Computer systems architecture

parts: • The number’s sign

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(Chapman & Hall CRC textbooks in computing) Yadin, Aharon - Computer systems architecture-Chapman and Hall CRC (2016)

• The number’s sign
A biased exponent
• The mantissa
The 32-bit floating-point format consists of one sign bit, 8 exponent bits, and 23 mantissa bits.
When using 64 bits, the floating-point format consists of one sign bit, 11 exponent bits, and 52
mantissa bits.
XOR or Exclusive OR is a Boolean function that returns “True” if the two input operands are different and “False” if the two input operands are identical.

Hardware Architecture
As already described in the introduction and the chapter on the historic perspective, the role of
computers in modern society is constantly changing. Nevertheless, in most cases, computers as well
as computer-based appliances are designed to help their users. Originally, this help was intended
mainly for tedious tasks, but slowly it moved to providing a better user experience. The first
computers were designed to perform tasks that were impossible or practically impossible using
manual labor. For example, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) (see the
section, “The First Computers,” in 
Chapter 1
) was developed in order to help in complex
calculations, which take a long time when performed by humans as well as potentially including
human errors. Since then, computers have always been used to provide a technological solution to a
known problem. In the case of information systems, the first significant contributions were related
to manufacturing processes. Production planning, warehouse management, inventory control and
management (both ingoing and outgoing), and so on cannot be achieved without a computerized
system. As part of the production era (during the 1960s), various MRP (material requirements
planning) systems were developed and sold. These systems help manage the whole production
process, such as inventory control, bill of material, scheduling, and so on, and they support not only
production but planning as well. It is this planning that is responsible for manufacturing what is
required and exactly when it is required. Proper planning helps lower organizational overhead and
leads to improved profitability. This elevated profitability was among the reasons so many
manufacturing organizations started using expensive computers. In parallel, many other systems
were developed for addressing scientific issues. Their contribution may be measured differently, but
in many cases, these systems were responsible for advancing humanity in many ways (weather
prediction, safer cars and airplanes, the human genome, etc.). At a later stage, with the development
of communications, the whole supply chain was addressed, including new marketing strategies and
new ways for distribution. Modern information systems added a new layer that addresses the
customer and the tailored service provided for these customers.
This perceived role of information systems dominated the architectural development of
computers. It was clear that for analyzing vast amounts of data, as is the case with many systems,
some storage device is required. This led to the development of a large array of solutions, all
intended for storing data so it will be available at a later stage.
The algorithms that are required for defining the business rules have to be translated into a set of
instructions understood by the computer. This led to the development of various programming
languages, each one with common basic capabilities but, in addition, some specific features. Over the
years, hundreds of programming languages were developed, but only a handful of them were widely
used (C, C++, C#, and Java, to name a few). One important part of the computer architecture is the
processor (or the central processing unit), which resembles the human brain. It is responsible for
accepting instructions, understanding their meaning, and acting on them. The developers are
responsible for translating the business rules into an ordered list of instructions available as part of
the programming language. Unlike the human brain, wherein most processes are intuitive unless we
are engaged in a structured process such as a calculation, the processor follows the provided

program, which is always structured. The electronic circuits within the processor are capable of
reading the instructions and executing them.
In order to be executed, a program has to reside in a working space, just like the human short-
term memory. In computers, it is the main memory that is used for storing the program to be
executed as well as the data it requires.
Just as in the case of living creatures, the computer needs some devices that will serve as the
outside interfaces. These devices have a dual role. Some are used as input devices (the various senses)
and others are used as output devices (muscles). In addition to these two types, computers have
hybrid devices that serve both as input and output devices, for example, communication lines or
The rapid technological advancements made over the last centuries affected most of the electronic
devices used, and especially computers and other computer-embedded appliances. This trend is
made very clear by following the developments of the various mobile devices and the speed at which
new, smaller, and more efficient devices emerge. To understand technological changes in the early
stages of computing and how they affected computers, the term “computer generation” was used.
Moving to a new generation implied using more dense electronic technologies, which allowed for
higher speed and larger memory capacity, as predicted by Moore’s law.
Computer Generations
• First-generation (1946–1957) computers used vacuum tubes and were physically very large,
slow, and very expensive, and had reliability issues. The ENIAC (see the section in 
Chapter 1
“The First Computers”) was a first-generation computer. It represented an advancement over
the Harvard Mark I; however, it was still slow and had high heat emission due to the use of
vacuum tubes, which heated up just like ordinary (nonefficient) light bulbs. The ENIAC, for
example, used 17,468
such tubes, which, in addition to the heat emission, required a lot of
electricity. Other computers that belonged to the first generations are the EDVAC
Discrete Variable Automatic Computer and the UNIVAC I
—Universal Computer.
The vacuum tube was invented in parallel to the electric bulb and used a similar concept.
However, the vacuum tube possessed two important attributes required for their
implementation in computers (and later in many other electronic devices). The tube could
amplify the signals and be used as a switch. The switching capability, which is translated into
turning on and off a particular bit, was the main reason for the important role the vacuum tubes
played in early computers. However, the main problem associated with using the vacuum tube
was the heat emission. In spite of efforts to cool the tubes, in many cases, they overheated and
stopped working. This, combined with the large number of vacuum tubes in the system, severely
affected the reliability of the system. The firstgeneration computers were also limited in the
software development capabilities they provided. Only basic machine-programing languages
were supported, and these languages were difficult to use. The systems executed only one task at
a time (see the section “Historic Perspective” in 
Chapter 1
) and were very limited in using input
and output devices.
• Second-generation (1958–1964) computers were characterized by their use of the then newly
invented replacement for the vacuum tube—the transistor. It was invented at AT&T labs in
1947, but its commercialization took several years. The transistor was faster, much smaller,
highly reliable, and, especially, significantly cheaper. The transistor is made of silicon, which can
be obtained from sand, so it is available and affordable. In contrast to vacuum tubes, the single
transistor produces almost no heat, which contributed to the elevated reliability and lowered

cost associated with cooling the system. The invention of the transistor had a tremendous effect,
not only on computers but on the whole electronic industry as well. Even the rapid
developments in space technology during the 1960s became possible due to the use of the
transistor and the miniaturization processes that followed. However, in spite of the significant
contribution of transistors to hardware implementations, the use of single transistors, as was
the case with the second generation of computers, lasted only a couple of years.
The second-generation computers started using symbolic programming languages, which
reduced the development time. In parallel, additional development activities were aimed at
special-purpose programming languages such as COBOL—Common Business Oriented
Language and FORTRAN—Formula Translator, which was tailored for scientific environments.
• Third generation (1965–1971) computers were characterized by the use of integrated circuits.
Although the transistor provided a quantum leap in hardware development, the integrated
circuit allowed for additional significant development. The integrated circuit, sometimes
referred to as a semiconductor chip, was invented in parallel by two nonrelated persons: Robert
Noyce, who worked for Fairchild Corporation; and Jack Kilby, who worked for Texas
Instruments and received a Nobel Prize for his invention. The integrated circuit is a collection of
transistors integrated and compacted into a single chip. Such a chip, which currently consists of
hundreds of millions of transistors, significantly increases the system’s performance while
lowering the costs. Since its invention, the integrated circuit continues to advance, and about
every 18 months, the number of transistors doubles while the price remains almost constant
(see the section “Moore’s Law” in 
Chapter 1
Table 1.2
Third-generation computers had the “known” input and output devices such as keyboards
and mice, and they included more sophisticated operating systems capable of running several
tasks in parallel. The most important benefit was that the lower price made possible by using
integrated circuits increased computers’ accessibility for a wider user community.
• Fourth-generation (starting from 1972) computers were characterized by a significant increase
in the number of transistors integrated into a single chip and by the invention of the
microprocessor. This is a fully functional processor implemented using a single chip. By
integrating hundreds of millions of transistors into a single chip, the performance and speed
increased as well. The smaller distance affects the time electrons have to spend moving within
the processor, which in turn reduced the time even further. The wide distribution of computers
as we all know it, and the fact that almost any human activity is done, managed, monitored, and
even billed by some computer, is attributed to Ted Hoff, who worked for Intel (a company
established by Noyce, the inventor of the integrated circuit, among others) and invented the
microprocessor, which originally was no larger than a pencil sharpener. The aim of inventing
the new processor was to use it for the development of calculators. However, as it turned out, it
proved to be significantly more important by contributing to the wide spread of computers as
we all know. The current computers belong to the fourth generation, and as a matter of fact, the
term “generation” was replaced by measuring the transistor gate length in nanometers.
Computer Classification
The rapid technological development in the computing industry required a better definition of the
types of computers or a better type of classification. In the early stages, however, there were only
“computers” (see also the ”Classification of Computers” section in 
Chapter 1

• Mainframe was used to define and classify organizational computers that were responsible for
back-end processing. As such, these systems had to provide a high degree of reliability,
availability, and serviceability since all organizational processes depended on the outcome of
this computer. The term mainframe came into existence only after other types of computers
started to emerge, such as the departmental system.
• The minicomputer or departmental system originally was intended to support a single
department. Digital Equipment Corporation
introduced the minicomputer, aiming at the
organizational departments that suffered from lower priority on expensive organizational
systems. This niche, which originally started as a marketing idea, proved to be extremely
successful. Instead of spending huge amounts on an organizational system that provided bad
service to the departments, departments could afford to buy their own system, which was
significantly cheaper and provided superior service to individual departments.
• The personal computer, which was initially intended for a single user, was based on the
microprocessor chip. Currently, microprocessor chip–based computers are not used only by a
single user and are being used as the infrastructure for most systems, even the large ones like
mainframes (which in some cases were replaced by a new term—servers).
The above mentioned classification based on usage is not accurate, and for that reason it is
seldom used. Furthermore, due to the vast usage of computers in our daily lives, the classification
had to be enhanced to include additional types:
• Supercomputers, which is a term used to define extremely fast and powerful computers capable
of running large-scale complex programs such as weather forecasting, various simulations,
molecular modeling, and so on. In the past, the dominant technology for addressing such needs
was through the design and development of special-purpose systems such as vector processors.

Currently, all these requirements are fulfilled using parallel systems based on an array of
microprocessors working together. The modern trend of cloud computing, which provides
access to a virtual system that consists of a flexible number of processors and resides
somewhere in the network, represents another implementation of high-performance systems.
• Servers, which in many organizations provide some partial replacement for the mainframes
mainly for a specific functionality, for example, a mail server, file server, print server, and so on.
In a sense, these servers are the “common denominator” between the mainframe and the
departmental systems. On one hand, some part of the mainframe’s workload migrated to the
server (see 
Chapter 1
, “Introduction and Historic Perspective”), which was better suited for the
job. On the other hand, the departmental systems were replaced by servers. For that reason, the
once clear line that differentiated between mainframes and departmental systems does not exist
• Midrange computers, which are usually larger servers providing service to several departments
or even to some of the organizational users. These were usually smaller than the mainframes but
provided more functionality compared to ordinary servers.
• Workstations, which are various kinds of personal computers for a specific organizational task.
The aim of the workstation defined the specific configuration and devices attached to the system.
For example, workstations that were intended for CAD (computer aided design) had to be
equipped with a faster processor and a larger memory capable of running engineering models.
Furthermore, the graphics capabilities would be enhanced as well and the system usually
required a bigger screen with a higher resolution. Currently, all workstations are some kind of a
personal computer or even a tablet.

• Appliances, which in most cases are driven by a computer; these include most electrical and
electronic devices, such as washing machines, television sets, alarm systems, watches, cameras,
and many more. One special appliance deserves particular attention due to its popularity: the
cellular phone, which has become the dominant device for accessing networks, an entertainment
device, and a mobile information center.
Computer Systems
Every computer system (as described already in 
Chapter 1
, “Introduction and Historic Perspective”)
consists of several components:
• Processor, responsible for executing the instructions (the brain in the human body)
• Memory, used as a temporary storage for instructions and data for the tasks being run (the
various memories in the human body)
• Channels for transferring the data between the various components (the circulation and
nervous systems in the human body)
• Input and output units, which connect the computer to the outer world or the users (in the
human body, corresponding to the senses, which serve as input devices; and the muscles, which
serve as output devices)
These components exist in every computer, and the specific type may affect the quantity or other
attributes of the components. For example, a large server that is intended to support many
concurrent active users will probably be equipped with more memory.
Figure 3.1
is a schematic representation of a computer system, including the above mentioned
components. On the left side is the central processing unit (CPU) with the two units (the arithmetic
and logic unit [ALU] and the control unit [CU], see 
Figure 1.5
, as well as other components to be
explained later). Additional system components are the memory and two boxes that represent input
and output devices. The lines that connect all these components are a representation of the channels
on which the data is transferred.

Schematic configuration.
Embedded system.
Even the computers used as part of embedded systems have the same type of components,
although, due to the different usage, their attributes may be different. 
Figure 3.2
describes such a
configuration and, as can be seen, the input and output components may need to be actuators and
sensors (depending on the type of system). An alarm system, for example, may need very limited
memory and many connections to various sensors (motion, volume, smoke, etc.)
Most modern computers still utilize the von Neumann architecture (see the section in 
Chapter 1
titled “Von Neumann Architecture”). The idea of separating the processor and memory was a
breakthrough in architecture design. This separation led to the idea of loading a program, that is, the
concept that the computer can be used to perform various tasks. This is one of the unique attributes
of computers, and it derived from this separation. The hardware remains unchanged, but by loading
and executing different programs, the computer behaves differently.
The architecture proposed included registers, which are small fast pieces of memory that reside
inside the processor and are used to store information required during the processing; for example,
there are registers that hold the next instruction to be executed, registers that hold the next
instruction’s address, registers for helping in arithmetic operations, and so on.
In parallel to the development of the von Neumann architecture (
Figure 3.3
), another slightly
different architecture was developed at Harvard that was based on experience gathered from the
development of the Mark I (see the section in 
Chapter 1
on “The First Computers”).
In the Harvard architecture (
Figure 3.4
) a special emphasis was put on an additional separation
between two types of memory. One type is the memory used for instructions, and the other type is
used for data. This separation required additional channels capable of transferring data and
instructions simultaneously. This additional level of parallelism provides better and more
consistent performance. While the processor is fetching the next instruction, it can bring the
operand needed for the executions. These two transfers can be performed simultaneously using two
distinct channels.
Separating the memories, combined with the fact that each one has a different channel, provides
additional capabilities. These can be heterogeneous channels with different attributes that may be

useful when developing architectures better suited to specific needs. For that reason, many signal-
processing systems are based on the Harvard architecture, which is more predictable in terms of
performance. This is achieved due to less possible collisions on the channel. This higher
predictability is one reason that this architecture is used for many real-time systems as well.
Contrary to “ordinary” systems, real-time systems have to assure execution in a redefined timing
Von Neumann architecture.
Harvard architecture.
The processor is the heart of the system that executes the instructions. To simplify the execution
process, the instructions are broken up into components or microinstructions. During execution, it
is possible to dismantle the execution into several stages, which may increase speed though
parallelism (this will be elaborated on in 
Chapter 4
, “Central Processing Unit”). To understand the
concept of microinstructions and to simplify the explanation, we will assume that each instruction is

built from four microinstructions:

is the stage in which the CU brings the instruction from the memory into the processor.
Since the von Neumann architecture separates the processor and memory, the instruction has
to be fetched before it can be executed.

is the stage in which the CU decodes the instruction in order to see if it is a valid
instruction, to determine the type of instruction, and to work out the number of operands it
requires and their locations. The ALU only executes the instructions and does not have the
ability to fetch them or bring the required operands. For that reason, the CU has to do all the
preparatory work. The CU fetches the instruction and stores it in a special register in the CPU,
and then it brings the required operands and puts them in other special-purpose registers; only
then does it signal to the ALU that it can start the execution. The decode stage is necessary since
not all instructions are of the same length or require the same number of operands. For
example, the JUMP instruction has only one operand (the address). Other instructions such as
NOT have one operand, while arithmetic instructions usually have two operands and
sometimes three.

is the stage in which the ALU executes the instruction using the operands that were
brought by the CU.

Write back
is the stage in which the result of the instruction is written back to memory or into
the destination register. Since the ALU cannot access its outer world (memory or devices), the
CU is needed for this transfer.
Figure 3.5
outlines the four stages, and, as can be seen, the first two stages comprise the initiation
phase, since they are performed by the CU; this phase is intended to prepare the instructions for
execution. The second phase, which consists of the last two stages, is the execution since it contains
the executions (performed by the ALU) and the storage of the result (performed by the CU).
Running a program is actually a continuous execution of the program’s instructions one after the
other. The processor never stops, and even if it does not have anything to do, it runs an idle loop that
also contains a list of instructions that do not carry out a meaningful task but are performed in an
endless loop. For that reason, the execution of instructions is an endless process (as long as the
system is up). This process moves between the two phases described previously, as represented in
Figure 3.6

Stages in instruction execution.
Phases in instruction execution.
Figure 3.7
elaborates on 
Figure 3.1
, and it relates to a general architecture. It is a visual summary
of this chapter, and it will be used in the following chapters of this book. Each chapter will address
and elaborate on one specific component.
• The top left part represents the processor, which will be explained in 
Chapter 4
, “Central
Processing Unit.”
• The bottom left part represents the memory, which will be explained in 
Chapter 5
, “Memory.”
• Between the memory and the processor (middle left) is the cache memory, which will be
elaborated on in 
Chapter 6
, “Cache Memory.”
• The channels in the diagram are defined as lines with different widths. The channels are
responsible for data transfer within the system. These transfers are performed using controllers,
which are hardware and software devices designed to handle the various input–output
components. These will be elaborated on in 
Chapter 7
, “Bus.”

General hardware architecture.
• The most important input–output device is the magnetic disk, and this will be explained in
Chapter 9
, “Storage.”
Key Takeaway

Computers’ generation
: An old term that was used for classifying computers according to the
hardware technology that was for their design. Modern terms relate to the specific role the
computer plays in the organization rather than the hardware technology it uses, which, for the
ordinary user, is irrelevant.

Computer systems
: Every computer system, regardless of its classification or type, has a
common architecture that consists of a processor, memory, buses (or communication
channels), and input–output (I/O) devices.

Harvard architecture
: An architecture that uses two separate memories, one for instructions and
the other for data. This architecture can produce more predictable response times, so it is used
in signal-processing and real-time systems.

Instruction execution
: There is a common set of activities that have to be performed as part of
executing an instruction. The instruction has to be fetched from the memory. Then, it has to be
decoded to realize the type of instruction as well as its operands. The third stage is execution,
and in the fourth and last step, the result is stored back into its destination. Each of these steps
can be further divided into additional substeps.
. PBS. (n.d.). ENIAC is built: 1945. Retrieved from
. Daintith, J. (2004). EDVAC. 
A Dictionary of Computing
. Retrieved from



Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) was a large American computers manufacturer. The company was active between from the 1960s to the 1990s and was very successful in the midrange
computers market through its PDP and VAX computers. DEC was acquired 1n 1998 by Compaq, a large PC manufacturer, and four years later Compaq itself merged into Hewlett-Packard.

Vector processors are special-purpose processors, which that implement vector instructions. Unlike the ordinary processors, in which a single instruction works on a single set of operands,
the vector instructions work on multiple data. One instruction can add two vectors of numbers, creating a new vector of results. The vector computers provided a very fast computation engine,
however but at a very high cost. These systems were operational from the 1970s to the 1990s and were gradually replaced by arrays of off-the-shelf microprocessors, which provided a superior
price performance. Although vector processing is not widely used, some vector capabilities exist in modern implementations, and both Intel and AMD use vector capabilities, for example in
the GPU (graphics processing unit).

Central Processing Unit
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