ree, H.; Jeong, K.Y.; Nam, S.H. 2011. Six new and four unrecorded species of Tanytarsini (Diptera, Chironomidae, Chironominae) found in Korea. Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology 27(3): 246-261.

Rempel, L.L.; Gill, G.J. 2011. Bioassessment of streams along the Mackenzie River Valley, Canada, using the reference condition approach: biological, habitat, landscape, and climate data. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1236: 1.

Reuss, N.S.; Hammarlund, D.; Rundgren, M.; Segerstrcem, U.; Eriksson, L. et al. 2010. Lake Ecosystem Responses to Holocene Climate Change at the Subarctic Tree-Line in Northern Sweden, Ecosystems 13(3): 393-409.

Ribeiro Guevara, S.; Meili, M.; Rizzo, A.; Daga, R.; Arribere, M. 2010. Sediment records of highly variable mercury inputs to mountain lakes in Patagonia during the past Millennium. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10(7): 3443-3453.

Robinson, C.T.; Blaser, S.; Jolidon, C.; Shama, L.N.S. 2011. Scales of patchiness in the response of lotic macroinvertebrates to disturbance in a regulated river. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30(2): 374-385.

Robinson, C.T.; Kawecka, B.; Fuereder, L.; Peter, A. 2010. Biodiversity of flora and fauna in alpine waters. Alpine Waters 6: 193-223.

Rogozin, D.Y.; Pulyayevskaya, M.V.; Zuev, I.V.; Makhutova, O.N.; Degermendzhi, A.G. 2011. Growth, diet and fatty acid composition of gibel Carp Carassius gibelio in Lake Shira, a brackish water body in Southern Siberia. Journal of Siberian Federal University Biology 4(1): 86-103.

Rosa, B.F.J.V.; da Silva, M.V.D.; de Oliveira, V.C.; Martins, R.T.; Alves, R.d.G. 2011. Macroinvertebrates associated with Bryophyta in a First-Order Atlantic forest stream. Zoologia 28(3): 351-356.

Rosa, B.F.J.V.; de Oliveira, V.C.; Alves, R.d.G. 2011. Structure and spatial distribution of the Chironomidae community in mesohabitats in a First Order Stream at the Poco D'Anta Municipal Biological Reserve in Brazil. Journal of Insect Science (Tucson) 11: 1-13.

Rossaro, B.; Boggero, A.; Crozet, B.L.; Free, G.; Lencloni, V., et al. 2011. A comparison of different biotic indices based on benthic macro-invertebrates in Italian Lakes. Journal of Limnology 70(1): 109-122.

Rozon-Ramilo, L.; Dubé, M.G.; Squires, A.J.; Niyogi, S. 2011. Examining waterborne and dietborne routes of exposure and their contribution to biological response patterns in Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas). Aquatic Toxicology 105(3): 466-481.

Diptera (Chironomidae).


Rozon-Ramilo, L.D.; Dube, M.G.; Rickwood, C.J.; Niyogi, S. 2011. Examining the effects of metal mining mixtures on Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) using field-based multi-trophic artificial streams. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74(6): 1536-1547.

Rua, J.; Garrido, J.; Tierno De Figueroa, J.M. 2011. Nymphal Feeding Habits of Siphonoperla Torrentium (Plecoptera. Chloroperlidae) from North-Western Spain. Vie and Milieu-Life and Environment 61(2): 95-99.

Ruse, L. 2011. Lake acidification assessed using chironomid pupal exuviae. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 178(4): 267-286.

Ryves, D.B.; Mills, K.; Bennike, O.; Brodersen, K.P.; Lamb, A.L., et al. 2011. Environmental change over the last millennium recorded in two contrasting crater lakes in Western Uganda, Eastern Africa (Lakes Kasenda and Wandakara). Quaternary Science Reviews 30(5-6): 555-569.

Saether, O.A. 2011. Glyptotendipes Kieffer and Demeijerea Kruseman from Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, with the description of four new species (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa (2760): 39-52.

Saether, O.A. 2011. Notes on Canadian Ablabesmyia Johannsen, with keys to known Nearctic immatures of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa (3069): 43-62.

Saether, O.A. 2011. Notes on some tanypods from Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa (3069): 26-42.

Saether, O.A.; Andersen. T. 2011. Chironomidae from Gough, Nightingale and Tristan Da Cunha Islands. Zootaxa (2915): 1-19.

Saether, O.A.; Langton. P.H. 2011. New Nearctic species of the Psectrocladius limbatellus group (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 33(2): 133-163.

Saha, P.; Kumari, S.; Singh Raipat, B.; Sinha, M.P. 2011. Assessment of behavioural and environmental impact on aggregation of some freshwater oligochaet and chironomid species. World Journal of Zoology 6(3): 291-295.

Sánchez-Hernández, J.; Vieira-Lanero, R.; Servia, M.J.; Cobo, F. 2011. First feeding diet of young Brown Trout fry in a temperate area: disentangling constraints and food selection. Hydrobiologia 663(1): 109-119.

Schaller, J.; Brackhage, C.; Mkandawire, M.; Dudel, E.G. 2011. Metal / metalloid accumulation / remobilization during aquatic litter decomposition in freshwater: a review. Science of the Total Environment 409(23): 4891-4898.

Scheibler, E.E.; Ciocco, N.F. 2011. Distribution of macroinvertebrate assemblages along a saline wetland in harsh environmental conditions from Central-West Argentina. Limnologica 41(1): 37-47.

Schmid, T.A.; Cuda, J.P.; Macdonald, G.E.; Gillmore, J.L. 2010. Performance of two established biological control agents on Hydrilla genotypes susceptible and resistant to fluridone herbicide. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 48: 102-105.

Scott, R.W.; Barton, D.R.; Evans, M.S.; Keating, J.J. 2011. Latitudinal gradients and local control of aquatic insect richness in a large river system in Northern Canada. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30(3): 621-634.

Seibert, J.R.; Phelps, Q.E.; Tripp, S.J.; Garvey, J.E. 2011. Seasonal diet composition of adult Shovelnose Sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. American Midland Naturalist 165(2): 355-363.

Self, A.E.; Brooks, S.J.; Birks, H.J.B.; Nazarova, L.; Porinchu, D., et al. 2011. The distribution and abundance of chironomids in high-latitude Eurasian lakes with respect to temperature and continentality: development and application of new chironomid-based climate-inference models in northern russia. Quaternary Science Reviews 30(9-10): 1122-1141.

Diptera (Chironomidae).


Shakourian, M.; Pourkazemi, M.; Sadati, M.A.Y.; Hassani, M.H.S.; Pourali, H.R., et al. 2011. Effects of replacing live food with formulated diets on growth and survival rates in Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27(2): 771-774.

Shcherbina, G.K.; Zelentzov, N.I. 2011. On the chironomid (Diptera, Chironomidae) fauna in Lake Sevan. Inland Water Biology 4(3): 279-282.

Shimabukuro, E.M.; Henry, R. 2011. Controlling factors of benthic macroinvertebrates distribution in a small tropical pond. lateral to the Paranapanema River (Sao Paulo. Brazil). Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 23(2): 154-163.

Shin, H.; Amahashi, N.; Ao, L.; Mitamura, O. 2011. Variation in trophic pathways and food web characteristics revealed by stable isotopes in an intermittent stream system of the Inukami River. Japan. Animal Cells and Systems 15(3): 235-241.

Shin, I.K.; Yi, H.B.; Bae, Y.J. 2011. Colonization and community changes in benthic macroinvertebrates in Cheonggye Stream, a restored downtown stream in Seoul. Korea. Journal of Ecology and Field Biology 34(2): 175-191.

Shobanov, N.A.; Zelentsov, N.I.; Grebenyuk, L.P.; Dobrynina, T.I. 2011. In Memory of Alevtina Ivanovna Shilova (1928-2010). Inland Water Biology 4(3): 402-404.

Shuhaimi-Othman, M.; Yakub, N.; Umirah, N.S.; Abas, A. 2011. Toxicity of eight metals to malaysian freshwater midge larvae Chironomus javanus (Diptera. Chironomidae). Toxicology and Industrial Health 27(10): 879-886.

Silva, F.L.d.; da Silva, F.L. 2011. Chironomidae types at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Boston. Chironomus Newsletter on Chironomidae Research (24): 18-22.

Silva, F.L.D.; Fonseca-Gessner, A.A.; Ekrem, T. 2011. Revision of Labrundinia maculata Roback, 1971, a new junior synonym of L. longipalpis (Goetghebuer. 1921) (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae). Aquatic Insects 33(4): 293-303.

Silva, J.S.; Silveira, W.T.; Albertoni, E.F.; Palma-Silva, C. 2010. Diversity of Chironomidae (Diptera) in decomposing Nymphoides indica (L.) Kuntze in two subtropical lakes with different trophic conditions. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 5(4): 557-571.

Siri, A.; Donato, M. 2011. Labrundinia separata: redescription of adults and description of immatures (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae). Revista De La Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 70(1-2): 75-81.

Siri, A.; Donato, M.; Orpella, G.; Massaferro, J. 2011. Alotanypus vittigera (Edwards) comb. nov.: adult redescription, immature description and a phylogenetic analysis of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae). Zootaxa (2795): 46-64.

Small, G.E.; Wares, J.P.; Pringle, C.M. 2011. Differences in phosphorus demand among detritivorous chironomid larvae reflect intraspecific adaptations to differences in food resource stoichiometry across lowland tropical streams. Limnology and Oceanography 56(1): 268-278.

Smirnov, N.N. 2011. Application fields of investigation of subfossil remains and living freshwater fauna. Inland Water Biology 4(4): 405-407.

Smith, J.G.; Brandt, C.C.; Christensen, S.W. 2011. Long-term benthic macroinvertebrate community monitoring to assess pollution abatement effectiveness. Environmental Management 47(6): 1077-1095.

Snorrason, S.S.; Malmquist, H.J.; Ingolfsdottir, H.B.; Porey, I.; Olafsson, J.S. 2011. Effects of geothermal effluents on macrobenthic communities in a pristine Sub-Arctic lake. Inland Waters 1(3): 146-157.

Solnik, J. 2010. Behavioural and biochemical responses of Chironomus tentans and Lumbriculus variegatus to Tributyltin. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2883: 161-162.

Diptera (Chironomidae).


Solomon, C.T.; Carpenter, S.R.; Clayton, M.K.; Cole, J.J.; Coloso, J.J., et al. 2011. Terrestrial, benthic, and pelagic resource use in lakes: results from a three-isotope Bayesian mixing model. Ecology 92(5): 1115-1125.

Sonoda, K.C. 2010. Temporal variation of the aquatic insects assemblage from Sarandi Stream, DF, Brazil. Boletim De Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - Embrapa Cerrados (280).

Sonoda, K.C. 2010. Temporal variation of the aquatic insects fauna from Sarandi Stream, DF, Brazil. Boletim De Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - Embrapa Cerrados (291).

Sonoda, K.C.; Vettorazzi, C.A.; Ortega, E.M.M. 2011. Relationship among landuse and composition of aquatic insects of four basins of Sao Paulo State. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 6(3): 187-200.

Soong, K.; Lee, Y.; Chang, I. 2011. Short-lived intertidal midge Pontomyia oceana have semilunar eclosion rhythm entrained by night light. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 433: 121-130.

Soster, F.M.; McCall, P.L.; Herrmann, K.A. 2011. Decadal changes in the benthic invertebrate community in Western Lake Erie between 1981 and 2004. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37(2): 226-237.

Soucek, D.J.; Dickinson, A.; Koch, B.T. 2011. Acute and chronic toxicity of Boron to a variety of freshwater organisms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(8): 1906-1914.

Soumis-Dugas, G.; Boillot, C.; Galvez, R.; Martel, L.; Bastien, C. et al. 2010. The use of monospecific and multispecific bioassays to assess the ecocompatibility of Alum application in eutrophicated lake restoration. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2883: 149.

Spies, M. 2011. Typical types - a Swan Song? Observations on chironomids in the Linnean collections, and corresponding general considerations. Chironomus Newsletter on Chironomidae Research (24): 30-35.

Stevens, M.M.; Burdett, A.S.; Mudford, E.M.; Helliwell, S.; Doran, G. 2011. The acute toxicity of fipronil to two non-target invertebrates associated with mosquito breeding sites in Australia. Acta Tropica 117(2): 125-130.

Stewart, M.M.; Larocque-Tobler, I.; Grosjean, M. 2011. Quantitative inter-annual and decadal June-July-August temperature variability Ca. 570 BC to AD 120 (Iron Age-Roman Period) reconstructed from the varved sediments of Lake Silvaplana. Switzerland. Journal of Quaternary Science 26(5): 491-501.

Strayer, D.L.; Cid, N.; Malcom, H.M. 2011. Long-term changes in a population of an invasive bivalve and its effects. Oecologia 165(4): 1063-1072.

Stur, E.; Ekrem, T. 2011. Exploring unknown life stages of Arctic Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae) with DNA Barcoding. Zootaxa (2743): 27-39.

Stur, E.; Spies, M. 2011. Description of Chaetocladius longivirgatus sp. n. with a review of C. suecicus (Kieffer) (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa (2762): 37-48.

Suren, A.; Sorrell, B. 2010. Aquatic invertebrate communities of lowland wetlands in New Zealand, characterising spatial, temporal and geographic distribution patterns. Science for Conservation (Wellington) 305: 1-64.

Suren, A.M.; Lambert, P.; Sorrell, B.K. 2011. The impact of hydrological restoration on benthic aquatic invertebrate communities in a New Zealand wetland. Restoration Ecology 19(6): 747-757.

Sychra, J.; Adamek, Z. 2011. The impact of sediment removal on the aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblage in a fishpond littoral zone. Journal of Limnology 70(1): 129-138.

Szylak-Szydlowski, M. 2011. Assessing toxicity variations in landfill leachates during biological treatment. Ochrona Srodowiska 33(2): 65-68.

Takhteev, V.V.; Galimzianova, A.V.; Ambrosomova, E.V.; Kravtsova, L.S.; Rozhkova, N.A. et al. 2010. [Zoobenthos Communities and their Seasonal Dynamics in Nonfreezing Springs of Baikal Region]. Izvestiia Akademii Nauk.Seriia Biologicheskaia / Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk (6): 740-9.

Diptera (Chironomidae).


Takhteev, V.V.; Galimzyanova, A.V.; Ambrosova, E.V.; Kravtsova, L.S.; Rozhkova, N.A. et al. 2010. Zoobenthos communities and their seasonal dynamics in nonfreezing springs of Baikal Region. Biology Bulletin 37(6): 638-646.

Taner, M.Ü.; Carleton, J.N.; Wellman, M. 2011. Integrated model projections of climate change impacts on a North American lake. Ecological Modelling 222(18): 3380-3393.

Tarkowska-Kukuryk, M. 2010. Epiphytic chironomids on Rigid Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum L.) - the relation between the community structure and lake status. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 39(4): 117-133.

Tarkowska-Kukuryk, M. 2011. Composition and distribution of epiphytic midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) in relation to emergent macrophytes cover in shallow lakes. Polish Journal of Ecology 59(1): 141-151.

Tasdemir, A. 2010. Halocladius (Halocladius) varians (Staeger, 1839), a new chironomid species for the fauna of Turkey. Journal of the Entomological Research Society 12: 15-19.

Tasdemir, A.; Ustaoglu, M.R.; Balik, S. 2011. Contribution to the knowledge on the distribution of Chironomidae and Chaoboridae (Diptera: Insecta) species of lakes on Taurus Mountain Range (Turkey). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 13: 15-25.

Tasdemir, A.; Ustaoglu, M.R.; Balik, S. 2011. The Chironomidae (Diptera-Insecta) fauna of Yuvarlakcay stream (Koycegiz-Mugla-Turkey). Su Urunleri Dergisi 27(2): 61-64.

Tassou, K.T.; Schulz, R. 2011. Two-generation effects of the chitin synthesis inhibitor, teflubenzuron, on the aquatic midge Chironomus riparius. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74(5): 1203-1209.

Teets, N.M.; Kawarasaki, Y.; Lee, J.,Richard, E,; Denlinger, D.L. 2011. Survival and energetic costs of repeated cold exposure in the antarctic midge, Belgica antarctica: a comparison between frozen and supercooled larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 215(5): 806-814.

Telford, R.J.; Birks, H.J.B. 2011. A novel method for assessing the statistical significance of quantitative reconstructions inferred from biotic assemblages. Quaternary Science Reviews 30(9-10): 1272-1278.

Tellez Martinez, B. 2011. First cuban records of Goeldichironomus natans Reiss, 1974, Goeldichironomus holoprasinus Goeldi, 1905 and Coelotanypus scapularis Loew, 1866, based on saproxylic larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae). Boletin De La SEA 49: 299-301.

Thipkonglars, N.; Taparhudee, W.; Kaewnern, M.; Lawonyawut, K. 2010. Cold preservation of chironomid larvulae (Chironomus fuscipes Yamamoto, 1990): nutritional value and potential for Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineaus Bloch, 1792) larval nursing. Kasetsart University Fisheries Research Bulletin 34(2): 1-13.

Thomas, E.K.; Briner, J.P.; Axford, Y.; Francis, D.R.; Miller, G.H., et al. 2011. A 2000-Yr-long multi-proxy lacustrine record from eastern Baffin Island. Arctic Canada Reveals First Millennium AD Cold Period. Quaternary Research 75(3): 491-500.

Thompson, R.; Parkinson, S. 2011. Assessing the local effects of riparian restoration on urban streams. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 45(4): 625-636.

Tillman, P.K.; Holzkamper, S.; Kuhry, P.; Sannel, A.B.K.; Loader, N.J., et al. 2010. Long-term climate variability in continental Subarctic Canada: A 6200-year record derived from stable isotopes in peat. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 298(3-4): 235-246.

Timmermann, T.R.; Dolan, C.R.; Chick, J.H. 2011. Assessment of backwater lake management strategies based on the diets of five riverine fishes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 26(2): 203-216.

Tokarev, Y.S.; Voronin, V.N.; Seliverstova, E.V.; Dolgikh, V.V.; Pavlova, O.A. et al. 2010. Ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny of Anisofilariata chironomi g.n. sp.n. (Microsporidia: Terresporidia) from Chironomus plumosus L. (Diptera: Chironomidae). Parasitology Research 107(1): 39-46.

Diptera (Chironomidae).


Tokarev, Y.S.; Voronin, V.N.; Seliverstova, E.V.; Pavlova, O.A.; Issi, I.V. 2010. Life cycle, ultrastructure, and molecular phylogeny of Crispospora chironomi g.n. sp.n. (Microsporidia: Terresporidia), a parasite of Chironomus plumosus L. (Diptera: Chironomidae). Parasitology Research 107(6): 1381-1389.

Tomilina, I.I.; Grebenyuk, L.P.; Chuiko, G.M. 2011. Toxicological and teratogenic assessment of bottom sediments from the Rybinsk Reservoir. Inland Water Biology 4(3): 373-382.

Tonkin, J.D.; Death, R.G.; Joy, M.K. 2009. Invertebrate drift patterns in a regulated river: dams, periphyton biomass or longitudinal patterns? River Research and Applications 25(10): 1219-1231.

Trivinho-Strixino, S. 2011. Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera, Nematocera) from Sao Paulo State, Southeast of Brazil. Biota Neotropica 11(1a): unpaginated.

Trivinho-Strixino, S.; Da Silva, F.L. 2011. A New species of Pelomus Reiss, 1989 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironominae) from the Neotropical Region, with emendation of the generic diagnosis. Aquatic Insects 33(3): 273-279.

Tronstad, L. and Reddy, K.J.: 2010, Invertebrate assemblages and their relationship to trace element concentrations of coalbed natural gas ponds in northeastern Wyoming. pp. 256.

Tszydel, M.; Grzybkowska, M. 2011. Diet and secondary production of some species of Hydropsyche larvae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in the tailwater affected by dam removal and the emptying of an impoundment. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Trichoptera 5: 465-480.

Uieda, V.S.; Pinto, T.L.F. 2011. Feeding selectivity of ichthyofauna in a tropical stream: space-time variations in trophic plasticity. Community Ecology 12(1): 31-39.

Uwadiae, R.E.; Okunade, G.O.; Okosun, A.O. 2011. Community structure, biomass and density of benthic phytomacrofauna communities in a tropical lagoon infested by Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 6(1): 44-56.

Vadeboncoeur, Y.; McIntyre, P.B.; Vander Zanden, M.J. 2011. Borders of biodiversity: life at the edge of the world's large lakes. Bioscience 61(7): 526-537.

Vaikasas, S.; Pliuraite, V.; Palaima, K. 2011. Impact of overflow dams on aquatic organisms in plain rivers. Vandens Ukio Inzinerija 39(59): 34-45.

van Hardenbroek, M.; Heiri, O.; Wilhelm, M.F.; Lotter, A.F. 2011. How representative are subfossil assemblages of Chironomidae and common benthic invertebrates for the living fauna of Lake De Waay, the Netherlands? Aquatic Sciences 73(2): 247-259.

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